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    Originally posted by Bucky
    I think they've just lost interest and that getting out a "Stargate SG-1" episode is a routine chore--but doing one for "Atlantis" is new and fun. No one left with "Stargate" seems to have the original passion for the show. I suspect they *think* they're doing what the fans want simply by putting out the show, but they aren't doing us any favors because they aren't giving us the same attention to detail we are accustomed to.

    And because of that, I was relieved by RDA's comment in the "Awards" article. If Season 9 were to be more of this, then it really is time to stop.

    I would have to agree with you here. I know some said a bit earlier in another post that TPTB seem to have gotten the *BIG HEAD* syndrome and I know I have said it many times before as well in past posts that they seem to think that now that they are the highest rated show on Sci-Fi they don't need to work as hard to please the fans.

    I have to wonder ...who do they think got them there in the first place......The Traveling Gnome........

    I don't want to completely write off Season 8 because I have enjoyed many episodes so far this season BUT not like I have in the past. I know I have before that this is the first time I have had to specify EPISODES rather than SEASON and that saddens me.

    It used to be "Oh Season such and such had this and Season this and that had This" and "Now it is Episode such and such or episode this and that" I find that saddening for a show I really have come to love. It is like watching s dear one die slowly and painfully. and it is due to neglect rather than it being due to there not being any known cure.
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by JSDT
      Thank you to everyone who posted the lovely comments about my pictures!

      Tame-Thank you for liking my video! It means a lot to me.

      Well Girl when a Video is good and IT IS GOOD!!!!

      AND I recommend that you Shippers get over and watch Tasha's new Video too She is new at it and does a really great job!!!!
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        That is so true ...They didn't have to give us Sam love's life outside SGC ..and same for Jack least ..Laira from Edora was Stargate related...and she only last 1 episode ....I wish they would not have introduced either Pete or
        ....and just have the regulations between Sam and Jack ...

        We could have known they both had non serious boyfriends ...girlfriends outside Sgc so that they don't look pathetic ..and move one if they can't have each other day perhaps ..before it's too late.

        We could have had all those great action episodes from the earlier years...and I don't mean the Unas episodes .....We should have been able to detect the pressure through the normal kind of episodes like Entity, in line of duty,point of view and all the other great episodes.

        I think all the fans want the action back ...and throw some Sam and Jack ship for us shippers cuz they are meant to be together ..

        They can also throw some Daniel/Jack friendship as much as they want ..I want to please the Sam and Jack anti-shippers that they don't have to complain about anything else than the get together of Sam and Jack .

        It will be so unfair if the anti-shippers get everything if they have something else they really want ...then TPTB can keep Sam and Jack for us shippers.


        Caty you are very correct!!!!!

        I don't think ANY of us ever wanted Sam & Jack to take over the show

        We ALL love the action ....we just love a bit of romance too

        and THAT is NOT to much to ask when the couple has SO MUCH natural chemistry!!!!
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          I don't want to completely write off Season 8 because I have enjoyed many episodes so far this season BUT not like I have in the past.
          Exactly. I still love Stargate. It's just not as good as it once was. Sometimes I think another new team member might help. What if John Sheppard had been brought in as a member of SG-1? With O'Neill in charge of SGC, I think it could have worked. Could they find someone else like that? And do we know if the other actors are ready to move on, or would they like to go on?
          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


            Originally posted by meimei
            That is too funny! My first thought was which Gutter Gal was MIA!! LOL! I wouldn't have put it past them!

            I just hope that if there is no season nine, season eight ends the way we want it too. I kinda hope there isn't a season nine since the eps seem to be running out of steam and the budget seems to have been shifted to Atlantis. As long as it ends with Jack and Sam together, I will be happy to see it end on a high note!
            "Them" Meimei???? Don't you mean "US!"
            OK, this head cold must be worse than I thought! That didn't even occur to me

            I agree. With attentions divided between Atlantis and SG-1 I can't feeling SG-1 is getting the raw end of the deal. And RDA is looking less and less in involved with every passing ep. i don't know if that's mean to reflect his change in attitude now that's he's General, but it isn't nearly so much fun to watch When was the last time we got some smiles, or smartass comments or really good banter? The occasional "look" just doesn't cut it.



              Originally posted by blueiris
              Exactly. I still love Stargate. It's just not as good as it once was. Sometimes I think another new team member might help. What if John Sheppard had been brought in as a member of SG-1? With O'Neill in charge of SGC, I think it could have worked. Could they find someone else like that? And do we know if the other actors are ready to move on, or would they like to go on?
              Ya know Blueiris..THAT is exactly what my husband soon as *Endgame* was over the first thing he said was "They need another Team Member" and then he started laughing and said well wait..........They did ....Star Gate Atlantis

              But seriously we did sit and discuss that for a minute and the conclusion we came to was that the *Jack* character was MISSING period because we kept coming back to the question "What is missing?" ANSWER: "Someone like Jack......Duh.....Jack is missing " so I really don't think we can have a better example of just how much RDA brings to the show. Because when he is used in a *good* way he just enhances the show and when he is missing or not utilized correctly the show just drags for alot (not all) fans.

