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    Originally posted by Token
    Just read it. Let the rant begin...........

    The chemistry between AT and RDA was NATURAL chemistry between people. TPTB decided to act on the NATURAL chemistry between the actors and produce the "feelings" Sam and Jack have. To create a show with the intention of having no chemistry is absurd! I was looking forward to Atlantis, and I will still watch the premier, but if there is no NATURAL actor/team chemistry then I will lose interest quickly. I, as a fan, have to care what happens to the characters or why watch. ( I think I can understand why Jessica Steen was possibly replaced because she probably had too much chemistry with another actor or that she was too pretty and therefore someone would ultimately fall for her. ) For TPTB to think there won't be fans that will pair up the characters is also ridiculous (shall I even mention the Jack/Thor pairing).

    That's what I'm talking about. It's nice to know RDA and I think alike.

    "tough"?!? I guess it will be "tough" if Stargate goes into the toilet because it lost it's biggest fanbase. I think us shippers have been very tolerant.

    with the Black Widow Curse!!!!!! We don't want him dead just gone!

    UGH!!!!!!!!! I don't know what to say in response....except........

    "Look TPTB are using Shippers like a little white ball."

    It is ridiculous to try and even follow what TPTB and actors are saying as it adds up to nothing, nada, a big fat ZERO. And every interview is the same from everyone.

    I think that the reason that TPTB and the actors are playing their cards close to their chest could be all about their new show SGA.

    They, I'm sure, have poured mega $$$'s into this new show SGA and can't afford to lose any viewing audience at this time by pi$$$ing any group off. Especially, since they are probably relying on the current fanbase of SG1 to help float the new series.

    Therefore, everyone is soooooo careful of what they say, including the commercials they are showing us.

    I guess they feel that if they pi$$ the shippers or nonshippers off and lose them after season 8 that we or the other group will already be hooked on the new show. And at the very least, maybe they will have attracted some new viewers by then and it won't matter who they lose.

    But meanwhile they will continue to juggle all of us (both groups). And because we don't know what is gonna happen and we stay tuned we will all help the rating numbers for SGA and possibly help it get a renewal for another year.

    So I guess it boils down to the fact that TPTB are playing us all like a violin.

    I won't mind so much I guess, as long as we get our shippy ending with Sam and Jack when all is said and done.
    Ship Nana


      Originally posted by Shipperahoy
      So, has anybody read the "As the Stargate Turns" article posted by Morjana in the Stargate Features forum? It's another one of those ambiguous articles where you're not sure if it bodes well or ill. At least that's the way I see it. It sounds kind of like the actors and TPTB are kind of fed up with the whole ship thing. They said they're not setting up any obvious chemistry between any of the Atlantis characters because of the huge division between ship and anti-shippers on Stargate. And AT most of all sounds like she's sick of it. But I don't really blame her because from everything I've read it sounds like she's borne most of the flac for Pete.
      I just finished it and I'm still "digesting" what was said. I do agree it's pretty ambiguous.

      I have to say I think Amanda is the only one who actually believe that stupid Black Widow Curse crap.

      I so wish I could take AT sit her down and explain clearly and calmly what my concerns about the Pete arc are. I'd also really like to know if she's seen Chimera. It just seems to me that she's doing more hard to the character of Sam and she's doing it happily.
      ~BCM =)

      Open Source Initiative (OSI)
      The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
        I just went & read the article after reading your post. I agree with you on all points. They are all riding the proverbial fence. Just hope noone gets any splinters. Could be painful! And since they don't want to lose anyone in S8, in this preseason publicity they're trying to please everyone by downplaying the S/J ship, but then saying, hey, remember Sam still really likes Jack *wink*wink*.

        <we're going to get whiplash.......they're going to get splinters! ouch on either count!>

        Well, I think they are getting close to losing me. I'm tired of feeling as if I've been a fool to follow a thread that they themselves put into the show and blew open in season 4 (thereby raising expectations of a positive resolution). They have a right to tell their own story, but they also have an obligation to have some sort of honor and honesty in dealing with their audience. If they didn't intend to follow through on the ship, they should have made that clear long before this (season 5, for ex, which was emotionally cold across the board, would have been a good place to put an end to it). Instead, they keep throwing crumbs at us to keep us following along.

        If it turns out that they screw us at the end, I don't care if I've been enjoying Atlantis; I won't watch another episode. I won't purchase another another item of product, pay to see a movie etc. etc.

        I'm not interested in The Daniel Jackson Show, which is what the anti-shippers *really* want, with everyone (esp. Jack) hovering around around Danny, and Sam moved into the sidelines (because, they aren't really anti-shippers if they don't have a problem with Sam and Pete. They just want Sam away from Jack--and it ain't because they luv Sam to pieces.).

