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    Okay, some Moebius speculation and spoilers, by way of Harry Potter. (Yes, that makes sense.)
    So, Jack and Company are going back in time. But I don't think this is going to be a matter of them going back and changing anything. I think they may be going back to make CotG happen.

    For some reason I was thinking of what happened in the end of the third Harry Potter book, and that reminded me of something Daniel said in "1969". Catherine started lobbying for the gate program in the late sixties, and Daniel said who knows, maybe it was they who sparked her renewed interest in it. What if that's what they're doing in going back to CotG? What if they have to help themselves out, while staying out of sight of the original episode?

    Come to think of it, wasn't that the same way time travel worked in Michael Crichton's Timeline (the book, not the movie)?

    Meanwhile, isn't he cute?

    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      Okay, some Moebius speculation and spoilers, by way of Harry Potter. (Yes, that makes sense.)
      So, Jack and Company are going back in time. But I don't think this is going to be a matter of them going back and changing anything. I think they may be going back to make CotG happen.

      For some reason I was thinking of what happened in the end of the third Harry Potter book, and that reminded me of something Daniel said in "1969". Catherine started lobbying for the gate program in the late sixties, and Daniel said who knows, maybe it was they who sparked her renewed interest in it. What if that's what they're doing in going back to CotG? What if they have to help themselves out, while staying out of sight of the original episode?

      Come to think of it, wasn't that the same way time travel worked in Michael Crichton's Timeline (the book, not the movie)?
      Season 8 through Moebius spoilers:

      I think you're really onto something there.
      One of the PTB called it the ultimate time travel/AU episode. Perhaps they go back to several points in time from CotG all the way through season 8 and we see all kinds of old episodes from another perspective. It could be fun to see them reacting to events from past episodes. I kinda wonder if Citizen Joe is going to be used to remind us of some of those events before they revisit them. It'd be a clever way to get even more use out of the dreaded clip show -- which I'm not actually deading this time because it sounds very funny and awfully shippy.

      And here's another idea: They had a whole lot of lucky breaks along the way ... what if it wasn't so much luck as help from themselves? I'm thinking more Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure here than Harry Potter, but it's not like they've never sto-- done homages to other shows before.

      Whatever the case, I'm there. AU type episodes always seem to wind up being shippy and rather fun in general. Still not worried. Our ship will sail. It's gonna be a good end of the season. I can't wait.
      *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


        Originally posted by Major Fischer
        I basically don't buy that MG would let that kind of bomb drop to some random fan.
        Yeah, that's a very good point.
        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*



          Finally saw *Thriller*...what FUN VIDEO!!!!!
          EXCELLENT!!! I loved how you did the transitions and all of the ghouls and goblins That was just a fantastic video!!!!!

          Great Job!!!!
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by sueKay
            For my 1000th post,

            Suekay presents...

            The General's Hell - Epilogue - Is It All Over?

            Yay me!!!! I'm a Royal Guard and I completed a story all in the one day!!!!!!!!

            It's the power of the Ship that's helped me do it!!!

            Congratulations sueKay on 1000 posts!
            Happy Birthday blueiris!


              Originally posted by auralan
              Season 8 through Moebius spoilers:

              I think you're really onto something there.
              One of the PTB called it the ultimate time travel/AU episode. Perhaps they go back to several points in time from CotG all the way through season 8 and we see all kinds of old episodes from another perspective. It could be fun to see them reacting to events from past episodes. I kinda wonder if Citizen Joe is going to be used to remind us of some of those events before they revisit them. It'd be a clever way to get even more use out of the dreaded clip show -- which I'm not actually deading this time because it sounds very funny and awfully shippy.

              And here's another idea: They had a whole lot of lucky breaks along the way ... what if it wasn't so much luck as help from themselves? I'm thinking more Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure here than Harry Potter, but it's not like they've never sto-- done homages to other shows before.

