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    Originally posted by scaryperson
    I definately agree that people need to be sligtly more happy and less pessamistic.

    And Sam fan, i'm sorry to hear about whats going on in your life right now, it's so horrible that anything cruel and harsh should happen to anyone in this world.
    I hope that you make the right decision for *you* don't do anything you're uncomfortable with.

    (((((((((((((Sam Fan)))))))))))))

    And i think we should atleast give Mobius a tiny chance before we see it, who honestly knows what TPTB will do?

    I need a pale green shipper cookie


    One pale green shipper cookie coming right up!!

    There ya go!
    Ship Nana


      Can anyone say impossible? it is going to be a Miracle for Moebius not to seem rushed.I said this earlier in Season 8 and I'll said it again.It looks like TPTB spend about 10 minutes planning Season 8.I guess they were busy with Atlantis.


        I know I am Ship's to bad TPTB are listening to a whole different Tune.


          Originally posted by Ship Nana
          One pale green shipper cookie coming right up!!

          There ya go!
          Thanks Ship Nana!
          I suddenly feel alot less ill



            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            I can't think of a thing that either RDA OR Ben would do that would annoy me...

            You know, you are right.
            You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.
            C. S. Lewis


              Originally posted by blueiris
              Without a doubt. And somewhere in the back of those ptb's minds, they know it too. Else they wouldn't continue to tease us with those "little moments" we get. We're little begging dogs and they're throwing us out itty bitty pieces of meat. But we're smart dogs, we know it we collect all those itty bitty pieces and put them together they form a nice juicy steak.

              You know you're hungry when you start comparing Sam and Jack's love to steak.
              Without a doubt!!!

              To prove your point, here's a snippet from an interview with Joe Mallozzi from a couple year's ago. I know I posted this earlier in this thread (I wasn't exactly overrun with feedback btw ) but it bears repeating:
              Interviewer: One of my favorite things about the show is the mature and practical approach Carter and O'Neill have about their mutual attraction. They know it's there, they know it affects them, but they also know it's inappropriate. So, like people in real life, they don't pursue the attraction. Is that a difficult balance to maintain?
              Joe Mallozzi: Not really. It's always in the back of our minds and, every so often, the emotion breaks the surface and we're reminded just how much these two characters care for each other. In "Paradise Lost," for example, Jack is lost off-world. As the days pass, Sam grows increasingly agitated. The prospect of losing Jack becomes too much for her and, in a very touching scene, she breaks down and opens up to Teal'c. The feelings are there. They're professionals and can't give in to them for the time being, but they're definitely still there.

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                Originally posted by SamCarterONeill
                I Need An Every Color Shipper Cookie
                Here Ya Go!!!
                Just don't eat them too quickly or the same thing that happened to scaryperson will happen to you too!!!!

                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                  Here Ya Go!!!
                  Just don't eat them too quickly or the same thing that happened to scaryperson will happen to you too!!!!

                  Yes, take that advice with extreme caution!

                  (Note that picture is not what i looked like, fair enough, my skin went like that, my pose was the same, and my hair stuck up, but i'm blatently more female and blonde...... sorry, i'm protective )

                  lol, but yeh, don't eat them too quickly!!!



                    I've been reading posts for 2 days now, and I think what we all need is (at least for the next couple of days) a good healthy dose of opptimism. Now, speaking uncharacteristically for I'm am proud of my title as a Captain Pessamist, we've kept the faith in ship when there was hardly any at all. Granted, there are midigating circumstances ie the season is almost over and spoilers highlight RDA won't be there next season, but we've just gotta keep the faith. I know it might sound a bit preachy, but come on! We're shippers, we're proud of that title, and like it or not I think that in the end we will prevail. It seems inane and just plain silly to start the possibility of the J/S ship in season 1 practically, and then not follow through. Call me nieve, (spelling, sorry) but I think it will happen. And I'm gonna keep hoping until there is some concrete proof that it's just not gonna happen.
                    Last edited by major_flaming_toaster; 17 February 2005, 05:49 PM. Reason: my terrible spelling

                    I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.
                    -J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers


                      Catching up on the thread...trying to stay unspoiled...saw it was Rogue's b-day...


                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                        Without a doubt!!!

                        To prove your point, here's a snippet from an interview with Joe Mallozzi from a couple year's ago. I know I posted this earlier in this thread (I wasn't exactly overrun with feedback btw ) but it bears repeating:
                        Interviewer: One of my favorite things about the show is the mature and practical approach Carter and O'Neill have about their mutual attraction. They know it's there, they know it affects them, but they also know it's inappropriate. So, like people in real life, they don't pursue the attraction. Is that a difficult balance to maintain?
                        Joe Mallozzi: Not really. It's always in the back of our minds and, every so often, the emotion breaks the surface and we're reminded just how much these two characters care for each other. In "Paradise Lost," for example, Jack is lost off-world. As the days pass, Sam grows increasingly agitated. The prospect of losing Jack becomes too much for her and, in a very touching scene, she breaks down and opens up to Teal'c. The feelings are there. They're professionals and can't give in to them for the time being, but they're definitely still there.
                        See, there's always hope..
                        and think about it with Jack in DC in charge of Homeland Security...that means he's no longer in Sam's chain of command...that means they can do the whole relationship thing...screw that!...they need to run off to Vegas, get Elvis to marry them, and be done with it...and then they convert UST to RST
                        See, simple!


                          Originally posted by scaryperson
                          Yes, take that advice with extreme caution!

                          (Note that picture is not what i looked like, fair enough, my skin went like that, my pose was the same, and my hair stuck up, but i'm blatently more female and blonde...... sorry, i'm protective )

                          lol, but yeh, don't eat them too quickly!!!

                          Wow - I'm sorry, I must have been looking through another shipper's webcam who was unfortunate enough to eat too many of my ultra-shippy cookies. I have since found the captured image from your webcam:
                          I apologize for the mistake and once again counsel you to check with a physician for that skin condition caused by too many ultra-shippy cookies.

                          btw, I am also blatantly more female and blonde and I'd be protective too if someone said I was otherwise...

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Originally posted by AmberMoon
                            Catching up on the thread...trying to stay unspoiled...saw it was Rogue's b-day...

                            THAT is so awesome
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              Wow - I'm sorry, I must have been looking through another shipper's webcam who was unfortunate enough to eat too many of my ultra-shippy cookies. I have since found the captured image from your webcam:
                              I apologize for the mistake and once again counsel you to check with a physician for that skin condition caused by too many ultra-shippy cookies.

                              btw, I am also blatantly more female and blonde and I'd be protective too if someone said I was otherwise...
                              Lol, i'll forgive you It was quite funny, still is, i'm just glad i'm pretty much back to my normal self now



                                Originally posted by Zoser
                                Ben hitting on Carter
                                BITE YOUR TONGUE!!!! ...I really hope TPTB aren't THAT sad and pathetic....pluease!! they have the man for Sam ....JACK.... and if they haven't already learned their lesson with the Spud....well I just don't know what else to say to them ....

                                All I can hope is that they are not THAT silly
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

