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    Originally posted by Anakin
    Well... There are some perfect examples of RST *and* action/Sci-Fi in litterature and movies...
    The first that obviously comes to mind is Star Wars (the original series). It's a little bit like SG actually, Han and Leia flirt a lot before the big kiss at the end of "ROTJ".
    Someone spoke of Abbyss - likewise, it's pure sci-fi, not an edulcorated one, and by the numbers both films made, I'm guessing it didn't piss too many people off, right?
    There are tons of other examples - The fifth element (Luc Besson)- where pure Sci-Fi collides with a beautiful love story and we get a good idea of what they're doing about it in the end!

    I don't know who declared Sci-Fi and romance incompatible, but in my opinion, it is wrong.
    What draws audiences/readers to watch/read?.... IDENTIFICATION... Something that appeals to their own condition or dreams, that little part of "tangible" that remains in every story, even the most Sci-Fi. The humanity of the characters, their bonds, etc... And what's the one thing that's making us human? (beside the ability to laugh and opposable thumbs)... LOVE...

    I don't want to make Stargate a soap, but where the heck was it ever written that Sci-Fi should be without feelings, RST and so on, and should only be about action, big heroes à la Terminator and such?!... (BTW, TERMINATOR-1 has a huge love story in it too!!!... It's actually the point of origin of the whole damn thing!)

    This is plain stupid.

    How they've managed the UST so far -with ups and downs, no doubt- is nice.
    Now we're headed for a season 9 that, IMHO will be very different from all others, 7 and 8 included, since Rick's presence might be exceptionally scarce... It's some kind of ending, as well as an opening for new opportunities for the characters, I don't see anything wrong with resolving that particular story arc regarding Sam and Jack...
    ANAKIN!!!! EXCELLENT points....Where is it written??? I don't remember seeing it in MY Sci-Fi handbook....Thou Shalt NOT have Sci-Fi and where do they get these silly ideas????

    You have named MANY excellent Sci-Fi stories that have combined the two and OMG THEY WERE BLOCK BUSTERS TOO

    and WHY...because they DID just what you said....they appealed to the BROADEST SPECTRUM of people ...oh what a concept.......see this is what happens when you let me post this early my inner snarkum is alive and kickin
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      "(And yes, Mei Mei is supposed to be on the way to work... But I'm not sure if she is going to make it... I am beginning to think it is really the flu!"

      Dont go to work Mei Mei, stay in shipper creche and get better!



        Originally posted by meimei
        Oh, I loved Abyss! I loved Terminator 1!! I love great Sci-fi that combines a good love story and great action! (Hmmm.... so why am I watching SG1???) Oh, wait, cause our ship will come in!

        But you are right that there should be a mix of emotions and situations that we can identify with. Sci-fi is a genre of fantasy. Identifying with people traveling to other planets through a wormhole... Hmmmm.... how do you do that? It's not real! Or at least I haven't been able to find a REAL stargate yet! So it's left to the characters to identify with.

        Although, I have no significant other in my life (don't want one, last bf was psycho...) I can identify with romantic involvement. I can identify with love, friendship, honor, duty... There shouldn't be anything wrong with combining these elements of reality with the fantasy.

        I don't want Soapgate either. The main focus of the story should be the rst (round spinny thing) not the RST (Resolved Sexual Tension) but there is nothing wrong with a little glimpse of the RST on occasion!

        (And yes, Mei Mei is supposed to be on the way to work... But I'm not sure if she is going to make it... I am beginning to think it is really the flu!)
        Well (puts on professor's gown )

        ... "identification" litterally speaking, is what actually attracts the audience/readers. Identification doesn't necessarily need to be 100%, but you've got to identify yourself to something/someone at some point, or if you don't, you'll end up not liking the story (film/book/whatever). It's more in the sense of the technical word.

        For instance, I either identify myself to Jack (because he's the hero and some of his personality traits are close to mine) or Sam (because she's a woman and she's one I'd love to be... Not only because she gets to kiss Jack!!! ).

        (takes off professor's gown)
        Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          ANAKIN!!!! EXCELLENT points....Where is it written??? I don't remember seeing it in MY Sci-Fi handbook....Thou Shalt NOT have Sci-Fi and where do they get these silly ideas????

          You have named MANY excellent Sci-Fi stories that have combined the two and OMG THEY WERE BLOCK BUSTERS TOO

          and WHY...because they DID just what you said....they appealed to the BROADEST SPECTRUM of people ...oh what a concept.......see this is what happens when you let me post this early my inner snarkum is alive and kickin
          ROTFLMAO!!!... And this is what happens when I can't talk, nor drink, nor eat! I'm getting deep!!! (Good for me, I've just taken scuba-diving this year... )
          Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


            Originally posted by meimei
            (And yes, Mei Mei is supposed to be on the way to work... But I'm not sure if she is going to make it... I am beginning to think it is really the flu!)
            ((((((meimei)))))) feel better!

            ship sistah

            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


              Originally posted by sacme
              Should we have a seperate thread like last time? If we stayed in the family thread, we could talk about the new show and celebrate. I don't know if a half-birthday gets it's own thread-- but it does make it more of a holiday. We'll discuss.

              I guess we should limit past posts to review to those after Ship Day. It might be easier for those who sign their name manually to find their older posts. Maybe we could ask Darren to put in a thread specific search for posters and not just words.

              check out my sig!

              ship sistah
              ACK.... I have no idea!!!! I said I was up...not ACTUALLY thinking this early LOL

              I am so impressed that you are though (((Ship SIstah)))

              OH It is the Tigger-mans...I showed him...I KNOW he just looked at me and thought I KNOW she better NOT put that thing on my head ROLF!!!!!
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by amra
                "(And yes, Mei Mei is supposed to be on the way to work... But I'm not sure if she is going to make it... I am beginning to think it is really the flu!"

                Dont go to work Mei Mei, stay in shipper creche and get better!

                Thanks! I am beginning to think that I don't have an option! Although I have deadlines today... I guess I should call my assistant and tell her to start postmarking some envelopes.... (Old accountant trick...)

                I always find the shipper thread comforting... And everyone's so nice even when I post goofy posts under the influence of cold meds... LOL! Tame's reaction to my writing fanfic under the influence may indicate the need to buy stock in Nyquil!!


                  Originally posted by sacme
                  ((((((meimei)))))) feel better!

                  ship sistah
                  Thanks! (((((((((sacme))))))))))


                    Originally posted by meimei
                    Oh, I loved Abyss! I loved Terminator 1!! I love great Sci-fi that combines a good love story and great action! (Hmmm.... so why am I watching SG1???) Oh, wait, cause our ship will come in!

                    But you are right that there should be a mix of emotions and situations that we can identify with. Sci-fi is a genre of fantasy. Identifying with people traveling to other planets through a wormhole... Hmmmm.... how do you do that? It's not real! Or at least I haven't been able to find a REAL stargate yet! So it's left to the characters to identify with.

                    Although, I have no significant other in my life (don't want one, last bf was psycho...) I can identify with romantic involvement. I can identify with love, friendship, honor, duty... There shouldn't be anything wrong with combining these elements of reality with the fantasy.

                    I don't want Soapgate either. The main focus of the story should be the rst (round spinny thing) not the RST (Resolved Sexual Tension) but there is nothing wrong with a little glimpse of the RST on occasion!

                    (And yes, Mei Mei is supposed to be on the way to work... But I'm not sure if she is going to make it... I am beginning to think it is really the flu!)
                    (((((((((MM))))))))))) I hope you too are feeling better quickly!!!!

                    I loved Abyss...........even Hubs cried during the *Drowning scene* NOW THAT was a major thing........ when you make the tough guys cry YOU KNOW YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING!!!!

                    He cried during *Heros* too So we know the TPTB have got it in 'em

                    There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON that TPTB can NOT write a show with a STRONG four member cast AND have two of those members be involved.......It just means they have to be GOOD WRITERS....... OMG what an IDEA!!!
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar
                      ACK.... I have no idea!!!! I said I was up...not ACTUALLY thinking this early LOL

                      I am so impressed that you are though (((Ship SIstah)))

                      OH It is the Tigger-mans...I showed him...I KNOW he just looked at me and thought I KNOW she better NOT put that thing on my head ROLF!!!!!
                      Sad when our animals are fearful of our obsessions!! LOL! Barney is still miffed that I posted his picture on the thread... He thinks he looks fat in that pic!

                      But they are comforting when they come running howling and barking at the sound of screams of anguish when eps like the S7 one that shall not be named or the S8 one that shall not be named....

                      Hey, they can't mess with us over Ptui anymore!! How will we identify the ep!! I mean, we have a S7 and S8 "ep that shall not be named"! If they mess up another one with Ptui, what will we call it????


                        Originally posted by Anakin
                        Coffee?... I can't even *drink* coffee today... I'll have to ask Tame to drink hers on my behalf... She knows the reasons...
                        ahhh yes I do........ I will GLADLY take on this duty for a fellow shipper .......just filled up my cup .......Now since I am so bright eyed and bushy-tailed....TPTB MUST ....MUST have Sam & Jack together be S8 end...I just won't hear of anything else

                        see it is here in the fine print of my *Fan Contract* made a couldn't guess my name so give me the baby.........oh wait ....that was a different Fairy Tale...........never mind
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          (((((((((MM))))))))))) I hope you too are feeling better quickly!!!!

                          I loved Abyss...........even Hubs cried during the *Drowning scene* NOW THAT was a major thing........ when you make the tough guys cry YOU KNOW YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING!!!!

                          He cried during *Heros* too So we know the TPTB have got it in 'em

                          There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON that TPTB can NOT write a show with a STRONG four member cast AND have two of those members be involved.......It just means they have to be GOOD WRITERS....... OMG what an IDEA!!!
                          Good writers? In Stargate??? Oh, what a novel idea!

                          Oh, that would mean they would have to get their heads out of their a... I mean, out of Atlantis...


                            Originally posted by meimei
                            Hey, they can't mess with us over Ptui anymore!! How will we identify the ep!! I mean, we have a S7 and S8 "ep that shall not be named"! If they mess up another one with Ptui, what will we call it????
                            The Episode that sucked!..........sorry it was just a thought
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by amra
                              When Gemini airs, I might have my laptop with me whilst I watch, I could post whilst the episode is actually airing so literally as SOON as theres ship scenes I'll post on them, just for the REALLY desperate spoilerfreaks out there obviously I'll have to someone how you cover up your text, how do you make it so you can only read it if you highlight it? I dont get that.

                              Who are you calling a REALLY desperate spoiler freak???? I know, if the shoe fits....

                              Haven't caught up on the night postings yet so someone may have already answered your spoiler question but here it is again anyway.

                              First type [ spoiler] but without the space I put in...I had to put the space or it would really work...then type away your wonderful spoiler and end with [ /spoiler] but again, leave out the will look like this

                              la de da de da de la la la

                              Hope this helps.....
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                The Episode that sucked!..........sorry it was just a thought
                                But I thought that the "episode that sucked" was the alias of the "ep that shall not be named"?

