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    Originally posted by tpe78
    Hello Shipper Family..

    I had to share.. This morning my 4 y.o. daughter was running around with her Mr Potatohead saying "Stinky Pete, Stinky Pete". I had a mouth full of coffee at the time. Now my darn floor tiles need washing again. Dang... My little shipper in the making.
    LOL! You are teaching her well!


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      LOL What are you teaching her ???

      So she is a little shiplet

      I'm blaming that on when they showed Chimera on free to air over here in Australia. They show it 10:30 at night. That night I was rather vocal in my disapproval. I thought she was asleep..(I guess not..)

      What's the old saying You've got to start them young.
      Last edited by tpe78; 20 October 2004, 03:19 PM. Reason: I really need to re read before posting.


        Our army grows strong.
        <insert evil laugh>


          Ok I'm off to bed Should make a new video tomorrow ..Good night ..sweet dreams ..



            Lunar your 100% right.Everyone has a right to there own opinion but I was wondering if anyone else got a laugh out of Greenburg's article.
            TPTB keeps saying they have plenty of stories to tell so how come we got lousy episodes in Season 8.TPTB idea for a great story was Affinity.Has Greenberg even watched Season 8.I also think his comments about Stargate being able to survive without RDA are laughable.Stagate is still doing Big numbers because RDA is still around.Jack is not part of Atlantis so Atlantis Fans cannot miss seeing him on the Show.I do not want Season 9 if we get the same episodes like Season 8.It would be an insult to sit through more lousy episodes.I still do not know how I managed to watch the first part of Season 8 without selling my TV. If there is a Season 9 it should be called the search for more Money.I will not return for Season 9 unless Sam and Jack are together and RDA is in Season 9.That's the end of my rant.


              Aufmerksamkeit Mitverlader. Die Zeit ist angekommen, daß wir oben zusammen stehen und die Ungläubigen zerquetschen: Die Anti-J/S Verlader und die Pro-Peter Verlader. Wir müssen Arme und Glauben aufnehmen und in Richtung zu den Colorado Springs marschieren. Als ich sah, was Wille wir die Anti-Verlader antun, sagen Sie, daß wir die faulen kleinen Anti-Verlader zerquetschen.

              INTENDED Translation: Attention fellow shippers. The Time has arrived that we stand up together and crush the infidels: The Anti-J/S Shippers and the Pro-Pete Shippers. We Must take up arms and faith and march towards Colorado Springs. When I say What will we do to the anti-shippers, you say We will crush the rotten little anti-shippers.

              (little shout-out to the South Park Episode: Passion of the Jew (but in a different manner)

              [Edited by Andy867 on 10/26/04]
              Oh, by the way, this is meant as a JOKE and is NOT to be taken as trolling or serious for that matter.
              Last edited by Andy867; 26 October 2004, 08:48 AM.
              Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

              Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

              Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                Originally posted by ses110
                Lunar your 100% right.Everyone has a right to there own opinion but I was wondering if anyone else got a laugh out of Greenburg's article.
                TPTB keeps saying they have plenty of stories to tell so how come we got lousy episodes in Season 8.TPTB idea for a great story was Affinity.Has Greenberg even watched Season 8.I also think his comments about Stargate being able to survive without RDA are laughable.Stagate is still doing Big numbers because RDA is still around.Jack is not part of Atlantis so Atlantis Fans cannot miss seeing him on the Show.I do not want Season 9 if we get the same episodes like Season 8.It would be an insult to sit through more lousy episodes.I still do not know how I managed to watch the first part of Season 8 without selling my TV. If there is a Season 9 it should be called the search for more Money.I will not return for Season 9 unless Sam and Jack are together and RDA is in Season 9.That's the end of my rant.

