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    Originally posted by Watters87
    Already read it and it is very good. LMAO in the new chapter when the rumour get distorted. Hopefully it will go on to many more chapters

    hehehe! I like this, it's like the Shipper Thread...

    But its a WIP, I hate those!!! Grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      Hey by just watching the scenes and Pics in sacrifices ..I suddenly realised...

      What was so wrong anyway to hold on to Sam like Jack did ?
      Why did he react like that and her they were not supposed to touch suddenly ...If I remember well ...they did not hesitate to touch in heroe..and it was a big hug ..He even kind of kissed her or rub his nose in her neck .

      So what was so wrong about him touching her arms like that ???They did worse than that with the heroe hug ?

      Do you think it's because they were in public and they should not do that in public !!!!...but then again in "New order " ..when Jack found Sam in the woods ..he touched her on her thights.. it was deliberate and Teal'c and Daniel were around ..Teal'c at least saw it .

      So I wonder what Jack was scared about in the corridor in Sacrifices.!!!!Any ideas!!!! or is it just a tease again or a minor plot hole ???!!!!

      Personally I saw Jack´s reaction as surprise. I mean, they seemed so comfortable with each other that it was like Jack would had forgotten for a moment where they were. Dunno if that´s make sense but it´s what I thought when I first saw.
      Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

      ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
      By the way, do you know his address??


        Originally posted by Ship Nana
        Now Caty we can't have that kind of unprofessional behavior from Sam and Jack. Remember how we felt when she did that, that, I can't say it, with ?

        So how about this scenerio. The battle is over but there is smoke and dust still in the air. The ground is littered with the dead and dying and we see separate shots of Sam and Jack looking among the people on the ground trying to find each other. Then they see each other (slow motion kicks in here) and start towards each other slowly at first and then running with tears in their eyes until they meet in the middle of the battlefield. Jack takes Sam's face in his hands and then and then.....
        Sounds so very good to me Ship Nana. What a wonderful image you have drawn. We can only hope and pray and scream and yell and kick...sorry I had a momentary Shipper Snit but I'm OK now. I went back to that happy picture you created Ship Nana. Yes, all better now.
        Desperate Thunker


          Originally posted by Ship Nana
          Now Caty we can't have that kind of unprofessional behavior from Sam and Jack. Remember how we felt when she did that, that, I can't say it, with ?

          So how about this scenerio. The battle is over but there is smoke and dust still in the air. The ground is littered with the dead and dying and we see separate shots of Sam and Jack looking among the people on the ground trying to find each other. Then they see each other (slow motion kicks in here) and start towards each other slowly at first and then running with tears in their eyes until they meet in the middle of the battlefield. Jack takes Sam's face in his hands and then and then.....

          Yeah that was my exact image but it is still
          unprofessional behavior ShipNana unless I suppose Jack resigned and he became a civilian before Mobius then we could have the inapropriate behavior and all that.. and anyway regs or no regs ..if they thought they were dying or dead ...and they look for each other's body amongst the other dead people for a long time crying and desesperate ..and they suddenly start seeing each other through the smoking dust of the battle ...I don't think they'll hesitate to run in each others arms ....regs or no regs ......They may even kiss and screw the regs but not on purpose ...only because it just happens.....I'll see it as a relief kind of kiss...sweet...and full of care....more like kissing on the forehead , the cheeks ..the eyes start with like a healing kiss.



            Originally posted by Ship Nana

            And here's a EVERY COLOR SHIPPER COOKIE which will erase your memories of all bad spoilers, episodes, and character appearances that are depressing and replaces them with only positive Sam/Jack memories. Hope this makes you feel better!!!

            Is that playdough on top?

            Is that stuff edible?

            Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
            Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


              These new spoilers are driving me crazy! I can't bear to think that
              Sam and Jack will actually get some big juicy RST in case they don't!!

              Phew. Sorry about that, I just needed to vent the tension!


                1 in every 5 posts is here!? WOW!! Well, that should let tptb know something about who the noiseist fan-group are...
                (and send in the penguins...) mwhahaha.
                You know what's really sad? I can't be bothered to watch the new stargate eps airing on Sky at the moment because there's so little 'team' stuff. And ship. I'm actually watching season 7 on channel 4 in preference with something resembling misty eyes of reminisence!! The early episodes of S7 are that different to S8 (after New Order, which I did enjoy quite a lot...).


                  Originally posted by Lunar
                  I WANT TO BELIEVE BUT I DAREN'T!!
                  These new spoilers are driving me crazy! I can't bear to think that
                  Sam and Jack will actually get some big juicy RST in case they don't!!

                  Phew. Sorry about that, I just needed to vent the tension!