        When you add this to the gratuitous insult by RCC, who can't seem to admit that perhaps, just perhaps, they didn't really do a good job writing Pete--well, it's beginning to look as if they don't want us around.

        I guess I'm beginning to wonder why we should have to struggle to find a little ray of sunshine in all the c*** that's coming down now.

        I apologize for the downer post, but that's the way I'm feeling right now.

        "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


          Ok, after reading all of the above posts, I am SO not going to read this article. Don't even want to put a negative spin on my rose colored glasses. I still think this season is going to be great. Finally got to see a tiny clip of the premiere tonight and I'm all ready and willing for anything they throw my way. I love the actors, the characters, the show and I refuse to let any negative (and ambiguous) comments from TPTB ruin my mood. We just have to keep hoping that this is THE season for S/J and if not, here's hoping for a season 9!


            Originally posted by getcarter
            Ok, after reading all of the above posts, I am SO not going to read this article. Don't even want to put a negative spin on my rose colored glasses. I still think this season is going to be great. Finally got to see a tiny clip of the premiere tonight and I'm all ready and willing for anything they throw my way. I love the actors, the characters, the show and I refuse to let any negative (and ambiguous) comments from TPTB ruin my mood. We just have to keep hoping that this is THE season for S/J and if not, here's hoping for a season 9!
            Wow, those rosy shipper cookies are potent!! getcarter, you just keep up the positive vibes!! I saw the premiere clip as well, and I did a little dance (courtesy of LtLisa). Did you also see the promo for "Get in the Gate" sweepstakes? Too funny!

            Token ~



              This whole "should we or shouldn't we" thing is getting really, really old. The PTB started the S/J storyline, so they might as well end it on a high note. I really don't think the shippers (or anti-shippers, for that matter) are the problem here. It's TPTB's inability/flat-out refusal to finish what they started for fear of losing a few dollars. Sometimes more is lost by indecision than action.



                Happy Birthday, Mala!

                *insert birthday cake pic that I don't have*




                  Originally posted by getcarter
                  Ok, after reading all of the above posts, I am SO not going to read this article. Don't even want to put a negative spin on my rose colored glasses. I still think this season is going to be great. Finally got to see a tiny clip of the premiere tonight and I'm all ready and willing for anything they throw my way. I love the actors, the characters, the show and I refuse to let any negative (and ambiguous) comments from TPTB ruin my mood. We just have to keep hoping that this is THE season for S/J and if not, here's hoping for a season 9!

                  Ok, I'll buy in toooo!!! Pass those ROSY Shipper Cookies please!!!

                  Hmmmmm good cookie if I say so myself!!!

                  I'm not gonna read any more articles or interviews.
                  I'm not gonna read any more articles or interviews.

                  All's well with the world and Sam and Jack.
                  All's well with the world and Sam and Jack.

                  Wow, those Shipper Cookies really work!!!!
                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                    So, has anybody read the "As the Stargate Turns" article posted by Morjana in the Stargate Features forum? It's another one of those ambiguous articles where you're not sure if it bodes well or ill. At least that's the way I see it. It sounds kind of like the actors and TPTB are kind of fed up with the whole ship thing. They said they're not setting up any obvious chemistry between any of the Atlantis characters because of the huge division between ship and anti-shippers on Stargate. And AT most of all sounds like she's sick of it. But I don't really blame her because from everything I've read it sounds like she's borne most of the flac for Pete.
                    Yeah, read it. Same old, same old. Didn't like her saying 'tough' to the ppl not wanting to see PS return as her bf. I'm sorry if Amanda's *really* tired of this issue, but introducing a bf is what caused part of this issue. Maybe if she stopped defending PS, she'd get some relief from the upset ship letters and such. Oh, forget it, what's the use anyways. Later, shippers.




                      They are close to losing me as well DarkQuee1.I am tired of hearing the whinning from TPTB and the actors.They make it sound like Shippers are asking for the World.TPTB created the Sam and Jack Ship and it's only fair the Shippers get a resolution.If Highly paid people cannot find a way to get two characters together on a TV show they are in the wrong business.You have to wonder what TPTB were thinking if they though they could have ship between two characters for 7 Years then bring in a stalking Boyfriend and not have the fans get upset.If the Ship is getting to tough for TPTB maybe they would like it better if they had no show to write at all.That can be arranged.If TPTB continue with there present attitude they run the risk of losing not one but two shows.


