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    Originally posted by Mala50
    Don't want to sound unkind to DDL, but the shape of his head is looking strangely like a potato to me these days...
    LMAO at this Mala!!! OMG, now that you put it that way, he's beginning to look like one to me too!

    sorry--just had to use this one-eyed smiley! Just can't suppress that snark now that I've let it out!
    Last edited by marimba26; 18 June 2004, 07:33 PM. Reason: wasn't finished and stupid forum stupid forum cut me off
    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


      Originally posted by Mala50

      And you think, hey, that was a great show...we did the best we could...but we had budget problems, ok maybe that scene went too long, but the caterers didn't show up on time...yadda yadda yadda....

      But you know what? The audience doesn't care. They see the finished product. So after a while, hopefully you step back and think about the criticisms...hey, no one is perfect! And if there's enough outcry/criticism from your audience about a particular thing, then you should listen (or at least act like you're listening) to what's being said and address it rationally.
      yep. and we, the audience, don't know all the ins and outs. we don't know what a great guy david is (which i personally think is some of the reason amanda is so defensive of pete.... criticizing the character isn't criticizing the actor. i'm sure david is adorable) we don't know what they MEANT to do or how they intended it.

      what we do know is what we see on the screen.

      i know amanda has said she can't stand to watch herself and only watches older eps.....i wonder if she and coop have sat down and watched chimera? and then tried to put themselves in 'our' shoes and watch it without all that nifty insiderknowledge?

      it just might give them a whole different perspective
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        I think we have to except the fact there is a new star of Stargate and this Star seems to get everything they want.If TPTB never intended to have Sam and Jack together fine then stop pushing the Sam and Jack ship.You cannot try to build up the Sam and Jack romance then bring in a boyfriend who is a stalker and expect the fans to not be upset.If we did not have clear examples of Ship between Sam and Jack I could understand not putting Sam and Jack together.The Fans did not create the Shipper episodes that was TPTB.I do not want to hear about the regs when all the regs are thrown out the window for Pete.TPTB are just trying to protect themselves and one of there own's brother.I really hope TPTB are not causing all this mess just to throw the Shippers of the track.There has to be a better way to protect a secret than insulting the fans.


          Originally posted by stargate barbie
          but at least with anise they admitted when they got it wrong, and she didn't appear in any more episodes after they realised it.
          My point exactly!
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by marimba26
            How about this one?

            Ooooohhh! That's a good one! I hope that's what Sam does when she snaps out of her I-need-Pete-because-Jack-is-too-perfect-for-me delusional state.

            Token ~


              Originally posted by Token
              Ooooohhh! That's a good one! I hope that's what Sam does when she snaps out of her I-need-Pete-because-Jack-is-too-perfect-for-me delusional state.
              ROFL!! There's a good way to put it! Delusional--that's what it is all right, delusional! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                Originally posted by ses110
                <snip> If TPTB never intended to have Sam and Jack together fine then stop pushing the Sam and Jack ship.You cannot try to build up the Sam and Jack romance then bring in a boyfriend who is a stalker and expect the fans to not be upset.If we did not have clear examples of Ship between Sam and Jack I could understand not putting Sam and Jack together. <snip> I really hope TPTB are not causing all this mess just to throw the Shippers of the track.There has to be a better way to protect a secret than insulting the fans.
                After the Shippy way TPTB ended Lost City, I will be extremely pissed off if there isn't any ship in the season opener. I know Ship Daddy has told us not to have high expectations; but TPTB decided to end the season on a Shippy note, and a heart-wrenching scene it was. They had to know what ALL the Shippers would be wanting come Season 8. Maybe Fifth is really TPTB and WE are all in the torture chamber. It sure feels like it sometimes.

                Token ~


                  I said the same thing Token.It does not matter if TPTB or certain actors want it or not but New Order must be shippy or the Lost City was a waste of time and a lie.While Lost City was not as good as far as Ship as I would have liked Sam's actions toward Jack must followed up with more Ship in New Order.I hope that makes sense.


                    Originally posted by getcarter
                    Whew, just got caught up on all of the posts and everyone (myself included) is in quite a mood aren't they? I do agree with some of the comments about being a little too much in the know. Prior to finding this site, I was blissfully unaware of any comments from TPTB. I was just happily watching the DVD's and enjoying the wonderful chemistry between Jack and Sam. But now, it's well....different. Now instead of just enjoying the moment and watching this relationship evolve, I'm constantly yelling at the TV - "just kiss her, dammit!!" My husband says I'm sucking all of the fun out of it. I think i'm going to adopt my previous attitude and just let it play out the way it's meant to. Take heart shippers, WE know they will end up together in the end - albeit maybe the last 5 minutes, but in our hearts they will always be together. RDA and AT have played these characters beautifully and I for one will always look back on those scenes with a warm & fuzzy feeling - no matter what the outcome (which better be GOOD!!!)
                    I had to laugh when I read your post getcarter.....are we married to the same guy???? THAT IS EXACTLY what my Husband was saying to me ....hence my break not to long ago....

                    But ya know what..... I am just not gonna let any of this get me too down... I have laughed my butt off at Marimba's Master Of The House Vid (so something fun came out of this) and it is kind of cool how a whole bunch of people who have no REAL CLUE about each other except our connection here have rallied together and have STILL STAYED OPTIMISTIC!!!

                    We are a great bunch don't ya think?

                    Season 8 is on its way in and it ain't over till MS has a moment or something so regardless what RCC has said or what AT has said, it is all water thru the Gate... the real thing is in the episodes and we HAVE YET TO SEE THEM.

