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    Originally posted by _Anubis
    ooh cool nice new signature Very cool you can see that Sam is pissed off Look at her face and she really wants to shoot !!
    Probably wants to kick Jack's a$$ for making her wait 7 years and then finds him
    smooching with Kerry
    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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      Originally posted by Kri
      hus·sy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hz, hs)
      n. pl. hus·sies
      1. A woman considered brazen or immoral.
      2. A saucy or impudent girl.
      What a nice way to say it.... I like that "saucy" part!!!

      Oh yeah, Sam and Jack better get together by the end of this season or I am going to have to take drastic stop watching the show.
      Desperate Thunker


        Originally posted by Just the Zat's Ma'am

        Ok, I'm in a little bit of a bad mood right now so if this comes out harsh it is not meant to be. Real life just tends to get in the way sometimes . . .

        So anyway; why in the world does everyone want to get rid of Sam for a while just because she's pregnant. I know that some of you have kids of your own; and I'm speaking from a husband who's wife just gave birth about a month ago. It is my understanding that the shooting schedule worked out where AT wouldn't be showing. So the pregnancy was not going to play into the show. Besides you can always shoot around a belly. So what if Sam gets a little puffy in the face, she'll still be beautiful! However I'll keel over if someone says that she's "glowing" in an episode.

        For crying out loud though, everyone wants her to "ascend" for a while or "die" for a while or get captured. Geez; she's just pregnant, not an invalid.

        Maybe I missed a thread or an update where she said she was going to have to miss some filming. But it's not like every scene has Sam in it, they could shoot the scenes without Sam first if she's going to be late. They finished out Season 8 just fine, and I don't see it being that big of a deal for the start of Season 9. It took about 2 weeks before my wife went back to looking the way she did before she was pregnant (I know that all women are different) and now two weeks later she's back to everyday stuff. For crying out loud let AT do what she feels like, why in the world do we have to bring up the crappy "Ascending" bs whenever someone is sick for a day of work or needs to be on leave or something.

        Like I said, perhaps a bad time to write this. But geez, why does everyone want to make Sam dissappear for a while? If RDA is only doing 4 episodes and Sam is "out of it" for 2 episodes then that leave a potential for only 2 sam&jack episodes.

        Ok, getting down off my rant box now, but c'mon. There's more I could say but I think I've said enough for once.
        What a lucky wife you have....having a baby is a gift, not a disease. Well said and kudos to you (((((zats))))) and ((((((zats wife and little critter))))))
        Desperate Thunker


          Originally posted by Zoser
          I see Sam as some what emotionally immature. Consider how she reacts to Gen. O'Neill. Jack had a much more relaxed relationship to Hammond - visited him in his house, called him George - Carter jumps like a school girl when Jack walks into the room. She supposedly know the guy for 7-8 years. Maybe it is just bad writing.
          I think there is also the element of LACK of command experience (yeah, I know she's had a few things when Jack wasn't there. That's different than always in command.) and lack of opportunity to develop the self-confidence that comes with giving orders and having things work. (another reason for wanting tptb to show Sam having to make the Hard choices). She's very self-confident where her pronouncements on the stargate are.

          Jack was a full bird col. for at least several years before he even met Hammond. He's been in command of alot of missions (both before the gate program as well as since), and he has the self-confidence to match. Being in black ops he's done alot of stuff where he had to make choices as to how to fulfill the mission objectives. That brings lots of self-confidence. Sam has always had to bring her ideas to superiors and they choose.

          And as many a fic writer has brought up, as a woman in a man's world, she has to do more to prove she's competent (and mindful of form) than many a guy would. (and after talking to my male chauvanist pig brother, who recently retired from the AF, I'd say there's some truth to that!)

          And yeah, I'd agree there's poor writing there!



            Okay peeps...

            Back on for a second...

            Here's what I THINK will happen in season eight part 2

            Starting with Prometheus Unbound - I think we will gradually see a change of attitude on Sam and Jack's part. They'll be more at easy with each other. I think that there will be a chat between repicarter and Sam, them Replicarter and Jack, possibly giving hints as to what's to come.
            I think however, this reenergised rapport on the way back to friendship will dissappear in either Its good to be King or Reckoning, maybe spurred on by an incident. This will cause more shippy angst and a leap in the rate of heart attacks among shippers. Whatever this incident is, Sam and Jack will begin creeping around on eggshells around each other. I feel that Threads is the catalyst. Sam will finally snap, and make a decision once and for all about who she really wants. I think she and Jack will talk, Jack will explain about Kerry, Sam will explain about Pete. They will decide to wait until Jack's quit the Air Force. In the next episode (citizen Joe) they'll be more at ease as they'll know where the other stands.
            By Moebius, things will definitely be moving in our direction. Of course, there will be one more temporal (temporary) obstacle in their path. I do however think our resolution will come in the very last episode.

            This is Speculation. I just needed to air my ramblings!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by Zoser
              One of my absolute favorites too
              It inspired my to write "Smoke"
              thats a great fic

              brought a big smile to my face


                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                Gads!!! I so agree with you on that pink parfait jacket...MAJOR FISCHER I LOVE THE NEW SIGNATURE!!!!!!

