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    Originally posted by Capt. Rivet
    I'm not entirely sure that's a dress...

    we only saw the top ...but from the top it looks like a dress ..but whatever ..I still want it ..and I'll make sure I lurk around the SGC corridor on that day and inspect the female locker room so that I can borrow that outfit if she decides to ever take it off and put it in Sam's locker .

    Remember "Maid in Manhattan" with J.LO!!!!



      Originally posted by Catysg1
      I've never seen Shrek ..My kids have seen it though ...but Liebestraume ( who is now a shipper ) has seen it too I think

      ...and she loved the song "It is you (I have loved )" Dana Glover ..

      ....and I must say ..great choice Liebestraume's a very fitting song for Sam and Jack

      The music is very appealing Now I wished I would have seen Shrek but I prefer I think to associate the song to real characters rather than computerized Cartoons

      ..and happily saying after the Gemini pics ...I'm sure ...The ship will sail and Love will prevail

      Oh you should see Shrek (1st one is better IMO although I don't like Shrek as much as Disney and Pixars stuff like Finding Nemo )... Donkey is funny!

      Ok sorry for the OT....
      Anyway.... yes, it is very Sam&Jack...! And now I whenever I hear the song I will just think of them so yes, good choice Liebestraume!

      Yes me too... Sam and Jack forever!


      By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

      My Livejournal

      My Myspace


        Originally posted by Elfinwood
        Me too, Sally! I have a huge AT/Sam crush! I remember watching Stargate for the first time (started because I am partial to scifi/fantasy and RDA ) and the rest of the cast just really hit me with their attractiveness and their characters. I still prefer the early excitable, floppy-haired Daniel . I don't get the same impact with the cast of Atlantis. I know that it is rather shallow of me, but I need to like the looks of someone to keep watching, no matter how well the character is written. The cast of Stargate does that for me. The cast of Atlantis...not so much.
        I'm ashamed to say that when I first saw AT on SG as Sam, I was not at all impressed. I thought they could have found someone better.

        Now....what in the heck was I thinking?

        Since getting to know the show better, and the actors, as well as the characters, I've come to a whole new appreciation for AT. She has litterly impressed me to no end - both as the character and the actress. And I wish there was a way for me to meet her someday. There's still a part of me that wishes her character were just a bit stronger. But then I see Sam with Jack....well, now, I just can't see any other actress that could have played Sam and had the chemistry with RDA/Jack that she does.


          TOKEN (re: Shipper Drill): !!!!! IS THAT TOUNGE I SEE??? IT IS!!! *Starfury falls over* yeesh...don't do that to me when I'm at work OK?

          I have to admit that like SeaBee, I was not a shipper when I first started watching Stargate SG-1.

          Although I saw signs of ship in the Pilot, my reaction at the time (and throughout most of season 1 the first time through) was "oh brother, they're going to make her the love interest. What a cliche!" It took me a while to get into Stargate SG-1 at all, and not just because of that. I think the first couple of seasons were somewhat uneven in terms of quality and I was heavily into a couple other shows at the time, leaving me with virtually none left over to get into yet another show. Yet, being the sci-fi nut that I am, I did watch it occasionally when I happened to catch it during spare time.

          Then a friend of mine came to visit and brought the Stargate Season 1 DVDs with him. We watched a bunch of episodes and then, in spite of my protesting that I didn't want him to, he left the discs behind when he left. By that time B5 was over and Buffy was losing steam, so I watched the whole season, and the first time through season 1 I remember *cringing* at quite a few of the very same Shippy Moments I now go *squee* over! But I was hooked. I started watching the show in syndication (I think syndication was partway through season 2 or 3 at that point).

          Of course over time I grew to enjoy the show as a whole more and more and the O'Neill/Carter relationship along with it. What made the relationship work for me was that up until D&C the ship was so subtle, and they did such a great job at making Carter a strong, independent character that the ship was just an added layer--it was still there and I saw it, but I was pleased that the characters were professional enough to set their mutual attraction aside and get the job done--THAT approach to attraction is rare and refreshing in television. That impressed me and allowed me to enjoy the natural affection and even flirtiness of the two while focussing on the SciFi/Adventure/Team aspects of the show.

          Of course on Stargate, unlike certain other shows *coughStarTrekcoughcough* the characters grow and change and their relationships evolve along with them. By the time Ship started to get more overt in season 3, I was gung-ho, but I still didn't want them to get together--it didn't make sense to me at the time that the integrity of these characters would allow them to place their own interests above the fate of the earth/galaxy. So I was happy that they "left it in the room" at the end of D&C and enjoyed the extra tension between the characters that the conflict between their feelings and their integrity provided.

