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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Cheyenne
    i personally don't know what everyone is complaining about. we
    got ship!!!! i dont care that it was the alts but i know that we have been robbed of the true stuff.
    i am in Oz and i loved it, i havent seen it yet!!
    I wouldn't call it complaining Cheyenne.

    It's just the ShipperFamily venting the frustration and concern that some of us have and this thread is about the only 'safe' place many of us have to come and share our concerns with like-minded others. Not many outside of this thread want to hear us mention anything about S/J ship. It doesn't make us any less of a Shipper, any less optimistic about ship, nor any less happy about it if we share our concerns and frustrations.

    And as members of the Family who've valiantly stayed spoiler free by avoiding this thread & others start trickling back in as the shows air here in the U.S., the same sentiments will probably be vented again.

    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Originally posted by amra
      I *knew* this would happen. Wasnt a doubt in my mind. I knew they wouldnt. *sigh* oh well. We've all been taken for a ride if you ask me. Dont think I'll watch Season 9.
      I'm on the same page on this one. I'd *consider* giving S9 a chance if they'd given us the *real*
      Samandjack kiss we wanted and - darnit! - deserved. But they chose not to, and it's going to cost them this S9 viewer.
      - Mary
      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


        Well I am finally giving up for tonight. Good night too all ya shippers. Tomorrow is another day. M2
        it is sad to think that S8 is over without a real kiss. But as I said earlier, I will hope that AU Sam and Jack did enough change that there is fish in the lake and the future love in the air for Sam and Jack.

        avatar and sig by flidget


          hmmm, just thinking
          Jack had a pond with no fish, it was an empty pond, now he has a fish in it, the pond is no longer empty........I read into things too much.....



            Originally posted by sueKay
            Okay gang...

            I'VE PMED JOE MALLOZZI...

            I was very polite and just said I was confused as to whether
            Sam and Jack are together or not

            Here's hoping he gets back to me.

            DON'T PANIC!
            We got more ship than I was hoping too, and they may have been the alternate team, but those feelings were REAL .

            Jack DOES think Sam's hot.
            Jack DOES love Sam.
            Sam DOES love Jack.

            And...because of the reset button...we can all end the show on Threads and pretend Moebius doesn't exist.

            Who knows...mayebe SG1 will have to go back again and will enncounter alt' S and J and their kids!

            See...straw clutching is an artform.
            My issue with this is that we
            didn't get anything we haven't gotten before. We *know* that AU's have the same feelings as our Jack and Sam. We *know* that they belong together. We've *seen* an AU Sam and an AU Jack kiss and embrace. This was NOTHING but another line of bull-doody by the writers who don't care if they shaft the shippers.

            Yes, I'm ticked off, and yes, I'm steaming.
            But it's what I feel so red-rep me if you want. <sigh> (I know, I know. Just wait until tomorrow when the depression sets in.)
            - Mary
            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


              Originally posted by gatebee
              Well I am finally giving up for tonight. Good night too all ya shippers. Tomorrow is another day. M2
              it is sad to think that S8 is over without a real kiss. But as I said earlier, I will hope that AU Sam and Jack did enough change that there is fish in the lake and the future love in the air for Sam and Jack.
              Just watching M2 again, did you notice how when Jack
              picks up the box with the zpm and stuff in it and looks Sam up and down as he's saying " there's a room full of geeks up these just dying to get their hands on this" Boy is he checkin' her out! That is some real ship there folks


                Originally posted by Buc252
                I'm on the same page on this one. I'd *consider* giving S9 a chance if they'd given us the *real*
                Samandjack kiss we wanted and - darnit! - deserved. But they chose not to, and it's going to cost them this S9 viewer.
                Mary it was a very cute and watchable episode however, it wasn't real! We got our chains yanked and the anti-shippers are jumping aboard and laughing at us. I ask all the shippers to stick together and let our sentiments be known to JM and the rest of the crew. We just have to work together to get the true ending we want and deserve. Together we're stand, apart we're fall!


                  spoilers for s7's grace and s8's moebius part 2

                  was the alt sam/jack kiss (still having probs processing that) as hot as the grace kiss? and i mean steamy, they-might-be-using-tongues kind of kiss? if so, SHOW ME!!! :-p




                    And don't forget the way he says
                    "you've got packing to do". He's still giving her those suggestive looks. I know we don't see anything, but like in most S5-8, the S&J ship is implied - and it really is implied in this scene!


