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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Major Fischer
    I just want to follow Tame's lead and express how profoundly honored I am that y'all have appreciated what i had to say enough to give me enough rep to make my radioactive jello square. It means a great deal to me that I have been so welcomed into your community and allowed to tease you all without any of you getting upset or hurt.

    Viva la shippers!
    *takes pointy stick & pokes MF in the side*
    EH? What was that?

    I think it just goes to show MF, that contrary to some beliefs about shippers I've seen out there, we are a pretty open Family and we do enjoy a good discussion & even welcome those who may not see eye-to-eye with us...

    I think it's all in the approach and general respect of the POV of others and you've always been pleasant & respectful of our differences in opinions.... (and you're lots of fun too!)

    Congrats on more green Jell-O cubes to eat!
    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      So I have a question. Should I even bother to try and keep up with you all? I mean I think that this has got to be one of the fastest moving threads I've been on in at least two years. Which is really and all but seriously my head hurts just thinking of trying to read everything you all have said since I was here, just three days ago. You all rock though and the posts I did see just made me think how much cooler you are then I thought before. Anyone care to explain the penguin comments? I heard about them over at FF but still a little lost as to what they mean.

      "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
      ~ Robert Heinlein



        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Hey by just watching the scenes and Pics in sacrifices ..I suddenly realised...

        What was so wrong anyway to hold on to Sam like Jack did ?
        Why did he react like that and her they were not supposed to touch suddenly ...If I remember well ...they did not hesitate to touch in heroe..and it was a big hug ..He even kind of kissed her or rub his nose in her neck .

        So what was so wrong about him touching her arms like that ???They did worse than that with the heroe hug ?

        Do you think it's because they were in public and they should not do that in public !!!!...but then again in "New order " ..when Jack found Sam in the woods ..he touched her on her thights.. it was deliberate and Teal'c and Daniel were around ..Teal'c at least saw it .

        So I wonder what Jack was scared about in the corridor in Sacrifices.!!!!Any ideas!!!! or is it just a tease again or a minor plot hole ???!!!!

        IMHO think he's become very aware of the ramifications of his actions. He's still our same old Jack, but he *is* changing and becoming more aware of what is expected of him in the 'professional behavior' department & is making an attempt to keep it on the "up & up," especially with Sam. All eyes are focused on him, even more so than when he was just the CO of the 'premier team' & you know the military rumor mill is probably just chomping at the bit to sink their teeth in to a good Jack O'Neill mistake to blast up to the Pentagon and 'inappropriate' behavior with Sam would likely be top on their list to catch.

        Wasn't that hug in Hereos in a room w/only S & J present? It's probably a big difference to offer physical comfort to someone you really care about in relative privacy rather than to be touching that someone in a familiar way out in a hallway w/animals, visitors, & base personnel wandering through.
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Originally posted by fidesangelus
          So I have a question. Should I even bother to try and keep up with you all? I mean I think that this has got to be one of the fastest moving threads I've been on in at least two years. Which is really and all but seriously my head hurts just thinking of trying to read everything you all have said since I was here, just three days ago. You all rock though and the posts I did see just made me think how much cooler you are then I thought before. Anyone care to explain the penguin comments? I heard about them over at FF but still a little lost as to what they mean.

          I'll let someone else do the penguin explanation for you.

          But it is a fun fast thread... That's what attracted me to lurk here back in March. By May I couldn't resist it anymore... I *had* to join into the fun.

          Ah.. cool... schmool... we're just one big happy funny talented Family... which by the way, you're most definitely now a part of.

          (stupid question of the evening - what's FF?
          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


            Originally posted by fidesangelus
            So I have a question. Should I even bother to try and keep up with you all? I mean I think that this has got to be one of the fastest moving threads I've been on in at least two years. Which is really and all but seriously my head hurts just thinking of trying to read everything you all have said since I was here, just three days ago. You all rock though and the posts I did see just made me think how much cooler you are then I thought before. Anyone care to explain the penguin comments? I heard about them over at FF but still a little lost as to what they mean.

            This is the life we lead...

            Welcome! Nice to meet ya!


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              definitely DON'T stop playing devil's advocate!! it spurs discussion and THAT is very welcome here !!!!

              With no *new news* we get caught up in all of our fun and we lose some of our *old time* posters that like to come here JUST for discsussion so PLEASE don't stop advocating that.

              We Shippers are on pins and needles because Sci-Fi in general doesn't always follow formula TV and TPTB for SG1 have been doing some very weird things .....See Pete looking at all of the angles in any article, interview or episode is VERY WELCOME!!!!