                I also agree with both you and Sally...and a few others...if TPTB have to resort to Ascension YET again...well then geez....PLEASE PLEASE someone .....Oh heck I WILL CALL THEM ...HIRE ONE just one new writer....

                One new writer has GOT TO HAVE a new idea... please!!!!

                ok I feel better know
                Yeah, you know, that's almost exactly what I was discussing with a friend on MSN... Of course, before I start ranting, leave it to TPTB's responsibility to screw up if they can BUT... In all logic...


                1- at the end of Threads, Pete and Kerry are outta the picture...
                2- Sam and Jack are obviously firlting in Citizen Joe...

                1+2 = something drastic happens in Threads that leads both Sam and Jack to a stage where they come really closer to one another, if not physically, at least verbally and in attitude...

                One can always guess, but it might have to do with Jacob... Once again, (quote) "a beloved character will die"... It may very well be Jacob.
                Could this be the incentive Sam needs to realize she cannot share this with Pete, but can with Jack? That Jack is there for her and has always been?... In the equation I've just posed, it very well could...

                Of course, we can always wonder about Daniel too. What if he chooses to ascend again? Sam may realize that life is too short... No, scratch that, it's been done to death... Although, with TPTB...

                Now about Moebius. Someone posted on a specific thread about this episode an interesting theory ( 1st post): what if SG-1 returned to the past (WAY past - Ancient Egypt) and that it was actually SG-1 who told the ancient Egyptians to bury the Gate? (thus the Moebius analogy - and the ZPM => mix with Atlantis more or less hinted at)...
                I do not agree entirely with the rest of the post about SG-1 remaining frozen until now, because it doesn't match the space time continuum (Pardon the pun, Doc Brown! ), but I found this a very interesting theory.
                how do they return to present times? I have no idea, but -ever the optimist- I think they do and that indeed, Sam and Jack will step on *that* road together. No death, no ascension (done to death for both - pardon the pun, once again). It could very well be compatible with season 9 since as far as we know, there's no or very little Rick (consultant ?-although I don't like that, house husband/soul mate -I don't think Jack will offer Sam a diamond ring either, at least so soon...).
                I sincerely think we'll have an ending à la season 6, with no real cliffanger, since they didn't know, when they wrapped it, if there was gonna be a ninth season (if I recall correctly, they knew about a 7th at about the same time as they knew for a ninth.)

                I might be tagged an optimist. But in my book, Sci-Fi doesn't necessarily mean drama... Examples?... Loads... For starters, StarWars, the original three movies (of course, the current trilogy is a little bit more dramatic ); what else? Blade Runner (nice ending - SAPPY ending!), Abbys (they go back together), THX-1138 (the first film by George Lucas), The 5th element,... I've got loads but they would take too long to type down... Romance is perfectly compatible with Sci-Fi!... It makes it easier for people to identify themselves to the characters!...

                So I'm not saying they will turn it into a soap, but I'm hopeful we will have subtle ship moments that will lead us to believe.
                We probably won't get torrid scenes in the bedroom, or languid kisses, but we'll sure get some (pun NOT intended there either!! )

                And once again, I've got a blank post...
                Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                  Originally posted by Rogue
                  Originally posted by Pallas
                  Anyone here know why Jack joined the military?? I´ve just read that when he was a teenager he was given a choice by a judge- jail or the military. !!!??? I didn´t know that.
                  It´s incredible after 8 years Stargate still keeps surprising me..
                  I´d love Jack´s past would show up in an ep and see how a family´s dinner would be with Jack, Sam and their families!! Doesn't Jack have a degree from the AF academy? The pictures of his office showed a diploma from the academy. If so, how does that fit in with a questionable past?
                  I think the jail or military is fanon--probably from the season 2 episode, "Prisoners," when he acknowledges to Daniel that he has been in prison. He'd been warning Daniel not to show any sign of weakness, thus indicating that he has some idea of prison sub-culture. But what we do know is that he had been in an Iraqi prison during the Gulf War. I don't know of any other references to his being a prisoner or having a troubled adolescence. And the diploma from the Air Force Academy is a college degree. The Air Force Academy is like West Point or Annapolis or any of the other military academies: one has to be recommended by a congressman--it's not open application.

                  But I agree. I'd loved to see more about Jack's background. Does he have *any* living family? Jack is around fifty--there's every reason to suppose one or more parents or aunts, uncles, etc. could be living. "Fragile Balance" implied that he had no siblings, but didn't confirm it. Anyway--more on what makes Jack tick would be nice.



                    [QUOTE="Just the Zat's Ma'am
                    It is my understanding that the shooting schedule worked out where AT wouldn't be showing. So the pregnancy was not going to play into the show. Besides you can always shoot around a belly. So what if Sam gets a little puffy in the face, she'll still be beautiful! However I'll keel over if someone says that she's "glowing" in an episode.[/QUOTE]

                    She wasn't showing for last summer's filming, but she's due the middle of march and they start filming the begining of march. So yeah, they either film her scenes later (as to whether she's up to filming when she's 8 1/2 months is questionable. lots of standing and walking gets physically hard as joints loosen considerably.), shooting around her belly with her not very physically active, or they write her out for a few eps. That doesn't mean we only get two S/J eps. After all, who says Jack has to be in those eps? <blink, , blink>

                    How about if she's glowing because she's ascended?