          But you can only see people you care about save the world so many times before you start to ask "hey, wait a minute! What are they getting in return? They deserve a break!" The ship was written and played so well on screen that it started to become one of the things I enjoyed most about the show. That and the obvious fact that they were perfectly capable of performing their duties in a professional manner in spite of their feelings--which they did their best to supress--made me admire the characters even more. I decided that they definitely deserved to be together after all. Still it was only season 4 and who knew how long the series was going to that point I didn't want them to get together till the very end of the series because I felt that it would spoil the team dynamic for the show, but I was content and confident that they WOULD be together in the end.

          Fast forward 3 more seasons. The team dynamic has already been messed with so much that it's a moot point and the tug-of-war between duty and love is becoming ridiculous! I want a resolution and I want it NOW. I want to see Jack & Sam live happily ever after before the end of the series--even if it's only 2 or 3 episodes before the finale. I still want the finale to be about the team. And if this isn't the last season, I don't want them to stretch out the angst for another year. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, GIVE THEM (and me) A BREAK!

          So there you have it, folks. The Evolution of a Shipper.
          Last edited by Starfury; 29 October 2004, 12:23 PM. Reason: formatting
          Sam & Jack 'Ship...


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            Guys, I'm going to attempt to translate the information at that German site, but it's probably going to take me some time, as my German is a bit rusty. However, that snippet in the short information translates as follows:

            SG-1 and Jack O'Neill head to the past to save Teal'c. Major Kawalsky is also with them there, seemingly come from a parallel universe, but from an earlier time. Further details in the extended contents.

            And... extended contents translation forthcoming.
            EDIT: Link to the original version here.
            Thanks for doing that much. I went to the site and was trying to make out some of the words. Which didn't go over so well since I don't speak a word of German. hey I try. I liked seeing the pics but made the mistake of looking at the guest starring list. And saw . Okay, so I know we're expecting him to show up again, I just don't like seeing the confirmation of it.
            "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
            "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
            Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
            Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
            "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
            Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
            Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
            (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


              Originally posted by sugarshaker
              Absoloutely, positively, yeah sure you betcha, yo, you got it! I can't find enough ways to agree with this.

              TPTB went WAY too far (Chimera spoiler)
              with the physicality between Sam and Pete.
              It's going to be tough to compensate for that now.

              YEAH ..You bet ..I bet all the shippers in the world now expect something intense between Sam and Jack ....something so sensual that it's gonna melt the TV screen

              and you know what I want Sam to kiss Jack a la Felger way in "The other guys" That was so sensual but wrong guy

              and Don't tell me that if they let Sam do that to other guys ..they can't let her do it to Jack at the end of the series . hey Joe

              It's not too much to ask ...but saying that ..I want one ( A KISS) at the SGC may be and another one in private

              I'm not asking for too much cuz Sam kissed Pete many times in the little but already too much screen time he has taken



                Originally posted by Starfury
                TOKEN (re: Shipper Drill): !!!!! IS THAT TOUNGE I SEE??? IT IS!!! *Starfury falls over* yeesh...don't do that to me when I'm at work OK?

                I have to admit that like SeaBee, I was not a shipper when I first started watching Stargate SG-1.

                Although I saw signs of ship in the Pilot, my reaction at the time (and throughout most of season 1 the first time through) was "oh brother, they're going to make her the love interest. What a cliche!" It took me a while to get into Stargate SG-1 at all, and not just because of that. I think the first couple of seasons were somewhat uneven in terms of quality and I was heavily into a couple other shows at the time, leaving me with virtually none left over to get into yet another show. Yet, being the sci-fi nut that I am, I did watch it occasionally when I happened to catch it during spare time.

                Then a friend of mine came to visit and brought the Stargate Season 1 DVDs with him. We watched a bunch of episodes and then, in spite of my protesting that I didn't want him to, he left the discs behind when he left. By that time B5 was over and Buffy was losing steam, so I watched the whole season, and the first time through season 1 I remember *cringing* at quite a few of the very same Shippy Moments I now go *squee* over! But I was hooked. I started watching the show in syndication (I think syndication was partway through season 2 or 3 at that point).

                Of course over time I grew to enjoy the show as a whole more and more and the O'Neill/Carter relationship along with it. What made the relationship work for me was that up until D&C the ship was so subtle, and they did such a great job at making Carter a strong, independent character that the ship was just an added layer--it was still there and I saw it, but I was pleased that the characters were professional enough to set their mutual attraction aside and get the job done--THAT approach to attraction is rare and refreshing in television. That impressed me and allowed me to enjoy the natural affection and even flirtiness of the two while focussing on the SciFi/Adventure/Team aspects of the show.

                Of course on Stargate, unlike certain other shows *coughStarTrekcoughcough* the characters grow and change and their relationships evolve along with them. By the time Ship started to get more overt in season 3, I was gung-ho, but I still didn't want them to get together--it didn't make sense to me at the time that the integrity of these characters would allow them to place their own interests above the fate of the earth/galaxy. So I was happy that they "left it in the room" at the end of D&C and enjoyed the extra tension between the characters that the conflict between their feelings and their integrity provided.

