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    Originally posted by wynter
    HAND ON A MINUTE!!!!!!

    i have missed loads but what i am getting is there will be another season????
    (jumps up and down happy face showing a lot)

    I may have missed this as busy with daughters concerts coming up!!

    I will miss RDA a hell of a lot but i have heard he'll be in a couple of episodes,if this is the case will we see our fav 2 together!!!!

    I will be very happy is they result the end of season 8 with jack & sam together,but i would love to see a movie to tie all ends up will RDA do this,i don't think so!!

    I have to go to work now so i will badger all my mates with info they don't even care about but hey i'm their manager tonight,so they'll have to listen to me rant on about my sam and jack!!!!!

    I'm going to work a very happy shipper tonight!!!!!

    LOL! Go get 'em! Here's the link to _Anubis' translation of a German site.

    Melyanna also did a translation a little later... I have to go find that one...

    ETA: Here's Mel's post, it had some additional info from that site as well.


      meimei your right there not pushing him out but how much better can a Season 9 be even if there are more offworld episodes.TPTB can take there time and develope a great Movie or miniseries instead of comming up with an episode every week.IMO the battles with the Goa'uld and system lords are getting old.The X-Files tried moving on without there big star by bringing in other characters and IMO they failed.I'am sure the ratings for S9 will still be strong but it will never be as good without Jack.It is not easy to recapture the Chemistry even if you can bring in a Big name actor.


        Originally posted by marimba26
        Now this I like! Are you reading this PTB? If you are, I want this! I could get excited about something like this! Then when Amanda is ready to move on, you could have them retire together! But I want kissage! DO YOU HEAR THAT???? I want hugs and kisses and affection!!!!! I WANT THEM TOGETHER!!! And HAPPY!!!!

        *sorry for yelling there*

        Okay, all better now...
        Now dear-remember it is important to breath-now with me-in through your nose and out through your mouth. better?

        i might suggest getting hold of a number 10 cast iron skillet and use it liberally about the head and shoulders of TPTB.

        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


          Originally posted by marimba26
          Now this I like! Are you reading this PTB? If you are, I want this! I could get excited about something like this! Then when Amanda is ready to move on, you could have them retire together! But I want kissage! DO YOU HEAR THAT???? I want hugs and kisses and affection!!!!! I WANT THEM TOGETHER!!! And HAPPY!!!!

          *sorry for yelling there*

          Okay, all better now...
          LOL... Well I agree Marimba..I want some *Hoopla* too but I am just not focusing on that since we have MANY here that write stuff about THAT way better than I, hee hee

          I think at the end of the SERIES I want the ride off into the sunset thing But if there will be a season 9 with very limited RDA then the two things I want most..

          1 - MAKE IT COUNT - when RDA is on the screen or in the episode make it GOOD and I do want the TEAM and if TPTB are SMART ( **snicker** was that an oxymoron) they will have resolved Sam & Jack during Season 8 and the time RDA has is used to promote SG1 and Overall Team with a few minutes of Sam & Jack....BACK TO THE SUBTLE...Season 8 should have all of the HOOPLA and Season 9 should get back to the Team and the show we all say we loved before

          2 - Make Jack Show his feelings PERIOD - If TPTB do resolve Sam & Jack at teh end of season 8 and get these two together but not together...due to whatever...... I want to see Jack being OPEN, I want to KNOW what is going in in his head....I am tired of STOIC Jack, Being in love should set his heart free and I want to ee him being more talkative with his friends. More open in his feelings and MORE affectionate if possible when he can be with Sam.

          I think Farscape did spoil me a bit...To watch a show and see a couple shoot up the bad guys ...kiss...and then break out of the bad situation...make a snarky comment and then move on to the next thing was just fun period...

          I can see Sam & Jack doing that and doing it well
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            well off topic a little -but i now know what that red lined triangle with the one is for next to the scales. sheeshers-

            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


              Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
              well off topic a little -but i now know what that red lined triangle with the one is for next to the scales. sheeshers-

              That triangle is to report a post to the mods if you think it violates forum rules.
              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                LOL I've already signed off this forum once today but I wanted to pop back on and comment on the latest vids by everyone...

                Caty--EXCELLENT Daniel Bedingfield vid!!! Love the song!! And all new clips!!!! VERY WELL DONE!!

                Andy--LOVED the Alison Krauss vid! She has such a lovely voice and I loved the way your clips fit the music so well!! GREAT JOB!!!!

                SNY--have only watched two of the vids you announced so far so I'll comment on those. Both were WONDERFUL!! Love the way your music and clips come together to create such drama!!! EXCELLENT!!!

                Now for the shameless plug then I promise I'll go... Just revamped the ship page for those that are interested (already overhauled my Jack page)! A little different--scroll down for the vids.
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by ses110
                  meimei your right there not pushing him out but how much better can a Season 9 be even if there are more offworld episodes.TPTB can take there time and develope a great Movie or miniseries instead of comming up with an episode every week.IMO the battles with the Goa'uld and system lords are getting old.The X-Files tried moving on without there big star by bringing in other characters and IMO they failed.I'am sure the ratings for S9 will still be strong but it will never be as good without Jack.It is not easy to recapture the Chemistry even if you can bring in a Big name actor.
                  Well, although we were joking around about Adam Baldwin yesterday, I am not sure that I would even want a "big name" star to come in. Though IMHO, I think they need someone new on SG1. I don't want anyone taking the spotlight away from AT, CJ or MS. I just think that if they work it right, it can still be a good scifi show. Of course, with their current track record, that would be a really big "if".

                  I didn't watch XF. I know that's shocking for someone that claims to be a scifi fan! But I have heard enough to know that the interest didn't last without DD. But he was one of two main characters on a show that was centered completely around those two characters. It would be very hard to keep interest in a situation like that.

