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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    okay, here's what I think needs to happen, and this is going to involve season eight spoilers, so

    1) sam seems to be a bit confused over who's she's helplessly in love with, and who she is just settling for

    2) jack seems content for sam to just slip away

    3) when ever jack's in danger, sam goes all out to save him...builds particle generators, nearly shoots hammond, blackmails weir, etc

    4) jack needs to get into trouble. maybe kiddnapped by replicarter. sam does amazing and brilliant things to get to him, and turns into a fighting hell cat

    5) sam needs to realise she's done this...maybe replicarter can have a quick word with her...get the truth out 'why did you just destroy an entire planet to get to jack', 'becasue i love him, you metal assed b****h, now i'm going to shoot you. therefore, sam will realise she loves jack

    6) jack needs to hear sam's declaration of love, and realise it's not just his own feelings he's ignoring her. he tells her he loves her, nothing dramatic, just 'great rescue carter by the way, i love you too, just thought you should know'

    7) and in the long voyage back from whereever they are, sam and jack can finally, eventually realise that the only person for sam is jack, and he can't live without her. cue dumping of pete, and big kiss

    whatever happens, something dramatic has got to happen to sam to turn her from safe, predicatable, normal and back to the difficult, dangerous, unreadable man she does love
    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


      thanks i feel welcomed here and look forward to whats a head


        Originally posted by nalex1013
        <snip>One quick thought though. After beneath the surface do you think that S and J ever talked about what went on there? It broke my heart when she called him sir at the end. Surely they couldn’t just forget that. How do you think that conversation would go?

        Originally posted by meimei
        That would have required an adult conversation. I don't think the characters are allowed to do that!

        Ooops, I think I am being snarky!! Must be the bad day at work with a bunch of people that can't have adult conversations either!

        Ack! Are TPTB now writing my life!!???!!!???

        Someboby throw me cookies!! Any cookie!! All cookies!!
        Hurry MeiMei- here catch the cookie jar.
        Oopss... missed.. sorry... good thing it's plastic & had the lid tightly screwed on!

        Julie - IMHO, I don't think they've ever forgotten things that they've experienced, at least when things happened when they weren't under the influence of some chemical, alien, or what have you. It's just one more facet of their relationship that they stow away in that special place (their happy place?) in their soul, waiting for the right time to come. It's going to take some serious soul searching on both parts & a little instigation from Pete the plot device &
        & Kerry
        to get them to get to the point where the adult convo comes gushing out.
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          I'm back!!!! Did anybody miss me? Did ya'll even know I was gone?

          Anyhoo, just got back from Disney and had a blast! Had dinner at the Sci-Fi Dine-In in honor of Jack and Sam. Watched a street show at MGM where one character yelled...."Who's Your Daddy?!?" to which I nearly fell off the curb!

          And to all the newbies out there! Welcome to ShipperTown!!


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            btw - I KNEW that was Jack's bed...I don't what ShimmeringStar was thinking
            SS knew exactly where she was.

            Why else would she refer to it as a *HAPPY* place?

            And the OOOmmmming/levitation...
            just helps with *ahem* postion...
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by ChevronSeven
              I'm back!!!! Did anybody miss me? Did ya'll even know I was gone?

              Anyhoo, just got back from Disney and had a blast! Had dinner at the Sci-Fi Dine-In in honor of Jack and Sam. Watched a street show at MGM where one character yelled...."Who's Your Daddy?!?" to which I nearly fell off the curb!

              And to all the newbies out there! Welcome to ShipperTown!!
              OF course we missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!
              WELCOME HOME!!!!!

              That is so cool that you had dinner at the Sci-Fi Diner

              Glad you had a great time and we are glad you are back safe and sound!!!!
              Once you have caught up we look forward to your thoughts on all of the latest Episode happenings!!
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                SS knew exactly where she was.

                Why else would she refer to it as a *HAPPY* place?

                And the OOOmmmming/levitation...
                just helps with *ahem* postion...
                SS has been hanging out with MM WAY TO MUCH she is now referring to herself in the third person
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by sacme
                  Guys we got an interesting letter about our shipper store. I shared it with the chat room last night, as GW was giving me issues. I'll post it here now.

                  Hi Stephanie,

                  Thank you for getting back to me. As I said my name is Tabitha. I am a model from
                  British Columbia and I wanted to order a couple of your t-shirts, and was wondering
                  about the copyrights on it. I really liked the GOT SHIP shirts and was wanting to wear
                  oúne of them in a photo shoot that I have coming up. We wanted to get your permission
                  before doing this and if it is copyrighted get a release from you.
                  My photos will be in an early 2005 issue of the UK Magazine RED and possibly also in a
                  Tel Aviv Magazine. They have asked me to choose some of my wardrobe for the shoot in
                  a couple of weeks and as I am a huge fan of Stargate I had wanted to wear a stargate t-
                  shirt, but saw yours the other day and loved it even more. Thank you for you time and I
                  hope to hear from you again.

                  Much appreciation,


                  Cool, huh! Here's my response:


                  I and the other shippers at the Shipper Thread at Gateworld are honored that you liked the tee we came up with. We're always happy to meet another shipper, but you are definitely exciting us with the idea of giving our love of ship international exposure. How did you find our shipper store site?

                  We would love for you to wear our tee, but is there any way you could give us a credit? Also, can I be sent a copy of any published picture?

