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    Originally posted by Mala50
    What ring-thing?
    You know, the one that goes spinny spinny? Keeps electricuting Siler? Maybe they should get rid of it, so dangerous.


      Originally posted by Major Fischer
      Hehe, see, now you'll see why I'm scary in the serious threads...

      My dislike of Pete and the Pete arc is on many levels.

      A) The stalking behavior, and the way it has been handled in Affinity. All cops do not do that. It's an abuse of power, an abuse of public trust. The people of Denver did not give Detective Shanahan the tools that he used in Chimera so that he could check up on his girlfriend.
      good point. i mean, you see this happening in a regular cop show, and the cop is disciplined for it. and this isn't just some girl, this is a Major in a top secret programme. red flags should have shot up the minute her name was mentioned by pete to the FBI flags around Pete's name. I used to work in the library, and just checking up what people had on their cards without a good reason was a disciplinary for a cop, it should be doubly so.

      The issue of his behavior was not resolved in a throw away, and unnatural I might add, line in Affinity. So now it's a joke?
      yep. i got the feeling that they thought the line was cute and funny and we would get a giggle out of it. it wasn't. it was offensive, both to the fans who felt this was a serious issue, and, as you said, anyone who really has been stalked. and this wasn't a comic story of pete following sam to the store..this was a cop (who really, REALLY) should know better, crashing a stakeout...a situation which even the most rookie cop would know was likely to get someone killed.

      B) I miss Samantha Carter.
      me too. this isn't my hero anymore, not off base, anyway

      Whoever this woman is wearing her uniform isn't her. The Samantha Carter that I know and love would not discuss simply continue a discussion of the program even after she told Pete that she can't talk about it. I know that a similarly horrible operational security conversation happened in Secrets, but that does not change a fundamental fact.
      she couldn't even tell her dad, who was dying, what she did, but she can tell some guy she's known two weeks, slept with once, and who broke all military and police protocol by crashing her stake-out? does this guy really mean more to her than her dad? i don't think she's even told her brother. it's like some guy breaks into a store, steals some booze, and the shopkeeper says 'oh, ok, if you want it bad enough, you can have it. please come again'. i wouldn't have told him. i would have never spoken to him again. she should have been angry.

      I find it hard to believe that Samantha Carter, lieutenant colonel, trying to prove that she can be more than just a technocrat, would remotely pull off the scene at the end of Affinity.
      she won't even call jack 'jack', and shippiness aside, they've worked together seven years, saved each other's lives on numerous occasions, gone through a series of emotional experiences together and hang around at his house occasionally...yet she won't be unmilitary enough to call him jack, even when they're alone. yet she steps aside at a stakeout to snog some bloke who shouldn't even have been there? again? (what is it with pete and stakeouts? must he be at every one?)

      C) The poor writing. They just haven't thought this out very well. They've placed scenes in inappropiate settings, the dialogue (particularly in the park in Affinity) seems stilted and forced. Amanda's doing her best with the chemistry she's got, but to me it seems less like a romance, and more like a friend who amuses her. Childlike. Pete seems childlike.
      amanda is brillaint. no fault to amanda at all here. and she did say she hated and fought against that scene in affinity. but honestly..they've gone back to writing her as what they see as a woman, not as a Major in the air force and one of the smartest people in the planet. they've thought 'oh wait, she's female, so she must wear fluffy pink clothes, hang around in playgrounds even when she has no children, be so desperate for an 'other half' she'll accept any man, and consider stalking 'cute'.'. what happened to the tough, capable, lock-picking, pool-hustling, motorcycle riding, leather-wearing sam we'd seen previously when she's been away from the SGC? she was someone i wanted to be. off-base sam now is someone i try very hard not to be. i still love AT, and she's doing an amazing job with what she's given, but seriously, they seem to have forgotten who they're writing for here.

      oh. oh oh oh oh... by the way, where is that big round thing with the spinning thing and the... you know, the thing they go to other planets with?
      i have absolultly no idea what you're talking about. they go to other planets? but then wouldn't sam get planet dust on her nice fluffy jacket?
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Originally posted by Major Fischer
        You know, the one that goes spinny spinny? Keeps electricuting Siler? Maybe they should get rid of it, so dangerous.
        I know... it's a bit ... rumbly and shimmery...


          Originally posted by michelleb
          i have absolultly no idea what you're talking about. they go to other planets? but then wouldn't sam get planet dust on her nice fluffy jacket?
          Nooooo that's when she wears the shiny catsuit number from Endgame.


