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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by sugarshaker
    You know what Sam’s thinking in this picture don’t you?

    Lord almighty
    I feel my temperature rising
    Higher and higher
    It’s burning thorough to my soul
    Boy boy boy you’re gonna set me on fire
    My brain is flaming I don’t know which way to go

    [ Your kisses lift me higher
    Like the sweet song of the choir
    You blind my morning sky
    With burning love ]

    Ooh ooh ooh
    I feel my temperature rising
    Help me baby my fever’s a 109
    Burnin burnin burnin and nothing can cool me
    I might turn to smoke but baby I feel fine

    [ repeat ]

    It’s coming closer the flames are licking my body
    Won’t you help me I feel I’m slipping away
    It’s hard to breath my chest is a heaving
    Lord have mercy I’m burning the whole day

    [ repeat ]

    I’m a hunka hunka burning love
    I’m a hunka hunka burning looooovvve
    I’m a hunka hunka burning love
    I'm a hunka hunka burning love . . . .
    Sugarshaker!!! Haven't seen you in ages girl!!! SO glad you're here! What a great song--heaven knows that man is some kind of GORGEOUS!!! Ooops! Wrong thread! Though I still don't understand how she hasn't jumped him by now! The woman has the most self-control I've ever seen!!
    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


      Originally posted by sueKay
      Check this out guys!

      Re: Scottish Shippers

      Forgot Bru'Tak

      O'Neil =Flyboy and carter=Ninja ..hehe and so much more ..I would add



        Originally posted by melpomene
        aha another shipper.Are you a shipper vid fiend yet?know anything about penguins? got any dr.pepper?
        I don't know anything about penguins and don't drink much Dr. Pepper, but I do have a fair amount of episodes on tape! I'm a late comer to the show so I had to watch seasons 1-5 on Sci-fi, and the only DVD set I own is 6 because Sci-fi wasn't showing those. I would like to have the others on DVD to watch the episodes in order - something that was hard to do because of how Sci-fi shows their repeats. I have tried to keep my favorite shippy ones on tape...which reminds me, Point of View is on tonight! I need to tape that one again.

        The first episode I saw was Upgrades, I just decided to try out this show that was on Sci-fi all the time and I had heard about Sam and Jack. So I started watching and I figured out who everyone was, and then there was this scene with Sam and Jack on the ship with the force field between them and I thought, hmm, something just happened there that they didn't show us. I caught the next episode the next day and didn't understand it at all - what's up with the wormy thing in those people's bellies? And THEN I saw Divide & Conquer and have been hooked ever since. I had no idea what was going to happen and my heart was pounding during the Zatarc testing with Jack...

        I started taping episodes after that, and MONTHS later I saw Divide and Conquer again and this time understood who that chick in the leather was and why it was so sad that Martouf died etc.

        Anyhoo, thanks again for the welcome and I hope to post lots more! Now it's time to sign off and go home


          Originally posted by Kliggins
          Oh Astrochick, you are so dead; you forgot Bev!!!

          Never mind
          I've made my apologies to Bev, Queen of the Scottish Shippers...

          *and runs away and hides*


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            O'Neil =Flyboy and carter=Ninja ..hehe and so much more ..I would add

            hee hee

            Watched an episode yet???

            Thanks for adding the quote to your sig!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by melpomene
              not scottish but i love MacGyver does that count?
              Do you have any Scottish blood? Anywhere?

              No, just be an honorary Scot then...


                Originally posted by shelsfc
                It looks like we're going to get as far as Gemini before Christmas - leaving only 8 eps after Christmas.
                At least you know you're going to get the new Lowdown!!

                *shakes fist at Sky*
                Oh, we'll probably get the new lowdown but knowing the TPTB, we won't get ALL of it--they'll save the good stuff for you guys!
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Goshengirl: WOW! Great observation of subtle Ship on "Shades of Grey!" I haven't had time to watch any Stargate lately. Do you mind if I declare that moment Goshengirl's SHIPPY MOMENT OF THE DAY in lieu of me coming up with a STARFURY'S SHIPPY MOMENT today?

