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    So, who here votes for Major Dixon to be the leader of SG1? Me! Me!

    I want Jack off doing consulting work- little snippets here and there ala Avenger 2.0 (which I loved so nyah!).. Sam's in the science lab cooking up some really cool new gizmos- stragetically placing sitting and not doing too much, maybe we get some cute phone calls, etc.. Plus- bring back lil' Jack for a couple of eps- 2 or three while Joan of Arcadia is on hiatus. Did I mention Major Dixon and Major Davis would look really hot in BDUs? I like O'Neill, but it's time to let the young ones out to play, making it believable. I for one would love to see straight-laced Davis and the incredibly O'Neill-like Dixon strike up a odd couple friendship. But the most important thing is Jack and Sam together. I will accept no other. I want my 90 minute Threads!!! I demand a kickin' finale with out any cuts. OR nasty, snarky comments on the audio commentary when I buy it next year. That damned audio for Lost City really pissed me off. Hello, I buy stuff and I don't like to be mocked by those I'm paying. I digress, as I often do.. Don't sink the ship to save the show!!
    The Eye of Botox has been formally recognized by the System Lords! Beware my fire-y wrath!!

    by Nikkirose


      SS I'am with you.I really believe Sam and Jack will be together at the end of Season 8.TPTB are not that crazy.I think TPTB finally understand they cannot drag out the Ship another Year and if they want any kind of ratings they'll be nice for once to the Shippers.I also hope that whatever time Jack has TPTB make it count and I want to see some great Sam and Jack relationship scenes and I do not want Daniel and Teal'c around as bodyguards in every scene like they are in this Season.
      I also do not want any episodes like Icon and I do not want to see any more Male guest characters drooling over Sam like Felger Pete or Mckay.


        Originally posted by samisjacksgal
        im gonna say goodnight aswell people

        school tomorrow

        shippy dreams everyone
        goodnight !! sweet dreams
        Lord Zedd


          it is here 0.28 AM Damn time goes fast I'm hading the sack too or how is the expression??? Anyhow I ment I'm going to sleep too.Sooo tired.Lot's of homework so sorry that I couldn't post much today See you guys tommorow ((( Tame))) if she sees this
          Lord Zedd


            Originally posted by Replicarter

            Welcome to all new users who have joined the family, sorry i dident welcome you when you first came, iv been a little busy
            This is a lovely banner to welcome everyone, Replicarter. I love it!


              Originally posted by sacme
              I was actually thinking of that!!! Great minds!

              Anyone who wants to be in a Ship Family calender, send me a picture of yourself. If you have a shipper shirt please wear it, but that's not necessary.

              ship sistah
              Can you use one of the pics of you, T-Gate and me with the shipper cookies from the con? That'd be !

              s u g a r s h a k e r


                Originally posted by aeromathlete
                OMG we actually have a Season 9. Sounds like good economical sense for the Sci-Fi Channel, but whoa...

                Okay, I will be wholeheartedly disheartened if RDA's role is cut back too far and I'll start to have X-Files flashbacks and whine about it. But if they handle contract negotiations and other things of that nature well, then it should be the great production that I've come to love over the past few years. We'll just have to wait and see now.

                But I really do hope they get J/S together by the end of this season. Dude. I do NOT want to wait another year for that!
                My first concern with the new season announcemrnt is of Sam & Jack....So I am VERY hopeful that TPTB will resolve them and get them together NOW!!!! and them find a way to put the Ship back on THE BACK BURNER WHERE IT BELONGS!!! ANd then we can have VERY special moments that are DEFINITELY Sam & Jack moments. Be it a action, adventure, comedic OR romantic...RDA & AT handle all of those very well.

                My second BIG concern is that TPTB won't bring in any new blood ..writers OR actors and we will not see anything new from this last season...THAT will be my biggest fear as well. TPTB are over worked trying to write and produce 2 shows. Forget about budgets...If the crews of both shows are tired and wrung out trying to come up with new ideas then it is TIME to bring in some new people
                My worry is TPTB are to set in their thinking and we are going to keep seeing the same thing just rewritten and the fans are going to start turning the channel.
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  I'm so totally depressed!!!! Somebody just shoot me and put me out of my misery.

                  I almost didn't bother coming here today. Not because I didn't think there'd be support here, but I just don't know if I can stand to talk Stargate
                  now that we know that S9 is going head. It's just going to destroy the entire show for me to have it without Jack. And no, I don't count four episodes as being "with" Jack.

                  Just once, could somebody send me a cookie?
                  - Mary
                  SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                  Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                    Originally posted by blueiris
                    Ok, I have a question:

                    Some people are worried that season 9 is not a good idea because they don't feel the writing is as good as it once was. But I disagree. I am still enjoying SG, although I do miss some of the off world adventures, but I still enjoy it. And it makes me really sad to think that it will end, sooner or later. The one episode that really got under my skin (in a bad way) was One Hundred Days. Even more so than the *seasons7&8
                    Pete and Sam episodes
                    because I still truly believe that Sam and Jack will be together. My question is: when all is said and done, if Sam and jack are together, will the *seasons 7&8 episodes* that were un-setting to S/J shippers be forgiven? Will you be able to watch *those* episodes and not feel angry? Will you watch them and just see them as another stepping stone to the ending? Or will they always be episodes that you avoid, fast forward through, and dislike?

                    While I will always dislike 100 Days, I think I will be happy to watch all of *those* episodes if (I mean when) I know that the out-come is appropriately resolved to the ship that was created.
                    Personally, none of the eps from S7 or S8 that were badly written will be forgiven by me, no matter what happens from here on out. Because even if things are made right in the end, it still doesn't undo the fact that certain episodes are just poorly done. And as for the S/P stuff, I'll probably always feel angry because it'll remind me of how TPTB have been jerking us around, with no respect for our wants at all.

