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    ITA Katkin! About Moeby and season 9...

    I thought the exact same thing about them looking like they were together at the end of Moeby 2! It was definitely cut differently... Jack's tone was less sarcastic, more moony, and Sam said 'should have done IT' instead of 'should have done THIS'. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's the impression I got.

    I loved the AU RST. I know they weren't 'our' SJ, but like Jack said in the last line... close enough. It'll happen for them someday. IMHO, it'll be off screen at the beginning of season 9, but hey, that's what the fics are there for. I'll take what I can get.

    Have to say I adored the Gateship of lurrrve scene. *sigh*

    Chleximpressed <--- by Kliggins


      Originally posted by docker22
      hi guys, i can't stop, just popped in to say hi, hows your head tragedy, sir ruff, im not going to be able to get on the computer before ten tonight as i've got to go to work in a few minutes so if i don't reply it isn't me being ignorant ,okay, gotta dash, shipper dreams guys
      Well, i hope to be speaking to you tonight And you must tell me of all your exploits last night (seen as i missed out)
      You false advertised me Poetic, I thought it'd last til like 1am-2am, but it was all over by 12:30am, when i was arrived!
      Oh well, i enjoyed my morning Baileys, Beer, and whatever else i had, i forgot, i've killed too many brain cells



        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Guys ..I'm alright at the moment ..thank you I've just made my shippy video ..Now if you want to see it just PM me ..It' easier than mentionnig it in the shipper thread

        thank you for your concern ..I was a bit down yesterday ..Obviously I may not spend as much time here ..if I'm busy with other things ..but I'll pop round sometimes say hi and post a little ..and letting you know about videos and stuff

        ((((Shipper family)))

        Oh good I can live with that sounds like your doing a RDA on us just wait till the 10th season you'll only be making a few guest appearances
        And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


          Ok... I just saw M2 and..

          What the hell was that? It waaay too short to cover a storyline like that. Why didn't they use the 90minuter for this ? And yes I'm dissapointed for the anti-ship. I feel like the TBTB wrote this ep in 5min without actually even thinking what they were writing....go and spend the last ep with RDA for this.. what were they thinking... This was a poor ep IMO.. Didn't like it.

          It had potential but the execution was just baaaaaaaad. Damn those TBTB for screwing up this last ep. Why didn't they just get together Is it too late now if RDA isn't going to be on for 9s? maybe a guest appearance... hope still lives on

          Damn I'm just SO angry at tbtb now

          That's it for me


            Originally posted by scaryperson
            Well, i hope to be speaking to you tonight And you must tell me of all your exploits last night (seen as i missed out)
            You false advertised me Poetic, I thought it'd last til like 1am-2am, but it was all over by 12:30am, when i was arrived!
            Oh well, i enjoyed my morning Baileys, Beer, and whatever else i had, i forgot, i've killed too many brain cells

            Everyone got drunk too quickly me and docker knew how to pace ourselves
            And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


              Good morning , good afternoon and good evening to all my shipper family. And gladly to say I am back on broad band. Hooray for high speed internet. And now to the my rituals of catch-up. See you all later. I have only an hour to catch-up and I have to go off again and hopefully be back tonight.

              avatar and sig by flidget


                Originally posted by Sir Ruff
                Ok... I just saw M2 and..

                What the hell was that? It waaay too short to cover a storyline like that. Why didn't they use the 90minuter for this ? And yes I'm dissapointed for the anti-ship. I feel like the TBTB wrote this ep in 5min without actually even thinking what they were writing....go and spend the last ep with RDA for this.. what were they thinking... This was a poor ep IMO.. Didn't like it.

                It had potential but the execution was just baaaaaaaad. Damn those TBTB for screwing up this last ep. Why didn't they just get together Is it too late now if RDA isn't going to be on for 9s? maybe a guest appearance... hope still lives on

                Damn I'm just SO angry at tbtb now

                That's it for me
                Go kick TPTB's collective ass's
                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Good morning shippers

                  I've just finished my new video "Nothing else matters" Lucy Silvas with spoilers from reckoning 2, Threads and Mobius 2


                  Sam and Jack together

                  Thanks a mil that was great.

                  avatar and sig by flidget


                    Ok, sorry if i'm repeating, but some of my new thoughts on Moebius:

                    Ok, the more I think about it, I still feel SO cheated. I love the comments people have made saying that it's just an alternate timeline, they still represent our Sam and Jack and the feelings they can't express. And that in the end our Sam is packing to go somewhere ALONE with Jack and all that, but I just can't get my hopes up too much.

                    We didn't get ship, it's plain and simple. They completely disregarded our team that we've loved for 8 years. These new people, barely know each other, just pop in, we find out they all just DIED. How? When? How long has it been since then? What did they do for all the years before they died? Weeell we won't ever know because Danny boy just pops in like everything's fine, HIS team, OUR team, has died, but oh well we've got all these new people we've been watching for the past our, isn't it great?

                    And then that Sam/Jack are makin out. Oooh, aaah. *shout of exasperation* Do TPTB think we're crazy sex-crazed porn watchers who only want to see them doing each other? Well maybe in the case of REAL S/J, but no way trying to pass of these people who just met. They mite "represent" our Sam/Jack, but there'st he problem right there.


