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    Auralan, you are the awesomest person ever. The penguins salute you.

    Originally posted by auralan
    Season 8 spoiler/spec:


    Okay, lets go over a few points that should assuage some of the worries.

    There's no way they'll kill of Jack in a way that's particularly permanent. He's the big name star. They're still thinking theatrical release as a very real possibility. They need him for that. No way they'll kill Jack off in a way that can't be reversed.
    Good point. I actually made this one myself to someone outside the forum. If they kill him, he either won't really be dead, or he'll be able to come back. Who knows, maybe he accepts ascension and immediately breaks the rules. This is Jack we're talking about.

    Dead isn't all that permanent a condition on sci-fi shows. Daniel's been dead how many times? Even if they do kill one of them, it's only gonna be until they bring them back to life because they need them for the movie/miniseries/season 9.
    So we get Stargate: SG-1: The Search for Jack?

    Amanda has indicated interest in season 9. With RDA's reduced schedule and having killed off Janet, she's the only woman left and she's the team lead. Worse, they don't really have anybody else who could step into that role. I really don't think they'd shut the door on her coming back. Before anybody brings up the Gemini rumors, I can't find a single reputable source to back that up. Apologies to whomever brough it here, but remembering having heard something on a mailing list somewhere awhile ago is not exactly a reputable or verifiable source. I've heard nothing of the kind anywhere and I've done some serious digging. I did see speculation about it, but I've speculated that Teal'c has a collection of Barbies. That really doesn't mean we're gonna see Teal'c with dolls any time soon. If anybody has the source of the Gemini thing, please correct me and point us all to it. At this point, I don't have any reason to believe it's more than speculation. Also, sci-fi really, really likes her. The network liking somebody counts a lot.
    I've done a lot of hunting for that Gemini rumor too, and what it seems to boil down to is that they thought about it for a while. They probably knew AT wanted to carry a pregnancy to term, and if a pregnancy happened to overlap into shooting, killing Carter off temporarily would be a good way of getting around it. But again, I can't even find the original post about it.

    MS and CJ have also indicated interest in another season. There's really no reason to think TPTB wouldn't want them back, too. I doubt they'd be killed in any permanent fashion, either. It doesn't make sense when so many options are still on the table to continue the series.

    Change is not an inherently bad thing. It can be good: the ship couldn't sail without some kind of change that allows them to work around the regs. That change may have other implications, but I think it'll be well worth it for us. :-D
    I think we need a room with the walls painted taupe ("They say taupe is very soothing") and Auralan's reassurances hanging on the walls. We have to have a change to get our ship. Let's not forget that.

    Below is all spoiler-based speculation.

    Personally, I think the change is going to be setting up a potential season 9 with much less RDA and some future planning to make continuing the franchise easier going forward. It really doesn't sound like RDA is willing to continue at his current level. That means they need somebody else for the day to day operational issues. And, gee, we have reason to believe Jack might be changing his role in the SGC a little to become a civilian leader. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to think that they still need a military commander of the base for the sake of reporting structures, reviews, and operations. So, they could bring somebody in (possibly somebody we've seen before like Dixon) as the new military commander. That way we have somebody who can be in charge, order the iris opened, and hold briefings as needed. I could also see them finally adding a 4th to SG-1 as future planning. It would make the transition easier for when more of the original cast hits that time to move on point. I'd also expect that in a season 9 we'd get to know some of the SGC members who aren't on SG-1 a little better.
    Oh, I hope TPTB realize how much the fans loved Colonel Dixon, and that they do their best to get Adam Baldwin back for a big role like this! I know he was shooting Serenity while SG-1 was shooting this year, and I'm ecstatic that he went with that, but he won't be shooting that movie next year...

    It's certainly change. It would definitely take some getting used to. However, a show this old has to change or end. They can't keep it going the same way forever. Since TPTB don't seem very enthused about the ending prospect, I'd expect to see some of the sorts of changes I outlined above. Personally, I'm willing to wait for more solid information before getting upset about it. Change can be done well. We don't know enough to judge whatever they have in mind. Once we have more info, I'll freak out or celebrate as appropriate.
    Exactly. You can't put the same old formula out there every week, because it WILL get stale. Part of the reason MASH lasted as long as it did (eleven years — that's longer than the war it was about!) was because they embraced change. Colonel Potter wasn't Colonel Blake Part II. He was a lot different, and his character brought a new dynamic and new life to the show. B. J. wasn't Trapper. Charles wasn't Frank. And best of all, the characters who did remain were affected by the new characters, and were affected by other characters leaving. Relationships changed. It's an amazing show to watch, from a storytelling and character perspective. (In my opinion, X-Files embraced change poorly. I didn't see much of them dealing with the fact that Doggett was very, very different than any character we'd seen in the previous seasons.)