                    Yes, it's their product to do with as they please, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. <g>
                    - Mary
                    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                      Originally posted by eye of botox
                      So, who here votes for Major Dixon to be the leader of SG1? Me! Me!

                      I want Jack off doing consulting work- little snippets here and there ala Avenger 2.0 (which I loved so nyah!).. Sam's in the science lab cooking up some really cool new gizmos- stragetically placing sitting and not doing too much, maybe we get some cute phone calls, etc.. Plus- bring back lil' Jack for a couple of eps- 2 or three while Joan of Arcadia is on hiatus. Did I mention Major Dixon and Major Davis would look really hot in BDUs? I like O'Neill, but it's time to let the young ones out to play, making it believable. I for one would love to see straight-laced Davis and the incredibly O'Neill-like Dixon strike up a odd couple friendship. But the most important thing is Jack and Sam together. I will accept no other. I want my 90 minute Threads!!! I demand a kickin' finale with out any cuts. OR nasty, snarky comments on the audio commentary when I buy it next year. That damned audio for Lost City really pissed me off. Hello, I buy stuff and I don't like to be mocked by those I'm paying. I digress, as I often do.. Don't sink the ship to save the show!!

                      Leader of SG-1? You want to "demote" Sam? It would destroy her career: it would essentially be saying that she can't handle the job.

                      "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                        Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                        Leader of SG-1? You want to "demote" Sam? It would destroy her career: it would essentially be saying that she can't handle the job.

                        I think the intent was take over Jack's existing position, not Sam's. Somebody still needs to do Jack's job if he's off doing other (smuttier) things. And a little Dixon ever week would be more than welcome by me.
                        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                          Originally posted by Buc252
                          I'm so totally depressed!!!! Somebody just shoot me and put me out of my misery.

                          I almost didn't bother coming here today. Not because I didn't think there'd be support here, but I just don't know if I can stand to talk Stargate
                          now that we know that S9 is going head. It's just going to destroy the entire show for me to have it without Jack. And no, I don't count four episodes as being "with" Jack.

                          Just once, could somebody send me a cookie?
                          How about a Shipper squishy hug?

                          Yes, it's their product to do with as they please, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
                          Amen. And you're very much entitled to that opinion and to voice it here. (((Buc)))
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by Buc252
                            I'm so totally depressed!!!! Somebody just shoot me and put me out of my misery.

                            I almost didn't bother coming here today. Not because I didn't think there'd be support here, but I just don't know if I can stand to talk Stargate
                            now that we know that S9 is going head. It's just going to destroy the entire show for me to have it without Jack. And no, I don't count four episodes as being "with" Jack.

                            Just once, could somebody send me a cookie?

                            Here ya go Buc!

                            It is the EVERY COLOR SHIPPER COOKIE - which erases shipper memories of all bad spoilers, episodes, and character appearances that depress shippers and replaces them with positive Sam/Jack memories.

                            Hope this makes you feel better! Don't forget to dip it in the beverage of your choice preferably one of MG's famous drinks!
                            Ship Nana


                              i say if season 9 is officially the last season then RDA should do every episode all the way..make the fans proud and go out with a bang..
                              when they cut back like in x files it pretty much ruined it for most...
                              so yeah....he is one of the main reasons why it has become so least if it was the last season it would be a happy one because we would have Jack...!!!
                              love will prevail...
                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                              sig by RepliCartertje


                                For the record here is the Vote Tally of whether or not we should replace TPTB with Caty:

                                Ship Nana - aye
                                Anubis – aye
                                galaxy – aye
                                florence - another YES !
                                MichelleB - a very definite yes!!!!!
                                samisjacksgal-aye aye captain!
                                Lunar – aye
                                hobbitsrul-aye!!! Avast, thar the ship be!! It's coastin' into 'arbor with Caty at the wheel!!
                                Rogue – aye
                                yoojoo just adds a big fat AYE to her post. Go get'm caty!!
                                dipsofjazz –Aye
                                SueKay and Dense Duncealso Known as Dee Dee and Dr Dailey, SueKay’s alter ego - och aye the noo!
                                Kri – aye
                                .:Lemon:. - Aye
                                Brandie - AYE with a side of "hell yah" please, hold the onions
                                gatewatcher-Caty, you've got me vote
                                ses110 – aye
                                AmberMoon - aye, yeahsureyeahbetchya
                                Jaffacakes – aye, aye
                                Majorsal – aye – Caty for President
                                Getcarter - AYE!!!!! Caty would do us proud!
                                Mad_gator – aye and Kel'dor: I too will vote for Caty to replace TPTB!!
                                Sam O'Neill - AYE!! Caty will make all shippers dreams come true!
                                Wynter – aye
                                zoser-aye aye!
                                shipper hannah - aye,aye
                                Blueiris – aye
                                Waterfall – AYE!!!!!
                                Martoufmarty – Is that an Aye?
                                Bucky –aye
                                Twisted Angel - aye!
                                Spiderman – aye
                                Sugarshaker - Absolutely, positively, yeah sure you betcha, yo, you got it, yes!!
                                ChevronSeven: YaSureYaBetchaSnookums!
                                ship sistah says, ayeyaiyai would that be good!
                                mistweedledee- AYE !!!!!

                                SG1Poz - Aye Aye Mame !!! Bring that Ship in Caty!

                                48 - AYES
                                0 - nayes

                                The Ayes have it!!!

                                All HAIL THE NEW TPTB CATY!!!!

                                Ship Nana

