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    Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
    All I can think of with their relationship right now is Mac and Harm in JAG . I didn't like the show much, but my parents liked it so I was forced to watch. The interplay and complications with their relationship was what really kept the show going, so that's probably why they're kinda going for the same thing with Jack and Sam. Though, certainly not as drawn out.

    Honey, that show has made me cranky. Stargate is like 5 bazillion times better in every category except that the leads have to wear Class A's a whole lot more than Stargate. That ship is what has kept that show on the air and as such they have done just about everything to it. That ship has sailed, been scuttled and then salvages too darn many times. At least the SS SamnJack hasn't been, yet.

    Argh, plus DDL is no SC (Webblicious!) rrrwow!
    The Eye of Botox has been formally recognized by the System Lords! Beware my fire-y wrath!!

    by Nikkirose


      Originally posted by sacme
      Hey Shiplets,

      I've posted my schedule for my tour:

      These dates are not set in stone-- there will probably be some cancellations and rebookings, even while we're on the road. We usually stay and perform in the surrounding area of the cities listed.

      I'll be in Bridgeport, CT from Jan 14th onwards for rehearsal.

      Let me know if you are nearby and we can meet!

      ship sistah
      Ship Sistah, I'm in Atlanta and would love to meet up with you!!! I'll even bring the cookies!!!
      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by sacme
        Hey Shiplets,

        I've posted my schedule for my tour:

        These dates are not set in stone-- there will probably be some cancellations and rebookings, even while we're on the road. We usually stay and perform in the surrounding area of the cities listed.

        I'll be in Bridgeport, CT from Jan 14th onwards for rehearsal.

        Let me know if you are nearby and we can meet!

        ship sistah
        (((((((((Sacme))))))) You're going to be in Little Rock in February!!! I'll buy you a meal!! What do you do, travel over night! Ack! You will be one tired shipper with that schedule!

        ETA: Was so excited at seeing LR on there, I didn't scroll down the rest of the way! I'll buy you dinner the night before!!


          I hate to say this, but I'm really bored at the moment....
          And the shipper thread is s l o w.

          I want C.J. pics!!! And I want them NOW!!!
          I'm wondering why they hesistate so long to show them...
          I mean we even have the threads pics (a long awaited ep.) and the moebius pics (season final) would be comprehensible if these were the last pics they give us.....
          But what is so special or important or different about Citizen Joe, that this is the only ep. we still don't have pics from??? Mhhhh?????

          I WANT TO KNOW!!!!


            Originally posted by sacme
            Hey Shiplets,

            I've posted my schedule for my tour:

            These dates are not set in stone-- there will probably be some cancellations and rebookings, even while we're on the road. We usually stay and perform in the surrounding area of the cities listed.

            I'll be in Bridgeport, CT from Jan 14th onwards for rehearsal.

            Let me know if you are nearby and we can meet!

            ship sistah
            Put Critter down for Washington DC...schedule and weather permitting!
            Desperate Thunker


              aww mei mei

              Frankie is sooo cute!!!!!!!

              thats it penguins and frankie the shipper mascots!!


                Yay!! New Sue Kay fic!!
                It was sweet and shippy!
                I would have told you this in a big shiney green rep point, but I can't give you any more at the moment.
                So I'll let the whole thread know what talent we have amongst us!

                This is the Gateworld article that I use as my 'proof' for and Jack having some similarities!
                I'll put it in spoiler space:
                And then Peter, he did give me a tip, because -- now, Amanda's character is one of the smartest women in the world, you know, she knows about quantum physics and very, very detailed, elaborate things. And Pete Shanahan, me being kind of a detective/cop, a little rough around the edges, might not attract someone who is so intellectually stimulated. And one of the things that Peter had said to me was, "You gotta make sure that her character would be -- because of course she's attracted to my outer shell, of course -- but that the inner shell, that the inner stuff that's going on, that he definitely has it going on between his ears, that he's thinking and that he's aware of her intelligence and has a dry, witty sense of humor, because she likes that, because she's attracted to it.

                And I don't have to say who I mean! You know who I'm saying? That's clear, right? She's attracted to a certain someone who is very gruff. He's a little bit older than her, and her boss? I wanna say to the shippers right now --

                GW: Go ahead.

                DD: I wanna say to them right now that you've gotta give Pete a chance. You've had such a long time to get to know the other people. You have to let ... you have to give me a second to prove myself, to prove my worthiness. And, you know, Amanda's character would be fired if she did anything with him! 'Cause it's against the regulations. And so, everyone I think should just agree with me that we should be together (Evil Laughter). OK.

                That's what he said.
                And that's why when watching I could see so many pseudo-Jack moments. Someone mentioned the wine box with the duck... so many little things that seemed to be O'Neillisms transplanted onto a new character!


