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    Originally posted by Rogue

    Originally Posted by Rogue
    Its been a long time for me but in Frozen, wasn't she begging him in front of Hammond and others? It wasn't exactly a private moment.

    Originally posted by BrenRen
    Private... no... But nonetheless shippy, at least to me. I really don't think *anyone* else, even Daniel if he'd been around, could have talked Jack into it. I think that's why they sent Sam in, cos they know Jack just can't say no to a begging Sam--he'd do anything for that woman! JMHO!
    I agree with you, I do think it is a shippy scene. I just meant that is why she called him Sir and not Jack.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      Originally posted by Sam fan
      Sorry i do that alot- r u on msn at all yuo seem fun to chat to!!
      Um, i'ma little concerned i just got a really nasty rep point from soemone i think i kwo who it was from but it's really vulgar and *cringe* yucky!!(wow i'm mature) uh, so be on the lookout pepole for someone passing out nasty rep points. It's too rude to post what it said so use your imaginations.
      I used to do IM years ago, but I don't really anymore. If I tried to get back into it, I'm not sure I could stand the language (i.e., the degradation).

      Sorry to hear about your uncouth attacker.


        Originally posted by parsifal
        Now this is what I call a desk job!
        lol, that is good!
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Originally posted by trupi
          In M1, Sam and Daniel are real nerdie, how far off is the Au jack personality from the our Jack's personality?
          Jack is pretty much his usual self but more like he was in 2010! Kinda grumpy and distant, just goes to prove he's miserable without his team*coug*his-sam*cough*


            Okay guys i'm off- i have a headache and my bed is calling to me!! Okay it's either my bed- or the person in my bed- either way someone's calling me and i have to go!
            Sweet dreams!!! And welcome again, you funny,funny guy!! Desk job, lmao.....


              ALWAYS depend on you, Caty!


              Was going to green you, but I wasn't allowed.




                Originally posted by scaryperson
                Lol, to think, I thought you were sweet and innocent Bren Ren Lol
                And then you just go and gas us, making us silly and rude!

                Did you *see* the pics--and more to the point, the captions--I posted today?! I thought that had pretty much wiped out any notions of me as "sweet and innocent"!! LMAO Can't believe there were still any of those out there!
                Love and hot fudge,
                Bren Ren
                My stories!



                  Originally posted by Sam fan
                  k,people I'm sorry i saw this and I just could not resist- guess what;s going on in the *rest* of this picture- best phrase to go with this picture gets rep points from moi!!
                  Carter, a little slower please!
                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    Originally posted by Sam fan
                    Jack is pretty much his usual self but more like he was in 2010! Kinda grumpy and distant, just goes to prove he's miserable without his team*coug*his-sam*cough*
                    Maybe Sam can rock his world and Jack could check out where she wears her genitals!


                      Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                      I just watched that part again and it was definately not an accident! Jack went out of his way just to touch sams hand.....really he did!! He didn't have to move his hand that far, but he did!!....

                      ok, i'm not crazy, really i'm not and to me this proves that Sam and Jack are together...*snip*

                      as a visual medium and as a textual construction, nothing in film is an accident. Everything is there for a reason. Because its easy enough to take something out if its a mistake. If they leave something like that in there, it has a purpose. This comes from my film studies lol.


                      "doooo doooo do di do do dooooo , do di doooo doooo do di doooo doooo do doooo do di doooo"
                      -Stargate Theme


                        Last one before I crash...

                        Sam had a sudden flash of memory...
                        You KISSED ME?
                        Love and hot fudge,
                        Bren Ren
                        My stories!



                          s8's threads and moebius spoilers

                          Originally posted by Starfury
                          After all: Threads and Moebius
                          Pete is history, Sam and Jack went fishing, and we got some HAND PORN in the briefing room!

                          Gawd, isn't it wonderful to know that Pete's FINALLY out of the picture?! Any episode of any show is *always* miserable when they bring in an 'other' to ruffle up the preferred ship pairing. Sufferage to the max! But it's over! Over! Oooover! No matter if the Sam/Pete stuff helped to bring us to the Sam/Jack stuff... I'd still rather have not experienced that storyline.

                          K, done whining, bye. :-p




                            Originally posted by galaxy
                            Yeah, I mean first he says: "Over my dead body" (we all know how much Jack hates the thought to have a symbiont in his body)

                            And even when Sam says: "........ Now, they promised that if no other host was found within a reasonable amount of time, the symbiote would sacrifice itself rather than stay in an unwilling host." he doesn't agree, even though he knows that this will be his death!!!! DEATH!!!

                            And then there is a pause and a look (as far as I remember) and Sam says: "Sir...please..."

                            And Jack looks at her and then he finally agrees.

                            I can't believe some of you don't think this is shippy. I'm shocked! LOL
                            I thought it was shippy!

                            Wish it wouldn't have set up the next ep, though... don't like Abyss.





                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              s8's threads and moebius spoilers

                              Gawd, isn't it wonderful to know that Pete's FINALLY out of the picture?! Any episode of any show is *always* miserable when they bring in an 'other' to ruffle up the preferred ship pairing. Sufferage to the max! But it's over! Over! Oooover! No matter if the Sam/Pete stuff helped to bring us to the Sam/Jack stuff... I'd still rather have not experienced that storyline.

                              K, done whining, bye. :-p

                              I'm with you Sally!! I think I've made my opinions of the *others* storylines pretty clear by now... They could have done so many more interesting things if they'd stuck with just Sam and Jack. They just weren't up to the challenge, sadly. At least in Moebius
                              I was so relieved there was absolutely no mention or hint of the Duck!!! Thank you PTB!
                              Love and hot fudge,
                              Bren Ren
                              My stories!



                                Originally posted by Sam fan
                                You know what? lol this is one example of a wave that seems to be occuring all over shipper town!! Constant talk about sex- or dreaming of Sex- i have said sex about 6 times on this thread since monday!! Whats going on people! Who drugged the cookies?! Seriously no-one tell me they haven't noticed it!? We've veome alot more uh....shall we say NC17?? the past few days? Anyone got any reasons why this uh...craze? is taking over shipper town?




