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    Oooh! I can see how it could happen!

    Sam and Pete are doing something (Sam maybe sitting at the edge of the bed because she's got too much on her mind), Pete goes over to her, Sam doesn't say anything, and then it dawns on Pete.

    "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

    "Pete, I'm sorry."

    Pete's quiet.

    "I'm sorry..."

    Sam gets up, leaves, Pete is sad.

    Sam goes off to Jack, tells him how she feels, he's a little taken aback, they kiss.

    The End!

    Aww! That's so sweet!


    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


      I just wanted to share my shippy moment of the day (yesterday actually ) :
      Yesterday I went to see Dido in concert (that was a really great show ) and when she sang White Flag, I immediately thought about you here (especially Melyanna because of her sig !)
      Don't you think these words are really for us ?

      "I will go down with the ship
      I won't put my hands up and surrender
      There will be no white flag upon my door
      I'm in love and always will be"

      Yes I will go down with SJ ship and I won't surrender ! Do you hear me TPTB ?
      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


        Originally posted by MartoufMarty
        Oooh! I can see how it could happen!

        Sam and Pete are doing something (Sam maybe sitting at the edge of the bed because she's got too much on her mind), Pete goes over to her, Sam doesn't say anything, and then it dawns on Pete.

        "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

        "Pete, I'm sorry."

        Pete's quiet.

        "I'm sorry..."

        Sam gets up, leaves, Pete is sad.

        Sam goes off to Jack, tells him how she feels, he's a little taken aback, they kiss.

        The End!

        Aww! That's so sweet!


        That's just...awww.
        More than just one kiss though. Lots of kisses! Hugs, cuddles, smiling, laughing and more kissing, hugging & cuddling!!!


          Originally posted by MartoufMarty
          Oooh! I can see how it could happen!

          Sam and Pete are doing something (Sam maybe sitting at the edge of the bed because she's got too much on her mind), Pete goes over to her, Sam doesn't say anything, and then it dawns on Pete.

          "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

          "Pete, I'm sorry."

          Pete's quiet.

          "I'm sorry..."

          Sam gets up, leaves, Pete is sad.

          Sam goes off to Jack, tells him how she feels, he's a little taken aback, they kiss.

          The End!

          Aww! That's so sweet!

          Really sweet I'd love to see that !
          Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


            Originally posted by Major Fischer
            I just wanted to wave in today and say that anyone wondering where I was... I was... wow, having a life

            Strangely I got a bunch of red dings while i was off having a life. Maybe this life thing is overrated.
            I wondered where you were!

            *waves to Major Fischer*


              Originally posted by florence
              I just wanted to share my shippy moment of the day (yesterday actually ) :
              Yesterday I went to see Dido in concert (that was a really great show ) and when she sang White Flag, I immediately thought about you here (especially Melyanna because of her sig !)
              Don't you think these words are really for us ?

              "I will go down with the ship
              I won't put my hands up and surrender
              There will be no white flag upon my door
              I'm in love and always will be"

              Yes I will go down with SJ ship and I won't surrender ! Do you hear me TPTB ?
              Yeah, those lyrics fit so well!!
              It should be the Shipper Town anthem...


                Originally posted by sueKay
                I love you guys!!

                For the record - Still like Voyager (Met Robbie McNeil aka Tom Paris THUNK!), Still ship for J/C, Like the early eps of X Files but lost track shortly before Scully's pregnancy.

                Stargate is THE BEST

                THE CREME DE LA CREME

                THE BEES KNEES

                THE JAFFA'S TRITONIN...



                I love the stroylines, the characters, the humour, the technobabble, the history, and THE EPIC LOVE STORY OF SAMANTHA AND JONATHAN AKA

                SAM AND JACK!!!!!!!!
                Have you been at the Irn bru again?


                  Originally posted by galaxy
                  Milagro. Love that ep.

                  The writer was clever enough to see that Scully doesn't love him, but Mulder.
                  But Pete has obviously no clue, that sam loves another man...
                  Maybe I should give him a little hint:

                  SAM LOVES JACK

                  Milagro was such a sensual episode ...the lip scene in the lift ,the bed scene, the neckless scene and the outside the jail scene where she licks her own lips while Mulder was talking to her ...and you definately know that Scully was acting like that because of her love for mulder (She was actually embarrassed in front of mulder because the writer read her mind) ....I have never seen so many sensual scenes in just one episode of the x-files was full of sensuality.