                  Here's my shippy list (as always, subject to change):
                  Favourite Ship Show
                  Window of Opportunity

                  Favourite Ship scene
                  The Resignation/Kiss from WoO. You gotta love the dip'n'kiss. I still like it better than the Grace kiss (though both were too short!)

                  Favourite Ship dialogue
                  I'm gonna have to go with the conversation from "Beneath the Surface" when Jack says "I remember feelings..."

                  Favourite Ship Look
                  Oooh, can't pick a favorite, gonna go with earliest one I can remember going *squee* at: When Jack saw Carter in "Emancipation" because it was just such OPEN admiration for her. Personally I subscribe to the "it was there in the briefing room the first time they met" theory of Ship but this is when it really nailed it down for me.


                  HA! We got Major Fischer! There's no turning back, you know! We're like the Borg. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. YOU WILL BE ASIMMILATED!

                  RepliCarter...I love your graphics too. *HUGS*

                  SG1Poz: I don't usually post welcomes! You need a HUGE HUG! (((((((((((((((((((((((SG1Poz))))))))))))))))))))) and I thought my family had a bad year...yeesh....

                  Originally posted by Lunar
                  Yes, yes and yes. Particularly the last bit. Too much OT and I get bored. Too much in depth ship discussion and I'm bored! Yes, I'm a very shallow person! But I come to play here, not be serious like in real life. So I liked the old threads mixture of both.
                  So you're saying we're boring? just kidding. I, too, like the content and the meta-content. We seem to need reminders from time to time to keep it balanced, though. Personally I don't see why it causes such a big upset when it's brought to attention. It's not as if anybody's doing anything BAD, nobody is assigning blame (well, I can't speak for everyone, so I guess I should just say that I'm not assigning blame).

                  You know what totally amazes me about this whole content discussion/argument is that I thought I was gonna get red repped like crazy but I only got one single red rep (so far) over this! And I noticed I now have 2 green jello squares! not sure when that happened but for the Red Point...well at least now I feel included and to the person who gave me the red rep, I accept that I helped start the fight even though I didn't mean to. I think it's fair that I got some red rep for it. And I did keep posting...some of it was even Jack/Sam centric (in fact, this was my very next post: ) as well as meta-content about this stuff. It just must have got lost in the shuffle as usual. Trust me, I would never hit and run like that. And for everyone else who's mad at me but didn't red rep me...umm thanks.

                  And as for the two threads thing...I'm gonna reserve my opinion until I have one...i.e. I need some time to try it out and decide whether or not I like it.
                  Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                    Originally posted by Goshengirl
                    I don't know anything about penguins and don't drink much Dr. Pepper, but I do have a fair amount of episodes on tape! I'm a late comer to the show so I had to watch seasons 1-5 on Sci-fi, and the only DVD set I own is 6 because Sci-fi wasn't showing those. I would like to have the others on DVD to watch the episodes in order - something that was hard to do because of how Sci-fi shows their repeats. I have tried to keep my favorite shippy ones on tape...which reminds me, Point of View is on tonight! I need to tape that one again.

                    The first episode I saw was Upgrades, I just decided to try out this show that was on Sci-fi all the time and I had heard about Sam and Jack. So I started watching and I figured out who everyone was, and then there was this scene with Sam and Jack on the ship with the force field between them and I thought, hmm, something just happened there that they didn't show us. I caught the next episode the next day and didn't understand it at all - what's up with the wormy thing in those people's bellies? And THEN I saw Divide & Conquer and have been hooked ever since. I had no idea what was going to happen and my heart was pounding during the Zatarc testing with Jack...

                    I started taping episodes after that, and MONTHS later I saw Divide and Conquer again and this time understood who that chick in the leather was and why it was so sad that Martouf died etc.

