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    Nana Look! Another graduation. ('cept Jaffa Fodder sure doesn't have the ring Mature Symbiote did!)

    G'Night! Too late to keep dealing w/the script error box that keeps coming up......Dang.......missing another graduation party.......oh well.... Maybe next time......(what comes after Jaffa Fodder????)

    (Good luck on the test Di!)
    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      But In the *World of TV* EVERYTHING takes three times as long as normal life!!

      Got that right! There's no one I know of in real life that would handle their own feelings the way that Sam and Jack have been written. IF Sam and Jack were real, I think Sam would have been the first one to realize her feelings of friendship had moved into dangerous territory regarding her reactions in 100 Days. But, I think BOTH of them would have went somewhere farther in their relationship with what happened to them in Upgrades. And if they both decided to ignore it, then it would have been 'got to handle it now' in D&C. And I'm talking about 'talking' about their feelings as being a form of moving their relationship along. It seems highly unlikely that these two ppl, if they were real, would do nothing with this relationship. It's illogical and stupid to me, but that's television and their desire to stretch out things to the point of nausea.


      ps - I'm making a plea one more time for anyone out there that's got Cult Times issue 30. PLEASE contact me personally at [email protected] .



        Originally posted by Token
        Minor Spoiler S7 Grace
        A thought about negative ship....

        [font=Book Antiqua][size=3]In the commentary for "Inauguration", Peter Woeste and Michael Greenburg refer to the internet poll that fans were allowed to vote whether or not Sam and Jack should kiss. I still wondering if ANYONE knows ANYTHING about this??!! Argh! Needless to say, the interent poll they referred to was split 50/50. I'm wondering how it could be split 50/50? Are shippers not letting their voice be heard? Or is fandom really split 50/50? It seems the PTB are trying to sense what the fans want if they are doing polls. Michael Greenburg didn't even know if Sam and Jack kissed.

        Never heard anything about this poll, and I play in other places. They haven't heard of it either. At Comic-Con last year, Amanda said they were thinking of doing a poll about whether the kiss should be included -something like that; but I really, really think there wasn't one. If the powers were going to base their decision on this poll, it would be rather dumb, considering that polls can be rigged. Maybe the question was asked in such a 'way', and maybe it wasn't really a 'poll', but other than that way, I haven't seen one.




          Originally Posted by bcmilco
          *Chases with baseball bat* Just kidding

          Actually I see it has him being the nicest one of them all, he was actually honest with her. And he didn't call her nuts, he said something like 'people are going to think you're nuts'. He also unoffical gave her the go ahead to gather more intel on Orlin before she reported him again.

          Over all I thought it had a little bit of ship. I saw hints of jealousy when Jack thought Sam had a date. But that was the most obvious to me

          As a really great friend-shippy moment there is the part where Jack tells Simmons that Carter was working with his direct approval, which basically get's him into all sorts of hot water instead of Sam.
          Originally posted by mjj1993
          I see your points and remember the scenes. I guess I was just hoping for more. There is a fanfiction that takes off from that point that is really good. Wish I could remember the name.

          I think season 5 was the 'use a magnifying glass to see ship' season. Well, the first half was at least, but the second half improved starting with the ep Proving Ground. In fact, I remember being greatly relieved that the ship was back because of the 'jello eating' scene between them.

          I didn't really see much ship in Desperate Measures either, but because I'm such a huge Sam fan too, I enjoyed the ep a lot. I thought Jack was kinda a butt to her, but ended up supporting her totally at the end. But still, I'd have been ticked at him and 'everyone' for not believing me, or at least giving me a BIGGER benefit of the doubt. If I would have been Sam in the ep, I would have felt like my friends let me down -they thought she was nuts, and my government let me down -being spied on by the NID. So, by the end, I would have done exactly what Sam did; go and help Orlin first and foremost. Not because I'd be ticked at my friends, but because no one seemed to want to listen and time was running out. On a side note - I liked Orlin. He was nice to Sam. Treated her with respect. And at least 'he' was cute.

          Last edited by majorsal; 09 June 2004, 08:25 PM. Reason: wrote quote used



            Originally posted by Nikkirose
            this is my first post so if this has been asked i apologize in advance...

            Hi, Nikkirose!

            *gives heart-shaped balloons to newbie*

            Because you're new, you're going to be the first one to try out my NEW and IMPROVED JackClone! Power pack lasts twice as long as before. And this one's head never falls off, no matter what you do to it *glares at Tame*. So, Nikkirose, enjoy!

            See you in a few days.

            If you can walk.

            And have the energy to type.

            JackClone has that effect on women.




              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              OK, it is taking alot of dedication (& a h&*!!! of alot of frustration) on the part of this Shipper to get on to this site...............

              I knew this a.m. was a error/can't find site mssgs at all. (But evening play is alot better for me in RL.....) Even cleared out the temporary internet files box this evening like the GW mssg from 5/27/04 said to try & the d#$@ mssgs still appear! (And kick me out.)