                But you can only see people you care about save the world so many times before you start to ask "hey, wait a minute! What are they getting in return? They deserve a break!" The ship was written and played so well on screen that it started to become one of the things I enjoyed most about the show. That and the obvious fact that they were perfectly capable of performing their duties in a professional manner in spite of their feelings--which they did their best to supress--made me admire the characters even more. I decided that they definitely deserved to be together after all. Still it was only season 4 and who knew how long the series was going to that point I didn't want them to get together till the very end of the series because I felt that it would spoil the team dynamic for the show, but I was content and confident that they WOULD be together in the end.

                Fast forward 3 more seasons. The team dynamic has already been messed with so much that it's a moot point and the tug-of-war between duty and love is becoming ridiculous! I want a resolution and I want it NOW. I want to see Jack & Sam live happily ever after before the end of the series--even if it's only 2 or 3 episodes before the finale. I still want the finale to be about the team. And if this isn't the last season, I don't want them to stretch out the angst for another year. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, GIVE THEM (and me) A BREAK!

                So there you have it, folks. The Evolution of a Shipper.

                And your evolution is a triumph

                I think it will go against human nature now to actually carry on with the non-resolution of the Sam and Jack ship . it's not very healthy at all ...their love is so strong that it could actually ruin their life if they don't get together before it's too late

                Saving the world is one thing but if you are happy in your life then you can probably achieve a lot more it's a fact ...What can you achieve if you are miserable??!!! and this is exactly how they are portrayed right now they are both sad that they can't get together because of the regs ..I think Jack is
                gonna give up his position without hesitation next time



                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  YEAH ..You bet ..I bet all the shippers in the world now expect something intense between Sam and Jack ....something so sensual that it's gonna melt the TV screen

                  and you know what I want Sam to kiss Jack a la Felger way in "The other guys" That was so sensual but wrong guy

                  and Don't tell me that if they let Sam do that to other guys ..they can't let her do it to Jack at the end of the series . hey Joe

                  It's not too much to ask ...but saying that ..I want one ( A KISS) at the SGC may be and another one in private

                  I'm not asking for too much cuz Sam kissed Pete many times in the little but already too much screen time he has taken

                  If that doesn't happen, I'm doing to send all seven seasons of my DVD's to TPTB and demand a refund!!

                  s u g a r s h a k e r


                    Originally posted by ra-hanna
                    Thanks for doing that much. I went to the site and was trying to make out some of the words. Which didn't go over so well since I don't speak a word of German. hey I try. I liked seeing the pics but made the mistake of looking at the guest starring list. And saw . Okay, so I know we're expecting him to show up again, I just don't like seeing the confirmation of it.
                    mobius spec/spoiler

                    what is in mobius


                      Originally posted by sugarshaker
                      If that doesn't happen, I'm doing to send all seven seasons of my DVD's to TPTB and demand a refund!!

                      LOL too because I won't watch them again ..or I'll give them to my kids to use as a replacement for whatever ..I live by the beach ..they can use them as frisbees next summer



                        Originally posted by Token
                        This is only for those who watch Stargate on SciFi:

                        What is SciFi thinking to air one of the holy Shipper Trinity (D&C) with A$$inity????

                        When is this happening????? Why on earth would they EVER decide to group those three wonderful episodes with the bane of our existence that is Insanity???????

                        *scratches head in confusion*
                        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                          Hiya I hardly ever post ehr eor read to be homnest, there are so many posts I can't keep up. But earlier I posted the message below in this thread (or at least I thought I did!) But now I can't find it, so I'm posting it again. Hope that's ok


                          Have you guys seen the poll soemone has put up on sci fi board? The one about whether people would still watch if RDA wasn't in it. So far it looks like most people aren't that bothered. I thought you might like to vote




                            Hey shipper family!!!! (((((((((((EVERYONE)))))))))))

                            thanks to whoever posted the shipper drill pic.......i think it was token????? Someone said something about seeing tongue and it had me ROTFL!!! I knew i saw it too!!! its almost to hard to tell!!!

                            I am so jealous of amanda tapping!!!! *runs off to repent of her envy*
                            Random Thought of the day:

                            -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                            -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                            heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                              Originally posted by Rogue
                              Wow, she looks great. If this is a Jack lite ep and he never sees her in that dress, I am going to scream.

                              Below I added a picture, it doesn't have anything to do with J/S, but I thought was pretty cool.

                              Well, I think they'll hear the screaming in Vancouver!!!! BC I will be screaming right along with you!!!!! Why is Jack never around when they've got Sam dressed up? He never seems to see her when she's looking good.

                              Yes, it is a very nice picture btw!
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                may i ask what other two eps make up the HOLY SHIPPER TRINITY?!?!? although i think i already know the answer to that....but i am asking anyways.
                                Random Thought of the day:

                                -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                                -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                                heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!

