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    Just found this on 'Our Stargate' Forum. It is about the Sam and Jack relationship. Is it legal. The extract is from the Offical Stargate Magazine.


      Originally posted by MartoufMarty
      Ack. I gotta go to school now. I wish I could stick around longer, but I can't.

      I'll come back again! In about seven hours or so...

      Long weekend! Whoohoo!

      Yay! Post 777!
      Long weekend! Oh be quiet!!!!!

      (Though SS did slip her leave requests into her boss' inbox this a.m. so she could make a couple long weekends for herself in the very near future.... )
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        I wanna be no 4000!!!!

        Edited to add.... Missed!!!!


          Originally posted by Watters87
          Just found this on 'Our Stargate' Forum. It is about the Sam and Jack relationship. Is it legal. The extract is from the Offical Stargate Magazine.

          so they're 'fostering the relationship' are they? proves it's not all in our heads!
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Originally posted by Lunar

            ADULT as in more than a PG rating?? Or just sensible??
            FOr the *first* full conversation....we will just stick with PG ....we do want them to actually talk at least once
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              Ship Nana....were those cookies supposed to STOP me from ranting?? or just to make my ranting more intelligent ???

              Naw, they just make your jello squares glow!!! hehehehe
              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by Andy867
                I think that the way it would happen is that Jack and Carter would be at Jack's place (similar to Lost City Part 1. They would be sitting there discussing the future of the Stargate and Sam gets talking about what all SG1 and what they had been through over the past 8 years and as Sam finishes talking, Jack takes Sam's hand in his own and slowly rubs his fingers over the top of her hands and as they look up at each other, they stare into each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity. Sam examines Jack's expression as she can truly see that he sees her than more than just a military officer or a friend. It is in this moment that Jack and Sam truly realize what they have together. As they lean in towards each other, the whole world around them just seems to fade away as the only sounds are that of their breathing and their hearts beats. Sam and Jack embrace each other in a kiss that seemed to just stop time in its track. Jack then pulls Sam in closer to fully embrace the moment. Not aware of their surroundings, a voice breaks the silence. At first it is inaudible, but then they slowly begin to realize that there is someone there with them, but they dont break the kiss. It is then that Daniel walks into the living room and sees Jack and Sam still locked in their kiss. Not wanting to interrupt, he slowly leaves the room and gently closes the door behind him.
                That would be a very beautiful and touching moment ... I definitely could see both RDA & AT being able to make that work
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Happy, Shippy Birthday Tauripeg!!!

                  I hope you have a wonderful day!
                  May all your wishes come true!


                    Originally posted by Rogue
                    I would go for that, how do I reserve my copy?

                    My problems with Chimera, go beyond just Sam is not with Jack,


                    My son is 14(has a crush on AT), and my daughter is 10(she like Jonas Q).
                    1) At this age, I would like for them to see a man and woman together for love not sex. If Sam and Jack were together, yes there would be alot of pinned up sexual frustration being released, but they also love each other.
                    2) I think they need to see a man being respectful to a woman. Pete leaving her bed after sex, checking up on her, then following her around is not respectful in my book. Plus, she lets him get by with it.
                    True, it is about love. And that (IMHO) love is what S & J have (or at least have the potential to have if the writers would just loosen & open up). Pete & Sam... I dunno -- it's more like a state of deep like or infatuation with a side serving of sex. A puppy love on Pete's part. A 'it's here so I'm damn well going to taste it' kind of love on Sam's part.

                    For S&J - the freedom to have intimacy without fear of repercussions will be the proverbial icing on the cake for sure.... but that's only the icing on top of all that comes with the 'love cake' we wish for them --- the deep caring for the other's well-being and happiness....... the respect and honor they give one another.... just being close to the other... the shared humor....... just being able to look in the other's eyes and know exactly what is being said without a whisper of a word being heard..... just being able to share all that and being able to receive it freely in return.....

