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    yup yup spoilers all the way..dont get me wrong i love suprises...but..i get "suprised" enough..when really excellent spoilers and pics are available!
    Toodles and hugs people
    i m off to my friends 21st... adios
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

    sig by RepliCartertje


      spoilers for seasons 5, 6, 7, and 8. please heed spoiler warning (eps from these seasons are discussed)


      Originally posted by amra
      Yes it is nice to be able to insert our personal view of what she said. I mean, we know it musta been something along the line of Jack's one. Its just TPTB being delibrately vague though aswell I think. Kinda like, 'well we've given you Jack's confession, but we're not giving you Sams! that would be too much' yeah right TPTB! <bops tptb on their heads>

      I'm thinking Sam being the one that figured they were both lying is her confession in a way. It really was her that knew they were failing the test and why, and she's the one that literally had to hit Jack over the head to get him to realize it. I'd still have liked to have heard Sam's confession, but I feel that Sam was a few steps ahead of Jack, so I feel some satisfaction from that.

      Now, onto eps/scenes I wish would have been different, ship wise....

      In season 5's Ascension, I wish we would have seen some Jack jealousy (like when he and Teal'c visited Sam at her house). I love this ep because Sam's my fave, but I didn't really care the way Jack was written in some of it. He was kind of a butthead in a couple of scenes - leaving out the ship minded stuff.

      Season 5's Desperate Measures. I wish we would have had more time with what Sam was going through, instead of Jack hunting for her and such. And after Jack saved Sam from being murdered by the crummy doctors and they went into the hallway, I really wish there would have been a moment between them where Sam needed a minute to regroup her composure. It could have been shippy or just friendshippy, but I felt that Sam recovered too quickly (especially to go running off to find Adrian Conrad).

      Season 6's Abyss. I wanted to see more suffering and angst on Sam's face after Jack was rescued and recovering in the infirmary. I've read that Amanda didn't know exactly what had happened to Jack to land him in the infirmary (other than he'd been hurt or something), because they filmed things out of order or something like that. Anyhoo, I thought her almost nonchalant demeanor was kinda off, considering what he'd been through.

      Season 6's Paradise Lost. I wanted to see Sam and Jack's reunion!

      Season 7's Chimera. In the elevator scene between Sam and Jack, I'd have liked to have seen more angst on Sam's part. She just looked like she wanted to get that conversation over with, and not because she was telling a man she knew was attracted to her (as she was to him) about seeing another man.

      Season 8's New Order(s). I wanted waaaaaaaaaaaay more angst on Jack's part, considering he thought she was DEAD! I liked the reunion between them when she was rescued, but I would have liked to have loved it.

      K, those are the freshest eps/scenes to come to mind to gripe about.




        Originally posted by ses110
        michelleb I cannot believe TPTB are letting Sam and Jack look at each other.They have only known each other for 8 Years.There not suppose to be in the same room.The Ship is going to fast.I hope certain people do not see that picture.

        LOL! Oh, ses, I love your sarcasm.





          spoilers for s8's reckoning part one


          link for page:

          In the last pic, where Jack and Jacob have their arms around each other... I wonder what's going on in that scene? They don't look exactly happy, so I wonder what (or who?) they're angsting over...




            Originally posted by Kri
            hehehe, my mom found a Christmas decoration that had two penguins on it. I laughed and she had no idea why I thought it was so funny!!

            Mei Mei, do you have any new fan fic? I need a fix before heading to nite nite land.
            No, sorry! I guess I went to night, night land before I saw this! I should have a new one soon.


              Originally posted by Watters87
              It would make sense that she would be question whether [Gemini, Lost City and New Order]
              Pete is right for her if the spoilers are true that there is a dream sequence with Jack in it. If there is, they can't reset it like they did with Lost City and New Order. Maybe your right and Replicarter says something that makes Sam open her eyes.

              I prefer this scenario MUCH MORE than Pete BEING IN the ep!




                Originally posted by Kri
                Here is my complaint for the evening. I am busy decorating the house today/tonight with Christmas stuff. My pup and I watched "Rudolph" on DVD, but I'd rather be watching a seasonal episode of Stargate. There IS a downside to a television show that does not air during the holiday season, they don't have any holiday episodes! Guess I'll have to stick to fanfic to get the holiday fix.

                Skittle was christened a shipper right away. I have her on videotape as a tiny pup watching Stargate on DVD
                There's never been a Christmas themed ep of Stargate. There's never been a Christmas themed ep on Star Trek either. And I'm talking all the eps of all the different shows. The only religious themed things they've ever done is with aliens. Wonder why?