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      spoilers for s7's grace and s8's moebius part 2

                      was the alt sam/jack kiss (still having probs processing that) as hot as the grace kiss? and i mean steamy, they-might-be-using-tongues kind of kiss? if so, SHOW ME!!! :-p

                      It was so hot if they were any closer they be behind each other!


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        spoilers for s7's grace and s8's moebius part 2

                        was the alt sam/jack kiss (still having probs processing that) as hot as the grace kiss? and i mean steamy, they-might-be-using-tongues kind of kiss? if so, SHOW ME!!! :-p


                        Well, there's actually
                        3 kisses - yes 3!
                        I'll pm you with details


                          majorsal - did you get the pm? Explorer crashed on me as I was sending it so I'm not sure if it got through.


                            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

                            At first I took your post as snark a'la Ses110.... but on rereading... I have to agree with you. (RE: S8Moebius & S9)
                            Even if they finally had their adult conversation alone in the truck on the way to the cabin where the viewers couldn't see it (Making Daniel drive Teal'c in his own vehicle so they could be alone and unchaperoned for a few hours.... ;-) ) and agreed to start dating or at least talking about exploring where their relationship stood and would be going, I don't see them jumping into living together either. Even though I'm sure we could debate it all day - I think the characters still have too much integrity to jump that quickly into a live-in ship, especially seeing as how those darn regs have been the bane of their romantic existence for 8+ years.....

                            Assuming that the alternate timeline stuff just disappears & we really are back to our "old" team, it will be interesting to see how TPTB write their ship in S9. Hopefully it won't be like the beginning eps of S8 where TPTB acted like the S/J interactions of Lost City, Heroes and some other episodes never happened... Wonder how soon before spoilers begin to leak from production?
                            Well I have been taking snarky lessons from the master. I am glad to see it is paying off.
                            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                              Speaking for myself I'am upset because we have already seen since the begining of SG-1 that every
                              AU Sam and AU Jack seem to be together.Moebius like Threads gave us nothing new.We all should have known Pete was going to be History in Threads.We did not get a Kiss or the Adult conversation and We lost Jacob so what did we really get?Sam and Jack get to go fishing with Daniel and Teal'c as Bodyguard.How nice.


                                Okay, you all know I'm absolutely spoiled rotten (or ya should by now! ), and thanx to someone wonderful I've scene a few bits of Mob 2... Big Time
                                At the end, they've just finished watching the tape, Jack's taking the ZPM away for analysis cos Sam's got *packing* to do... Jack says "There's a whole room full of geeks up there just dying to get there hands on this" and as he say's "on this" his eyes take a distinct turn southward, and they're not focusing on the box! <Sniggle> Gutter start to finish for me today!

                                As for me... I love AU. Or Alternate Timeline. Or however ya wanna call it. I absolutely adore it. I've rewatched Point of View more than any other ep. Even D&C (now I'm not counting single scene rewatches, cos that confession scene would win hands down!)... So I will say that I'm totally looking forward to seeing this whole episode. And that's both parts back to back. All things considered, it sounds to me like a rather fitting semi-conclusion to "SG1 as we know it"!

                                Since I'm still clinging to the belief that next season starts with Sam & Jack in Washington together, I'm as satisfied as I'll ever be with this Ship--bearing in mind my absolute loathing and disgust for the As the Stargate Turns direction they took adding the *Others* storyline!

                                When you step back and look at the bigger picture, though, Sam & Jack have stayed a major storyline from beginning to end. And that storyline got bigger and bigger until it nearly took over the show. And yet, it still remained a sub-plot. A very convenient distraction. And in the end, we've got Sam & Jack together.

                                I believe that TPTB have done everything they possibly can to please everyone. We saw nudges here and there all over the place this year. IGTBK--those *ship metaphors* were not coincidence. Citizen Joe--I think that this one was meant to be a very light tongue in cheek peak into the crazy world of fandom, with a not-too-sublte at all nod to the ship. Reckoning 1&2--a wonderful ride, a thrilling set-up to the events that were about to unfold in...

                                THREADS--The Shipfest we've all been waiting for! A way around the regs given! And *FISHING*!!! As AT herself said... We ALL know what *FISHING* means! And now... at last we have Moebius... at the very end of which, it's clear. Sam & Jack are together. And the world didn't end! And before this even aired, we're told Sam's taken a special assignment for *personal* as well as professional reasons. All in all, a pretty good run for a tv Ship.
                                Love and hot fudge,
                                Bren Ren
                                My stories!