                  I think I'm gonna watch MILAGRO tonight and "Detour" is nice too..the one which makes me laugh in "sizygy" LOL when Scully said to Mulder "You ditched me"..LOL and she starts to get all jealous (OK they were affected with that astral phenomenon)...and Mulder does smell Scully too in that corridor ...not only Jack smelling Sam in the lift ...see...every great couple does it They smell the opposite attraction

                  and the episdoe with that doctor called Bambi ..and Mulder keeps on ringing Scully to ask her what he should be doing ..and she get a bit jealous from Bambi and decides to go and have a look at the cockroaches the end was funny

                  Anyway Sam and Jack together with plenty more of ship soon



                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    I think I'm gonna watch MILAGRO tonight and "Detour" is nice too..the one which makes me laugh in "sizygy" LOL when Scully said to Mulder "You ditched me"..LOL and she starts to get all jealous (OK they were affected with that astral phenomenon)...and Mulder does smell Scully too in that corridor ...not only Jack smelling Sam in the lift ...see...every great couple does it They smell the opposite attraction

                    and the episdoe with that doctor called Bambi ..and Mulder keeps on ringing Scully to ask her what he should be doing ..and she get a bit jealous from Bambi and decides to go and have a look at the cockroaches the end was funny

                    Anyway Sam and Jack together with plenty more of ship soon

                    I haven't seen all these eps! I need to! I need the ship!! I'm not getting it from Stargate, I'm having to turn to other sources!!


                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      I wondered where you were!

                      *waves to Major Fischer*
                      I'll be around slightly less for the next week or so. I'm working the US elections.


                        Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                        Oooh! I can see how it could happen!

                        Sam and Pete are doing something (Sam maybe sitting at the edge of the bed because she's got too much on her mind), Pete goes over to her, Sam doesn't say anything, and then it dawns on Pete.

                        "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

                        "Pete, I'm sorry."

                        Pete's quiet.

                        "I'm sorry..."

                        Sam gets up, leaves, Pete is sad.

                        Sam goes off to Jack, tells him how she feels, he's a little taken aback, they kiss.

                        The End!

                        Aww! That's so sweet!


                        Marty ..It's very sweet but I'm NOT sure I want to see Sam and Pete on a bed again ....even if Sam is sitting at the end of the bed .....

                        can we have the other way round ?!!...Pete outside ...then she goes and see Jack and she sits at the end of the bed and Jack comes to her ..The dialogue you had was perfect otherwise ....but we already saw pete and the bed I want to see Jack and the bed now for real ..fair play

                        and I want to see some hugs and some kissing ...starting by the neck ..moving to the lips ..why not one on the eye too ..and TONGUES
                        I would not expect any less from Sam and Jack or RDA and AT.



                          Originally posted by Lunar
                          I haven't seen all these eps! I need to! I need the ship!! I'm not getting it from Stargate, I'm having to turn to other sources!!

                          They are so funny ..and "Never again" the tattoo one ..and Scully comes back from the hospital with lost of bruises on her face ( she got knocked down by the talking tattoo guy ..and she got a tattoo on her back)..she goes to the office ..Mulder is sitting there ..she sits down ..they don't talk...and then he said" I was thinking about having a NYC tattoo done on my a$$" and they shut up and and think ....LOL

                          and the one with the doll( like Chuky) it was supposed to be a holiday for her ..and Mulder keeps on phoning her ...while she investigates the case ..and when she comes back Mulder was so bored ..that he used his pencils as darts ..and threw then up the ceiling ...and she noticed it...he wanted to hide his boredom but he couldn't and he got jealous of the detective..cuz Scully wanted to send him a "I believe"Poster.



                            Originally posted by florence
                            That's exactly what I'm thinking. I was a MS shipper too and I loved this show... til the end of S7. When I was watching S8, I was just like Scully : waiting for Mulder to come back
                            But you're right : kisses on forehead (damned bee )... hugs... smiles... "you're my one in five billions"...
                            if only Stargate could be a little more like XFiles sometimes

                            Oh yeah ..and the scene in Amor Fati when Scully touches or caresses Mulder 's lips .. just before she goes ......whohooo ...and when she finds him nearly dead in that clinic and she leans over him and one of her tears falls on the side of his eye and wakes him sweet Oh ...this show was so sensual and beautiful ..little things like that mean so much. Shame we can't get something to that extent with Sam and Jack...Mulder and Scully were not together when those scenes happened ..It just happened because they cared for each other ..they didn't do anything wrong just showing affection .

                            Why can't Sam and Jack show it a little bit more ?!!For exampla a tear falling on Jack cheek or the side of his eye ( perfect occasion for lost city) or even Sam falling on Jack after turbulence in space ...this would be totally innocent ..and would be very shippy.. TPTB stargate really needs to watch a few X-files episodes from season 1 to season 7.

                            Sam and Jack forever together



                              Originally posted by Major Fischer
                              I'll be around slightly less for the next week or so. I'm working the US elections.
                              Have fun and may the best man win! (I won't ask what side you're on...)


                                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                                Have fun and may the best man win! (I won't ask what side you're on...)
                                Thanks, I've tried hard not to say which. Don't want to alienate people