              I've managed to read all the pages since this a.m. (very carefully, clicking the mouse & quickly yanking my hand off the mouse so as to not jinx the thing!) & after 3rd sign on effort & 2nd hit post reply effort, here I am!

              But here.
              I hear you and am with you Shimmeringstar. I am having the exact same problem and following the exact same steps. I am afraid if I breathe on the computer wrong it will tell me site not found. I am really beginning to dislike that message. On the other hand, all I do is play in the forum without the responsibility of taking care of it, so I am extremely grateful to the caretakers of the forum for giving me this opportunity to play and chat with everyone. .

              Maybe Jaffa Warrior comes next, can't remember exactly, but think it is Jaffa something.
              Last edited by Kliggins; 10 June 2004, 06:00 AM.


                I think something needs to be done for the board cuz the crashing is really annoying ...I go to other big sites and they rarely crash ..the x-files one for example called the haven's huge post lots of pics ...and it's problably down 2 or 3 times a year ..which is rare.



                  VIDEO 45 "This love" ( Maroon 5)....

                  .....This is a story: Sam wanted to spend quality time with Jack but he was too busy with work and other stuff (Bad boy !!). He still loves her but didn't make enough sacrifices for her. She got fed up.She Still loves him dearly. Hopefully, he'll realize his mistakes and change for the better!!!.

                  Click on my sig to access my website.


                  Caty aka ShipDiva


                    I thought Jack was kinda a butt to her, but ended up supporting her totally at the end. But still, I'd have been ticked at him and 'everyone' for not believing me, or at least giving me a BIGGER benefit of the doubt. If I would have been Sam in the ep, I would have felt like my friends let me down -they thought she was nuts, and my government let me down -being spied on by the NID. So, by the end, I would have done exactly what Sam did; go and help Orlin first and foremost. Not because I'd be ticked at my friends, but because no one seemed to want to listen and time was running out. On a side note - I liked Orlin. He was nice to Sam. Treated her with respect. And at least 'he' was cute.
                    AT said (I think that it was on the DVD commentary) that she felt that the episode failed to address some of those very things and that she thought that it was a pretty important issue to have been ignored. As an example, I think AT said something about the fact that Sam had been given clearance after her psch evaluation and noone at the SGC had informed her of that fact.

                    Yes, Orlin was cute(-er).

                    However, I don't think Sam really saw him as someone "real". He was starting to grow on her though. He was kind and gentle and she liked the attention, once she realized he was not there to harm her. But I also saw her bristle at his possessiveness (I'm not sure that is quite the word that I'm looking for, but... ) when he admonished her for coming home late. It was a reaction somewhat like the one she had toward Narim, when she heard her voice on his house computer. I believe that, in the long run, she would have found both of them stifling (cloying? ) if the relationships had ever gotten beyond the friend stage. Sam, after all, is her own woman. At least, that is how she has been portrayed until came along. Hopefully, that will be his downfall as well and she will finally come to realize that the man who has always been right next to her is the one who respects her the most!
                    Last edited by Elfinwood; 10 June 2004, 08:12 AM. Reason: phrasing


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      Never heard anything about this poll, and I play in other places. They haven't heard of it either. At Comic-Con last year, Amanda said they were thinking of doing a poll about whether the kiss should be included -something like that; but I really, really think there wasn't one. If the powers were going to base their decision on this poll, it would be rather dumb, considering that polls can be rigged. Maybe the question was asked in such a 'way', and maybe it wasn't really a 'poll', but other than that way, I haven't seen one.

                      I just find it wierd that the subject keeps coming up in the commentaries as if it actually happened. I have to believe they are sincere in what they are saying. It is just fustrating that no one knows anything about it. I would have thought it would have been a big deal that fans could vote on the outcome of a show.
                      Last edited by Token; 10 June 2004, 11:24 AM. Reason: to say what the big deal would be

                      Token ~


                        Originally posted by Token
                        I just find it wierd that the subject keeps coming up in the commentaries as if it actually happened. I have to believe they are sincere in what they are saying. It is just fustrating that no one knows anything about it. I would have thought it would have been a big deal.

                        OMG if that Grace kiss was a big deal ..then we'll get nothing else more between Sam and Jack though.... I mean a kiss as an hallucination ..about 4 seconds in total ....I don't see the big deal .....

                        The interaction between sam(AU) and Jack in" point of view" was longer and they were very close the all time ....she not only kissed him but played with his hair too....was that a big deal too at the time?!!! ...

                        I don't know why Hallucination kisses or AU kisses are such a big deal ...and if Jack finds another job at the end of season 8 and don't work for the military big deal there too....