            Originally posted by Major Fischer
            Hehe, see, now you'll see why I'm scary in the serious threads...

            My dislike of Pete and the Pete arc is on many levels.

            A) The stalking behavior, and the way it has been handled in Affinity. All cops do not do that. That is not just 'being a cop' as AT put it in the Lowdown. The rates of domestic violence among police officers are much higher than in the regular population, and police departments take that kind of behavior very seriously. It's an abuse of power, an abuse of public trust. The people of Denver did not give Detective Shanahan the tools that he used in Chimera so that he could check up on his girlfriend.

            It became worse (and criminal IMO) when he was told that she was most likely involved in something highly classified and he kept looking. Does Detective Shanahan believe that he has a right to know all of his country's secrets? Does he believe that he is special? Apparently.

            Now let's just accept for the moment, that Sam hadn't fully grasped what had happened by the end of Chimera. The issue of his behavior was not resolved in a throw away, and unnatural I might add, line in Affinity. So now it's a joke? So a national television show is telling thousands of stalking victims out there that this is a joke. That all those wives of police officers who are terrified because their husbands have a gun and intimate knowledge of the legal system should just accept it because this is normal behavior?

            B) I miss Samantha Carter. Whoever this woman is wearing her uniform isn't her. The Samantha Carter that I know and love would not discuss simply continue a discussion of the program even after she told Pete that she can't talk about it. I know that a similarly horrible operational security conversation happened in Secrets, but that does not change a fundamental fact. I can not accept that a covert operator, lieutenant colonel in the United States air force, supposedly one of the most brilliant minds on the planet, would have the discussion she did in the middle of a park with a hundred people around.

            I believe that Sam would have snapped down on Pete's discussion of the program fast, and that they would have had a conversation about what the ramifications of violating the NDA Pete had to sign were. And how beautiful maximum security at Atlanta Federal for him and the USDB would be for her. I bet Sam would be the most popular officer at Leavenworth...

            Moreover, I have a number of close female friends who are in the military. In another dimension I would have gone to West Point, but that was a road not taken, every female officer I know is always keenly aware of what image she's presenting to her troops. I find it hard to believe that Samantha Carter, lieutenant colonel, trying to prove that she can be more than just a technocrat, would remotely pull off the scene at the end of Affinity.

            One of my dearest friends is an army captain, she's corrently in Iraq in command of a transportation company. She is very limited on how much affection she will show to her husband onbase, or in front ofher troops. She needs these people to take her seriously. To see her as the captain, who through RPGs and IEDs and all the other horrible things they have to drive though, is going to do her best to get them home. She will not kiss her husband in front of her troops. Her husband. Now she's the closest of my friends that I can equate to Sam, but I still have a hard time buying it. The level of unprofessionalism knows no bounds.

            C) The poor writing. They just haven't thought this out very well. They've placed scenes in inappropiate settings, the dialogue (particularly in the park in Affinity) seems stilted and forced. Amanda's doing her best with the chemistry she's got, but to me it seems less like a romance, and more like a friend who amuses her. Childlike. Pete seems childlike.

            oh. oh oh oh oh... by the way, where is that big round thing with the spinning thing and the... you know, the thing they go to other planets with?

            Yes, yes and yes!!!! I can't agree more!
            Really, what were TPTB thinking of? Are they nuts?
            It's still a mystery to me...


              Originally posted by Major Fischer
              You know, the one that goes spinny spinny? Keeps electricuting Siler? Maybe they should get rid of it, so dangerous.
              Uh....Haven't they already?

              Token ~


                My server has been down and shows signs of downing again. The first thing I see when I finnaly get on is that there's an interview with DDL and lots of shippers are not happy. I'm too scared to read it. Maybe it will be better if the server goes back down and when it comes back there will be better news to greet me. I just can't bring myself to read it. This good news/bad news shipper roller coaster is making me sick. I'm going to ride some nice normal roller coasters this weekend, and that made me think. Roller coasters do go up and down, but they always come in where they started, which is up. Maybe not the highest point, but up. No one lives at the highest point anyway. Sam and Jack will be together at the end of the ride. *I just know it.*
                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                  Originally posted by blueiris
                  My server has been down and shows signs of downing again. The first thing I see when I finnaly get on is that there's an interview with DDL and lots of shippers are not happy. I'm too scared to read it. Maybe it will be better if the server goes back down and when it comes back there will be better news to greet me. I just can't bring myself to read it. This good news/bad news shipper roller coaster is making me sick. I'm going to ride some nice normal roller coasters this weekend, and that made me think. Roller coasters do go up and down, but they always come in where they started, which is up. Maybe not the highest point, but up. No one lives at the highest point anyway. Sam and Jack will be together at the end of the ride. *I just know it.*
                  Don't read it, blueiris! It's not worth your effort or "up" time!