                  SG1 has always, until recently, been a more team oriented show. And yes, RDA/Jack has always been a big part of that, until now. I think that as a team show, it would have a better chance of going forward without RDA than the X-Files did without DD. Of course, it will all be left up to the writing, and that means they need to get out of the SGA is the new baby routine. They need to stop neglecting the older child in favor of the new one!


                    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                    well off topic a little -but i now know what that red lined triangle with the one is for next to the scales. sheeshers-

                    Uh, oh.... Did you do something bad?? LOL!


                      Originally posted by ses110
                      meimei your right there not pushing him out but how much better can a Season 9 be even if there are more offworld episodes.TPTB can take there time and develope a great Movie or miniseries instead of comming up with an episode every week.IMO the battles with the Goa'uld and system lords are getting old.The X-Files tried moving on without there big star by bringing in other characters and IMO they failed.I'am sure the ratings for S9 will still be strong but it will never be as good without Jack.It is not easy to recapture the Chemistry even if you can bring in a Big name actor.
                      (((ses110)))) I totally understand your frustration

                      BUT...I guess one thing here that we all have to get used to is TPTB MAY have a season 9. PERIOD. ...You or I may have 8 gazillion ways they can do MANY things better or different BUT if they are gonna do it (season 9) they are gonna do it.

                      I too think that if the episodes aren't going to be good then they probably are making a mistake .......BUT.....they are going to keep doing it as long as the studios keep signing on the dotted lines......

                      I just wish we could help you find a way to find a middle ground on this. I am an *There is ALWAYS a bright side* I am really focusing on how can this be positive ........sure I may be let down...........BUT I haven't been yet....because none of it has happened yet...We still have the rest of Season 8 to see and we have NO IDEA what is in store ...and if there is a Season 9 CONFIRMED......well how can we judge UNTIL WE SEE......

                      I know limited RDA is not what we (those who LOVE RDA) want BUT I like knowing he is there still. I like knowing that he is NOT just Gone.....and I like thinking that this means Sam & Jack have a chance AND I like knowing that there is an opportunity for some GREAT episodes still.

                      Hopefully TPTB have figured out the kinks and such of working two shows and maybe a bit of re-organization is happening We just don't know.....we aren't there.....So until it starts happening...I don't want to start beating a drum that is one of despair a year and a half too early....What reason would I have then to even be here then

                      ((((((((ses110))))))) tell us how to cheer you up

                      I do recommend that everyone write TPTB when this is confirmed and let them know how you feel in a respectful manner and since NOTHING has been written....that could help TPTB see where the fan loyalty lies
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                        well off topic a little -but i now know what that red lined triangle with the one is for next to the scales. sheeshers-

                        LOL...well now we ALL want to know what you did ...hehehehe
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by meimei
                          Well, although we were joking around about Adam Baldwin yesterday, I am not sure that I would even want a "big name" star to come in. Though IMHO, I think they need someone new on SG1. I don't want anyone taking the spotlight away from AT, CJ or MS. I just think that if they work it right, it can still be a good scifi show. Of course, with their current track record, that would be a really big "if".
                          Given my preference, the someone new would be Corin but I'm not putting any money on that.

                          I didn't watch XF. I know that's shocking for someone that claims to be a scifi fan! But I have heard enough to know that the interest didn't last without DD. But he was one of two main characters on a show that was centered completely around those two characters. It would be very hard to keep interest in a situation like that.

                          SG1 has always, until recently, been a more team oriented show. And yes, RDA/Jack has always been a big part of that, until now. I think that as a team show, it would have a better chance of going forward without RDA than the X-Files did without DD. Of course, it will all be left up to the writing, and that means they need to get out of the SGA is the new baby routine. They need to stop neglecting the older child in favor of the new one!
                          The problem here is not the number of characters. X-Files only had two main characters with a few important characters on the periphery. The problem here is that Stargate SG-1 (much like X-Files) started out as a story-driven show but has gradually evolved (also like X-Files) into a character-driven show.

                          The only show on TV that I could honestly say remains a story-driven show is Law and Order--that's why the cast changes have been fairly successful over the years. On Law and Order the show is about the stories and character development has always been second. We do know things about the characters but TPTB over there haven't spent much time on it as a whole.

                          On Stargate (as on X-Files), TPTB have gradually shifted to more character-driven eps ("Grace" isn't story-driven) to let us get to know what makes the characters tick. As a result, we have become heavily involved in the characters and the show might not survive the loss of those characters (X-Files didn't).
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                            LOL...well now we ALL want to know what you did ...hehehehe
                            Yes, do tell!

                            Wanted to say I love your sig btw, Tame!
                            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                              (((((((((((((((shipper family)))))))))))))))))))

                              my internet works again! but RL is still crazy....but everyone in the chat room said to come say hi and tell the family I'm still alive...

                              wow, S9? with RDA in only 4 episodes....I want my shippy resolution in S8 then darn it!


                              I'll be back in a couple weeks when RL settles down...

                              "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                              describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                              <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                              Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                                Originally posted by LtLisa
                                (((((((((((((((shipper family)))))))))))))))))))

                                my internet works again! but RL is still crazy....but everyone in the chat room said to come say hi and tell the family I'm still alive...

                                wow, S9? with RDA in only 4 episodes....I want my shippy resolution in S8 then darn it!


                                I'll be back in a couple weeks when RL settles down...

                                Hi LtLisa. Welcome back.
                                I'm with you, TPTB better have a positive S/J resolution by the end of season 8, specialy if they are going to do a S9 with only 4 episodes with Jack in them. I really can't cope with any more ambiguity, solve it ( with kisses and...oh, wait, thats meimei fics) and get on with the sci-fi stories
                                On an OT noone ivites me to the chatroom anymore