              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                SS your problably right.I already have Season 1-6 on DVD but I would not buy 7 and 8 if TPTB
                Kill Jack.I still do not think they will Kill Jack but I am starting to have doubts.The way things have gone for the Shippers I could easily see TPTB putting Sam and Jack together than Killing Jack.If there is a Season 9 with no RDA I could see TPTB bring back Jack in a Movie or Mini-Series.


                  Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                  Keep postin'!


                  Your post was really interesting. I was on a date today with a guy (don't faint), who likes Stargate. We were talking about the various seasons and I said I didn't like season 7, particularly the boyfriend one and I was like "what was that all about they should have concentrated on Daniel", so now he's looking at me a bit strange and saying "wow you're really into it"... but he was nodding! Anyway, he wants to see me again, so the stabbing of the potato I was eating at the time while talking obviously didn't put him off.

                  The next test he has to pass is "Do you think Sam and Jack belong together?"
                  Please let us know if he passes the next test!
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                    Ah.. cool... schmool... we're just one big happy funny talented Family... which by the way, you're most definitely now a part of.
                    (stupid question of the evening - what's FF?
                    I feel special, thanks oh sorry, I forget that FF isn't a huge place, heh. It's I found it way back in 2001 with my Roswell days. If I'd known there were other Stargate fans out there at the time I would have probably been here a lot sooner but alas...
                    "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
                    ~ Robert Heinlein



                      Originally posted by fidesangelus
                      I feel special, thanks oh sorry, I forget that FF isn't a huge place, heh. It's I found it way back in 2001 with my Roswell days. If I'd known there were other Stargate fans out there at the time I would have probably been here a lot sooner but alas...
                      Hey... that makes you a much more experienced Family member than me... I'd never been part of any kind of on-line fandom until I joined this one.
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                        Hey... that makes you a much more experienced Family member than me... I'd never been part of any kind of on-line fandom until I joined this one.
                        LoL, well SS you will definetly have to teach me about this place because I'm a little lost. What's a reputation in regards to adding to someone's?
                        "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
                        ~ Robert Heinlein



                          Originally posted by ses110
                          SS your problably right.I already have Season 1-6 on DVD but I would not buy 7 and 8 if TPTB
                          Kill Jack.I still do not think they will Kill Jack but I am starting to have doubts.The way things have gone for the Shippers I could easily see TPTB putting Sam and Jack together than Killing Jack.If there is a Season 9 with no RDA I could see TPTB bring back Jack in a Movie or Mini-Series.
                          Shudder... I can see it, too. I can totally see it.

                          Hopefully, it won't be TOO wretched, considering it's looking more and more like they're trying to end it like The X-Files. As long as we never see Sam pregnant, we won't have to worry about.

                          This is getting sadder and sadder. Does anyone have anything cheerful to add to ses' bit of truth?


                            Originally posted by fidesangelus
                            LoL, well SS you will definetly have to teach me about this place because I'm a little lost. What's a reputation in regards to adding to someone's?
                            See the little scales up at the top of each post? (Each one except your own...) Click there & you'll be able to give either postive (green) or negative (red) rep points to fellow posters. You can add a comment there also (it's ususally nice to let someone know what you liked or disliked about the post). You don't have to sign them (though mods & Darren can see who left what for whom...)

                            You can click on MyControls to go view your own rep points/comments received.

                            2 good threads to check out...
                            How to get a good Reputation

                            Rep Points, the Universe and Everything
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              So I bought S7 on DVD the day it came out and I must say that the BTS stuff is awesome. I really, really enjoyed that kind of stuff and they show a lot of RDA and AT stuff in the BTS, many more moments than ever make it into the show. ::blinks rapidly:: So S7 was a good buy for me, even if I did end up caving and getting it at Borders for far too much.

                              Thanks SS for the info on rep points. I'll check out those threads.
                              "Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
                              ~ Robert Heinlein



                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                Yeah that was my exact image but it is still
                                unprofessional behavior ShipNana unless I suppose Jack resigned and he became a civilian before Mobius then we could have the inapropriate behavior and all that.. and anyway regs or no regs ..if they thought they were dying or dead ...and they look for each other's body amongst the other dead people for a long time crying and desesperate ..and they suddenly start seeing each other through the smoking dust of the battle ...I don't think they'll hesitate to run in each others arms ....regs or no regs ......They may even kiss and screw the regs but not on purpose ...only because it just happens.....I'll see it as a relief kind of kiss...sweet...and full of care....more like kissing on the forehead , the cheeks ..the eyes start with like a healing kiss.


                                Can't you just see it!! All we see is smoke and then a little bit of a face, maybe a tear stained part and then we see another part of another face. The smoke is swirling around and more and more of the faces become exposed until we realize at the same time that they do that both Sam and Jack are alive! What a powerful scene that could be!!! It might even rival "Heroes"!
                                Ship Nana

