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    Hey everyone we're back! Yay!! Here are my thought about threads


    I think Pete was really nervous and did the typical foot-in-mouth syndrome thing- he didn't know what else to say so he just said the first thing that came into his head! I loved when Jacob picked up on him callling him Dad, something along the lines of "Not yet, you have'nt married her yet" whereas he lets jack do it all the time, however I dind't like that because it showed Pete being kind of rejected I liked it because it showed the relatiionship between Jack and Jacob, which is great.

    Jack and kerry seemed to be a fling although I think she fell pretty hard for him. When Sam was in Jack's garden and Jack was all like *shifty eyes* I think he felt really really nervous about the whole situation and I think Sam was so brave going to him I would've loved to have heard what she was going to say cause I don't think it was "I love you" i think it may have ybeen "you're what's making em hold back" then it would lead into a whole dicussion, but of course it didn't. Jack seemed really desperate when Kerry walked out- flinging his beer all over the place(that made me laugh). That whole scene was great to watch but so cringe-worthy poor Sam!! Lol her face was the mirror of mine when Kerry walked out.

    When Kerry dumped Jack it was kind of sad because again i do think she really liked him but she could see what was good for him, and knew that how she felt wouldn't be returned because of Sam, I also think he felt bad for her.

    When Sam was with her dad when he was dying! OMG!! I don't know how I managed to not cry i was very calm concidering what was happening- I think that was the seecond most beautiful scene of the whole show. When he put his hand on her face and said "Don't let the rules get in the way" it's kind of what everyone wanted Jacob to say. and i'm so glad he did, he likes Jack and he knows that sam loves jack and knows her lves her too so it was a great scene and she I think(after the kerry incident) was trying to coonvince herself to ge t over Jack so she point blank denied it.

    Now for the most beautiful scene in television history (unleess we get a bedroom scene that is) When Sam was watching her father die and Jack walke din, that was sooo special and heartfelt it was kind of subtle- and said everythhing that needed to be said, they got supreme kicks in the butt and then Jack kind of bit the bullet by making physical contact "come here" Sam rubbing his hand was kind of a "I understand" if you get me, she knew that he felt the same way and things looked as though they were going to work out.

    Now for the dumping scene my heart really went out to Pete because he adored her!! He really did and yeah he got a litle bit angry but i would tooo, i also think that Sam dd the best thing- she was trying to find happiness and i think she knows that she hurt Pete but she didn't do it intentionally.

    Now finally i loved the whole epsidoe but I'm getting really annoyed after looking at a few of the posts in the anti-shipper site to see what the feeling was and iwas really stunned- well actually iwas kind of expecting it but' it's really pathetic!!!


    Sam i sa cow apparentlym, ythat's what they're saying - she kept Pete on a string and went to talk to Jack so that if jack sed no she could still have pete!

    They also said that she was horrible because
    She made a face when Daniel walked in PEOPLE HE WAS NAKED!!!! no -one wants to see thier best friend/ brother figure naked!! IT WAS THE COMEDIC AFFECT!!! and they were saying that she made a face to be nasty to him! Jack made a face too! Does that mean he was being nasty? Oh no not at all!!! Everyone's blaming Sam for threads, Jack doesn't seem to come into it and as usual they all seem to be grabbing anything that they could to ccomplain about her!!
    so i guess what i'm saying is-(i know you will anyway)- but if you see people complaining about Sam please explain to them your view on the situation- try to make them see sense- I don't think it's fair that she's getting torn apart AGAIN!!

    Sory for the long post, lol.


      Originally posted by Token
      I tried to not to use smilies and use only the "old way", but the GW editor changed them into smilies. EEK!! Sorry for any smiliey spoilage.
      Yeah, you have to give them a this: :-)


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Yeah but did you see how
        ..ridiculous he was in front of Jacob .. All the stupid things he had to say ..I think Sam was really wondering at that point . And in the car ...she didn't care anymore ...her mind was somewhere else ...I mean she was trying to sort her life out ,She thought she was doing the best but then ..Pete got a bit out of hand really ...and again what was wrong for him to come and live at Sam's house ...I think he wanted to control her too much ...Even on the phone in the briefing room ..the way she said sorry me it looks like he was upset , angry or even shouting on the other side of the line ...and she seems like she wanted to avoid meeting him to pick up the flowers ......Also I think pete does things on the spur of the moment ..I'm not sure he is that stable and he certainly is not laid back Jack is .I think he was making all the arrangements for the wedding ..Sam didn't really care because she was not even listening to him when he was talking about the cake ...she was thinking how she could get away of that mess without hurting him too much and be with Jack perhaps ...I'm glad Jack did the first move in a way by the "C'here" comment but the way she grabbed his hand was lovely ..and loving and everything else .now they are both happy and they can move on to tender love making when the time is right

        What you said, Caty. I agree.
        I have to say though that I never really considered Pete a stalker and felt sorry for him because Sam just wasn't right for him and he loved her. I can only think that in Threads the PTB intended to justify Sam's decision to leave Pete and possibly justify the stalker theory.
        I sure would like to be a fly on the PTB's wall.
        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          Yeah but did you see how
          ..ridiculous he was in front of Jacob .. All the stupid things he had to say ..I think Sam was really wondering at that point . And in the car ...she didn't care anymore ...her mind was somewhere else ...I mean she was trying to sort her life out ,She thought she was doing the best but then ..Pete got a bit out of hand really ...and again what was wrong for him to come and live at Sam's house ...I think he wanted to control her too much ...Even on the phone in the briefing room ..the way she said sorry me it looks like he was upset , angry or even shouting on the other side of the line ...and she seems like she wanted to avoid meeting him to pick up the flowers ......Also I think pete does things on the spur of the moment ..I'm not sure he is that stable and he certainly is not laid back Jack is .I think he was making all the arrangements for the wedding ..Sam didn't really care because she was not even listening to him when he was talking about the cake ...she was thinking how she could get away of that mess without hurting him too much and be with Jack perhaps ...I'm glad Jack did the first move in a way by the "C'here" comment but the way she grabbed his hand was lovely ..and loving and everything else .now they are both happy and they can move on to tender love making when the time is right

          I think Petes Threads
          reaction to Jacob just showed that this was way out of his league. He would never understand her life or her job. The marriage would not have lasted, thank god she dumped him.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by galaxy
            Yeah, you have to give them a this: :-)
            Thanks!! I never knew that! They actually look better with noses! :-)

            Token ~


              Originally posted by Rogue
              I think Petes Threads
              reaction to Jacob just showed that this was way out of his league. He would never understand her life or her job. The marriage would not have lasted, thank god she dumped him.
              I'll say "Amen!" to that and add S8 Threads

              Token ~


                Going off threads for second here. Did anyone see the recent TVGuide article about the top 20(?) kisses on TV? Working from memory, that's a few days old, I was thrilled that they gave scifi props to Farscape and BuffyTVS. Yes, both very worthy of top kiss status. Really happy about it. But I have to say, the Grace Kiss should have been added to that. It was so sensual and so fitting for the show and the characters. And it was natural looking. Not the overly dramatic long kiss w/o head movement that makes you think soap opera. It was a fantasy worthy of becoming a reality. Just a thought.
                "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Yeah but did you see how
                  ..ridiculous he was in front of Jacob .. All the stupid things he had to say ..I think Sam was really wondering at that point . And in the car ...she didn't care anymore ...her mind was somewhere else ...I mean she was trying to sort her life out ,She thought she was doing the best but then ..Pete got a bit out of hand really ...and again what was wrong for him to come and live at Sam's house ...I think he wanted to control her too much ...Even on the phone in the briefing room ..the way she said sorry me it looks like he was upset , angry or even shouting on the other side of the line ...and she seems like she wanted to avoid meeting him to pick up the flowers ......Also I think pete does things on the spur of the moment ..I'm not sure he is that stable and he certainly is not laid back Jack is .I think he was making all the arrangements for the wedding ..Sam didn't really care because she was not even listening to him when he was talking about the cake ...she was thinking how she could get away of that mess without hurting him too much and be with Jack perhaps ...I'm glad Jack did the first move in a way by the "C'here" comment but the way she grabbed his hand was lovely ..and loving and everything else .now they are both happy and they can move on to tender love making when the time is right