                    So have heart and hope (but low expectations...nod to Ship Daddy) and we will all be fine. We ALL LOVE Star Gate... Let's just enjoy the show and enjoy the ride
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally Posted by majorsal
                      Damian, btw, wrote the other 'out of character' -to me- ep of the season, Fragile Balance. I'm not a fan of that ep because of how it made Jack appear by the end. So both writers to me have shown a lacking when it comes to writing characters 'in' character. I want to be proud of my fave character(s), not cringing.

                      Originally posted by bcmilco
                      What is it that was "out of character" for you about FB?

                      Spoiler space for season 7 ep Fragile Balance


                      At/by the end, mini-Jack -and remember this 'was' Jack, just stuck in a little body- decided to:

                      1- Leave all his friends.
                      2- Leave his job.
                      3- Leave his home.
                      4- Leave the supposed love of his life (Sam).
                      5- Leave everything's he's known and start completely over. At High School.

                      He left all that behind without even a 'moment' of looking upset or sad. And to top it off -and the part that made me cringe- he ogled teenaged girls. He might be in a teenaged body, but his soul's that of a 50 year old man. And let's not forget the part(s) where he was willing to die alone in the mountains, or that one of his main desires was to have a beer... This left me feeling that this Jack wouldn't miss his job, friends, Sam, and would have no probs hooking up with teenaged girls. I didn't like this ep. Fun or not, it left me with a very uneasy feeling. This didn't seem like the Jack I've known for years. More issues I have?<g>




                        Originally posted by Token
                        Aunt Sally, I don't know if you were talking to me, but I can't resist.........

                        Of course this is afterwards, 'cuz this is a PG forum.

                        LOve it!!!




                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          Spoiler space for season 7 ep Fragile Balance


                          At/by the end, mini-Jack -and remember this 'was' Jack, just stuck in a little body- decided to:

                          1- Leave all his friends.
                          2- Leave his job.
                          3- Leave his home.
                          4- Leave the supposed love of his life (Sam).
                          5- Leave everything's he's known and start completely over. At High School.

                          He left all that behind without even a 'moment' of looking upset or sad.


                          And let's not forget the part(s) where he was willing to die alone in the mountains, or that one of his main desires was to have a beer... This left me feeling that this Jack wouldn't miss his job, friends, Sam, and would have no probs hooking up with teenaged girls. I didn't like this ep. Fun or not, it left me with a very uneasy feeling. This didn't seem like the Jack I've known for years. More issues I have?<g>
                          I think they played up the whole beer thing a little too much. And I can understand your other points, however I just attributed some of the differences as his actually 'being' a different person. Granted he did go away a little too easily, but overall I still enjoyed it.

                          And to top it off -and the part that made me cringe- he ogled teenaged girls. He might be in a teenaged body, but his soul's that of a 50 year old man.
                          Yes, I found that to be cringe worthy.

                          Hey, on the possitive side it spawned some interesting fanfics, most of which deal with the whole "transition thing"... one of them even ended with mini-Jack commiting suicide because he couldn't take it
                          ~BCM =)

                          Open Source Initiative (OSI)
                          The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                            Hey everybody!

                            Once again I have been having a heck of a time getting through. I keep getting error messages. It seems I can only access this forum late at night.

                            On topic. I have never been in a 'fandom' before. I kind of tripped into this one because I am an insomniac and ran out of fics to read.

                            That being said, I was a fan of Voayager because I thought that Janeway and Chakotay had 'ship'. Then it all went kapoot and she had some halographic boyfriend or whatever he was and I thought "What the #$%@?"
                            and stopped watching the show. To this day I have no clue what happened.

                            I know that I said in another post that I agree with Ship Daddy about not having too high expectations; and I still believe that, but after going through all of these posts, I am having serious doubts about what will transpire in the new season.

                            I am so sorry for being pessimistic, but there you have it. I would love to have a fantastic resolution to what I have been seeing since 'Children of the Gods' between these two characters, but this boyfriend situation and the timing of it sort of freaks me out.

                            I had to get that off of my chest. I still doubt the wisdom of my getting involved with lurking and reading spoilers. It is not that I don't enjoy the warmth of this forum, this thread in particular, I just think that sometimes too much knowledge can be dangerous if it is not in the right context.

                            Sorry about the long post, I have had a he$$ of a time getting in here and had to say my piece.



                              Originally posted by zabbugh
                              I have never been in a 'fandom' before. I kind of tripped into this one because I am an insomniac and ran out of fics to read.
                              Hey that's basically how I got here too. Well except for the insomnia part

                              I know that I said in another post that I agree with Ship Daddy about not having too high expectations; and I still believe that, but after going through all of these posts, I am having serious doubts about what will transpire in the new season.
                              I have doubts about what will transpire but not about the final results, especially after TLC. The Lost City was supposed to be the movie after the seires ended, and it had several shippy scenes, including the ending. Granted it's probably a slightly different ending than if it had been a movie, but the point is they put ship in it and IMO that kinda seals the fact that they want S/J to end up together.

                              I would love to have a fantastic resolution to what I have been seeing since 'Children of the Gods' between these two characters, but this boyfriend situation and the timing of it sort of freaks me out.
                              Yes, the timing makes me a little nervous too. There's not much time left after Pete goes away for there to be good S/J scenes that will "erase" the S/P scenes espeically since there was so much skin, and we don't want it to become the S/J hour.
                              ~BCM =)

                              Open Source Initiative (OSI)
                              The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                                I really hope that you are right about Lost City and how they put the ship in. With all of this talk about more seasons, I am thinking they may just keep this boyfriend thing going to drag out the angst of Sam and Jack until there is no more 'feelings' between the two.

                                Man, I am sorry for sounding like such a doubting Thomas.

                                I guess I should stick to the adage of 'no news is good news'.


