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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by MartoufMarty
    Well okay...

    I ship for: Sam/Jack, Sam/Pete, Sam/Daniel, Jack/Janet, Sam/Teal'c, Sam/Jonas, Jonas/Nurrti

    I slash for: Jack/Ba'al, Jack/Jonas, Jack/Teal'c, and now I have opened my eyes to Daniel/Pete!

    And for Stargate Atlantis I so far go for McKay/Sheppard, and McKay/Beckett.

    I ship for Sam/Jack, Daniel/Janet, Daniel/Sarah, Teal'c/Ishta

    if I had to slash on SG1, it's be Jack/Daniel, but only if forced to.

    For Atlantis, Weir/Sheppard
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by sueKay
      I ship for Sam/Jack, Daniel/Janet, Daniel/Sarah, Teal'c/Ishta

      if I had to slash on SG1, it's be Jack/Daniel, but only if forced to.

      For Atlantis, Weir/Sheppard
      Damn me for I have forgotten Daniel/Sarah!

      Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
      Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


        Originally posted by Andy867
        I think that the way it would happen is that Jack and Carter would be at Jack's place (similar to Lost City Part 1. They would be sitting there discussing the future of the Stargate and Sam gets talking about what all SG1 and what they had been through over the past 8 years and as Sam finishes talking, Jack takes Sam's hand in his own and slowly rubs his fingers over the top of her hands and as they look up at each other, they stare into each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity. Sam examines Jack's expression as she can truly see that he sees her than more than just a military officer or a friend. It is in this moment that Jack and Sam truly realize what they have together. As they lean in towards each other, the whole world around them just seems to fade away as the only sounds are that of their breathing and their hearts beats. Sam and Jack embrace each other in a kiss that seemed to just stop time in its track. Jack then pulls Sam in closer to fully embrace the moment. Not aware of their surroundings, a voice breaks the silence. At first it is inaudible, but then they slowly begin to realize that there is someone there with them, but they dont break the kiss. It is then that Daniel walks into the living room and sees Jack and Sam still locked in their kiss. Not wanting to interrupt, he slowly leaves the room and gently closes the door behind him.
        That is soooo romantic!!!!!!


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          Hi SHipper Family

          This is a bit Off Topic...but for those of you that have gone through the *Kitty Saga* with me I wanted to they went to the shelter.

          My role as Kitty Momma is over and I am a cry baby BUT they are all healthy, happy, spoiled kitties. Today they will have *Fix-me* surgery and then they will go up for adoption and hopefully find a wonderful home to grow fat and lazy in .

          The shelter made me name them in order to track them through the adoption process (ok not *made* me but they would call them numbers eeww) and I had tried NOT to do that cause I knew I would cry...but I am crying anyway so.......they ended up being
          Pepe Le Peu
          & Fuzzy

          I had my nephew and son take some pictures and video last night so as soon as I get the pictures cleaned up I will post a couple of links to show off the babies I raised from the day they were born

          Thanks for letting me share this whole experience with you guys and thanks for letting me take this little bit of your time

          ((((((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))))))))

          Awww (((((((((((((((((((((TAME))))))))))))))))))))))) well done, for raising healthy kittens, that's really difficult! And such cute names. If I was living near you I'd have taken one!



            Originally posted by astronomicalchick
            Awww (((((((((((((((((((((TAME))))))))))))))))))))))) well done, for raising healthy kittens, that's really difficult! And such cute names. If I was living near you I'd have taken one!

            Lets hear it for TAME!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by sueKay
              Hey guys!

              Still catching up on posts, but I have a few good quotes for you!

              I found a shipper's forum and here's a quote from member Avalon.

              DIE! *Runs at pete with an exploding ceramic penguin; a robotic burro that runs off the edge of the Grand Canyo with him on it; a secret

              alien device that makes the Asgard come and dematerialize him permanently. Pick one of the above. I'm partial to death by ceramic penguin,

              but the cliff idea which I frequently mention is another personal favourite.*
              Indeed, the penguins are ubiquitous in their presence.
              Last edited by astronomicalchick; 21 October 2004, 02:50 PM.