                  After the rollercoaster
                  We go to our Happy Place!

                  Token ~


                    Originally posted by Major Fischer
                    Nooooo that's when she wears the shiny catsuit number from Endgame.
                    but that would show the dust too surely?

                    Sam and Jack forever...see I can keep on topic


                      Originally Posted by marimba26
                      Just wanted to pop in before bed and announce the latest vid--

                      "Mortal Kombat"--a mix of tunes from the Mortal Kombat soundtrack

                      A Team Action Vid (my first Team vid!)

                      Suitable even for lurking anti-shippers!

                      This one is (hopefully) the first in a series! I'm trying to rediscover all the things I love about Stargate and thus get my very fragile mojo back even though TPTB have done their very best to stomp it into the dirt! Anyway...


                      THAT'S why I love Stargate too!! Sam and Jack are the cherries on top of the team-oriented, action-packed, off-world hot fudge sundae!
                      (yes, all the potatoes references have made me hungry)

                      Token ~


                        Originally posted by blueiris
                        My server has been down and shows signs of downing again. The first thing I see when I finnaly get on is that there's an interview with DDL and lots of shippers are not happy.
                        It was vague and uninformative. I wouldn't bother.


                          Originally posted by Major Fischer
                          Nooooo that's when she wears the shiny catsuit number from Endgame.
                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          but that would show the dust too surely?

                          Sam and Jack forever...see I can keep on topic
                          But the shiny catsuit is made of pleather and can be easily washed off in a car wash. All Sam has to do is ride her bike through it and voila!

                          What topic?


                            Originally posted by Major Fischer
                            Hehe, see, now you'll see why I'm scary in the serious threads...

                            My dislike of Pete and the Pete arc is on many levels.

                            A) The stalking behavior, and the way it has been handled in Affinity. All cops do not do that. That is not just 'being a cop' as AT put it in the Lowdown. The rates of domestic violence among police officers are much higher than in the regular population, and police departments take that kind of behavior very seriously. It's an abuse of power, an abuse of public trust. The people of Denver did not give Detective Shanahan the tools that he used in Chimera so that he could check up on his girlfriend.

                            It became worse (and criminal IMO) when he was told that she was most likely involved in something highly classified and he kept looking. Does Detective Shanahan believe that he has a right to know all of his country's secrets? Does he believe that he is special? Apparently.

                            Now let's just accept for the moment, that Sam hadn't fully grasped what had happened by the end of Chimera. The issue of his behavior was not resolved in a throw away, and unnatural I might add, line in Affinity. So now it's a joke? So a national television show is telling thousands of stalking victims out there that this is a joke. That all those wives of police officers who are terrified because their husbands have a gun and intimate knowledge of the legal system should just accept it because this is normal behavior?

                            B) I miss Samantha Carter. Whoever this woman is wearing her uniform isn't her. The Samantha Carter that I know and love would not discuss simply continue a discussion of the program even after she told Pete that she can't talk about it. I know that a similarly horrible operational security conversation happened in Secrets, but that does not change a fundamental fact. I can not accept that a covert operator, lieutenant colonel in the United States air force, supposedly one of the most brilliant minds on the planet, would have the discussion she did in the middle of a park with a hundred people around.

                            I believe that Sam would have snapped down on Pete's discussion of the program fast, and that they would have had a conversation about what the ramifications of violating the NDA Pete had to sign were. And how beautiful maximum security at Atlanta Federal for him and the USDB would be for her. I bet Sam would be the most popular officer at Leavenworth...

                            Moreover, I have a number of close female friends who are in the military. In another dimension I would have gone to West Point, but that was a road not taken, every female officer I know is always keenly aware of what image she's presenting to her troops. I find it hard to believe that Samantha Carter, lieutenant colonel, trying to prove that she can be more than just a technocrat, would remotely pull off the scene at the end of Affinity.

                            One of my dearest friends is an army captain, she's corrently in Iraq in command of a transportation company. She is very limited on how much affection she will show to her husband onbase, or in front ofher troops. She needs these people to take her seriously. To see her as the captain, who through RPGs and IEDs and all the other horrible things they have to drive though, is going to do her best to get them home. She will not kiss her husband in front of her troops. Her husband. Now she's the closest of my friends that I can equate to Sam, but I still have a hard time buying it. The level of unprofessionalism knows no bounds.

                            C) The poor writing. They just haven't thought this out very well. They've placed scenes in inappropiate settings, the dialogue (particularly in the park in Affinity) seems stilted and forced. Amanda's doing her best with the chemistry she's got, but to me it seems less like a romance, and more like a friend who amuses her. Childlike. Pete seems childlike.

                            oh. oh oh oh oh... by the way, where is that big round thing with the spinning thing and the... you know, the thing they go to other planets with?
                            BRAVO!!!!! Excellent Post... and yes as Mala said we have all mentioned many of the same things can always be repeated ....why?? well because NO ONE IS LISTENING TO THE FANS!!!!!!

                            So maybe the more of us that keep saying the same things in an intelligent manner ....<shrug>

                            But I applaud you on an EXCELLENT POST!!!!
                            now I must go spread the *love* so I can show my appreciation properly
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              But the shiny catsuit is made of pleather and can be easily washed off in a car wash. All Sam has to do is ride her bike through it and voila!

                              What topic?
                              Topic????.....I think it left with that Big Grey Shiny Round thing about a half hour ago.....
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                good point. i mean, you see this happening in a regular cop show, and the cop is disciplined for it. and this isn't just some girl, this is a Major in a top secret programme. red flags should have shot up the minute her name was mentioned by pete to the FBI flags around Pete's name. I used to work in the library, and just checking up what people had on their cards without a good reason was a disciplinary for a cop, it should be doubly so.

                                yep. i got the feeling that they thought the line was cute and funny and we would get a giggle out of it. it wasn't. it was offensive, both to the fans who felt this was a serious issue, and, as you said, anyone who really has been stalked. and this wasn't a comic story of pete following sam to the store..this was a cop (who really, REALLY) should know better, crashing a stakeout...a situation which even the most rookie cop would know was likely to get someone killed.

                                me too. this isn't my hero anymore, not off base, anyway

                                she couldn't even tell her dad, who was dying, what she did, but she can tell some guy she's known two weeks, slept with once, and who broke all military and police protocol by crashing her stake-out? does this guy really mean more to her than her dad? i don't think she's even told her brother. it's like some guy breaks into a store, steals some booze, and the shopkeeper says 'oh, ok, if you want it bad enough, you can have it. please come again'. i wouldn't have told him. i would have never spoken to him again. she should have been angry.

                                she won't even call jack 'jack', and shippiness aside, they've worked together seven years, saved each other's lives on numerous occasions, gone through a series of emotional experiences together and hang around at his house occasionally...yet she won't be unmilitary enough to call him jack, even when they're alone. yet she steps aside at a stakeout to snog some bloke who shouldn't even have been there? again? (what is it with pete and stakeouts? must he be at every one?)

                                amanda is brillaint. no fault to amanda at all here. and she did say she hated and fought against that scene in affinity. but honestly..they've gone back to writing her as what they see as a woman, not as a Major in the air force and one of the smartest people in the planet. they've thought 'oh wait, she's female, so she must wear fluffy pink clothes, hang around in playgrounds even when she has no children, be so desperate for an 'other half' she'll accept any man, and consider stalking 'cute'.'. what happened to the tough, capable, lock-picking, pool-hustling, motorcycle riding, leather-wearing sam we'd seen previously when she's been away from the SGC? she was someone i wanted to be. off-base sam now is someone i try very hard not to be. i still love AT, and she's doing an amazing job with what she's given, but seriously, they seem to have forgotten who they're writing for here.

                                i have absolultly no idea what you're talking about. they go to other planets? but then wouldn't sam get planet dust on her nice fluffy jacket?
                                Michelle and MF - FANTASTIC points!
                                As you both have stated here and I'm sure many others did back when this episode aired - I can only imagine that this must have been a breakdown in the writing. Actually makes me very sad to say that because I think so highly of the show. However, THEY MUST GET BACK ON TRACK!
                                This little diversion has now become a mistake that they will have to deal with. And so far it has been dealt with poorly. MAINLY - the little jokey joke "oh, I don't care that you stalked me" nonsense. ABSURD!
                                ranting - sorry.

                                ALSO - just FYI (don't think this has been brought up yet - my apologies if it has) - checked DDL on imdb. Season 8 stuff
                                "New Order Pts. 1 & 2" are obviously listed, but so is "Threads" now.
                                HOWEVER - there is NO OTHER EPISODE listed.
                                Not sure how much that means. I suppose they could put up Moebius later, but just thought I'd pass it along anyway...