                  Originally posted by Rogue
                  I don't see it. But I think
                  Pete was played two different ways. In Chimera he was fun, but he was also childish and untrusting. In Affinity I thought he was very meek and boring. In both cases I think he was insecure about his relationship with Sam.
                  My daughter & I were discussing this yesterday while I was putting up the christmas tree.
                  Pete has always been the one to push the relationship with Sam. He's the one who decided that he was going to extend his time in town when they just started dating. In every advance of the relationship it seems that Pete initiated it. He decided that he wanted to move to colorado springs without speaking to Sam first. He bought the ring and proposed, and I don't think that they had even discussed taking things that far at least thats the impression I got. She seemed very surprised.

                  The other thing that has always bothered me, is that Pete made a Joke about the stalking thing. I don't think that Sam knows the full extent of his "stalking" , if she did know I'm sure he would have been kicked out the door before he could say boo.

                  Sam needs to wake up soon-Maybe Pete buying a house without talking to her will be the last straw. She & Jack need to talk and work something out and let each other know how they feel about each other-SOON.

                  Alright enough ranting. I'm just sooo excited that for once I'm on the computer at night. WOOHOO. Happy shipping everyone.

                  sigpic muppet the ship puppy is hoping for some good ship
                  Hoping for some kisses and so on.


                    Originally posted by mishy_mo
                    Yeah I don’t know what kind of logic they have with the whole opposites thing

                    I mean with Jack you can tell he’s got a thing for blondes –Sara and Liara (sp)- the both look like Sam...

                    But Laira isn't blonde...I don't think Laira looks like sam...i would say she is the opposite of her in every aspect.
                    Not only how she looks......
                    Sam travels around the whole universe - Laira is very home-loving, Sam is a scientist and has this thirst for knowledge - Laira seems to be satisfied with what she knows and has, Sam is strong and a soldier - Laira is pretty anxious and obviously wants a man to rescue her from danger, like falling rocks and loud noises (sorry, but I can't stand her... ) etc.

                    ...And now I don't know what my point is ....really....I can't remember what I wanted to say....*LOL*

                    Sorry!!! Well then....pretend that this post is just a complaint about Laira!
                    It seems like I need to go to sleep now........


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      NEW FIC NEW FIC NEW FIC

                      Woven Threads

                      Sam goes to see Jack...and finds out he has more to say than she ever did.


                      PLEEEEEEEEEEEZ READ!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Really good sueKay. Keep up with the writing. If only Jack would say some of that.

                      sigpic muppet the ship puppy is hoping for some good ship
                      Hoping for some kisses and so on.


                        Originally posted by Lunar
                        Yay!! New Sue Kay fic!!
                        It was sweet and shippy!
                        I would have told you this in a big shiney green rep point, but I can't give you any more at the moment.
                        So I'll let the whole thread know what talent we have amongst us!

                        This is the Gateworld article that I use as my 'proof' for and Jack having some similarities!
                        I'll put it in spoiler space:
                        And then Peter, he did give me a tip, because -- now, Amanda's character is one of the smartest women in the world, you know, she knows about quantum physics and very, very detailed, elaborate things. And Pete Shanahan, me being kind of a detective/cop, a little rough around the edges, might not attract someone who is so intellectually stimulated. And one of the things that Peter had said to me was, "You gotta make sure that her character would be -- because of course she's attracted to my outer shell, of course -- but that the inner shell, that the inner stuff that's going on, that he definitely has it going on between his ears, that he's thinking and that he's aware of her intelligence and has a dry, witty sense of humor, because she likes that, because she's attracted to it.

                        And I don't have to say who I mean! You know who I'm saying? That's clear, right? She's attracted to a certain someone who is very gruff. He's a little bit older than her, and her boss? I wanna say to the shippers right now --

                        GW: Go ahead.

                        DD: I wanna say to them right now that you've gotta give Pete a chance. You've had such a long time to get to know the other people. You have to let ... you have to give me a second to prove myself, to prove my worthiness. And, you know, Amanda's character would be fired if she did anything with him! 'Cause it's against the regulations. And so, everyone I think should just agree with me that we should be together (Evil Laughter). OK.

                        That's what he said.
                        And that's why when watching I could see so many pseudo-Jack moments. Someone mentioned the wine box with the duck... so many little things that seemed to be O'Neillisms transplanted onto a new character!
                        Hi everyone *Waves*
                        Welcome to all of the newbis and *oldies*

                        Lunar I was reading this and I had a thought.....I do think that DDL REALLY believes what he is saying and I give him LOTS of credit for WANTING to have Pete POSSIBLY be who he is alluding that character MIGHT have been BUT first and foremost I want to say PETE AIN'T NO
                        JACK and second I can't stress enough that no matter HOW much Peter Deluise MIGHT have wanted DDL to PLAY Pete closer to the *Jack* character ...DDL did NOT pull it off.