                  Originally posted by Zoser


                  I do think TPTB are trying to stir up the pot by releasing certain photos - but I think they annoy and turn off as many as they intrigue.
                  Or maybe to prepare us for what's coming up? That just popped into my head, because I love being forewarned about something I'm not going to like. If that's what they're really doing, then THANK YOU, ptb!




                    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                    Well you know what would be the first thing she would do?

                    *sees Michelle busy writing tall, English love interest for Daniel*

                    I'm short!!!!!!! (and it would be the second. First would be to get Pete nibbled to death to ducks)
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      Originally posted by aeromathlete
                      Just woke up. J/K. Okay, woke up a few hours ago and read math, math, math, math, math. Enough with that. Bring on the fun. So it's Friday, there's no SG-1 on, and I still have work to do. The sacrilege! This is more frustrating than waiting for Jack and Sam to get together!

                      And I need to eat. Bad.

                      So I guess I'll eat while watching SG-1? LOL. Perhaps I'll even watch Divide and Conquer. Because my favorite shippy scene ever is when Jack is about to basically sacrifice himself for Sam, and he's looking back at her while walking down the hallway. :sighs: If I had a pic, I'd post it, but I know you've got that image burned into your brains anyway.
                      oh, my, yes. And he looks back at her for what he thinks may be one last time..and you can see in his eyes, he knows, with utter certainty, he loves her...<sigh>. Those were the days, when the ship seemed almost there..we could see it over the horizon, the sails billowing in the wind, almost in harbour...

                      Now all we get are fleeting glimpses that might be mirages!!

                      I should probably pull back on the metaphors!!
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by Buc252
                        Speaking of that ep, am I the only one who found it telling that Jack referred to Sam by her first name at that party? For a second-season ep (or is that first season?), that was a pretty forward thing to do. So you may be right. Jacob may have seen it even back then. (Besides, bringing a lady a glass of punch is a very husband-ish thing to do. <g>)

                        I don't think he even asked her is she wanted punch, just bought it to her, which you're right, is very husbandish. He was very pleased to meet Sam's dad, and teased Sam about it..again, husbandish (and I bet he gave him a very firm handshake..just to show he was a decent guy, which is apparently something men do). and the way he and sam were making eye-contact and sharing secret little smiles all the way though that party..that was full-on flirting, of the shippiest kind.
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                          I don't know if this has been mentioned already but

                          Spoiler speculation for Gemini
                          Maybe Gemini is the beginning of Sam's questioning whether Pete is right for her. I could be wrong but I think I read that Pete is going to be in Gemini. Maybe something happens with Replicarter that makes Sam start wondering if Pete really is the one for her.
                          My original thought was that
                          Pete wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Replicarter and the real Carter, but Jack would know straight away, thus proving that Jack knew her a hundred times better than Pete ever could, starting the doubts. But looking at the photos, I don't think that's the way it's going to go

                          I really must stop using the word 'thus', it makes me sound so Victorian. On the other hand, I like the Victorians. Jane that's a ship that came in!!
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            spoilers for s8's reckoning part one

                            link for page:

                            In the last pic, where Jack and Jacob have their arms around each other... I wonder what's going on in that scene? They don't look exactly happy, so I wonder what (or who?) they're angsting over...

                            Sam!!! She's been stolen
                            by evil nasty bad guys, and Jacob is saying 'who will rescue my daughter!!' and jack jumps in 'i will, for i love her' and so on.

                            Either that, or they've both just seen Pete kissing Sam, and Jacob's about to turn to Jack and say 'For the sake of my sanity, break them up!!!'. Thn of course, as it's a request from an old and dear friend, jack will have no choice but to march in there, pull Sam away from Pete, and give her a big kiss

                            <sigh> well i can dream, can't i?
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              goodmorning campers did you sleep well? I did untill that male chicken (don't know the word for it) it says kukekulekuuu the whole time and than I can get really pissed It drives me crazy.I just can't sleep. Ohno I'm sounding like Britney Spears now Man yesterday I walked 20 KM that is a lot and my feet are killing me.
                              Lord Zedd


                                Morning _Anubis! Have a nice hot bath! It's good for aching muscles. Thinking about having one was the only thing that sustained me on my fifty mile hike (with a rucksack that was over the recommended third of my bodyweight) to get my Gold D of E expedition done! It was so funny...
                                Me and my friend walking up the hill chanting " bath... yes... bath..."
                                I wrote another chapter to this fic last night, but still won't let me upload...
                                Jack and Sam were just about to go their first ever date without a chaperone, in the guise of T or Danny, and Teal'c and Daniel had revealed their shipper status!

