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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    I'm not buying the DVDs till I know I'll be happy (with the entire package). I'm not watching Atlantis because of a- not really interested (liked Jessica Steen a lot, and not a real fan of the guy that plays Sheppard), and b- I'm actually scared of handing over my heart to the same ppl that have made me miserable with their first show.
    I'm with you guys on this - I'm not buying S7 or S8 until the show comes to a shippy resolution. And I mean "happily ever after" shippy (although they can still be fighting the Goa'uld) not the disaster of a poor excuse for a shippy ending we got from X-files. That show proved to me that there are worst things than a series ending without the UST being resolved. And just as "The Truth" and S8 and S9 DVD's for XF will never be found in my households, neither will S7 or S8 for SG if TPTB don't step up to the plate and do the right thing.

    I'm also not watching Atlantis regardless of what happens. They've jerked the shippers around for eight years on SG1, I'm not giving them the opportunity to jerk me around over a new show. (Much in the same way that I will never again watch a Chris Carter production. Both groups have burned their bridges with me.)

    They've spent eight years keeping the non-shippers happy - it's about darn time that they did something to make *us* happy for a change!
    - Mary
    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


      Originally posted by sacme
      Hey all!

      I'll be hanging out with Kiwigater in a few hours. It's gonna be so great to meet another family member! I'll try to post a picture tonight.

      I just read the happy news about AT (and the sad news about her past attempts) and I think we should add something to her gift package. CafePress has bibs that you can put a design on. Lets send something to the baby! I don't know what we would put on it, we'll have to brainstorm about that, but what do you think about that idea? We should have enough money to send it by next week.

      ship sistah
      (((((((ship sistah))))))))

      I've been hoping you'd pop in (for more than the obvious missing you reasons). I have an idea on what we could say. I'm sure you'll see it if you read the many posts here. Have it say, 'Mommy/Daddy Shipper'. I like the bib idea. Or, a small t-shirt too. What do you think?




        Originally posted by meimei
        Mei Mei has it on good authority that Mala, Marimba and Tame are planning on joining the Penguins when they storm Bridge Studios... See the evidence!! Tame's the one in front!!

        Mei Mei believes that this will cause TPTB to fold immediately and give Shippers the ship they deserve!!

        Go, girls, go!!!
        Mei Mei is the one in the the middle.. no the the middle..... STOP NUDGING ME, MEI MEI!!

        Yeah, Tame is the one in the front (in the skirt! because truth be known, I don't own one...) But really, Tame is the one in the front because she'll be our spokesperson - who better than the one with over 3,000 posts ??


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          Ok to bring the topic back

          Jack is talking about his Spanish omelette again to Sam..saying he has not had the time to make it yet ...and here is sam saying :

          Sam " What about going fishing".....

          What do you think jack will answer Sam to that question in citizen joe at the second phone call?!!!!!

          You can make a dialogue if you like

          Jack - "You want to go fishing, eh?"

          Sam - "Yes."

          Jack - "Do you know how to fish?"

          Sam - "No."

          Jack - "Do you want to learn?"

          Sam - "No."

          Jack - "Then why do you want to come with me?"

          Sam - "To come with you."

          Jack - "Sweet."

          Sam - "It will be."

          Sam & Jack -




            Originally posted by majorsal
            Jack - "You want to go fishing, eh?"

            Sam - "Yes."

            Jack - "Do you know how to fish?"

            Sam - "No."

            Jack - "Do you want to learn?"

            Sam - "No."

            Jack - "Then why do you want to come with me?"

            Sam - "To come with you."

            Jack - "Sweet."

            Sam - "It will be."

            Sam & Jack -

            Mei Mei likes that ending!! Though there needs to be a really long hot kiss to go with it!!


              Originally posted by Mala50
              Mei Mei is the one in the the middle.. no the the middle..... STOP NUDGING ME, MEI MEI!!

              Yeah, Tame is the one in the front (in the skirt! because truth be known, I don't own one...) But really, Tame is the one in the front because she'll be our spokesperson - who better than the one with over 3,000 posts ??
              *giggle* And if Tame gets riled up, they'll be skeered!! LOL! They will do anything the Shippers want then!!

              PTB, be afraid, be very, very afraid! Tame is coming!!!


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                I think for the new year too ..cuz the new year will mean new baby for her ....and by january ..she 'll be over 6 months pregnant so the baby and her should be fine by that date if she does what the doctor said As long as she's not working too much now until the end should be fine

                little memo: gift for Amanda and Alan so far..Anything else about the gift?!!

                item: bib

                Colour :???


                Writing: Born to ship or Mommy/Daddy shipper ??!!( me I prefer Born to ship)

                Sending date : for the new year (January).??!!


                'Born to ship' is good too, but I prefer 'Mommy/Daddy Shipper'. Here's why; I think this gift should have a 'hint' of shippers involvement, but not be about 'us'. This is about Amanda and Alan's baby, and I think it should reflect that more than the ppl sending it. The word shipper will be that reflection of the wonderful shipper family that sent it, but it will mainly be about the wonderful baby wearing it (baby will/is a shipper for his/her mom and dad ) This is just my opinion, and of course, I'll go by majority rule.




                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  'Born to ship' is good too, but I prefer 'Mommy/Daddy Shipper'. Here's why; I think this gift should have a 'hint' of shippers involvement, but not be about 'us'. This is about Amanda and Alan's baby, and I think it should reflect that more than the ppl sending it. The word shipper will be that reflection of the wonderful shipper family that sent it, but it will mainly be about the wonderful baby wearing it (baby will/is a shipper for his/her mom and dad ) This is just my opinion, and of course, I'll go by majority rule.