                        What was supposed to come off as funny or snarky from the Pete character in the beginning of the *Episode I will not name* came off more a *Cute* or *Silly*...neither of those things are bad per say. Sam needs some *cute & silly* too in her life. But he AIN'T NO JACK. Pete was NEVER smooth, NEVER charming, NEVER cocky in a self assured sort of way. He NEVER exuded PURE MALE CHARISMA. ALL of those things say JACK Pete always came off as a bit over awed at Sam in the beginning of the *Episode I will not name* and in the second half his behavior was that of the petulant child deprived of getting his way. So he stomped on Sam's feelings, stomped out the door and proceeded to do all sorts of underhanded and illegal things that a COP should NOT do to get what he wanted. THAT is NOT Jack.

                        Jack on the other hand ..... Has been a FINE speciman of Alpha Male from the moment Capt Samantha Carter walked in that briefing room door. He has ALWAYS treated her with RESPECT, Defers to her superior knowledge without showing the least bit of male ego and he PREENS when she saves the day Yet again

                        So you can see that I can see NO similarities between these two men
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Hey everyone. New chapter up. Hehehe. You're all going to kill me.
                          Just be happy in the knowledge that he wants it to be perfect! And it will be... just after a few more chapters of wringing every ounce of angst I can out of it!


                            Originally posted by galaxy
                            But Laira isn't blonde...I don't think Laira looks like sam...i would say she is the opposite of her in every aspect.
                            Not only how she looks......
                            Sam travels around the whole universe - Laira is very home-loving, Sam is a scientist and has this thirst for knowledge - Laira seems to be satisfied with what she knows and has, Sam is strong and a soldier - Laira is pretty anxious and obviously wants a man to rescue her from danger, like falling rocks and loud noises (sorry, but I can't stand her... ) etc.

                            ...And now I don't know what my point is ....really....I can't remember what I wanted to say....*LOL*

                            Sorry!!! Well then....pretend that this post is just a complaint about Laira!
                            It seems like I need to go to sleep now........

                            Maybe all the characteristics of Laira as you described them above is one of the reasons that Jack told her that a part of him would never be hers. He couldn't completely commit to her because Sam is the type of woman that he really wants. He was just settling since he thought that he had no choice.
                            Ship Nana


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar
                              Hi everyone *Waves*
                              Welcome to all of the newbis and *oldies*

                              Lunar I was reading this and I had a thought.....I do think that DDL REALLY believes what he is saying and I give him LOTS of credit for WANTING to have Pete POSSIBLY be who he is alluding that character MIGHT have been BUT first and foremost I want to say PETE AIN'T NO
                              JACK and second I can't stress enough that no matter HOW much Peter Deluise MIGHT have wanted DDL to PLAY Pete closer to the *Jack* character ...DDL did NOT pull it off.

                              What was supposed to come off as funny or snarky from the Pete character in the beginning of the *Episode I will not name* came off more a *Cute* or *Silly*...neither of those things are bad per say. Sam needs some *cute & silly* too in her life. But he AIN'T NO JACK. Pete was NEVER smooth, NEVER charming, NEVER cocky in a self assured sort of way. He NEVER exuded PURE MALE CHARISMA. ALL of those things say JACK Pete always came off as a bit over awed at Sam in the beginning of the *Episode I will not name* and in the second half his behavior was that of the petulant child deprived of getting his way. So he stomped on Sam's feelings, stomped out the door and proceeded to do all sorts of underhanded and illegal things that a COP should NOT do to get what he wanted. THAT is NOT Jack.

                              Jack on the other hand ..... Has been a FINE speciman of Alpha Male from the moment Capt Samantha Carter walked in that briefing room door. He has ALWAYS treated her with RESPECT, Defers to her superior knowledge without showing the least bit of male ego and he PREENS when she saves the day Yet again

                              So you can see that I can see NO similarities between these two men
                              I agree with everything you said but I want to add one other point and that is that is very IMMATURE!!!

                              Enough said!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Hello shippers! um...has anyone read any really good spoilers for Threads? like more than Gateworld has to say. has anyone else read this somewhere? (can't remember where) spoilers for Threads
                                that in Threads Sam and Jack will have 'the talk' and Kerry will break up with Jack because she feels he's holding back. (his feelings for sam)
                                I just wanted to know if anyone else has read this and where so I know I REALLY did read this and I'm not just thinking I did.

                                Christian Gaters Unite!|| One show down.... SAVE SGA!!!

