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    Just read the article on Gemini and Reckoning
    You don't think this Sam Replicarter fight scene is the original Sam protecting Jack, do you? Because Replicarter 'lacks her heart' and 'has an agenda.' Maybe hurting Jack is part of that... for the bad memories she has, to make fifth happy...? and Sam is forced to protect him; hence the challenging of her supposed deep seated feelings for Pete.


      Good morning fellow shippers.

      I have a small kinda OT tale to tell.

      I've been coming onto this thread since the very day the A$$inity pics came out. Now my ickle computer's at the front window in my mum's living room. My mum loves her ornaments, but I've never paid much attention to them. It was just a moment ago that I looked at the ornaments on the window sill next to me, and realised they're PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!!!

      It's a sign I tell you...A sign

      Meimei - I will only post my NC17 fic if I have enough courage, and what I lack in age, I make up for with my very very dirty mind!

      THANK YOU to whoever repped me saying I was the glue of the thread!!!!!!! I'd beg to differ though, as I feel like one of the young'ins that needs to be kept in line from time to time!


      I gotta go and get ready for work!

      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by Lunar
        Just read the article on Gemini and Reckoning
        You don't think this Sam Replicarter fight scene is the original Sam protecting Jack, do you? Because Replicarter 'lacks her heart' and 'has an agenda.' Maybe hurting Jack is part of that... for the bad memories she has, to make fifth happy...? and Sam is forced to protect him; hence the challenging of her supposed deep seated feelings for Pete.
        This is what I'm thinking

        I'm also thinking that Replicarter will also verbally chalenge Sam's feelings for Pete and Jack
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by michelleb
          I don't think he even asked her is she wanted punch, just bought it to her, which you're right, is very husbandish. He was very pleased to meet Sam's dad, and teased Sam about it..again, husbandish (and I bet he gave him a very firm handshake..just to show he was a decent guy, which is apparently something men do). and the way he and sam were making eye-contact and sharing secret little smiles all the way though that party..that was full-on flirting, of the shippiest kind.
          He did ask her if she wanted punch in Secrets. On the stairs where they first spotted Hammond across the room. But I thought it a little shippy that he called her Sam to her father. Secrets was toward the middle of season two.


            Originally posted by meimei
            He did ask her if she wanted punch in Secrets. On the stairs where they first spotted Hammond across the room. But I thought it a little shippy that he called her Sam to her father. Secrets was toward the middle of season two.
            Okay, he asked her. But still, there was flirting, was there not? right there, in front of her father, jack and sam, being very very couple like
            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              Here's something wierd, and you'll probably all think I'm bonkers, but..I'm watching Caty's video to save me...there's the clip where Sam and Pete are dancing (Yuck)..anyway, as they dance....And Pete's face seems to turn away from the looks like his hair is grey, and he's taller than her, and bendng into her neck a bit, like Jack does. I've often thought Sam was thinking of Jack at that moment..

              so my question is I insane, and you can see it's Pete all the time


              was that something on the actual show, the lights making his hair grey


              caty, did you do one of your wonderful manips???
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                Originally posted by michelleb
                Okay, he asked her. But still, there was flirting, was there not? right there, in front of her father, jack and sam, being very very couple like
                Yeah, it kinda shocked me when he was introduced and he says "Sam's Dad? Get out of here." Kinda informal for being introduced to a two star general. But he did seem to realize his informality, even seemed nervous about it and scurried out of there.


                  Ok, here's another some music vids i keep seeing
                  a scene where sam is attacked by a super-soldier..she shoots it, but it attacks her..then she's lying on the ground, bleeding from her mouth, and someone comes up and places his hand on her cheek, and she smiles..

                  what's that from? as a good shipper i should know...but i can't place it. help me!!!
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Originally posted by michelleb
                    Ok, here's another some music vids i keep seeing
                    a scene where sam is attacked by a super-soldier..she shoots it, but it attacks her..then she's lying on the ground, bleeding from her mouth, and someone comes up and places his hand on her cheek, and she smiles..

                    what's that from? as a good shipper i should know...but i can't place it. help me!!!
                    evolution part 2
                    when jacob cups her face on the cargo ship thingy


                      Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                      evolution part 2
                      when jacob cups her face on the cargo ship thingy
                      Thank you!! See, lack of ship is driving me insane and causing me to lose my memory. You'd think I'd remember that, wouldn't you?
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by kiwigater
                        I still plan to phone Bev and have her prop up the phone next to the TV for the new eps She can just leave me there, I don't neeeed commentary Altho the squealing and thudding will tell me if certain people have lost items of clothing (or bits of items )

                        Not that Bev knows about my cunning plan..... oh Beeeeevvvvvv??????
                        Sounds like a plan!