                        I think sometimes they(TPTB) think too much about the Non shippers .....but the non shippers are countable really ...On the other hand ..the Sam and Jack shippers are an invasion..A GOOD ONE and they should please the majority ...the others can concentrate on the Stargate plot and the other characters. AND Anyway LOVE always wins and should I'm against misery if we can avoid it and in that case it can

                        I'm just a happy woman by nature and I love HAPPY PEOPLE


                        Caty aka ShipDiva


                          Originally posted by Elfinwood
                          [snip] But I also saw her bristle at his possessiveness (I'm not sure that is quite the word that I'm looking for, but... ) when he admonished her for coming home late. It was a reaction somewhat like the one she had toward Narim, when she heard her voice on his house computer. I believe that, in the long run, she would have found both of them stifling (cloying? ) if the relationships had ever gotten beyond the friend stage. Sam, after all, is her own woman. At least, that is how she has been portrayed until came along. Hopefully, that will be his downfall as well and she will finally come to realize that the man who has always been right next to her is the one who respects her the most!
                          I think you're on to something here, Elfinwood. Jack doesn't want to smother her. He doesn't want to stifle her creaitivity. He doesn't want to own her. That, to me, is the KEY difference between him and her other suitors. Most of them seem to want to possess her and mold her into something she can't be.

                          Jack just accepts her for who she is, he doesn't demand that she change. I think this is the ONLY type of relationship that can succeed for Sam. She isn't compiant and I think she would chafe if she were with a man who expected that.

                          She is very passionate and we see that passion at its height when she thinks she is going to fail. She doesn't accept failure very well at all. Look at her reaction in "Lost City"--her heartbreak shows on her face (just rips my heart out every time). Not to mention "100 Days" and "Paradise Lost" where she had the same reaction IMO.

                          I think if she were to end up with someone like (insert boyfriend of the week here) who was sweet and clearly adored her but COULDN'T feel the passion that she feels, she'd be unhappy. For all Jack's faults, he IS a very passionate person as well--anyone who would so willingly give up his life for the greater good...well, that says it all IMHO. I think he's the only one capable of feelings that would match the level of her feelings. They are BOTH very dedicated to the things they care about and wholly commit themselves (I think this would apply to a relationship too). Neither of them do things without that all-encompassing dedication that we love about BOTH of them. I think Jack tries to deflect attention from that trait through sarcasm but it comes through just the same.

                          Okay, now that I've rambled on a while, I think my point is that Sam just won't be happy with someone who is *lukewarm* and I think Jack is the only man who isn't!

                          Sorry for the long post!
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            OMG if that Grace kiss was a big deal ..then we'll get nothing else more between Sam and Jack though.... I mean a kiss as an hallucination ..about 4 seconds in total ....I don't see the big deal .....

                            The interaction between sam(AU) and Jack in" point of view" was longer and they were very close the all time ....she not only kissed him but played with his hair too....was that a big deal too at the time?!!! ...

                            I think sometimes they(TPTB) think too much about the Non shippers .....but the non shippers are countable really ...On the other hand ..the Sam and Jack shippers are an invasion..A GOOD ONE and they should please the majority ...the others can concentrate on the Stargate plot and the other characters. AND Anyway LOVE always wins and should I'm against misery if we can avoid it and in that case it can
                            I think I posted this on the last thread but the grand total time of GOOD kissing between them (I don't count all of the Broca Divide kiss btw--it's just too harsh after the first three seconds, so I only count that) is.......

                            drum roll, please.........

                            19 seconds, 2 frames (if you assume 30 frames per second, the most common timing). Yes, that's right! 572 frames!!

                            WOW!!! A whole WHOPPING TWENTY SECONDS!!! In SEVEN years!!!!!!!

                            The ship is TAKING OVER!!!!!!!!

                            Sorry , just couldn't resist a little snarkiness there!

                            I agree with you, I don't see the big deal that a few seem to complain about! I've heard comments elsewhere that the ship is taking over Stargate--yeah, right! I wish! Every time I hear those complaints, I say, "From your lips to TPTB's ears"!
                            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar

                              ALL HAIL TO THE CHIEF!!!!!!!
                              The first White House with Shipper Cookies!!
                              (OK, Tame, now that gif's really kind of scary....)

                              But of course Stargate's version of the White House would have shipper cookies! Didn't you know that President Hayes is really a 'Shipper'??!

                              (ok, so the potatohead well is running dry...but I can't help it - I've got to comment on things my own way...)


                                Originally posted by marimba26
                                ....She is very passionate and we see that passion at its height when she thinks she is going to fail. She doesn't accept failure very well at all. Look at her reaction in "Lost City"--her heartbreak shows on her face (just rips my heart out every time). Not to mention "100 Days" and "Paradise Lost" where she had the same reaction IMO.

                                I think if she were to end up with someone like (insert boyfriend of the week here) who was sweet and clearly adored her but COULDN'T feel the passion that she feels, she'd be unhappy. For all Jack's faults, he IS a very passionate person as well--anyone who would so willingly give up his life for the greater good...well, that says it all IMHO.


                                Sorry for the long post!
                                Hey, Marimba, don't apologize for your 'long' post!

                                Yes Sam and Jack are VERY passionate people.

                                I think this cap screams passion to me. I don't know what scene in recent years better shows their REAL passion for each other! (being that that 4 second Kiss was really Sam's hallucination...)