                    Anyhoo, thanks again for the welcome and I hope to post lots more! Now it's time to sign off and go home

                    Welcome to the shipper family Goshengirl and Upgrades and divide & conquer are the best shippy episodes because it's all real



                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      Seven Scottish Shippers!!!!

                      Astro's a Glaswegian
                      FHG Bagpuss



                      *bangs head off keyboard*
                      And there are only 2 Irish shippers here....I think. I know Watters & I, is there anyone else? Anyone? I do remember having a conversation with another Irish shipper...or did I dream that....
                      Maybe I should cut down on Mei Mei's Happy Pill Cookies....


                        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                        Do you have any Scottish blood? Anywhere?

                        No, just be an honorary Scot then...
                        HEY!!! what about me?!?! did you see my post?!?!?

                        I know this is a litle OT and im sorry..ding me if it really irritates you that much....but

                        I have always wanted to go into a scottish bar meet a guy named alexander with a wonderful scottish accent and become life long friends with him!! I know its crazy weird but....ehhh

                        and to stay on topic........... ANY SPECULATION ON WHAT YALL WANT MOEBIOS TO LOOK LIKE!!! seriously, i like your ideas.they always make me smile!!
                        Random Thought of the day:

                        -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                        -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                        heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                          Other than them being in their BDUs, I can imagine this taken at the reception. Silver cups and plates!
                          What?? You think I've lost my mind??
                          Well, I have to help the Shipper Family as best I can!

                          Token ~


                            Okay, just caught up on eight hours of posts — sheesh, you guys talk a lot.

                            First, I'm glad to see that things seem to be somewhat normal again. I don't know how I'm going to vote in the poll, but I suppose I'll figure it out.

                            Second — Major Fischer admits to being a tiny bit part-shipper!? *faints*

                            Third, I don't plan on downloading the episodes. However, I plan on spoiling myself sick.

                            So, on to my favorites in S/J:

                            Favorite Episode
                            Ya'll are going to think I'm nuts, but it's... "Fire and Water".

                            I'm a big fan of friendship-first relationships, which is why this one's at the top of my list. After hypnotized Sam realizes that Daniel didn't die but they left him behind, there's a wonderful moment where Jack grabs her and hugs her. It really shows how quickly the team bonded as friends, and I love that Jack went to comfort her so automatically, despite the fact that he must have been seriously disturbed by what happened too. Great friendship episode.

                            Favorite Line
                            "Apparently Carter and I could have been torn asunder."
                            "The possibility of that was remote, sir."

                            Need I say more?

                            Favorite Scene
                            Jack daydreaming in the briefing room after kissing Sam in "Window of Opportunity".

                            Favorite Comfort Hug
                            "Into the Fire"! They shoulda kissed then.

                            Thank you, that is all.

                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              Originally posted by yoojoo
                              OOPS!! Yoojoojust got caught by mei mei's boss!! shoves shipper cookies down boss's throat and ties him up!! RUN MEI MEI, RUN!!! YOUR FREE!!! for now at least until your boss overcomes the effects of the happy pill cookies!

                              Someone wanna tell me what they think the shippy resolution will look like in Moebios.......or however you spell the stupid name!! Im curious as to your wonderings?
                              Hehehehe... Thanks, but both of Mei Mei's bosses are out of town... Mei Mei just has a project that must be done and it's one of the voices in her head that is yelling at her to work rather than ship. (Mei Mei thinks it's the one called "Conscience".)

                              Of course, she's back over here looking again!!

                              It's a sickness!! TPTB have hooked us and are reeling us in slowly, tormenting us like the poor little shipper fishes that we are!!!


                                Originally posted by Catysg1

                                And for all Sam and Jack shippers who want to be spoiled for the 11th and 12th episode of Stargate before Christmas ..I'll be doing a video with the shippy scenes the next day

                                Thanks Caty !! I so want to know what happens in these episodes cause here in France we won't have S8 before April or May And I know I won't be able to stay away from spoilers this long
                                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !

