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    Originally posted by eye of botox
    Good grief.

    I, I, am so, so, so tired of this. It's been 8 freakin' years. This is not "Remains of the Day". I want some resolution. Shippery is preferred with NODeaths-FCOL, I hated Angel for that crap, totally lost me as a post-show fan, and so help me selmac, if they kill of S/J and then have some alternate crap, grrr. I'm so moving over to Enterprise, cause, I just was forced to watch and ep, and hey, it wasn't bad, that Trip is kinda hot.

    Not Daniel/Dixon/Davis hot, but at least it wouldn't be chinese water torture to watch every week, waiting for the footwear to fall.

    See, this is why I started to watch Stargate, they didn't pull this crap, they were, ya know, kinda above it. Buffy, Angel, etc.. They were all about ripping the heart of the viewer and stomping (and hey, jag does it 'cause well, their writers are in service to Satan). Darnit, I expected better from Stargate. I hope my trust wasn't misplaced.

    Gah, I should just not ship, ever again.. I do not subscribe to the

    "Better to have shipped and lost, then never to have shipped at all."

    Bah, humbug!
    Eye of Botox... I have no idea if you MEANT to be funny in any way........... BUT you have me rolling

    (((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))) thank you so much for making me just laugh my A$$ off...and YES I think that Trip is kind of cute too
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      And here's the big Moebius spec part two!
      I think part two will start by launching us straight into the lives of the alternate time SG1. They are our SG1 as they exist in the same Universe.
      I reckon, that we will see Sam and Daniel getting recruited, after our Daniel somehow sends a message to the future using the puddlejumper. The SGC realise how important this is, so they award Daniel disclosure for the programme. Sam may already know, but then again, they might not.
      Next, we'll see Jack getting hauled back from retirement.
      SG1 will then be debriefed on the situation. They'll probably have been left instructions by our Daniel as to what they need to do.
      I think SG1 will alter the plan and will try and get Teal'c to join them. Teal'c will capture them, but after SG1 are imprisoned, he'll decide to help them, by using the other puddlejumper from the alternate timeline (everything is duplicated - not just people). He'll travel to ancient Egypt, where he'll meet our Daniel, and together, they'll devise a plan to get the timeline back to normal.
      I think at the end, the resolution to ship will be very clearly defined, having been left purposefully vague threads and c. joe.
      I'm not sure how the plot will tie up, but it will be our SG1 that will be around at the end

      And again, this is SPECULATION.

      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Eye of Botox... I have no idea if you MEANT to be funny in any way........... BUT you have me rolling

        (((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))) thank you so much for making me just laugh my A$$ off...and YES I think that Trip is kind of cute too

        NO Trip is not one is cute.Okay maybe he is cute I don't know who he point is that Jack is So Damn GORGEOUS and if Sam doesn't figure that out SOON. I'm going to KILL HER.
        (clears throat) erm anybody have a penguin?


          Borrow my sig!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by sueKay
            Borrow my sig!
            how do i do that?


              Did anybody else know there was caption under the Thread pictures? I knew they were under Moebius. I think they confirm what we had already figured out.
              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day...

                I think they're trying to work out what Moebius is all about!!


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day...


                  I think they're trying to work out what Moebius is all about!!
                  ROTFLMAO! I love that idea.


                    Originally posted by melpomene
                    how do i do that?
                    Copy, paste into paint and do whatever

                    Then go to and host it!
                    What do you need a penguin for???

                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by melpomene
                      NO Trip is not one is cute.Okay maybe he is cute I don't know who he point is that Jack is So Damn GORGEOUS and if Sam doesn't figure that out SOON. I'm going to KILL HER.
                      (clears throat) erm anybody have a penguin?

                      Look, I don't want to have a smackdown here or anything, but have you SEEN Trip? He would make my lickablelist (after the 3Ds and Tom Selleck, circa 1981).

                      I'm just sayin', 8 years people. 8 years! Time to either get it on or get it gone. I want them together, of course, don't be ridiculous, but enough already. Don't mess with shippers, we're phiranna like, we smell spoilers and, well, we get a little, oh, blood-lusty and that only leads to badness, mostly, unless it's Kinsey-hatin'.

                      TameFarrar- a day without funny is no day at all. I live to be sarcatic, ironic and all those other -ic words. It's my thing, besided knitting weirdly shapped scarves.
                      The Eye of Botox has been formally recognized by the System Lords! Beware my fire-y wrath!!

                      by Nikkirose


                        Originally posted by Deborah
                        I know this ship has probably already sailed but...