                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                Awww (((((((((((((((((((((TAME))))))))))))))))))))))) well done, for raising healthy kittens, that's really difficult! And such cute names. If I was living near you I'd have taken one!

                Thanks Astro...I am still wandering around work telling everyone about *My Babies* .....we shall see how it goes when I get home tonight and there are no *little guys* running to meet me at the door

                You know Sam & Jack would have LOVED to have had a Shipper raised
                Originally posted by Sue Kay
                Lets hear it for TAME!
                Thanks Sue Kay
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Hey Tame, just wanted to know that I sympathize with you because recently, my 2 cats were taken away (my sister took them with her to KY) but there still times when I come home expecting to see them watch me walk through the door, or I catch myself looking at areas where they usually hung out. I still expect my little Rascal to try to open my door at 5am in the morning, letting me know he is hungry for breakfast.
                  Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

                  Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

                  Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                    Originally posted by TameFarrar
                    Thanks Astro...I am still wandering around work telling everyone about *My Babies* .....we shall see how it goes when I get home tonight and there are no *little guys* running to meet me at the door

                    You know Sam & Jack would have LOVED to have had a Shipper raised

                    Thanks Sue Kay

                    That's so sad... och ((((((hugs Tame again)))). I had a little white cat and she got killed by a fox, and that was the worst - coming home and her not squawking at my feet for her dinner... The day she died was the worst day of my life, I swear.

                    Just think of us when you open your door... maybe that'll help??


                      (((((((Andy, Astro))))))))) I didn't mean to make you sad!!!!

                      But thank you for sharing your cat stories ...and me....even Hubs will tell you I am ALWAYS thinking about you guys (((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                        Well okay...

                        I ship for: Sam/Jack, Sam/Pete, Sam/Daniel, Jack/Janet, Sam/Teal'c, Sam/Jonas, Jonas/Nurrti

                        I slash for: Jack/Ba'al, Jack/Jonas, Jack/Teal'c, and now I have opened my eyes to Daniel/Pete!

                        And for Stargate Atlantis I so far go for McKay/Sheppard, and McKay/Beckett.

                        Me I have to be honest ..I don't ship for anybody else than Sam and Jack ..always one couple for me per more ..I don't know the other relationship much like Ishta ..She looks great with Teal'c ..and good for them ..but if I don't see her ever again ..I'll be alright ...Daniel ..I don't ship with anybody with him ..because each time he has a girl does not last long or we never see her again ..which means I can't really know her.

                        The obvious ship for me and the most beautiful is Sam and Jack ...because also of their adventure which makes it even more attractive to me

                        I'm not sure what slash means!!! ..I know it's between the same sex.....but I hope there is no sexual connotation in the word ..because to me force a sexual connotation on to characters who are not homosexual is too much ..

                        I would understand if there were gay though obviously ...but no way I would read a gay story about Jack and Daniel..simply because they are heterosexual guys ...and I think the same about Janet/Sam ....They are/were 2 great friends...and they probably did talk about men a lot , and had girls night outs like most girls do specially for Christmas ..ect ....and I would enjoy fics about that kind of things( best Jack /Daniel ( best buddy) and Janet/Sam best buddy..but nothing else because the characters are all heterosexuals.



                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          Hi SHipper Family

                          This is a bit Off Topic...but for those of you that have gone through the *Kitty Saga* with me I wanted to they went to the shelter.

                          My role as Kitty Momma is over and I am a cry baby BUT they are all healthy, happy, spoiled kitties. Today they will have *Fix-me* surgery and then they will go up for adoption and hopefully find a wonderful home to grow fat and lazy in .

                          The shelter made me name them in order to track them through the adoption process (ok not *made* me but they would call them numbers eeww) and I had tried NOT to do that cause I knew I would cry...but I am crying anyway so.......they ended up being
                          Pepe Le Peu
                          & Fuzzy

                          I had my nephew and son take some pictures and video last night so as soon as I get the pictures cleaned up I will post a couple of links to show off the babies I raised from the day they were born

                          Thanks for letting me share this whole experience with you guys and thanks for letting me take this little bit of your time

                          ((((((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))))))))

                          I was thinking of those little kittens the other night.At least they have the chance of having some-one to love them thanks to you otherwise i dread to think what would have happened if you hadn't taken them in.
                          I too did the same when i found 4 kittens in a rubbish bag,hand reared them and gave them to good homes,i did keep my tabby named trixie who i adored but sadly she passed away last year but i had her for 13 wonderful years.