                    All we would have wanted was a kiss. A real kiss, after 8 years. Even just a sweet, simple, kiss. But no, that can't happen. They pull up some new S/J who start makin out, and we're supossed to be happy!?!?! They even took away Sam's glasses, to make her "seem more like the real one" or that's what I got. It makes me SO just...GAH!!! To see that TPTB really treat us the way they do.

                    Real Sam+Real Jack+ONE KiSS=Being able to die happy.

                    They're probably using the same excuse as ever about regs and all that jazz. OK, well if you're going to keep nattering on and on about the big finish, AT LEAST MAKE IT BIG!!! I really just did NOT feel it with Moebius. Yeah, I loved the Geek!Sam and everything, thought a lot of it was really funny, but as the "big slam bang finish" I wasn't there. I didn't feel grabbed by anytyhing, I felt myself saying "please, just give me the SHIP" and there wasn't even that.

                    Rob C and Brad were all "Some fans will be ecstatic, some equally dissapointed" I'm just wondering what fans they're talking about, because I sure don't know any of them. The Anti's aren't ecstactic, (or at least i dont think they are) They're probably whining about the AU'ness being a silly ploy to please us. They're not dissapointed because theyr'e intelligent enough to know it wasn't real. The shippers aren't ecstatci because of the OBVIOUS failed attempt at giving us our finish. Yes, some people are happy, that's wonderful, but as "the big finish" it wasn't it!

                    I'm starting to really feel down on Stargate. I loved Reckoning, and Threads, and the humour in Moebius, but TPTB are getting worse and worse at leading us on. Maybe if they didn't, and just said "wait and see, hope it works out" I could be better, but the way they just twist us around, manipulating, trying to foist of fake for real. It hurts. There are a lot of young people here, who've been fans since the beginning. They've put a great portion of their LIVES into Stargate, and shippyness. How do you think they feel after putting so much of themselves into something, only to have it NOT happen???

                    I didn't like the situation that brought up the making out either. I would SOO not be suprised to find people dismayed that Sam and Jack, in the middle of a firefight, started making out instead of trying to do EVERYTHING they could to help themselves out of the situation. And it makes it even further from Real. It was only brought on because they think they were gonna die. Not because they were in love for 8 years but had to put duty and regulations first. So they only just met, and then they have to think they're going to die to kiss still...

                    Then they foist off the ending of it as some great team "aw everything's good" thing. Just slapped in a real scene to make us feel better. and a FISHING scene. Throwing in face much? Fisihng is almost as dear as kissing, to me at least. But we didn't really get anything from it... I'm clinging to that fish being a sign for shippers.

                    I still hold some faint tiny hope for season 9. Who knows, maybe TPTB wil go crazy and give us a wild bedroom scene. All I ask for is at least ONE kiss. For 8 YEARS we have not had ONE real kiss. So many other shows have tear-your-hair-out ship pairs like Sam/Jack, but they usually at least get ONE kiss. We havn't. I love that Stargate is unique in it's brilliance, but i don't want it to be known by so many die-hard loyals as the unique show that destroyed shippyness as we know it.

                    I'm feeling very down rite now... i'm trying to keep my hopes up, but...

                    And then last nite at my army training, I found out my command position is being taken away for some new person who's coming in who's one rank higher than me. Not. helping.
                    That just serves to remind me about BB, whom i'm not a fan of, and Sam getting possibly shafted.

                    Probably the only thing that would make me feel better rite now would be Amanda Tapping calling me telling me all about the amazing Sam/Jack scenes in season 9, or actually going forward in time (dear lord there's all the timeline stuff again...) and SEEING that TPTB give us our kiss. I'd say we deserve more, but I'm too tired out rite now to ask for it. My shippyness is now in the hands of TPTB... Lord help us all

                    I'm even to the point where my mind is telling me all the sparks and stuff with AT Sam/Jack was to hide whatever of that kiss they could too!!!

                    Sorry that was so long, and if any of that was repeated, but I had to get it out, I had to!

                    As well, where's that link to Caty's vid!?? I can't find it...
                    Last edited by MajorSam; 23 February 2005, 07:05 AM.
                    The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                    |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                      Originally posted by galaxy
                      CATY, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!!
                      Sir Ruff
                      Twisted Angel
                      I didn't sign. I like Caty; but this is a free country and you can do as you wish. I may bail as well. (I just don't have the talent that Caty has.)
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        Originally posted by gatebee
                        Good morning , good afternoon and good evening to all my shipper family. And gladly to say I am back on broad band. Hooray for high speed internet. And now to the my rituals of catch-up. See you all later. I have only an hour to catch-up and I have to go off again and hopefully be back tonight.
                        Hey Gatebee ((((((gatebee))))) Shall talk to you tonight
                        And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                          Hi all
                          Just A quick post from work. I'm looking forward to watching M2 again tonight, must remember to record it this time.


                            Originally posted by Rogue
                            CATY, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!!
                            Sir Ruff
                            Twisted Angel
                            Gatebee, bow very low to Caty and waits to be summoned.

                            avatar and sig by flidget


                              oops posted twice for some strange reason
                              Last edited by PoeticTragedy; 23 February 2005, 06:57 AM.
                              And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                                Originally posted by Terrah
                                Hi all
                                Just A quick post from work. I'm looking forward to watching M2 again tonight, must remember to record it this time.
                                Hey Terrah
                                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.