                Well I watched Lockdown last night and straight after we had Atlantis rising part2 let me tell you that I can see the show called Stargate SG1 is suffering because of the grand Atlantis show ...Atlantis was awesome last night ...and when you just watched the lockdown before start thinking ..They really are saving up on money on Stargate SG1 now to put it all in Stargate Atlantis .....Lockdown was good but compared to rising part 2 Atlantis was nothing.

                Shame that they are doing it that way ..I think both shows deserve 50% and specially Stargate SG1 because ..they surely want the finale to be spectacular..and satisfy the majotity of the fans So I hope they'll sacrifice a little bit of the Atlantis budget to make the end of Stargate SG1 the best of all time



                  Thanks ShimmeringStar.I really need a hug.I just read Greenburg comments.Everytime I read an article from TPTB I want to bang my head against the wall.One day I will learn to stop reading Stargate articles unless the title reads "Sam and Jack get together" .


                    Originally posted by Lunar
                    Wow!! I've just watched the Scientist. What a fantastic idea of using the original video's theme of everything running backward! I'm off to watch some more now!

                    I had downloaded some Ulead editing program trial. I wanted to do a Sam/Jack video to the song and my sister suggested that I make the video go backwards like the actual music video for the song. I put all the clips in movie maker and saved them, then put the file in Ulead and put it in reverse.

                    Another one I'm really proud of is Escape lol. It only has scenes from Season 1-4 (because the shippiest scenes were from those seasons.)

                    Glad you liked liked the video!

                    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                      WHEN (notice I said when) they end Season 8 with gone and Sam and Jack shipping, and IF there is a Season 9, TPTB can begin shooting 9 without AT (baby) and RDA (who knows) by having Daniel and Teal'c saying something about S/J being on their honeymoon.

                      Fun idea, Gatetrixer.....oh, that's me.


                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        I do!!!! WOO HOO This is the GREATEST FORUM IN THE WORLD!!!!

                        You guys are the bestest all of you on GW!!! wow ...Thank you very much!!! for giving me 6 green jello squares..!! WOW... I am deeply humbled yet again by the overwhelming generousity of the people here in this thread!! and on this forum WOW......... I am giddy now
                        Holy crap Batman! That is certainly a lot to live up to! I am not worthy to be in your shippy presence!!!


                          Originally posted by galaxy

                          Congrats Tame!!!

                          But why is the sixth square glowing?

                          Do you see that, or am I hallucinating?

                          I hope it's not going to explode, because of too much rep points...
                          It's from all those Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies that Tame's been eating.
                          Ship Nana


                            Originally posted by tpe78
                            Hello Shipper Family..

                            I had to share.. This morning my 4 y.o. daughter was running around with her Mr Potatohead saying "Stinky Pete, Stinky Pete". I had a mouth full of coffee at the time. Now my darn floor tiles need washing again. Dang... My little shipper in the making.

                            Tame congrats on the 6 squares.

                            Now that's a smart child. Sounds like that girl is ready for college!
                            Ship Nana


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              Yeah.....Deathknell for the Sam & Jack Moment is superb ...and Jack was like "What shall I do" ..shall I hug or shall I not They are really confused , aren't they?!!!and Sam so loved to be hugged by Jack I don't think she'll ever say to one of his hugs

                              Their love story may be painful but is trully beautiful Can't wait for the shippy episodes of season 8 part 2



                              Agreed Caty! Sam is more at ease on Jack's shoulder than with when she
                              accepted his proposal or when she was even in bed with him!
                              I find that very telling!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by ses110
                                Thanks ShimmeringStar.I really need a hug.I just read Greenburg comments.Everytime I read an article from TPTB I want to bang my head against the wall.One day I will learn to stop reading Stargate articles unless the title reads "Sam and Jack get together" .

                                I quit reading interviews back at the beginning of the season when we were hearing nothing but Pete, Pete, Pete. Now I focus on this thread and shippy fics and life is so much easier. You can't go wrong with the shipper thread!

                                ( ( ( ( ( ( ses ) ) ) ) ) )

                                s u g a r s h a k e r

