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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by LtLisa
    from my calculations, Cassie is 17 or 18 and was probably in her senior year of high scool when Heroes took place. Which would put her in college now. This is going from the S5 episode Rite of Passage and assuming 1 season=about 1 year. Looked this up for a fic I betaed a few months ago...I really think that we need more than some throw away mention of her though...and we only got 2 mentions of her...both in Heroes! c'mon...throw us a bone here...
    I agree sis! Gotta gives us a LITTLE Cassie here!!


      A few things I read, think I read, draw inferences about, or making up (not the last one really). And I won't be able to tell you where I read these cause can remember exactly.

      (1) I read a quote from RDA that he suggested Jack being promoted to general because that would work around his schedule better.
      (2) Also read that RDA didn't think the dynamics between Jack and Jonas worked very well, at least in contrast to those of Jack and Daniel.
      (3) Think I read Jack can't bring himself to name a 4th member of SG-1. Too soon to think of himself never going off-world, I guess. And also, on a practical side for keeping some fan interest this Season , I infer that he can and will still become the 4th member for at least one episode(or I hope more). Or do we know this already?

      (4) Okay, just opinion. I don't buy that shooting parts of eps out of sequence are the problem with the eps. Movies are always shot out of sequence. Granted movies are around a central theme and the various scenes hang together better maybe than scenes from several different eps, but still-- this is the 8th year! I think it's more doing two shows at once and drawing the bead on Atlantis, as many have said. Well, TV shows are on faster shooting schedules, I'll give them that.


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        How come there are so many anti-Jonas people !!!!! was not his fault if MS decided to leave the show for a year
        Why so many anti-Jonas people? For the same reason there are so many anti-ship fans, and anti-Sam fans. It takes screen time away from one other certain character, IMHO. Doesn't matter how much time or why. And I love that other character. And I know some people just don't like ship and there are exceptions, but I think most of the vocal antis- I listed above just resent any story or screen time that doesn't involve their favorite character. They want team, but only one member of that team is their true hero, savior, and all-around saves-the-day member, at least that is how it seems to me from all that I've read. And just my opinion here, but sometimes I think they hate the S/J ship so much just because Sam loves Jack and not Daniel.

        And that is my little blue rant.
        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


          Originally posted by jafacakes
          I think this story by Sally Reeve is what you are looking for

          It's a great story

          That's it!!! Thanks so much.
          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


            Originally posted by marimba26
            I'll add disenfranchised to your list of "d" adjectives (just thought it fit with the list)...

            I yawned through most of the ep too. Even watched it two more times in hopes that it got better--nope, it didn't. As for Atlantis, I wasn't that upset about it
            the end was INTERESTING!! That whole thing with Sheppard giving in to save her--not McKay, her! What is up with that? Are we trying to ship these two? Thought I had read that Weir is supposed to be married to Narim (forgive me, I have no idea what the character's name is and he will ALWAYS be Narim to me). Anyway, that bothers me a bit because it's yet another ship to leave unresolved if that's the way they're going--and I actually HOPE that's not the way they're going...
            Atlantis spoilers...
            Personally, I think what they were going for was his reaction to any member of the expedition being threatened, and I think Elizabeth was the one they were actually threatening to shoot, not McKay. I'm not sure Weir is actually married — I never got that impression from the way she and Simon were acting, and I figured that at some point someone would have casually dropped that she has a husband back in the Milky Way.

            I like the idea of Sheppard/Weir because I think they'd be really interesting (a lot more interesting that Sheppard/Teyla), but I hope they don't push it. And at this point, I don't think they're going to get into anything romantic for a while. At the moment, they seem to be having fun with playing two characters from very different backgrounds being thrust into abnormal leadership roles against each other. Maybe a few seasons down the line they'll develop something, but right now I think it's best if they work on developing the big picture.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Originally posted by Catysg1
              If season 9 is on ..I bet this is the scenario they have in mind ..easy ....the shippers are happy and the non -shippers don't have to see Sam and jack together on screen.


              Someone posted on a list I'm on that RDA, in an interview (associated with his receiving the award, I believe) pretty much indicated that season 9 is unlikely.

              "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                Originally posted by misstweedledee
                That really bugged me....especially after Janet died...its all like....o.k so where is she ? ......i get that's shes growing up and would probly be old enough to live on her own (not sure how old she is ....fried much like hard work finding out) but come on.....first her mum and *everyboody* she knows died.....then the woman who took her in , became her mum.... died..................but hey you know she'll be fine....she's a tough kid she survives.....we don't need to mention her exsistance again.


                I think we were "lucky" to get even that off hand comment. Last year before season 7 started I remember reading comments from one of the producers--it may well have been in the 'Ask Joe Malozzi' thread back on Delphi--that they had no plans to bring back Cassie in Season 7. That came up right in the middle of all the positive comments about how good "Heroes" was going to be. I think they did an "oops!" on Cassie and gave Sam a line to cover her absence.

                The episode(s) were so good, I forgave them the lapse, but given that Cassie obviously already has clearance, she should have been there. Certainly at the ceremony.



                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  Saddly I have to agree with you here. His reactions in Endgame, IMHO, had all the emotion of a man waiting for a bus! Bring back Jack!!
                  Even though I felt RDA put forth the MOST emotion....this really was the best what does that say about the rest of the cast?????
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    hello again!

                    just thought i'd post a piccie of the banner I'm putting up on my site soon!


                    whadaya think?
                    Sue Kay that is really good!!!!
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by Ship Nana
                      I got the travel mug and it is perfect also. The company did a great job of printing.

                      I love the idea also about sending the birthday presents to JM and AT.
                      Just to throw my two cents in the ring
                      I think sending the Mug and T-Shirt to JM for his B-day is an EXCELLENT idea as well as one to AT.

                      I wish we could send a note also exclaiming the wonders of the artist and creators!!

                      (((((((((Ship Sistah)))))))) & ((((((((Ship Nana))))))))))
                      For design and Cookies

                      Ship Sistah you have done a TREMENDOUS JOB!!!!!!

                      and Ship Nana...the cookies you thought up are going GLOBAL!!!!

                      the creativity on this thread astounds me every single day!!!!!
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                        Hey Shipper Family

                        How is everyone???
                        I've been really busy with school work the last two nights, I've been stressed out of my head thinking I was going to get thrown out of my I.T class an then finding out that I actually had most of the work done.

                        I can't believe that I can't even cope for two days without visiting and reading through posts, I think its because when I'm here talking to all of you I forget about RL for a while and it gives me a break from being stressed out and worrying about everything.

                        Hopefully once tomorrow is over and done with i'll be able to calm down a bit and be able to catch up with all the posts.

                        ((((((((((((((((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))))))))))))))

                        I really don't know what i'd do if i'd never found Shipper Town.

                        sam and jack forever!!
                        (((((((((SAM _O_NEILL)))))))))))))))

                        We are glad we can help in ANY way!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        that is why we are all here SOME days to forget about RL and piss and moan about Sam & Jack's fictional life LOL and explain to TPTB how THEY can at least get THAT right for us
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by Jamaica03
                          Hi everyone. I really don't think there is a need for a fourth member at this point. We haven't seen enough off world action to need it and when they are off world they have had another team with them. Besides adding a fourth team member is really like saying, Jack is done, no need for him to come on a mission again. At least with just the three of them, it makes more opportunities and better reasoning for Jack to come along, which will see more of in season 8. Just my thoughts.

                          My thoughts on Endgame are
                          that Jack is a General now, and as a General you are not allowed to show or act emotional in front of your command, in the military this is something that is really enforced. So I think that they where tring to play it as he shouldn't be emotional but he is, so lets have a little emotion. Same as with Zero Hour.

                          Anyone else notice that in the elevator scene of Chimera (shudder), that O'Neill actually smells Carter? Just someting I thought was funny, having just watched the episode!!
                          The point of my post about Jack MISSING was that.....Jack was MISSING from the show period......not that they really needed to add someone new...just that they needed to bring Jack into things BETTER.
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by shelsfc
                            I haven't actually seen them yet this season as a 3 member team, but if they were going to bring someone else onto the team, I would have liked it to be Jonas. He already knew the team, he already had a good relationship with them, and he worked well with them. I'd love to see more scenes with him & Daniel.
                            And I think Teal'c was converting him to ship....
                            Now if I HAD to say bring in someone it MOST DEFINITELY would be Jonas...I LOVE Jonas!!!
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Spoilers Season 7 Resurrection and Season 8


                              Originally posted by Elfinwood
                              I've been thinking along the same lines...

                              The whole Pete storyline has just disappeared since Affinity. I expected at least a mention of the relationship in one of the remaining first half episodes. Not that I particularly *wanted* to be reminded of it, but why have Sam do something so huge for her character as getting engaged and then never even mention it?
                              What you're saying makes sense, but I'm *so* glad it wasn't brought up! I'm sooooooo tired of the Pete storyline, so any reprieve I get I'm going to be thankful for.




                                Originally posted by marimba26
                                Well my friends just don't get it!! (good thing I've made some stargate friends to offset that!) I went on a quilt retreat last weekend and it was all I could do to clam up about it because as soon as I would say something they would just glaze over (a la Jack when being subjected to technobabble). Needless to say they now think I'm a total geek! (especially after I whined that the bed and breakfast we stayed at didn't have internet access LOL) I'm not whining really, it just stinks to have to keep quiet about Stargate LOL my enthusiasm just overflows sometimes.
                                LOL...Well I have to laugh because I was asked "So what did you do for your Birthday?" and my reply "Went straight home, kissed my family and got on my computer and had a Cyber Party with all my Sam & Jack Shipper Family"
                                I then told them about everyone and how wonderful this (((((((Shipper Family ))) is and how everyone just embraces each other. They were like they REALLY do all that???? YUP...BEST BUNCH you could ever meet!!!!

                                SO now I am sending links to GW Forum to all the SG fans that I hob nob with at work...they were just way too impressed with the friendship and caring I told them here
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

