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    Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
    I wish I could! believe me, I wish I could, but the fact is, they do like to play with our emotions and tear the floor from beneath us. But hopefully, with that revelation, for a second time! Sam and Jack will finally realize that they belong together.

    I'm just being the optomist to try to lift some spirits even in the face of darkness.
    Do you think TPTB think of us as a bunch of idiots because we are so emotional invested in this program? I'd prefer to think they are just trying to do the best job they can even if their vision of the out come of the characters lives are different from a segment of the fan base. Sometimes I just not sure what's true. Hoping for a shippy outcome but am not going to bet the rent on it.
    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day...

      I think they're trying to work out what Moebius is all about!!
      Too funny, Bev! I need laughing! I need lots of laughing... Just not like the fit in Mala's World.. It's very embarassing to fall out of your chair with laughter at work... Especially when I forgot to close my office door before checking the threads...

      *Mei Mei glares at Michelleb*


        Originally posted by sueKay
        And here's the big Moebius spec part two!
        I think part two will start by launching us straight into the lives of the alternate time SG1. They are our SG1 as they exist in the same Universe.
        I reckon, that we will see Sam and Daniel getting recruited, after our Daniel somehow sends a message to the future using the puddlejumper. The SGC realise how important this is, so they award Daniel disclosure for the programme. Sam may already know, but then again, they might not.
        Next, we'll see Jack getting hauled back from retirement.
        SG1 will then be debriefed on the situation. They'll probably have been left instructions by our Daniel as to what they need to do.
        I think SG1 will alter the plan and will try and get Teal'c to join them. Teal'c will capture them, but after SG1 are imprisoned, he'll decide to help them, by using the other puddlejumper from the alternate timeline (everything is duplicated - not just people). He'll travel to ancient Egypt, where he'll meet our Daniel, and together, they'll devise a plan to get the timeline back to normal.
        I think at the end, the resolution to ship will be very clearly defined, having been left purposefully vague threads and c. joe.
        I'm not sure how the plot will tie up, but it will be our SG1 that will be around at the end

        And again, this is SPECULATION.

        Even if mind tends to go elsewhere, I'm faithfully sticking to your wonderful speculation SueKay...very well done!


          Originally posted by Rogue
          With all this X-mas talk, I have been thinking about what characters on the show would get each other.

          Sam's present to Pete:
          A bucket of potato head pieces so that he could change into the man she really wants.

          Pete's present to Sam:
          A pair of rollerskates, so he can push her down the aisle at the church.
          LOL! Oh, that's perfect!! Wonderful ideas!!


            Originally posted by eye of botox
            Look, I don't want to have a smackdown here or anything, but have you SEEN Trip? He would make my lickablelist (after the 3Ds and Tom Selleck, circa 1981).

            I'm just sayin', 8 years people. 8 years! Time to either get it on or get it gone. I want them together, of course, don't be ridiculous, but enough already. Don't mess with shippers, we're phiranna like, we smell spoilers and, well, we get a little, oh, blood-lusty and that only leads to badness, mostly, unless it's Kinsey-hatin'.

            TameFarrar- a day without funny is no day at all. I live to be sarcatic, ironic and all those other -ic words. It's my thing, besided knitting weirdly shapped scarves.
            And the writers of ST:Ent love putting Trip in his skivvies.... Very nice eye candy... But, oh, wait... where am I?


              I am so confused again!!!

              Moebius speculation:
              I really have enjoyed the AU stories/episodes in the past. TPTB have been able to use the AU people to help along storyline or aid in character development of the existing SG-1. Now what I DON'T like is the idea that we might have to accept that our present day SG-1 goes back in time, changes something, dies, then is reborn again in the timeline, which will result in a different SG-1 in present day. This will erase the 8 seasons we had already seen, and change history for the team, thus changing their memories of things that occured for us in the first 8 seasons (no flashbacks or references back).

              I'd much rather see that somehow our SG-1 gets back to present day on their own. I don't understand how this all works!


                Originally posted by Bucky
                And more Fragile Balance Spoilers

                Late as usual to the discussion, but I thought I'd add here that mini-Jack was too harsh whenever he yelled "CARTER!" And difference between him and RealJack really became obvious in the scene up on the ship. RealJack turns to Sam and says something like "I should be irked?" He's annoyed with Loki, the Asgard, and the situation, but it's clear from his tone that he's not annoyed with Sam. MiniJack wasn't able to make that distinction. So his annoyance comes across as irritation with Sam rather than the situation.

                But other than that, I liked the episode and thought it was funny.

                I thought that FB was very thought provoking. What was his life like without his friends and family? Loki should have made a teenaged Carter for him. And not for just - you know - but someone who would understand and share his past
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  Originally posted by Kri
                  I am so confused again!!!