                        The PTBs have always said that the kiss in Moebius is
                        between the real Sam and Jack…BUT from what I’ve been reading, if our Sam and Jack are dead or the timeline has been changed to turn them into Dr Carter and Col/Gen O’Neill then the AU versions won’t be the AU versions after all, they’ll be the only Sam and Jack.

                        Thus confirming my original theory that the PTBs are very bad people, very bad.

                        Folks I hate to say it but it looks like we’ve been shafted again. I can’t see how
                        altering timelines and showing the audience one possible version
                        progresses the story or the relationships between the characters.

                        Now the PTBs don’t have to concern themselves with how ambiguous to make the resolution scene, they just have to hit the RESET button.

                        You have a point there Deborah..I've been thinking about it all day..(yes I'm obsessed )

                        If the timeline has changed, we are not speaking about an alternate S and J but about OUR real Sam and Jack with different lives BUT in the same reality (which is now different) TPTB wouldn't be lying saying that the kiss IS between the real characters, but still that is not the truth...way to mess around with our heads wouldn' it? Giving us what we want but still not giving us what we want...
                        The reset button remain a strong option I'm afraid to say....and given RDA reduced schedule next year, what about having his retired version playing in season 9, so that it won't be necessary either having him around so often or having to resolve the Ship now?
                        I mean,in my opinion, OUR Jack, even if retired, won't be in character if, once retired, wouldn't show up once; and keeping on screen an on-going relationship, without the appearence of one of the two involved, sounds to me very forced and irrealistic..
                        Being veeeeeeery dark's just that I don't trust TPTB with the will to deal with this matter in a way that they would eventually have to keep it on next year in some form, without the material and the premises to be able to do it....
                        I won't even consider the characteristics of the Moebius strips: everything is turned upside down to finally get back to the start..or something to that effect

                        I really think they have the intention to end the season, shipperly speaking, with a non-end, whatever it is, having to deal with behind-the-scenes problems, but still trying to please everybody watching....which is never a good combination for a good ending because generally nobody ends up fully happy
                        I'm preparing to the worst....


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          To liven up some of the quietness...
                          Here's a Shipperversion of "'Twas the night before..."

                          ‘Twas the night before Shipmas, when all through Shippertown
                          Not a Shipper was stirring, they were all bedded down;
                          Stockings had been hung close by the TV,
                          In hopes that S/J resolution would soon be;
                          The shiplets were nestled all snug in their beds,
                          Visions of kisses and convos dancing in their heads ;
                          Some Family had returned from a nice brisk walk
                          Settling down with cookies for a long ship talk;
                          When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
                          They sprang from their seats to see what was the matter.
                          Out the front door they scurried in a mad dash,
                          Straight into a red-robed figure they did all crash;
                          “HO!” he yelled, falling back into the snow,
                          His hat falling off at the force of the blow;
                          When, what to their wondering eyes did appear
                          Joe M. grunting in pain, his eyes now full of fear ;
                          The snow off his face he quickly flicked,
                          He grimaced at all and looked quite ticked;
                          Murmuring their apologies, ‘round Joe the Family came,
                          Regaining his breath, Joe laughed and called them by name;
                          “Hey Tame! Now Kri! What’s up Sacme and Queen Bee?!
                          Hurry RowanD! Pick me up gatebee and Galaxy! Not there meimei!”
                          “Get me inside, into the hall,
                          In where it’s warm, hurry it up y’all!”
                          So into the house laughing, they did fly,
                          Stumbling through the door to where it was warm and dry;
                          That they were a happy ‘n merry crew was quite true,
                          Bonded as they were by their of S/J ship, JM knew;
                          In a twinkling they had JMalozzi all comfy and cozy,
                          He looked a bit warmer though his cheeks were still quite rosy;
                          He said, “I know it’s been months since I’ve been around,
                          Sorry so many of y’all’ve been Shipper Rehab Center bound!
                          Now see here ya’ll, now hold on a minute Zoser,
                          Remember I *did* say it was gonna be a wild rollercoaster.”
                          ShipNana handed him some cookies as a late night snack,
                          As the Family gathered round, a spoiler-hungry pack;
                          “Com’n, chins up, give no thought to
                          Just a plot arc like Spudboy - Com’n eat, drink, ‘n be merry!”
                          They told JM how bad about Pete they did seethe ,
                          It wasn’t his looks they were worried ‘bout, ‘twas what was underneath;
                          They pumped Joe for all he did know,
                          Their appetites for spoilers continuing to grow;
                          “So why so glum, I want to know,” he said,
                          So the family shared with him all they did dread;
                          When they were done they felt a wee bit silly
                          But Joe assured them he did understand, really;
                          “Around your thread more, I’ll promise to lurk,
                          Have faith that in the end it’ll all work.”
                          “Well, gotta go now,” he said, as he rose,
                          One last wink , and out the door he goes;
                          He ran to his limo, giving his driver a whistle,
                          And away they shot like a ballistic missile;
                          But all heard him shout as he drove out of sight,
                          Merry Shipmas to all – don’t worry – it’ll be all right!”
                          Hey I'm in a poem! Wah Hoo!
                          I realize I just rhyme but it is an honor, ShimmeringStar.
                          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            Okay peeps.

                            As I've said, I find
                            time travel and AU
                            stories easy to fathom.

                            Based on the spoilers we've seen, I've put together what I think will happen.

                            Disclaimer - speculation

                            The beginning - Somehow, Jack will find out that the puddlejumper is also a time ship. Needing a ZPM to contact Atlantis, he and SG1 try to devise a way to go back in time to steal one.
                            -Note- Atlantis is able to contact earth in S2, so this part makes sense.
                            Daniel or Sam will find some vague reference to Ra possesing a ZPM (bog standard plot device eg. fallen - Daniel's notebook). They will sit down and devise a plan in which they go back to ancient Egypt and steal the ZPM. Sam will point out that they can't contaminate the timeline too much or they'll alter the future, thus setting the scene for the rest of the ep.
                            SG1 and Jack will head back in time, possible gating to another planet first, then using the time thingumabob to go back to earth in 3000bc.
                            Once there, they'll park the jumper with a cloak, and will head to the Giza pyramid - where Ra'll probably keep his ZPM. They'll make it into the pyramid and get a hold of the ZPM, but on the way out, Ra will appear. They will try and sneak out, but will be caught by the Horus guards.
                            End part one

                            This is SPECULATION on my part.
                            Actually, regarding puddlejumpers SG1 Moebius S8 and SGA Before I Sleep S1 & The Siege S1
                            Atlantis finds out about the time travel of the puddlejumpers in Before I Sleep. The Egyptian ZPM is returned to present day for the season finale of SGA because it allows Earth to send reinforcements to Atlantis for the seige against the Wraith, so SG1's time traveling has to be resolved before the end of Moebius so that Atantis' storyline makes sense! They have to restore everything in SG1 with the ZPM and with S9 looming they can't permanently kill any cast members. Even without S9, they can't permanently off anyone or there won't be movies... Unless we have a "search for Spock" kinda thing, but that's what they had this season!

                            All in all the combination of the two season finales plus the impending SG1 S9 make me quite optimisitic about the end of the season.


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar
                              Eye of Botox... I have no idea if you MEANT to be funny in any way........... BUT you have me rolling

                              (((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))) thank you so much for making me just laugh my A$$ off...and YES I think that Trip is kind of cute too
                              And Mei Mei was very happy for her shipping on Enterprise this weekend... Unlike her shipping for SG1, the two principles actually engage in conversations with complete sentences. And, eh, last season, they "engaged" in much more! LOL!


                                Originally posted by eye of botox
                                Look, I don't want to have a smackdown here or anything, but have you SEEN Trip? He would make my lickablelist (after the 3Ds and Tom Selleck, circa 1981).

                                I'm just sayin', 8 years people. 8 years! Time to either get it on or get it gone. I want them together, of course, don't be ridiculous, but enough already. Don't mess with shippers, we're phiranna like, we smell spoilers and, well, we get a little, oh, blood-lusty and that only leads to badness, mostly, unless it's Kinsey-hatin'.

                                TameFarrar- a day without funny is no day at all. I live to be sarcatic, ironic and all those other -ic words. It's my thing, besided knitting weirdly shapped scarves.
                                Erm, If you look above your post at my quote which you quoted you will see that i clearly stated complete and absolute ignorance as to the identity of one, Trip. My point was simply that I was having a nervous breakdown brought on my extreme Jack thunk and my frustration at Sam's.....well personal life. I meant no offense to Trip who I'm sure is quite adorable(for not being RDA)

