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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Jynjyr
    Nothing can be too sappy to have on the ring.
    Re: the post where I asked the question.
    Anybody else have suggestions??

    You can take the Gal out of the Gutter, but you can't the Gutter out of the Gal.
    Thy firmnes drawes my circle just,
    And makes me end, where I begunne

    Longish, I know, but you can have it engraved inside as well as outside of the ring
    In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane. ~ Oscar Wilde


      Originally posted by Jynjyr
      Nothing can be too sappy to have on the ring.
      Re: the post where I asked the question.
      Anybody else have suggestions??

      You can take the Gal out of the Gutter, but you can't the Gutter out of the Gal.
      I'm not very creative this evening, but I'll take a stab at it...

      To the keeper of my heart…my soul is forever yours…. Love Sam

      Jack….my soulmate, my love is forever yours…….Sam

      Again... nothing's popping out at me. But I’m intrigued now Jynjyr…. who would she be explaining the ring to???
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by sueKay
        After several attempts (and three computer crashes), here's a con pic!

        Left to right

        Ronny, Suekay Paul (thunk!), Teryl, Astro and Mishy!

        That is a great photo! Glad you all had such a wonderful time! On Saturday I am going to Creation's Sci Fi half price store. I plan to get a lot of 8x10s for the upcoming con in Dallas in February


          Originally posted by Kri
          That is a great photo! Glad you all had such a wonderful time! On Saturday I am going to Creation's Sci Fi half price store. I plan to get a lot of 8x10s for the upcoming con in Dallas in February
          *pounces and huggles Kri*

          You're back!!!!!! Where've you been hiding at?


            Originally posted by mad_gater
            *pounces and huggles Kri*

            You're back!!!!!! Where've you been hiding at?
            Hi mad_gater!! I feel like Tigger just got ahold of me I have been around the past week or so, trying to be a better shipper and stay in contact! Work and boyfriend have been keeping me busy, but that's no excuse not to be here

            HI to all of todays NEWBIES!!!


              Originally posted by Token
              Desperate Thunker


                A quiet day on the Thread begs some pix..... some captioned pix....

                Sam: Noone's around...
                Jack (squeezing Sam's hand): That means I can have another kiss?

                Jack: I told you not to eat the ice cream so fast!
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  Originally posted by Major Fischer
                  So I'm still around. Everyone I was working for lost, and my body hurts from working from 6AM till 11PM yesterday. I'm feeling a bit like a chump for putting so much in. I even got bear hugged by a crying man who had just lost one of the more hardly fought US senate races in the country.

                  Don't know if i have much a heart for anything right now. Just wanted to let people know I didn't drop off the face of the earth.
                  (((((Major Fischer))))) You did a great thing for the country. That's a tough job working those polls...I know from experience. Thanks for all you did!!

                  Oh yeah, let's not forget that Sam and Jack must find true love....and soon!!!
                  Desperate Thunker


                    I found this poem in my pc... ...I think it sums up Sam & Jack's relationship...

                    Love Will Die if Held too Tightly,
                    Love Will Fly if Held to Lightly,
                    Lightly, Tightly, How do I Know, Whether
                    I’m Holding or Letting Love Go?

                    What do y'all think? Pretty appropriate?



                      TO ALL OF THE NEWBIES I MISSED!!!!


                        Originally posted by RowanD
                        Thank you so much! Appreciate the warm welcome.

                        WELCOME ROWAN!!!!!!!!!!

                        We are the shippers! Resistence is futile!!!!

                        Welcome to the collective, errr.....I mean family!!!!!


                          Originally posted by mad_gater

                          TO ALL OF THE NEWBIES I MISSED!!!!
                          Thanks Mad Gater! I've been enjoying my visit with y'all! This has been the most fun I've had on a bb in a long time! Y'all are totally awesome!


                            Originally posted by Nikkirose
                            Wow so many newbies!!!

                            WELCOME _Anubis, m_wendy_r, RowanD, Spiderman, and anyone else I may have missed!!!!! Grab some yummy Shipper Cookies take a tour of the lovely Shipper Town and post lots

                            getcarter, Welcome back!!!! So glad you're back! (((((getcarter)))))

                            Jynjyr, Glad you ventured out of the gutter, of course we GG's never really ever leave!! Welcome!! As for the saying on the ring, maybe just a simple 'Forever and Always' or the year they met to the infinity symbol, or see you soon, etc etc kinda sappy I know.
                            WELCOME BACK CHRISTY!!!!!!! (aka getcarter)


                              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                              A quiet day on the Thread begs some pix..... some captioned pix....

                              Sam: Noone's around...
                              Jack (squeezing Sam's hand): That means I can have another kiss?

                              Sniff. You mean sniff, right?

                              "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                                AmberMoon I found this poem in my pc... ...I think it sums up Sam & Jack's relationship...

                                Love Will Die if Held too Tightly,
                                Love Will Fly if Held to Lightly,
                                Lightly, Tightly, How do I Know, Whether
                                I’m Holding or Letting Love Go?

                                This is such a lovely poem. It applies to real relationships. I hope that the writers and producers of sg1 can see this and apply it to jack and sam

                                avatar and sig by flidget