                  Moebius speculation:
                  I really have enjoyed the AU stories/episodes in the past. TPTB have been able to use the AU people to help along storyline or aid in character development of the existing SG-1. Now what I DON'T like is the idea that we might have to accept that our present day SG-1 goes back in time, changes something, dies, then is reborn again in the timeline, which will result in a different SG-1 in present day. This will erase the 8 seasons we had already seen, and change history for the team, thus changing their memories of things that occured for us in the first 8 seasons (no flashbacks or references back).

                  I'd much rather see that somehow our SG-1 gets back to present day on their own. I don't understand how this all works!
                  I don't think you're supposed to understand how it works, or the writers would probably be out of a job!
                  Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                  Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                    Originally posted by Just the Zat's Ma'am
                    Today is a hard day . . .

                    This post is in no way related to Stargate or Ship of any nature, well . . . not a fictional ship anyway.

                    I've not been on as much as I was a while back, either in the chat room at night or on here during the day. Things have been quite busy since the little one has come along, and now something else.

                    Here in a little over an hour I'll be leaving for my first day of work. I've been out of work for about five months. Now you'd think I'd be itching to go back. But it occured to me last night as I was laying down how much I'm going to miss my wife today. For these past few months we've been through a lot together and gotten all the more closer. I'm amazed that after almost four years things still seem new. Everyone says that the magic wears off and that the first years are the hardest. Mind you with the loss of the twins and in some other things we've had some outside factors really hit us hard. But she and I have never 'really' fought or been mad at each other for any 'real' length of time. We fit, we work, it just happens for us.

                    As much as I need this job and the insurance, I'd give anything to be able to work from home. Perhaps some of my consulting work will turn into that, who knows.

                    And I don't know why I'm here telling you guys about it. Maybe I'm just trying to prove that not all guys think one way. Maybe I just needed to get it off my chest. Maybe I needed to tell the world how wonderful my wife is. She's like a drug, something I'm addicted too. Man I love her.

                    Thought I'd share . . . don't know why, but . . . eh, well I did.
                    We're here for you!!! That's what families are for, right?!!!!
                    Ship Nana


                      Originally posted by Kri
                      I am so confused again!!!

                      Moebius speculation:
                      I really have enjoyed the AU stories/episodes in the past. TPTB have been able to use the AU people to help along storyline or aid in character development of the existing SG-1. Now what I DON'T like is the idea that we might have to accept that our present day SG-1 goes back in time, changes something, dies, then is reborn again in the timeline, which will result in a different SG-1 in present day. This will erase the 8 seasons we had already seen, and change history for the team, thus changing their memories of things that occured for us in the first 8 seasons (no flashbacks or references back).

                      I'd much rather see that somehow our SG-1 gets back to present day on their own. I don't understand how this all works!
                      See-it's that pesky Dallas dvd. I'm telling ya-between the Chippawa Joy Juice they drink (and Lil Abner fans know what that is) and the Dallas Marathon on TV land-they just don't know what show they are writing for.

                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                        Originally posted by michelleb
                        I'm sorry, I just have to vent for a moment

                        Where the frell are the pictures for Citizen Joe!!!!

                        I mean, honestly, what are they keeping from us? I hope it's good....

                        Shipper on the verge of a nervous breakdown here...

                        Okay, venting over. Thank you for your patience.

                        There is probably nothing to show as I believe that it is a
                        clips episode.
                        As a result there is probably
                        not much new footage to show and if they put up some pics that would be the whole episode
                        . I think that I am just being cranky!!!
                        Ship Nana


                          Originally posted by michelleb
                          Just look at your motto, and remember..there haven't been any un shippy pics or spoilers...Just think, no news is good news, and keep filling in the gaps with your fic. That'll make you feel better.

                          And the good news is
                          sees the other end of Sam's boot and Kerry is also out the door.
                          So I guess that's something, right?!
                          Ship Nana


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            And the good news is
                            sees the other end of Sam's boot and Kerry is also out the door.
                            So I guess that's something, right?!
                            It could be worse... they could have
                            shown us shippy pics and then have it turn out to be AU jack and Sam.
                            I'd would be pissed!


                              Originally posted by Rogue
                              I'll drive you up there.

                              And don't forget to pick me up on the way!!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                There is probably nothing to show as I believe that it is a
                                clips episode.
                                As a result there is probably
                                not much new footage to show and if they put up some pics that would be the whole episode
                                . I think that I am just being cranky!!!
                                *passes chocolate chip shipper cookie made with godiva chocolate

                                munch away dear-it is a long wait.

                                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda

