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    Originally posted by Brandie
    I come back from Vacation to see this?

    *ugh ugh ugh ugh*

    My reaction is probably a bit late too.. sorry for reopening wounds.
    LOL! Well, we pretty much reacted that way last week! But we're all better now!! Well, most of us... LOL! But I am armed with my happy pills!!!


      Originally posted by meimei
      LOL! Well, we pretty much reacted that way last week! But we're all better now!! Well, most of us... LOL! But I am armed with my happy pills!!!
      OMG gimme! (((hug)))


        Originally posted by meimei
        LOL! Well, we pretty much reacted that way last week! But we're all better now!! Well, most of us... LOL! But I am armed with my happy pills!!!
        I just took my happy pill AND my boyfriend just called. I should be good to go for quite a while! That, and the pics people keep posting!


          Originally posted by Shipperahoy
          Holy moly! He sure does clean up nice. I think I may have damaged my keyboard from all of my drool.
          Ship mum, you need one of those keyboard covers!!


            12 takes.... those lips... those hands... that tongue.... CRAP! wrong thread again! Scuse me while I go and THUNK about these pics for a while!


              Originally posted by Skydiver
              mmhm, yum

              i love popcorn
              I esp. love the Orville Redenbacher's "Corn on the cob" flavored popcorn!!


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                i can scare up some regular stuff.

                the beauty about diet, you can get smashed less guiltily
                I usually drink the diet stuff so I can get a caffeine rush without the calories!!


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  hands meimei the Captain Morgan's

                  spiced rum goes quite well in diet vanilla coke

                  Sounds good, I'll have to try it.... I do Parrot Bay and full strength Coke....nice n. sweet!

                  Nite all.


                    (spoilers for) Chimera S7 and Affinity, Threads S8


                    Originally posted by meimei

                    They don't need the stuff that we had to endure with Pete or what we will have to endure with Threads to show that they are in love. We know that. There is no chemistry with Pete and, although, I hate to say this, there may be some sparks between Jack and Kerry because they do look good together in that picture, they aren't in love. I look it as Jack getting on with his life since he thinks Sam is no longer an option to wait around for.
                    See, that's it... what I saw between Sam and PS wasn't something I found offensive. Quite the opposite, actually. I 'endured' it, but only because it wasn't with Jack instead. I said it from the moment I even saw the screep caps for that ep... I was jealous, totally and complete. But not in an angry/aggressive way, just a heartbroken way (which is *so* worse ) As much as I love nc17 fics, I'm not expecting to see something like that on the show. But I *would* like to see at least the equivalent of what I saw between Sam and PS (and prob Jack and Kerry). And why not? If they did it for them, why not for Sam and Jack? But that's really all I've been saying - show me the romance.

                    But the chemistry between Jack and Sam, used effectively, would allow subtlty but leaving no doubt as to whether they will be sleeping alone at night but without us getting to see it. It's just my opinion, but I can't see TPTB going all out on this. They may surprise me, but at least it will be a pleasant surprise instead of a massive disappointment.
                    I don't think they'll do it either. But I'm going to still hope we'll get something juicy. Am I setting myself up for a fall? Probably, but not a big fall. Like I said, I'm not expecting much, because the ptb have literally been telling me so.




                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      almond cookies? those cool ones covered in powdered sugar???

                      or maybe fresh choc chip or sugar cookies

                      anyone have any chex mix???
                      ooohhh! almond crescent cookies!!! *grabs a whole plateful*

                      Those are SO good!! esp. when dipped in chocolate!


                        wow, suekay, great avatar!

                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          I think we all saw those pics ..they're great ..aren't they ?
                          Well not sure if...
                          Pete is in Mobius ..I hope he's not ..I don't see why they would waste screen time with him in Mobius!!! but hey ..if he is will only be in AU because it looks like Sam splits up with him in Threads..and has talked to Jack before Citizen Joe ..cuz of the flirt on the phone
                          ..SO Pete won't be a threat to O'Neill in Mobius. he has never been a threat anyway

                          spoilers for s8's threads and moebius

                          I've been thinking a lot about Threads/Moebius, and IF Pete's really in Moebius, then we might have to accept that Sam doesn't break up with him in Threads. BUT, that would only mean that she'd break up with him in Moebius. *didn't want him around to the VERY end of the season/show, though* Now, IF he's in Moebius, I'm hoping it's NOT as an AU thinger. Why? Because with an AU, we might get shippy scenes between them But, if it's just our reality, then this would be the time for Sam to GET THE PEELER READY and make the reservations on The Sam and Jack Ship! But anyhoo, I'm going to start preparing myself for the possibility that Pete's around till Moebius.




                            Sally, I have no concrete proof but

                            Spoiler for Moebius
                            I really don't think that Pete is in Moebius. The only basis for that information is DDL saying that he thought he might be in that episode but he wasn't sure and that's where stargate project got the info from. I'm fairly certain that DDL was talking about Threads. I really do think that Sam will break it off with Pete in Threads. And if by some off chance Pete is in Moebius I'll bet you it's an AU type of thing.

                            It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                              Originally posted by Ship Nana
                              Woah!!! No partying without Ship Nana!!!

                              Pass the bottle!!!
                              ((((((((((((((((Ship Nana)))))))))))))))

                              We'd never have a party without our favorite baking Nana!!

                              Break out the shipper donuts and cookies!!


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                Woah!!! No partying without Ship Nana!!!

                                Pass the bottle!!!
                                Better pass KG some of your special shipper chicken noodle soup though!! Sounds like she might be comin' down with somethin'!!