              Whatever the case, I'm there. AU type episodes always seem to wind up being shippy and rather fun in general. Still not worried. Our ship will sail. It's gonna be a good end of the season. I can't wait.
              This would be a lot better then some of the scenerios that have come to mind so far

              AND it would be so different from what has gone on in other shows. THAT would be a welcome change too

              As long as the Ship sails FIRMLY into the harbor I can relax and enjoy the ride

              Gosh I am so GLAD you are back posting!!! I missed your voice of reason !!!
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by auralan
                Season 8 through Moebius spoilers:

                I think you're really onto something there.
                One of the PTB called it the ultimate time travel/AU episode. Perhaps they go back to several points in time from CotG all the way through season 8 and we see all kinds of old episodes from another perspective. It could be fun to see them reacting to events from past episodes. I kinda wonder if Citizen Joe is going to be used to remind us of some of those events before they revisit them. It'd be a clever way to get even more use out of the dreaded clip show -- which I'm not actually deading this time because it sounds very funny and awfully shippy.

                And here's another idea: They had a whole lot of lucky breaks along the way ... what if it wasn't so much luck as help from themselves? I'm thinking more Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure here than Harry Potter, but it's not like they've never sto-- done homages to other shows before.

                Whatever the case, I'm there. AU type episodes always seem to wind up being shippy and rather fun in general. Still not worried. Our ship will sail. It's gonna be a good end of the season. I can't wait.
                La la la, Season 8 spoilers...
                Good point about Citizen Joe. And who knows, maybe they'll acknowledge the existence of one Jonas Quinn. Harry Potter came to mind mostly because I'm actually familiar with that one, as opposed to Bill and Ted, but it's the warning Harry and Hermione got that made me think about it — they had to be careful not to be seen, when it was, in fact, their being seen and heard that saved their past selves.

                I'm liking this idea more and more as I ponder it. This could make for some quality television.

                Last edited by Melyanna; 08 October 2004, 06:13 PM. Reason: Didn't say everything I wanted to say.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  La la la, Season 8 spoilers...
                  Good point about Citizen Joe. And who knows, maybe they'll acknowledge the existence of one Jonas Quinn. Harry Potter came to mind mostly because I'm actually familiar with that one, as opposed to Bill and Ted, but it's the warning Harry and Hermione got that made me think about it — they had to be careful not to be seen, when it was, in fact, their being seen and heard that saved their past selves.

                  I'm liking this idea more and more as I ponder it. This could make for some quality television.

                  Well I don't know either I am all giddy about it

                  I am in agreement with you....if TPTB do this really could make for some quality TV
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Unfortunately, yes. There are a lot of Evil!Pete fics out there, and a lot of them reduce Sam to a quivering mass of "Please don't hurt me! Oh, let Jack rescue me from my evil boyfriend!" This is actually a pretty common phenomenon in many fandoms. Strong female characters are reduced to stereotypes that need a big man to comfort them, usually with sex. Slash fics tend to have a strong hurt/comfort element too, with little regard for characterization.

                    Personally, I think that if Pete ever hit Sam, she'd break his jaw and walk away without much trouble. She's made a career out of battling aliens. I think she can take on one jerk who tries to hit her.
                    If stuPit hit Sam she'd probably open up a can of a$$-whumping on him in the form of that level 3 hand-to-hand training that she used on Turgan!


                      Hi all,
                      Totally new here, I can't really keep up with the thread but, as season 8 is only just starting over here in the UK I couldn't resist a sneaky peek at what's coming up. What can I say? I'm a spoiler junkie! I've only been a Stargate fan for just over a year but I've been a Sam and Jack Shipper for every single second. The first episode I ever saw was beneath the surface, and as anewbie to the show thought Sam and Jack were already an established couple. I still can't get over the fact that they aren't.

                      Anyway, Just wanted to say Hi, and to ask one quick question if i can? while I've been reading through some of the threads I saw the Profile Pic of Tamefarrar, can someone tell me which episode that comes from? I've seen most of the earlier series but not all, and for the life of me I can't think what Ep that comes from.

                      BTW, Great site, the best I've come across.


                        Originally posted by melpomene
                        I'll take've made some very good points ladies.And as a young woman whose open minded either way i'm a little tired of the marrige/grandchildren insinuations.I don't even have a boyfriend.I don't even WANT a boyfriend.I'm still getting over a very wrong guy and I'm happy with my rick crush and my shippy dreams and my possibilities for a career.I don't want to settle for less than perfect.But to defend TPTB (I can't belive i just said that) There IS a biological clock thing.A lot of women DO really want kids.I think Sam is very believable as one of them.and if she's given up on ever having Jack she might sette for less.Once you've met and lost the person you think is better for you than anyone else.....your a lot more likely to take what you can get than if you never met them.There's this voice saying You'll never meet anyone as good for you as if the guys nice.what the hell?
                        I believe every woman has a biological clock. Some of us are really good at hitting the snooze button. Others woke up early and turned it off so they could sleep in. I've been lucky so far. The people I spend most of my time with don't bother w/ any pressuring questions or comments. The only time I do have to deal with the "why don't you have a boyfriend/husband/kids" question is usually when I'm around older relatives. (sadly, that's usually funerals. Strange I know.) Personally, I would like to have children. I would also like to have a husband that I truly, deeply, passionetly love and feels the same for me. Questioning what you want and what you're willing to do to get it is normal and can be good. But I don't see this sort of stuff with sam. I don't recall any one questioning her about kids. She's done that all her self. And the sam that I've witnessed before ptui'tater is willing to give her life up for Jack. Why not her heart? I can buy her questioning her maternal future and who she'll share it with. I can even go along with her "exploring" out side her SGC relationships. What I don't buy is her S8
                        saying yes to tater and the way it all happened. I think the adrenaline rush of going in and saving daniel put her on a high and she wasn't in her right mind when she said yes to marriage.
                        Putting yourself out there and getting away from a safe bet takes a lot of courage. It takes a lot more courage to admit you're wrong and go back for what is right. TPTB can't tell me Sam lacks that courage. And meimei - way to stick to your guns and stick it to those who question you. I greatly admire that. My dealing with it is usually laughing it off and getting away from the questioner as quickly as possible.
                        "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                        "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                        Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                        Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                        "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                        Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                        Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                        (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          Okay, some Moebius speculation and spoilers, by way of Harry Potter. (Yes, that makes sense.)
                          So, Jack and Company are going back in time. But I don't think this is going to be a matter of them going back and changing anything. I think they may be going back to make CotG happen.

                          For some reason I was thinking of what happened in the end of the third Harry Potter book, and that reminded me of something Daniel said in "1969". Catherine started lobbying for the gate program in the late sixties, and Daniel said who knows, maybe it was they who sparked her renewed interest in it. What if that's what they're doing in going back to CotG? What if they have to help themselves out, while staying out of sight of the original episode?

                          Come to think of it, wasn't that the same way time travel worked in Michael Crichton's Timeline (the book, not the movie)?

                          Meanwhile, isn't he cute?

                          LOL Yes, he is cute!! Makes me want to learn Linux!! And yes, that is exactly the way it went in Timeline! Loved that book!! Wasn't keen on the movie but the book was excellent for all those out there who are looking for something to read!
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Moebius spoilers

                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            I'm liking this idea more and more as I ponder it. This could make for some quality television.
                            It does have the potential to be pretty cool and avoid all the usual cliches that come with the whole genre of
                            time travel and AU stuff. And the ship potential is almost unlimited.
                            . This could be good stuff.
                            *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                              Originally posted by auralan
                              Season 8 through Moebius spoilers:

                              I think you're really onto something there.
                              One of the PTB called it the ultimate time travel/AU episode. Perhaps they go back to several points in time from CotG all the way through season 8 and we see all kinds of old episodes from another perspective. It could be fun to see them reacting to events from past episodes. I kinda wonder if Citizen Joe is going to be used to remind us of some of those events before they revisit them. It'd be a clever way to get even more use out of the dreaded clip show -- which I'm not actually deading this time because it sounds very funny and awfully shippy.

                              And here's another idea: They had a whole lot of lucky breaks along the way ... what if it wasn't so much luck as help from themselves? I'm thinking more Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure here than Harry Potter, but it's not like they've never sto-- done homages to other shows before.

                              Whatever the case, I'm there. AU type episodes always seem to wind up being shippy and rather fun in general. Still not worried. Our ship will sail. It's gonna be a good end of the season. I can't wait.
                              Oooh!! That might be really cool because
                              we could get to see all of the kisses (and maybe some hanky panky) that they left out!!!! Talk about shippy!
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                Just wanted to announce Reason #2 in my 'Reasons I love Stargate' series--the DRAMA!!

                                "Ordinary World" by Duran Duran

                                Another Team vid suitable for all the most rabid anti-shippers

                                *there's a little bit of ship in this one but it's not all Jack and Sam

                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