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          Sounds like a plan!
                          An expensive plan!! LOL!


                            Ooohh. I can't wait, the suspense is killing me.
                            I've been doing chem homework for the past three hours and I'm still all tense and nervous wondering if S/J RST is on the cards for us this season...
                            We've waited forever!


                              Originally posted by Anakin
                              Hmmm... RL's a *****, so I haven't had times to catch on all the spec/spoliers about Threads, but I've been giving it some thoughts...

                              I'd be very curious to see pics from Citizen Joe and of course, the rest of Threads, but I guess that's what "spoiler" means-heh?... Just a tease...

                              Anyway, I've got a crazy idea. This is probably NOT how it's going to turn out but it might elevate some people's spirits and moods


                              Several points before I start rambling on...

                              1- The pic of Jack and Sam in Moebius shows Jack in BDU's... BDU's all look alike, except the general's... What makes it different from the others?... Two stars on the collar... Can you see any on that pic?...
                              2-Daniel - a civilian - wears the same BDU's as Jack and Sam...
                              3-From what I read, Moebius is NOT an AU story, they simply go back in time... Which means OUR heroes, the real Jack, the real Sam, the real Daniel, and the real Teal'c go back in time...
                              4-from the previous statement, all the pics we see are about OUR heroes, not AU versions of them...

                              Now let's go to Threads, and hear Kerry's suggestion to Jack that he should resign but can still be able to command the SGC as a civilian. Bear with that idea just one second... What if Jack actually resigned at the end of Threads?
                              Even as a civilian, Jack - knowing him as we know him - would ACT as a military... Only ONE pesky thing would be out of the way: regs.

                              So now... We have Jack - a civilian - single, Sam - hopefully! - single too... They have talked (my guessing) in Threads, they know of each other's feelings and decide to take the plunge, they flirt - we are in Citizen Joe...
                              And by Moebius they ARE in a relationship... Which leaves plenty of room for the action and Sci-Fi, BUT Citizen Joe is Earth Bound and partially a clip show... Leaves plenty of room to have heavy hints of a romantic development between Sam and Jack.

                              Most strangely, Citizen Joe is one of the eps we haven't heard many spoilers from except Auralan's and the back bone story...

                              Just a thought... again

                              Can you tell I like BLANK?! ... (That one's for you, Tame!!)

                              Anakin ..Me too I think they (Sam and Jack)..
                              are kind of an item by citizen Joe will be nice if what you said about Jack being a civilian by the end of Threads was true ..great...perfect ..but can somebody resign so fast ?!!then by citizen Joe ....they should really start off and who knows !!!..we may even see Sam and Jack sharing the omelette at the end Wouldn't that be great ..specially an omelette of Love

                              Great post Anakin



                                Originally posted by meimei
                                Yeah, it kinda shocked me when he was introduced and he says "Sam's Dad? Get out of here." Kinda informal for being introduced to a two star general. But he did seem to realize his informality, even seemed nervous about it and scurried out of there.

                                But after that, they got on rather well rather quickly, didn't they? I mean, Jack is not the sort to trust and like someone on sight, and Jacob strikes me as the same kind of man, espeically where his beloved daughter is concerned, but they seemed to get on really well straight away, slip into this bantering, affectionate relationship. I mean, Jacob saying things like 'I keep him around to be insubordinate for me' (Seth) and 'It's always fun to have Jack along (can't remember the episode, but Jack has just made it clear Sam's not going anywhere without him). and jack saying 'Maybe's it's dad'..even calling him 'Dad' to his face. I think Jack may have made an effort to be extra nice to jacob at first, but no reason Jacob should be, and now they seem to be quite close friends..

                                I think they have common bond..they both love Sam, and though niether of them say it, they both know and recognise Jack does, and Jacob knows Jack's best for Sam.

                                You know, when Sam and Jack get married, Jacob will be popping round and he and Jack will spend hours being men together while Sam's left to just watch her two men..that's such a sweet image
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