                    Hmmmm.... that was an interesting lunchtime ramble..... once again brought to you by a quickly-slapped together PB&J sandwich....
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      i think sam jumping itno bed fast comes from teh writers not reading what they'd wrote.
                      minor s7 spoilers.
                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      in death knell, sam said they'dhad the rubiks cube of doom for a month, which meant that grace, fallout, chimera and deathknell all happened within 30 days

                      which just isn't really possible given sam's recovery time from her owies in grace and evolution two

                      but it gives the impression that sam met pete, (since there is no mention of him in grace, implying that he's a result of what happened in grace), fell for him and became intimate in less than a month

                      IMHO, sloppy writing. someone put the date reference in without realizing how much they were cramming in a short period of time.

                      given sam's owies in evolution, she was probably laid up for a few days, from grace, i'm willing to bet she was off duty for a week or more (concussions are nothing to play with)
                      fallout had to take a few days to happen and you soon run out of time for events to play out in

                      I think it's like 'stalker pete'....he's made to look like a stalker because of the plot hole, how did he know where to go in the end?????
                      it was never explained, leaving the impression that he followed her, thus leading to the idea of stalking
                      You are so right Skydiver!! I just can't get over how much they are asking us to swallow with this storyline......and then to sit there and say *We have so much left to tell*...... where???? and why aren't we seeing those stories instead of this???

                      It really feels like this whole B/f story line was almost *thrown together* sometimes...and not very well.... there are just so many plot holes and so many UNcharacteristic things being done that ....well it just boggles my little shippy brain
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        A big Shipper Welcome to you fidesangelus!!!

                        We're really not intimidating at all once you get to know us.

                        *get out from under that desk mei mei*

                        *Tame stop doing that to your Jack clone in front of guests*

                        Glad you delurked! Stay a while, post lots, have fun and help yourself to some Shipper Cookies.

                        ShipNana... I don't think you want to know what came to mind re: the line I bolded above......

                        And Welcome fidesangelus!!!
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          minor s7 spoilers.
                          You are so right Skydiver!! I just can't get over how much they are asking us to swallow with this storyline......and then to sit there and say *We have so much left to tell*...... where???? and why aren't we seeing those stories instead of this???

                          It really feels like this whole B/f story line was almost *thrown together* sometimes...and not very well.... there are just so many plot holes and so many UNcharacteristic things being done that ....well it just boggles my little shippy brain

                          I didn't know that Skydiver the mod was a shipper That's good news to me and may be Madeleine is on her way too here ..She seems to post a lot at the mo...Don't blame her ..we are a very nice bunch of ppl...Even Marty can now say that

                          Any more mods want to to join the shipper family?!!



                            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar

                            ShipNana... I don't think you want to know what came to mind re: the line I bolded above......

                            And Welcome fidesangelus!!!

                            LOL .. yeah well ..I'm sure Jack would be happy about that ..He's not with
                            yet ..and I'm sure Tame will be doing her best to keep him for the time being.



                              Originally posted by tpe78
                              Hello Shipper Family..

                              I had to share.. This morning my 4 y.o. daughter was running around with her Mr Potatohead saying "Stinky Pete, Stinky Pete". I had a mouth full of coffee at the time. Now my darn floor tiles need washing again. Dang... My little shipper in the making.

                              Tame congrats on the 6 squares.
                              I'm glad I wasn't drinking my tea when i read that. Or I would be need a new computer!

                              All I can say is...your daughter will grow up well and join the shipper crowd


                                Hi SHipper Family

                                This is a bit Off Topic...but for those of you that have gone through the *Kitty Saga* with me I wanted to they went to the shelter.

                                My role as Kitty Momma is over and I am a cry baby BUT they are all healthy, happy, spoiled kitties. Today they will have *Fix-me* surgery and then they will go up for adoption and hopefully find a wonderful home to grow fat and lazy in .

                                The shelter made me name them in order to track them through the adoption process (ok not *made* me but they would call them numbers eeww) and I had tried NOT to do that cause I knew I would cry...but I am crying anyway so.......they ended up being
                                Pepe Le Peu
                                & Fuzzy

                                I had my nephew and son take some pictures and video last night so as soon as I get the pictures cleaned up I will post a couple of links to show off the babies I raised from the day they were born

                                Thanks for letting me share this whole experience with you guys and thanks for letting me take this little bit of your time

                                ((((((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))))))))
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