                  Mei Mei agrees!! She likes Mommy/Daddy Shipper best...

                  But that's just Mei Mei's opinion....


                  Did you know that cough medicine has alcohol in it??


                    This is a WHINE post.

                    Whine alert, get your crackers and cheese out...

                    Take a look at this:

                    (Hopefully that worked...)

                    Jack and Sam next!


                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      That picture is one of the many reasons I'm addicted to Farscape. Can you imagine what would happen if we got a S/J like that?

                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      yeah it's really great for the farscape fans .. I'm really happy for them and you eye of botox.

                      But do we really know why TPTB farscape did that? I don't understand ...

                      Were they a mixture between anti-shippers and shippers ?

                      I don't get it ..cuz the romantic aspect of the show was important from I think the 1st episode or was it the second when both Eyrin and John got lost in space in that tiny space ship and they thought they were gonna die ...and nearly did it ..I know it was quite early in the series .

                      Anyway would think that either You are a fan and you love the show for what it is ....or if you want to take the couple away ..then you leave yourself cuz it means you are not a true fan and should not be watching the show .

                      It 's really bugging me when somebody , a human being let's say does not want romance in a show ..I sometimes wonder if they have a significant other in their life and if they make love sometimes.....which is by the way normal

                      Is is possible that some human beings have no feelings or sensations and function like robots?!!!Does anybody know the answer to that question ..cuz I'm really puzzled.

                      A show needs romance even a sci-fi show I'm afraid ..if people hate romance then they should go and watch a movie like 2001 or 2010 ...can't remember ..the one with Tom hanks in it ....never watched it ..too boring for me ...I love ship in sci -fi

                      Sam and Jack forever together ..and they will cuz they have lots of feelings and emotions ..they are humans like me really and all the shipper family

                      The thing is, in Farscape I didn't really see a lot of ship in the first season. Really, I mean, I just didn't see it. I'm dumb like that sometimes,but hey.

                      The problem with the finale of Farscape is that they thought they were coming back for a S5. Bonnie H and ScFi cancelled after they had shot the finale. Ergo screams and VERY bad words used around the world.

                      With regard to ship, I can't think of a show that doesn't have it. It is a critical part of the story. People do fall in love, break up, have nasty horrible emotional stuff. Televison is life blown up a 1,000 times. In Farscape's case it is, and rightfully so, called a "space opera". A true hybrid between the two. John and Aeryn weren't the only romace on board. There was Chiana and D'Argo. Chiana and D'Argo's son. John and PK Tech girl (which I thought was mightly cute). John and the Princess (okay it wasn't exactly, but there was a child and a marriage involved so IMO it gets bumped to shippage)

                      The fact is no show that I've ever seen has been devoid of ship. Writers just can't NOT go there. and more to the point, it allows the viewers to see another side of a character that may not be possible except in a romantic situation. It is necessary, it makes them more real to have fallen in love, we, the audience, feel more connected to characters that have displayed that emotional vulnerablility. I would argue that Teal'c's lack of romance has hampered the audience from identifying with him, although Shar'noc and Ishta have allowed for small, small snippets of the other side of Teal'c.

                      A show needs ship like a fish needs water.

                      Here endeth my unending post.....
                      Last edited by eye of botox; 15 October 2004, 08:43 PM.
                      The Eye of Botox has been formally recognized by the System Lords! Beware my fire-y wrath!!

                      by Nikkirose


                        Originally posted by morjana
                        This is a WHINE post.

                        Whine alert, get your crackers and cheese out...

                        Take a look at this:


                        (Hopefully that worked...)

                        Jack and Sam next!

                        Mei Mei crosses her fingers!! Yes!! If we could have that with Jack and Sam, Mei Mei might get her sanity back!!


                          Originally posted by meimei
                          Mei Mei has it on good authority that Mala, Marimba and Tame are planning on joining the Penguins when they storm Bridge Studios... See the evidence!! Tame's the one in front!!

                          Mei Mei believes that this will cause TPTB to fold immediately and give Shippers the ship they deserve!!

                          Go, girls, go!!!
                          I'll join this storming of the studio! Need to let Kel'dor's warrior tendencies out!!


                            Originally posted by meimei
                            Mei Mei crosses her fingers!! Yes!! If we could have that with Jack and Sam, Mei Mei might get her sanity back!!

                            Hopefully we ALL get our sanity back!!!!


                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                              One thing I'd definitely be OK with, is the idea of Sam and Jack being together in the movie. If a theatrical release was created, then I'd really like to see evidence of their existing relationship. I really can't see them breaking up in the movie with an, "Oh, yeah, we tried it; it didn't work out." That would not fly!

                              A movie gives us all some conceptual leeway, considering most action flicks have to have some sort of romance. That would be my excuse for it anyway...

                              If anything, a hint of something in the future that would strong, concrete and real would be fine for Moebius - if that is, indeed, the end.


                              IF there's going to be a movie, I'd be alright with the actual relationship starting there (talking about SEEING it playing out). BUT, I think we need to SEE the relationship BEGIN at least by the end of this season. You know the movie will focus more on special effects and such, so I don't want the relationship to be rushed. And again, this is me lowering my expectations.




                                Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                                Yeah, definitely. Getting something ready now might be nice; but me - I'd hold off *sending* it until much later.
                                Thank you skydiver and Madeliene. I think that's a wise idea, and one I think we should follow.