                  As I wrote on the shipper store site, tell me which type of tee you would like and which background and/or font color and I can set it up for you.


                  ship sistah
                  You go ship sistah!!!!
                  That's way cool.
                  Thank to Tabitha too!
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    Originally posted by TameFarrar
                    SS has been hanging out with MM WAY TO MUCH she is now referring to herself in the third person
                    Wise Tame is...
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar
                      SS has been hanging out with MM WAY TO MUCH she is now referring to herself in the third person
                      Are you trying to tell Mei Mei something!?

                      Mei Mei comes on Shipper Thread after serious withdrawals last night because GW doesn't like Mei Mei and finds that Tame is dissing Mei Mei???

                      *whimper* *sob* No new SG, no new spoilers and most wonderful beta is dissing Mei Mei!!!



                        Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                        <snip> I realise that my 'affiliations' make it a Big Deal for me to post in this thread with Opinions, it's not something I do lightly. For the record, when I'm Elsewhere, I've frequently challenged comments about shippers that I find to be less than fair or misguided. And I thank you for your patience, anyone who's read this far
                        You are always welcome to post here Madeleine even if we are on opposite sides of the S/J ship fence. I've lurked or posted in threads where I've watched you defend everyone's right to post their opinions as long as they're not attacking other's rights to do the same. Your posts here normally have always been respectful, posing a thoughtful question or statement for us to muse over, never one of those drive-by watch-me-post-in-this-thread kind of posts meant to hurt and anger.
                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Originally posted by michelleb
                          very. my first thought was
                          so replicarter knows how sam feels about jack, and without emotion and feeling to blind her, she probabaly knows how jack feels about sam...but cannot feel the same way herself. wonder if she'll use the knowledge that those two love each other against knowing threatening sam is a sure way to get jack to do what she wants, and threatening jack is a sure way to turn sam into a fiercely protective hell cat who will rip apart whole universes to get her man back.

                          and, if she does do that, they may be forced to recognise she's using these emotions, and so be forced to recognise their own emotions..sam foced to see she loves jack, jack forced to see that he cannot lose sam, under any circumstances

                          plus, replicarter may know that sam doesn't love pete as much..if she uses pete as leverage against sam, sam would be upset, but if she uses jack as leverage against sam and hurts him in anyway, sam will go ballistic. it's only be a couple of times that sam's had to protect jack, but i've noticed, you really do not want to hurt jack when sam's around..she gets very angry

                          kinda makes me wander why sam does it herself.

                          did any of that make any sense?

                          and i know i'm really really far behind...i was only gone three days and there's twenty pages of posts to catch up. and people said we were being quiet..jeez... i hate to see what this thread will be like when we do finally the kisss..i'm guessing hundred pages in two hours.
                          I agree that Sam can be fiercely protective of Jack and I love that about her. I had this great dream (YES I do sometimes dream Stargate--what of it?) where they had finally captured Baal. And the first thing Sam does is cooly go up to Baal and give him a massive punch in the jaw. She doesn't say anything but you know it's for the way he tortured Jack back in season 6. It was a cool dream. Anyway, just thought I'd share.


                            Originally posted by meimei
                            Are you trying to tell Mei Mei something!?

                            Mei Mei comes on Shipper Thread after serious withdrawals last night because GW doesn't like Mei Mei and finds that Tame is dissing Mei Mei???

                            *whimper* *sob* No new SG, no new spoilers and most wonderful beta is dissing Mei Mei!!!

                            I was not dissing you....I was stating a simple CLEAR you are IN FACT referring to yourself in the third person as we can see even in this post

                            I was just pointing out that SS was now doing the same thing........

                            OY I just had a you think it may have something to do with me being a Beta and ...............well YOU KNOW???????

                            This could actually be all my fault
                            and I would NEVER diss you (((((((((((Mei Mei)))))))))))) OY Writers........How do you fix it when you aren't even sure how you broke it????
                            I know...Sam & Jack kissing in a tree
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by wynter
                              HEY GUYS,


                              I will have so many posts to read when i come back, and of course the season starts over here while i'm away.

                              SO till i come home shipper family have fun and please have some spoilers ready for me.

                              see you guys soon,

                              love wynterxx
                              (((((wynter))))) Have a great time. I'll try to keep the hurricanes away from there...they'll probably end up here instead anyway. Rain, rain, GO AWAY! Sorry minor rant. Jack and Sam Forever!
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by Lunar
                                With reguards to the ongoing thread here about shippers and anti-shippers wanting specific parts of the show to feature more highly, don't we all? That's why I write fanfic. I write stories using and involving the characters/scenarios I like the most. That generally means Jack, because he's my favourite character and a little Sam because I'm a shipper. For me, a 'bad' show is often just a catalyst for a fic: if I didn't like what I saw then I write an ending, a fic that deals with the issue etc. Stargate (up to this season and a small amount of the last) has given me a lot involving my favourite elements. I put up with the rest 'cos I'm sure some people hated my fave eps, and cos I know we're Jack-lite due to RDAs reduced schedule (which is for very noble reasons). And I had confidence in the writers appeasing nearly everyone with the last ep...
                                Now I'm beginning to worry just a *little.*
                                It describes what I did/how I dealt with what I didn't like... Instead of moaning my miserable self all over the thread after Affinity, I decided to write something from Sam's POV/mind to work through why she would enter such a relationship w/ and then stay in it & then *eek* agree to get engaged... Turned some handwritten scribbles into 8 pages. And then (with the wonderful encouragement of a *certain* beta) decided to turn it into more of a full-blown story w/all of the characters, of course with S/J ship figuring heavily in it! It was over 30+ pages as of this past weekend... w/2 chapters still in the scribbley notes phase... (though I won't hit the beta with it again until I'm done ) Hopefully sooner, rather than later, I'll be able to share it....
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