                  Relax and go and watch some shippy videos it will be alright on the night and I'm off to bed ...Bonne nuit..Sweet dreams

                  The ship will sail and Love will prevail may not be all rosy along the way but we'll get there ...I bet we will ..TPTB will never risk losing out on Millions of Dollars



                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    Relax and go and watch some shippy videos it will be alright on the night and I'm off to bed ...Bonne nuit..Sweet dreams

                    The ship will sail and Love will prevail may not be all rosy along the way but we'll get there ...I bet we will ..TPTB will never risk losing out on Millions of Dollars
                    I just watched Spanish guitar... teehee. Is the 'love scene' the
                    Sam and Pete scene from Chimera, though?
                    Or Kynthia and Jack from Brief Candle... it's bugging me trying to figure out if there Stargate scenes, cos it does look like J/S...

                    Sweet dreams, Caty!


                      I just want to follow Tame's lead and express how profoundly honored I am that y'all have appreciated what i had to say enough to give me enough rep to make my radioactive jello square. It means a great deal to me that I have been so welcomed into your community and allowed to tease you all without any of you getting upset or hurt.

                      Viva la shippers!


                        Originally posted by Lunar
                        I just watched Spanish guitar... teehee. Is the 'love scene' the
                        Sam and Pete scene from Chimera, though?
                        Or Kynthia and Jack from Brief Candle... it's bugging me trying to figure out if there Stargate scenes, cos it does look like J/S...

                        Sweet dreams, Caty!

                        There is no Pete scenes in "Spanish guitar."..Only Brief candle ..where I flame the girl....and the still pics are from the void it's her body. ...but it's not Chimera ...I did not want to use Pete's hand ..I used the other guy's hand from the void (He was really nice) ..then I felt better...but it's purely a sexual connotation effect I wanted to achieve with the guitar and the hand...and Sam 's fantasy and I liked the final result.It was cool.

                        Thank you Lunar *Sleep tight*



                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          There is no Pete scenes in "Spanish guitar."..
                          Phew! I was worried...


                            *ponders PB's spoilers*

                            He says "The Jack/Carter question is going to be dealt with. Not a tease, on screen, dealt with!"

                            He doesn't say how it's going to be dealt with. For all we know they could admit yes, they're both crazily in love with each other, but agree that for the sake of the SGC, the world, the universe, whatever, not to pursue a relationship.
                            *Glances at her own sig*
                            Optimism, right....


                              Season 8 spoiler/spec:


                              Personally, I think the change is going to be setting up a potential season 9 with much less RDA and some future planning to make continuing the franchise easier going forward. It really doesn't sound like RDA is willing to continue at his current level. That means they need somebody else for the day to day operational issues. And, gee, we have reason to believe Jack might be changing his role in the SGC a little to become a civilian leader. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to think that they still need a military commander of the base for the sake of reporting structures, reviews, and operations. So, they could bring somebody in (possibly somebody we've seen before like Dixon) as the new military commander. That way we have somebody who can be in charge, order the iris opened, and hold briefings as needed. I could also see them finally adding a 4th to SG-1 as future planning. It would make the transition easier for when more of the original cast hits that time to move on point. I'd also expect that in a season 9 we'd get to know some of the SGC members who aren't on SG-1 a little better.

                              It's certainly change. It would definitely take some getting used to. However, a show this old has to change or end. They can't keep it going the same way forever. Since TPTB don't seem very enthused about the ending prospect, I'd expect to see some of the sorts of changes I outlined above. Personally, I'm willing to wait for more solid information before getting upset about it. Change can be done well. We don't know enough to judge whatever they have in mind. Once we have more info, I'll freak out or celebrate as appropriate.

                              I hate to seem closeminded about this, but a *lot* less RDA, at this point, would kill the show for me. I have found, with maybe one or two exceptions, that the Jack-lite (really lite, like Icon), Jack-less eps are just deadly dull for me. (I'm not alone: virtually every professional review I saw of the two parts of New Order pointed out how it came to life when Jack showed up.). This is not to denigrate in any way the acting talents of the other three, but so far they have not demonstrated the--I don't know. Spark? Larger-than-life feeling? whatever--needed to carry the show. Dixon for me was a one-timer: OK on that level, but not permanent, especially as he was more than a bit of a Jack-clone for me. And I don't want a Jack-clone; I want Jack.

                              For the series to have a chance of working for me without Jack, it would have to be entirely re-imagined.

                              "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                                Originally posted by shelsfc
                                *ponders PB's spoilers*

                                He says "The Jack/Carter question is going to be dealt with. Not a tease, on screen, dealt with!"

                                He doesn't say how it's going to be dealt with. For all we know they could admit yes, they're both crazily in love with each other, but agree that for the sake of the SGC, the world, the universe, whatever, not to pursue a relationship.
                                *Glances at her own sig*
                                Optimism, right....

                                Don't despair shelsfc...They 'll loose out to much cash if they upset the majority of fans after so many years . so Take it like it's good for us shippers ..It's got to be ..I'm 99% sure already going that way and don't forget that Jack is talking about
                                retiring in Threads to be with Sam
                       you see need to worry ..It's all good ..the Sam and Jack ship is sailing the right way ..I don't think TPTB will upset the shippers at the end of the show could mean the end of them ..because the shippers are the majority


