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    Originally posted by samisjacksgal
    i know this isnt on topic or i shouldnt let it bother me but i got a bad rep point for saying which scenes i thought were shippy i need a hug
    It's completely on topic! You shouldn't get dinged for loving shippy scenes! But don't worry about it. Someone has been doing that to everyone in the shipper thread. I got one too and they didn't leave a reason why either! That annoys me the most. At least tell me why you didn't like my post! Just makes me think it's someone that thinks it's funny to be mean!

    I would be willing to bet that the Shipper Rep Point Fairy will come along and give you some back just because you love Jack and Sam!


      Originally posted by Lunar
      See, I've read a number of articles with AT's opinion on ship... and they're all different!
      i think the problem with interviews, especially the written ones is that they are 30% the actors viewpoint and 70% the interviewers. the guy (or gal) doing the interview can edit the answers any way they wish, dependng on if they are a shipper or not. for example, AT may have said she was tired of ship being the only thing that people ever asked her about, she'd like to discuss other aspects of sam's complex character BUT she firmly and truely believed that sam and jack belonged together loved each other and would end up together in the end. however, the writer of the interview maybe firmly anti-ship, and left out the second half of that sentence. (i'm not saying that's what happened, just what could have happened)i've seen well-thought out, well-rounded interviews where people are quoted in entirety..then one line of what they say is taken out of context, and reproduced somewhere else to give a completely different slant on the whole thing! that's why i take eveything i read in interviews with a good healthy pinch of salt.

      Apparently ship was an invention of the actors rather than the writers. As for the appearance of ship episode... depends on your opinion. Some people can see it from the start. Some think Solitudes.
      the first time i saw it was singularity, when she went down into the bomb shelter, and the lift starts to go back down again, and jack is orderign her to come back up, and you can see he's really worried..and he won't leave, and he's so relieved when she's ok. that was it for me...there was my ship

      The ptb often quote the S2 finale in which we have a really intense hug between them (and Jack says under his breath 'my love...Carter' if you turn your player's sound up really really loud when he kills Hathor) as the beginnings of ship.
      i found that!!!! i was so excited when i heard it. one of the little ship moments RDA slips playing that aria from I Pagilacci in Shades of Grey (sort of opera version of tears of a clown), and little looks behind sam when the camera's not on him, and little touches..i love those. convinces me he's on our side.
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Originally posted by Critter
        I can't say it's THE shippiest because I don't have them all memorized yet. But this one is a real keeper.
        oh tell me about it, i just loved it. so so angsty! i was in tears all the way through the second half. and when daniel was talking to it and send we won't send any more ships and jack comes forward and says 'we will, we'll send hundreds if you don't get out of her'...oh, that was wonderful. and janet trying to convince jack to let sam go..and right at the end...he so wanted to hold her hand, but he couldn't in front of all those people..oh, it's one big ship/angst fest
        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


          I was looking a the guest star list on Season 8 part II, and I don't see DDL listed anywhere. Do think we have seen the last of Pete? I would like to see a breakup scene. I think they owe us that.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            singularity..the faintest hint of panic in jack's eyes as the lift goes down and he thinks sam's about to die

            you are joking? those change from day to day, depending what episode i just watched. ok...all of entity. season five..when he puts her hand on her thigh and smiles when no-one's looking when he rescues her in desperate measures. when she puts her head on his shoulder in metamorphosis. when he 'remembers feelings' in BtS..there's so many

            she talks technobabble just for him now, i swear. and she jokes more for him. or tries to joke. and the way they stand next to each other and just throw each other jokey little glances, like in avatar. he plays extra dumb for her (and she knows it), and plays around and fiddles to make her laugh. i don't know, sometimes, when they're together, it's like they have their own little world of quirks and jokes and glances just meant for each other
            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              Originally posted by melpomene
              of course it was.In fact there are many of us who belive it started at the very beginning.......there are various opinions but definately,definately before d&c.
              now i look back, there's definitely something at the beginning. the way he looks up as she pauses in the doorway, his smile when she offers to arm wrestle, his obvious amusement at the way she maanges to dodge kawalskys and ferretti's sexism, his 'i have no problem with women' (cos he so obviously doesn't, and that was just amazing to see in a sci-fi show) and finally 'i adore you already'..oh yeah, looking back, with hind sight, there's something

              hey can ship nana get me a dozen each of the shipper cookies?I want to eat them all at once and see what happens.It can't be too bad.I already see ship everywhere.....
              yeah, what can possibly go wrong?
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                And a great post that was I agree 100 % ..and a mention of Janet and Cassie will be greatly appreciated...I agree Actually they could all be ..the team and Cassie by
                Janet's grave for a final scene
                Yes! I can see it! SG-1 and Cassie
                stand by Janet's grave
                , they all have their arms around each other (guess who's standing next to whom ), Sam leans her head against Jack's shoulder, they all smile, the camera goes up until we see them from way up above - maybe see them walk away - and then the camera tilts up further until we see the stars. Music all the way, end credits. Add a huge honkin' something among the stars that could or could not be a Goa'uld mothership for extra tension. *bwahahahahaha*

                A sense of closure, of coming full circle, but also of an open ending because they just walk away, maybe get back to work the next day.

                Even writing this makes me cry. It would be perfect. Feel free to steal, PTB - I won't sue you, promise!
                Last edited by CoffeeGirl; 28 September 2004, 05:15 AM.

                In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                  Originally Posted by Ship Nana
                  You were reading my mind, so here goes!!!

                  SHIPPER DRILL!!!

                  THIS IS JUST A DRILL!!
                  Just posting this a.m. Thanks for the booster shot of Jack! And, thanks to all of you gals who share your pix, videos, stories, and all around positive vibes!!!


                    Originally posted by mad_gater
                    I agree Sam!!!! My paranoid mind keeps smelling a conspiracy. TPTB knew that's what Janet would've done and that's why TR/Janet is still off the show. Seems like TR didn't even get a say in what happened to her character. In one article I read she reportedly cried when she saw the script of her character's demise.
                    really? oh, that's awful. it was a really good story, but i think there shoudl have been a lot more janet in it, to make her loss even more poignant. and more dan/jan moment, and some janet/sam friendship. i don't think janet would janet let sam have such a low opnion of herself that she'd
                    say yes to the staking potato..and she might have put sam straight on a few things involving jack and the way he feels
                    . and that whole
                    'jack's dead, oh no, wait, it's janet, so that's ok'
                    vibe in heroes was rather insulting to TR, Janet and janet fans (c'mon, TPTB,she even had a whole episode to herself, Rite of Passage, she was practically the fifth member of sg1, she deserves a lot more than TPTB have ever given her)

                    Can anyone else say CONSPIRACY?!?!?!
                    only when i'm sober.
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      Originally posted by Starfury

                      Anyway I rewatched Full Circle yesterday to prep myself for seeing the Season 7 premiere, and I gotta say, I have BIG problems with that episode. But the conversation between Jack, Skaara, and Sam makes it all worthwhile!

                      To quote Jack "Trust me. That's serious."
                      do you know, i'd forgotten all about that (i know, bad shipper) until i rewatched Full Circle for reasons of daniel thunking..and there it is! the words wedding, jack and carter all in the same five minutes! and skaara was so setting them up..and jack knew it (hence the panic and hopefulness all in one) and sam so knew it 'as friends sir..friends who end sharing a huge great big kiss at the end of the evening'...i was so frustrated when skaara ascended and there was going to be no wedding (hey, skaara's entire freaking viallge ascended..why didn't janet, hey?)
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by Rogue
                        I was looking a the guest star list on Season 8 part II, and I don't see DDL listed anywhere. Do think we have seen the last of Pete? I would like to see a breakup scene. I think they owe us that.
                        hmmm..much as i would enjoy seeing the breakup scene (cheering sam all the way), i'd rather not one more second of screen time was wasted on pete..that that five minutes of break-up scene was instead sam coming to jack and saying 'i threw him out, i couldn't marry him, i don't even like him that much.' and shippy things could then ensue. i'm painfully aware at this stage, in what is probably the last season, in a shortened season, that every second of on scren time is precious, and i don't want any time wasted on the soud, when time could be spent on sam and jack, or the team, or even just one damn mention of janet and cassie (two lines! ten seconds! that's all i'm asking for!). that's why covenant annoyed me so much...all that time wasted on alec colson, when we could have had a team episode instead.
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          Thanks! Just what we need in Scotland! A hurricane. I'll send it back down. that'll teach you!
                          Well, it isn't exactly going to hit goes straight above I don't think it hits any land.

                          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                            Originally posted by misstweedledee
                            hey everybody *waves*

                            i'm off soon but just incase my computer slips back in to its coma, all U.K residents with sky....dont forget

                            Tuesday September 28th
                            Sky one
                            From Stargate to Atlantis : The Lowdown

                            See you all soon

                            Thank you!!!!!
                            I didn't know this was on!!!

                            I'm so glad I stopped doing my work to catch up! I would of missed it!!!

                            Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

                            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                              Originally posted by Ship Nana
                              You were reading my mind, so here goes!!!

                              Once again I see the need for a SHIPPER DRILL In order to prevent the dreaded

                              SHIPPER SYNDROME

                              from happening when our SHIP comes in!!!!

                              SHIPPER DRILL!!!

                              THIS IS JUST A DRILL!!

                              (courtesy of Mala)

                              Ok, everyone breeeeathe!!!! Tame I said BREATHE!!!! Very good!!!!

                              This completes our SHIPPER DRILL!!!

                              smelling salts courtesy of tpe
                              I survived that drill!!
                              It just put me into a nice shippy trance..I could stare at that pic for ages

                              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                Hey guys

                                I have a little anouncement to make.

                                Until Prometheus Unbound aires, I will not be on the thread (apart from my birthday).

                                I'm beginning to realise that without new spoilers, my posts are becoming detrimental to the thread, and that they may be stopping shippers from delurking.

                                I will there be posting seldomly ie. if a new spoiler comes out.

                                I will lurk to keep up with the thread though, and I promise I will be back when season eight begins airing again.

                                See you all in a few months

                                Lots of Love

                                (((((((((SueKay)))))))))) Don't go
                                It won't be the same without you!!!!

                                Having no spoilers is taking its toll on everyone, and your posts are fine I haven't noticed anything wrong with what you've been saying.

                                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^