    So, change can be done well. Let's just all sit down calmly until more spoilers that aren't incredibly vague come in. "Someone's going to die" isn't a spoiler. Someone's died in every season so far.

    Last edited by Melyanna; 23 October 2004, 07:28 AM. Reason: Fixing spoiler markups
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      OK Watters87 I've read it all and it's great and if that source
      has to keep things secrets but she is a shipper ...I think it's really good news ..he looked very excited about the final episode ...great special effects he said ..and the on screen resolution of Sam and Jack is gonna be a good thing I bet on some really nice hugs and a very passionate kiss starting with a kiss a la point of view to finish off with the Grace kiss ...and more a fishing invite and I bet they 'll hold hands or their waist as they go away fishing at Jack's cabin .I would love to see some foreplay to a love scene really.... but it will be just a bonus.( would love it for my videos though)

      So do we know that:
      a) this source is reliable?
      b) they *want* a shippy finish??


        Well considering that the source is Pierre Bernard (of the Recliner of Rage fame from the Conan Show) and that he was on the set conducting interviews for the new Lowdown special that's airing in January, I would say that he's pretty reliable.

        It was, is, and always will be GREEN


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          Pick on me all you want...I thought of the same thing

          ANd I want to add my KUDOS to Auralan!!! Again EXCELLENT post and well thought out points there.... I think everything you say goes a LONG way to calming alot of fears AND makes alot of sense .. AS ALWAYS!!!!
          You guys are so sweet. I'm seriously blushing here. Thank you. It was very, very nice to wake up to all the amazingly kind replies today.
          *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


            .Can I just say that all members of the shipper family are awesome ..really I do



              Originally posted by Lunar
              So do we know that:
              a) this source is reliable?
              b) they *want* a shippy finish??
              The source is reliable. It's Pierre Bernard (the guy who did the "Recliner of Rage" thing on a late-night talk show and was then asked to come be an extra in "Zero Hour"), and he's the host of the mid-season Lowdown (at least, he's the guy doing the interviews). I can't imagine them giving major spoilers to the guy who won the "Get in the Gate" contest, but this man was interviewing the cast and crew, not just being an extra.

              As to whether or not he's a shipper, I don't know.
              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
              Melyanna's Multimedia
              Last update: 15 February 2006


                Well, I don't want spoilers to get my hopes up too high, really I don't. But......... while reading through posts over the last day I found my self humming this song by Clint Black:

                No sun on the Rockies, not even the light of day
                I feel that old cabin fever coming on
                But I know where I'll be when lady luck finally blows my way
                She'll put the wind in my sails and I'll be gone
                It won't be long before my ship comes in
                Gonna sail right out of Colorado
                Catch a ride on a warm trade wind to Puerta No-One-Knows
                She'll find me waiting when my ship comes in
                Gonna board and go whichever way the wind blows
                I'll be off to find myself once again in Puerta No-One-Knows
                When my ship comes in
                Maybe I'm only dreaming but it sure seems real
                Somehow the wind doesn't chill quite to the bone
                Or could it just be the fever I'm running on an uneven keel
                Not losing sight of why I'm up here alone
                It won't be long before my ship comes in
                She'll find me waiting when my ship comes in
                It won't be long before my ship comes in
                She'll find me waiting when my ship comes in
                When my ship comes in

                Keeping my fingers crossed that Sam puts some wind in Jack's sails and our ship comes in.
                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                  Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                  Well considering that the source is Pierre Bernard (of the Recliner of Rage fame from the Conan Show) and that he was on the set conducting interviews for the new Lowdown special that's airing in January, I would say that he's pretty reliable.

                  I'm 99% sure that Pierre Bernard is a shipper The problem is : He has all the infos for Mobius and we don't may be I'll give him a ring later .



                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    Hello Shippers!!!