                        Originally posted by getcarter
                        Ok, after reading all of the above posts, I am SO not going to read this article. Don't even want to put a negative spin on my rose colored glasses. I still think this season is going to be great. Finally got to see a tiny clip of the premiere tonight and I'm all ready and willing for anything they throw my way. I love the actors, the characters, the show and I refuse to let any negative (and ambiguous) comments from TPTB ruin my mood. We just have to keep hoping that this is THE season for S/J and if not, here's hoping for a season 9!
                        What did they show in the clip? (Humbly begging for any little crumb of the new Stargate season) I love your positive attitude, by the way! You made me smile. See...
                        JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                        Thank you, Nikkirose!


                          For those that want to read the article, here's the link:


                          Spoilers for S7 and S8


                          The things I liked about the article. First, an entire article about ship. And it shows that they -the powers that be- take shippers into consideration. I'm not saying S/J shippers per se, just the ppl that like/love romance between characters on a tv show.

                          One quick question, what's this mean? - "O'Neill is now Lord God King Boo-Foo O'Neill," Tapping says. "And Sam's just Supersmart Sam. That's all I can tell you."

                          Still don't like the 'tough' part, but as a friend said to me, we didn't get to see Amanda's face or hear her voice when she was being interviewed. She might have said it jokingly.

                          "He's not dead yet," she says, alluding to the high mortality rate among former Carter loves. "There's a huge hue and cry on the Internet from people who don't want Sam to be with him. They want her to be with O'Neill -- and probably, deep down, Sam does, too. But she's given up on the idea of unrequited love and decided to live her life. But never say never, right?"

                          Okay, unrequited love?.... there we go! And it fits in with how Sam responded to Jack in Grace. She's not sure of how Jack feels for her. And even with Sam's doubts on her own feelings, I believe she came to an understanding -I 'am' in love with Jack- by the time Lost City(s) came along. But she tried to talk to him, twice, and both times no go 'because' of Jack. So she's still living her life without Jack, because she doesn't think he cares for her in the same way. Being attracted to someone is a heck of a lot different than being 'in love' with them. I'm glad Amanda used the term unrequited, because it gives me hope that it'll be Jack that changes the statis in Sam and Jack's relationship. He has to give her a sign, or actually tell her, to make things change between them. And, or course, getting rid of bf will help a lot.<g>




                            Originally posted by JSDT
                            What did they show in the clip? (Humbly begging for any little crumb of the new Stargate season)
                            Spoilers for S8


                            I saw the clip -played it numerous times in slo-mo.<g> I also saw this funny and cute clip with Sam/Amanda and the leader guy on Atlantis. They were sitting in the gateroom, interviewing new ppl to be the walk-on winner in some contest. I think it's 'win a walk-on role on Stargate and Atlantis.' Anyhoo, these ppl were doing weird things -singing, dancing, role playing, etc- and Sam and leader guy were judging them. It was very cute.

                            Okay, for the STARGATE SG-1 clip. It was short.

                            Voice over: "After seven seasons together, everything they've known is about to change."

                            On the far left of the screen, it showed Jack, then fade out to Sam, then Teal'c, and then ended on Daniel on the far right.

                            As soon as that was done, it showed quick clips of:

                            Teal'c in the gateroom (I think) with weapons fire going on around him.

                            -quick pic of being in a wormhole-

                            Sam falling down in pain (think it's from New Order 2 when Fifth is being a butt and torturing her).

                            -wormhole again-

                            Jack lying in some transparent stasis bed.


                            Sam sitting in the control room, looking at the stargate and saying "Somebody's activated the gate."


                            Jack's face looking at something. Then it says when the two hour premier is.

                            It took me longer to write this out than what was shown on the screen.<g>




                              Hey there everyone!
                              I was thinking about stuff when I was cooking dinner tonight and this crazy a$$ theory came into my head.
                              Spoiler space just in case:
                              What if Fifth does make a replicator Sam and she goes back to the SGC and continues dating the one we won't mention and later in the season she is outed (for lack of better verbage) as a replicator and destroyed. When the one whose name we don't mention finds out because he received unworthy disclosure, gets completely weirded out and goes back to wherever he came from and never wants anything to do with leggy blonde scientists again.

                              Just a theory, it can happen!



                                Interesting theory. Yeah, my mind wandered into that direction too. It's a fascinating idea.

                                Of course, I'd have to wonder how many comparisons it'd draw to changeling-as-Bashir on Star Trek: DS9.

                                It's plausible because we know these humanform Reps can explore human's minds and dig out experiences from them, and by the time Fifth has escaped, he likely will be even more advanced in technological assimilation capabilities.

                                I just hope he doesn't do the Matrix thing of making many clones of himself to fight the good guys
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