                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            Me I have to be honest ..I don't ship for anybody else than Sam and Jack ..always one couple for me per more ..I don't know the other relationship much like Ishta ..She looks great with Teal'c ..and good for them ..but if I don't see her ever again ..I'll be alright ...Daniel ..I don't ship with anybody with him ..because each time he has a girl does not last long or we never see her again ..which means I can't really know her.

                            The obvious ship for me and the most beautiful is Sam and Jack ...because also of their adventure which makes it even more attractive to me

                            I'm not sure what slash means!!! ..I know it's between the same sex.....but I hope there is no sexual connotation in the word ..because to me force a sexual connotation on to characters who are not homosexual is too much ..

                            I would understand if there were gay though obviously ...but no way I would read a gay story about Jack and Daniel..simply because they are heterosexual guys ...and I think the same about Janet/Sam ....They are/were 2 great friends...and they probably did talk about men a lot , and had girls night outs like most girls do specially for Christmas ..ect ....and I would enjoy fics about that kind of things( best Jack /Daniel ( best buddy) and Janet/Sam best buddy..but nothing else because the characters are all heterosexuals.

                            Too be honest i didn't know what the word meant until i came across a story thinking it was sam and jack for it to turn out to be sam and janet,i wasn't happy with this concept as they were best friends.
                            I have nothing againest what people prefer as there are a lot of people who would like certain characters to get together as much as we want sam and jack to be together,but it's not my cup of tea.




                              Originally Posted by TameFarrar
                              Hi SHipper Family

                              This is a bit Off Topic...but for those of you that have gone through the *Kitty Saga* with me I wanted to they went to the shelter.

                              My role as Kitty Momma is over and I am a cry baby BUT they are all healthy, happy, spoiled kitties. Today they will have *Fix-me* surgery and then they will go up for adoption and hopefully find a wonderful home to grow fat and lazy in .

                              The shelter made me name them in order to track them through the adoption process (ok not *made* me but they would call them numbers eeww) and I had tried NOT to do that cause I knew I would cry...but I am crying anyway so.......they ended up being
                              Pepe Le Peu
                              & Fuzzy

                              I had my nephew and son take some pictures and video last night so as soon as I get the pictures cleaned up I will post a couple of links to show off the babies I raised from the day they were born

                              Thanks for letting me share this whole experience with you guys and thanks for letting me take this little bit of your time

                              ((((((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))))))))


                              You'll always have your memories of them. You never know maybe the new owners would like to stay in contact.

                              Just think how wonderfully they have been raised should bring a smile to your face. (Just think of all the little teeth marks and claw sharpening on the end of you couch.)

                              Big hugs..
                              Last edited by tpe78; 21 October 2004, 02:36 PM. Reason: Stuffed up the quote marks again. ARGGGGGGG


                                Originally posted by wynter
                                Too be honest i didn't know what the word meant until i came across a story thinking it was sam and jack for it to turn out to be sam and janet,i wasn't happy with this concept as they were best friends.
                                I have nothing againest what people prefer as there are a lot of people who would like certain characters to get together as much as we want sam and jack to be together,but it's not my cup of tea.

                                What I mean is may be fine if the series emphasize a possible romantic relationship between ( Sam/Janet or Jack/Daniel) .... but TPTB is not doing that .

                                For example ....There are 2 series in the UK at the moment...One between the guys only and one between girls only ..Can't remember the titles!! ..I don't watch them ..( I only like shows between a woman and a man as romantic ship cuz this is what I like .) ....but if somebody was to write a slash fic about that serie ..I would understand it ...but I find it hard to understand slash fics in Stargate SG1 let's say.

                                Everybody has their own opinion ..but I'm puzzled about Slash fics between SG1 members


                                Sam and Jack forever together

                                Last edited by Catysg1; 21 October 2004, 03:07 PM.