                    Thanks for all the overnight rep points!!!

                    SS - Loved that tidbit
                    i think bra'tac's going to die

                    Gotta go to work!


                    SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!!!!!

                    I kinda think so too.


                      Originally posted by blueiris
                      Well, I don't want spoilers to get my hopes up too high, really I don't. But......... while reading through posts over the last day I found my self humming this song by Clint Black:

                      No sun on the Rockies, not even the light of day
                      I feel that old cabin fever coming on
                      But I know where I'll be when lady luck finally blows my way
                      She'll put the wind in my sails and I'll be gone
                      It won't be long before my ship comes in
                      Gonna sail right out of Colorado
                      Catch a ride on a warm trade wind to Puerta No-One-Knows
                      She'll find me waiting when my ship comes in
                      Gonna board and go whichever way the wind blows
                      I'll be off to find myself once again in Puerta No-One-Knows
                      When my ship comes in
                      Maybe I'm only dreaming but it sure seems real
                      Somehow the wind doesn't chill quite to the bone
                      Or could it just be the fever I'm running on an uneven keel
                      Not losing sight of why I'm up here alone
                      It won't be long before my ship comes in
                      She'll find me waiting when my ship comes in
                      It won't be long before my ship comes in
                      She'll find me waiting when my ship comes in
                      When my ship comes in

                      Keeping my fingers crossed that Sam puts some wind in Jack's sails and our ship comes in.

                      Lovely song BlueIris and the ship will come in ..
                      I wonder who will be waiting for who though????Jack or Sam

                      I think there is gonna be a big blow up
                      in Mobius and both Sam or Jack are gonna think they're dead ...they 'll be looking for each other ...they find each other ( considering that Pete will be out of the picture by then) ..They will both run into each other's arms and just hug and kiss on the spur of the moment first because happy they are both still alive ( no waste time anymore is precious) and then ...the big passionate kiss probably later on once they are relaxed and comfy
                      on Jack's in my video "I love you"



                        Season 8 spoilers/spec through Reckoning & Threads:

                        Originally posted by sueKay

                        SS - Loved that tidbit
                        i think bra'tac's going to die
                        I think you're probably right on that one.
                        And that may be related to some of the other changes that were mentioned. It wouldn't surprise me if Teal'c took a larger role with the rebel jaffa if Bra'tac died.
                        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          The source is reliable. It's Pierre Bernard (the guy who did the "Recliner of Rage" thing on a late-night talk show and was then asked to come be an extra in "Zero Hour"), and he's the host of the mid-season Lowdown (at least, he's the guy doing the interviews). I can't imagine them giving major spoilers to the guy who won the "Get in the Gate" contest, but this man was interviewing the cast and crew, not just being an extra.

                          As to whether or not he's a shipper, I don't know.

                          I don't remember a mid-season Lowdown last year. What'd I miss?


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            Apparently the link does not work

                            Can somebody copy and paste here with the spoiler space ??!!!!
                            I don't think we have permisson from the site owner or original poster to copy over the info.

                            This is the link to the original message:

                            The group archives are for members only. You need to have a yahoo groups account, be logged into that account, and a member of the SG1-spoilergate group in order to see the original message. Luckily, it has open membership and yahoo accounts are free. So it's not hard to join.

                            You can go here to join the group. If you're not logged into a yahoo account, it'll prompt you to login or register first.
                            *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                              I don't remember a mid-season Lowdown last year. What'd I miss?
                              I don't think there was one. This is probably their way of getting more press out about the latter half of Season 8 without actually releasing spoilers.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by auralan
                                Season 8 spoilers/spec through Reckoning & Threads:

                                I think you're probably right on that one.
                                And that may be related to some of the other changes that were mentioned. It wouldn't surprise me if Teal'c took a larger role with the rebel jaffa if Bra'tac died.

                                I still think Jacob....
                                gonna die ..
                                .... Sam already had a fright in earlier season and Jacob was saved with the tokra simbiote ...but I think he won't make it a second time ..Shows usually don't repeat the same thing if he nearly died and was saved 4 years ago roughly ..I think Jacob will die now to serve the purpose of the Sam and Jack relationship going forward ..only for that reason ...because Sam will then be totally lost and will need someone for comfort in that terrible time ..and we all know Who sam wants for comfort


