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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally Posted by blueiris
    I think Jack has a stronger will than Sam and would not have allowed things to escalate to that level (rape). Jack would have summoned the will to run off before he allowed himself to hurt Sam (or anyone for that matter), IMO.
    Originally posted by Zoser
    He was doing a good job on Daniel before the SF's pulled him off and just for showing interest in 'Samantha"
    Oh, yeah!

    I'm thinking we'd have gotten a much different scene if Jack had been the aggressor (only because I think the writers would have shied away from anything that controversial) Too bad, actually, because I think it would have been 'interesting'...




      Originally posted by Ship Nana
      *Ship Nana crawls out of the gutter*

      Did you say "under him"? Naw you didn't say that did you?!

      *Ship Nana slides right back down the gutter chute*
      Okay Ship Nana...Sam has to share cause I'll take Jack any way I can get him...RDA is a hunk a chocolate and....well you can probably take it from there.


        Originally posted by marimba26
        They could both answer to Hammond too--that would effectively solve the prob too. The key is how base morale would be affected and as long as it isn't then they could work together!


        married couples and family members serve together all the time. it's all a matter of how they behave and how that behavior affects peoples' perceptions
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by majorsal
          I just came from the other thread and stated I wanted to change my vote. I'd originally said to keep both threads a while and see what happens, but now I really think we 'need' to separate so ppl can focus on what they want to discuss at any given time.

          Here's my idea - which I'm sure is going to add more headaches to the already throbbing ones the mods have. Close both threads and archive them. Create two new threads labled: 'Pro Sam/Jack Ship Discussion Thread' and 'Pro Sam/Jack Ship and Chatter Thread'. I'd feel more comfortable leaving out the 'family' reference, because it might give the impression that someone that wants more serious talk isn't really a member of the S/J community. I figure that 'anyone' that loves Sam and Jack and loves talking about it with Sam/Jack shippers is a member of the community and a family member by association.

          I wish we'd have been able to keep just one thread, but the size and popularity made it too... chaotic. I'm like Tame, I just wish something would be decided so we can all settle in and start playing again.


          I want one thread and voted that way. How will it save time to have two threads, I say. For me, if I get on one thread and there's not much doing, I naturally would go to the other to see what's happening there. See-- same amount of time, maybe more because of jumping around. We used to know there was one place to go--the Sam/ Jack Shipper Thread. I really think the problem will solve itself soon, when there are a number of "official" spoilers and when the we get the second half of the season (UK first).


            Originally posted by marimba26
            Actually the words are from a letter found in the papers of Beethoven after he died--no one knows who it was to. I learned about the letter from a fictional movie that was based on it--Immortal Beloved. One of the most romantic movies I've ever seen! I definitely recommend it!
            Marimba I had to go see what all this hallabaloo was all about this vid "Letter" of yours.

            Well now I understand I love it! I love the words and being a fan of LOTRs, love The Meeting! Well done!


              Originally posted by majorsal
              That's how I feel about AT's participation. Without her (Sam and Amanda), I'd lose interest.
              sam's why i watch. she's gone, i'll try the new incarnation, but i doubt it'll have the same draw that it does now.

              I think that's why i have yet to really dig into atlantis. Neither teyla or weir are particularly strong female characters (teyla's the stereotypical sex appeal/token alien while weir is the maternal figure)

              i enjoy the snow, but haven't connected with it and i think the lack of a good, strong female character is why
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver
                sam's why i watch. she's gone, i'll try the new incarnation, but i doubt it'll have the same draw that it does now.

                I think that's why i have yet to really dig into atlantis. Neither teyla or weir are particularly strong female characters (teyla's the stereotypical sex appeal/token alien while weir is the maternal figure)

                i enjoy the snow, but haven't connected with it and i think the lack of a good, strong female character is why
                I love AT's big blue eyes! Peter DeLuise, in the director's commentary on the DVD's, are always calling them "doe eyes" and how no matter what the camera angle, AT always comes across smart and beautiful. I love her smile literally lights up the room. A lot of the articles on the con websites say she's so down to earth and goes out of her way to meet everyone. I would love to meet AT and RDA...that would definitely make my life!

                You're right about Teyla/Weir...they're definitely not like Sam.


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day....

                  I've just got to know what they're talking about. Very interesting picture...




                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    sam's why i watch. she's gone, i'll try the new incarnation, but i doubt it'll have the same draw that it does now.

                    I think that's why i have yet to really dig into atlantis. Neither teyla or weir are particularly strong female characters (teyla's the stereotypical sex appeal/token alien while weir is the maternal figure)

                    i enjoy the snow, but haven't connected with it and i think the lack of a good, strong female character is why
                    This is exactly how I feel. I'll give *9* a shot if Sam's still around. I love Amanda's acting and how she portrays Sam. Sure, there would be an enormous void without RDA but I wonder if just as Jack was priming Sam for her own commad, maybe TPTB were priming us for the same.
                    I am not thrilled with Atlantis either. There isn't any chemistry with the main characters like there is with SG-1 IMHO.



                      Skydiver...been to your website before I started posting to this your stories! Keep them coming!

                      Got to get off to bed. Night shippers...sweet dreams of Sam and Jack!


                        Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                        Yes you did get it right

                        And I hope you enjoy the vids on my site. Some of them were made back in the day when I was new to vidding so some aren't that good. I'd recommend you see Whisper, Escape, and the Scientist.
                        Just watched Whisper and Escape--EXCELLENT!!! Loved seeing the clips of Jack and Sam in action! Just reminds me how great they are together on the job!!
                        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                          Ahh! I forgot to say Hi and welcome Amber! Hi and Welcome! Night!


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            Since you've been good girls and boys today and are sharing your toys, I'm going to re-post this one...

                            You guys ever notice how many times Sam and Jack look like a married couple? I really like the way Sam's smirking at Jack.




                              Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                              Well, Enemy Mine was better than Space Race.

                              Enemy Mine was pretty good for the first 12 minutes when they were shooting and killing each other! Before super-model Chaka showed up and Daniel started repeating everything the Unas were saying - only in English.

                              I'd have to say that in my opinion, Space Race was the worst episode of Stargate SG-1 ever. Paradise Lost (minus Sam being *****y, Maybourne fishing, and the Sam/Teal'c hug) came in second.

                              There wasn't really anything that I liked about Space Race. It was funny for a little bit, but then it just got annoying. Real quickly.
                              Hmmm, I'm afraid Affinity has to be my vote for worst ep ever. More ripoffs in that ep than at a used car dealership!! I'm not sure there was anything I liked. The scene between Sam and Jack was really powerful, I'm just not sure I actually *liked* it (not sure i'll ever like the thought of Sam ripping his heart out by showing him that ring). And then of course there was Karate Kid ripoff, the Crocodile Dundee ripoff, etc. Gads I can't even talk about that ep without wanting vomit--it is definitely a three-beer ep (see definition of a three-beer movie in my sig ).

                              As for Space Race, well it's just hard for me to take Unas at all so I guess it still has to go above Enemy Mine for me lol. Love your commentary on Enemy Mine though, still giggling.
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                whee! splash

                                moves over to make room for nana

                                come on down, the water's great and the view is fine (ya see, the boys are all wearing kilts and...well, ya know
                                As long as Jack's in a kilt, I'm good to go! I'd bet he was a *true* Scotsman!
                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