                    I'm not one for the ascended plot line either. (I won't say anything about daniel being reascended.)

                    It took about 2 weeks before my wife went back to looking the way she did before she was pregnant (I know that all women are different) and now two weeks later she's back to everyday stuff. For crying out loud let AT do what she feels like.
                    Congratulations on your new baby. Have you been getting enough sleep?
                    getting back to pre-pregnant looks in two weeks is very unusual. I've known many a pregnat woman, I can count on one hand the number who were 'back' in two - three months (and full physical recovery is about six weeks. That's medically normal. That doesn't include abdominal muscles. grrr.), even with first babies.

                    Even if AT bounces back quickly, she'll still be more tired if for no other reason than somebody's keeping her up at night

                    I'm sure AT will do what she and her Dr. feel she's up to. That's why she had to cancel a number of con. appearances.



                      Originally posted by meimei
                      THis is the official SciFi info on O'Neill (MGM has similar more detailed but I don't have those links at work.) It says he joined at 18 but nothing about jail.


                      I will look up my other links when I get home if it is still in question by then. Thread moves on pretty quickly!
                      Interesting...that in SG1 they make sure O'Neill is spelled w/2 LL's but on their web page designation they only use one!

                      Ok...I'm being anal....must be my bean counter part of the day....

                      Back to regularly scheduled shipping...



                        Originally posted by meimei
                        AT is due in March. Shooting starts in March. It's not so much a question of hiding the pregnancy as it is the fact the she will be recovering from the birth. I doubt she wants to give birth one day and start shooting SG1 the next. That's what the big hoopla is over her absence. Although I will reiterate my earlier comments, TPTB have spent the last two years shooting around a missing RDA, they should be able to shoot around a missing AT for a little while.
                        I don't see it as that big a deal, either. They do single-character-focused stories and film out of order all the time these days. They'll probably just save her scenes and the Sam-focused episodes for when she comes back. Shooting may start in March, but airing isn't until July. That's plenty of time to catch up. Personally, I vote for letting CJ write a couple rebel jaffa focused stories for early in the season. I always love his episodes and there are some good recurring characters in that area.

                        And Adam Baldwin could also carry some of the load.

                        Yes, it's nice in delusionville this time of year.
                        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                          Originally posted by Bucky
                          I think the jail or military is fanon--probably from the season 2 episode, "Prisoners," when he acknowledges to Daniel that he has been in prison. He'd been warning Daniel not to show any sign of weakness, thus indicating that he has some idea of prison sub-culture. But what we do know is that he had been in an Iraqi prison during the Gulf War. I don't know of any other references to his being a prisoner or having a troubled adolescence. And the diploma from the Air Force Academy is a college degree. The Air Force Academy is like West Point or Annapolis or any of the other military academies: one has to be recommended by a congressman--it's not open application.

                          But I agree. I'd loved to see more about Jack's background. Does he have *any* living family? Jack is around fifty--there's every reason to suppose one or more parents or aunts, uncles, etc. could be living. "Fragile Balance" implied that he had no siblings, but didn't confirm it. Anyway--more on what makes Jack tick would be nice.

                          I'd LOVE to find out more about Jack, particularly his family and his Black Ops past.

                          Regarding his degree.

                          To be the rank he is at, he has to have a Masters Degree or equivalent. Think he has another we don't know about?

                          BTW - What's a college degree? Is that a three year one?
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by sclairef99
                            Interesting...that in SG1 they make sure O'Neill is spelled w/2 LL's but on their web page designation they only use one!

                            Ok...I'm being anal....must be my bean counter part of the day....

                            Back to regularly scheduled shipping...

                            I think Kurt Russell was the O'Neil with ONE "L" and NO sense of humor Maybe someone forgot to update for the series. <lol>



                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              I'd LOVE to find out more about Jack, particularly his family and his Black Ops past.

                              Regarding his degree.

                              To be the rank he is at, he has to have a Masters Degree or equivalent. Think he has another we don't know about?

                              BTW - What's a college degree? Is that a three year one?
                              It's a four year undergraduate degree. I believe the one from the Air Force Academy is a Bachelor of Science.



                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                You have to be the most happy go lucky person EVER!!!!
                                I didn't know you were a mummy! I thought you were a member of VHEMT???
                                I'll stop babbling now.
                                *wanders off babbling absent-mindedly*
                                LOL (((((SueKay)))))) you are the sweetest....well I am only a member for the ............. how do I say this delicately....... I support the Worms

                                But yes I am a Mum...My Twins however are turning 18 years in just about 1 month so that is why I am ALOT calmer about things

                                I HAVE SURVIVED THE TEENAGE YEARS!!!!!! Bring it PTB you have NOTHING on a couple of Teenagers
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