                  yeah I did see all of that-but Sam has been pretty well
                  battered by the show-her character has been made to seem indecisive, timid, unsure, uncertain, all the uns and she is my favorite character-and i would have liked a little bit of sensitivity in that last scene as well. Sure Pete was really waaay out there -but I expected loads better out of her character in the end-that really upset me where he asked her if she wanted him to beg. Because I am sure that is not what she wanted-and i read what the antis had to say about her-and more blame on her character just doesn't make me happy.
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by gatebee
                    To TPTB Threads
                    I bow with great reverence to your greatness. For in Threads you have fulfilled everyones dreams. In it we saw what we the S/J shippers have waited for so long....the affirmation of their love for each other. It was subtle and very in character. Their was Daniel/Oma/Anubis and you the TPTB answering the questions and tying loose ends. And ah ,sadly Jacob/Selmak, it brought me to tears like no sci-fi has ever done. For Jacob to say "I love you", then Sam closing her eyes and then Jack too acknowledging Jacob's passing, was great writing. And of course the JAFFA, with Master Bratac and our own Teal'c becoming the free nation they have fought to be since the very onset of the series. And you TPTB even put in the very hilariouse J/D flag draping. Jack was great. Sam seeing Daniel come out with a flag was out of this world.
                    And of course the last but definitely not the least, our fishing scene. Ah fishing. Sam finally confirms there are no fish in the lake and she giggles and our two chaperones come into frame.
                    Again TPTB a million Thank You's.

                    I'll second that!!

                    ETA: Please remember to post your thoughts on the official episode thread as well for any lurking PTB.

                    Token ~


                      First: Caty, I've watched both clips and you did an excellent, wonderful, marvelous job.

                      Before watching the clips I went around and read what other forums and boards had to say about threads. I read the good, the bad, and the ugly. Really ugly. So I tried to watch the clips with an impartial eye. Not looking for anything between Sam and Jack and realizing that I can only judge of one aspect of the episode, or in other words, not compare screen time and scenes of the other actors and such.

                      So, looking at this as objectively as I possibly could, if I had never seen an episode of Stargate before and had no preference of the actors, I can honestly say that I would walk away from viewing this episode thinking that Sam and Jack have loved each other for a long time and that they have resolved the issue between them, if not in front of the viewer.

                      As for the fishing scene, I can't help but think it was so sweet to see the team together.
                      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                        Originally posted by Token
                        I'll second that!!

                        ETA: Please remember to post your thoughts on the official episode thread as well for any lurking PTB.
                        I was thinking of writing a fanfic where

                        They are all at the cabin, and Daniel does the usual *interupting thing* like wlaking into Jack's bedroom first thing in the morning to be greeted with not one person but two....
                        what do you guys think?


                          Originally posted by ra-hanna
                          Going off threads for second here. Did anyone see the recent TVGuide article about the top 20(?) kisses on TV? Working from memory, that's a few days old, I was thrilled that they gave scifi props to Farscape and BuffyTVS. Yes, both very worthy of top kiss status. Really happy about it. But I have to say, the Grace Kiss should have been added to that. It was so sensual and so fitting for the show and the characters. And it was natural looking. Not the overly dramatic long kiss w/o head movement that makes you think soap opera. It was a fantasy worthy of becoming a reality. Just a thought.
                          Is that article available on-line anywhere?
                          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                            Originally posted by Sam fan
                            I was thinking of writing a fanfic where

                            They are all at the cabin, and Daniel does the usual *interupting thing* like wlaking into Jack's bedroom first thing in the morning to be greeted with not one person but two....
                            what do you guys think?
                            lol -I'd love to read that.
                            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                              Originally posted by blueiris
                              First: Caty, I've watched both clips and you did an excellent, wonderful, marvelous job.

                              Before watching the clips I went around and read what other forums and boards had to say about threads. I read the good, the bad, and the ugly. Really ugly. So I tried to watch the clips with an impartial eye. Not looking for anything between Sam and Jack and realizing that I can only judge of one aspect of the episode, or in other words, not compare screen time and scenes of the other actors and such.

                              So, looking at this as objectively as I possibly could, if I had never seen an episode of Stargate before and had no preference of the actors, I can honestly say that I would walk away from viewing this episode thinking that Sam and Jack have loved each other for a long time and that they have resolved the issue between them, if not in front of the viewer.

                              As for the fishing scene, I can't help but think it was so sweet to see the team together.
                              Totally agree with you.


                              avatar and sig by flidget


                                Good morning Shippers!!!!!

                                I am one of those ... (gasp) ... that is trying to stay spolier free this year... I know can you believe it. I do however just drop in from time to time to see if everyone enjoyed the show. I didn't know what to think last night when GW came back on line and the Shipper thread was gone. But this morning it's back and I'm so relieved. It's sounds like everyone enjoyed the show. Great!!! Now I can't wait to watch the show in 4 weeks and three days.

                                Thanks for hiding the spoilers!!! and for those that forgot not big deal I just scanned down the page really quickly. I didn't even see the picture that was posted for "Threads".

                                Well I'm late for work so I gotta go. I just wanted to say thanks for letting me know the show will be worth the wait!!