              My hope is that if they let SG1 end thatSGA will have the benefit of all of our wonderful imput and be just fantastic !!!! and maybe in a few years I will like TPTB again
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                I am enjoying Atlantis. My son even likes it better than Stargate, although I think he means better than Stargate is right now.
                But yes, Jack is what's missing. I think a lot of the episodes that weren't as much as we would like, would have been better with the old Jack there. And I feel guilty to say I didn't like them as much, as though I'm being disloyal to a friend.
                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                  Originally posted by sacme
                  yay!!! I'm so glad you're happy with your stuff!!!!

                  So the text is clear on the mug? Which one did you get-- the large or the travel size? I'm glad you liked the too! I had such trouble with the "got milk?" font, you don't know. I do want to put more of the designs on the mugs, and on magnets and stickers, too. And perhaps a shipper cap! Just give me some time. What we have is the first batch.

                  BTW, we've made $90! Token and I thought it would be a good idea to give JM his gifts for his birthday, which is in October. And then we can give a tee and mug to AT. It takes a month for the orders to clear, before it becomes Cafe Cash and we can use it to buy stuff.

                  ship sistah

                  p.s. if anyone else has a comment (positive or negative) please PM me so I can improve the stuff... or just feel all shiny inside.
                  I just want you to know that my order is in and I'll tell you when I receive it. I ordered lots of stuff all at once, because of the shipping costs.
                  I think it's a great idea to send JM his gifts for his birthday, and also sending stuff to AT too.
                  Thanks again for all your hard work in doing this.

                  (((((((Ship Sistah ))))))))


                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                    I think it's a great idea to send JM his gifts for his birthday, and also sending stuff to AT too.
                    Thanks again for all your hard work in doing this.

                    (((((((Ship Sistah ))))))))
                    I agree!


                      To Caty (mainly, looks fearful at Tame):

                      Lonely Nights: Loved the black/white stuff and the scenes from New Order and Entity. Very good!

                      Still Loving You: Wow. A real masterpiece. I loved how you told a story with the 2010/2001 clips and always switched back to S/J. Awesome. Really like it.

                      Your Game: Damn that game! LoL. LMAO when you inserted *the* scene from Affinity, fits perfectly with the lyrics ... TPTB give us something new FCOL, a resolution for example. Or at least a convo. With talking and all the additional things, pretty please.

                      I Will Carry You: Absolutely fabulous. ... But ups, I missed Tame's birthday *pales* ... better run. ..... Happy belated birthday, Tame. *grins sheppishly*

                      You'll Be In My Heart: Wow again. The end is especially good in this one. Oh and do you use a new technique for changing from one clip to the other. this one runs really smooth. I also love how you let one face give way into another. Really cool.

                      Hello: Loved how you inserted the 'I love you' in the Affinity scene .. that's what I call straight forward, you hear me PTB ... and Sam's reaction would have been so perfectly fitting too. *grrrr*

                      Without You: ((((((Jack)))))), *sniff*. Great job. One really feels Sam is missing in this vid, because you used her so sparingly. Very, very good.

                      Phew, finished ... and did you see I managegd to stay spoiler-free.

                      Estelle xxx
                      Abu: This is a woman?
                      O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                      Carter: Err. Colonel?
                      O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                      Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                      Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                      Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                      Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                      Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                      Jack: No I *like* it.


                        Good day shippers!!

                        I've read the report on RDA's air force medal thingy and I'm quite disappointed that he doesn't think that there'll be a season nine.
                        On the other hand, I read the live journal link thingy from a few pages back and I now feel happy!!!
                        I'm gonna try and avoid speculation and spoilers for the next few months and I'm gonna rewatch all of my shippy faves!

                        Why can't every season be like season four? It was great whereas seven and eight are both average with a distinct lack of ship.

                        The ramblings of a mad woman.
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)



                          A question about the shipper shop. When I go to the shipper shop, I see t shirts, bags posters and a mousemat. Where are the cups and stuff??? (and how do you pay if you don't have a credit card?)

                          I have an idea for a vid. It would be torturous for the vid maker though.

                          The song is I can't read you by Daniel Beddingfield and would be from the spudster's point of view. The point of the video would basically be to show that spud and sam just doesn't work.

                          Anyone up to the mammoth task at looking at spuds mug. (No offence DDL, but Pete's plain evil! (actually I feel sorry for the guy, cos Sam's going to dump his sorry a$$ soon!))
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by col aga
                            You know, I shouldn't thank you so I won't In Polish tradition when somebody wishes you good luck you mustn't thank them cos it would bring...bad luck.

                            I can't wait!!But you should be very careful, I may want to keep you!
                            As for you cooking for me- well, this chicken sounds delicious!I'll tell my mom, maybe that will calm her. She's worrying that I'd be starving there!
                            Keeping me wouldn't so bad!!

                            But unfortunately all of this will have to wait till I can get enough money to fly to Poland. Right now I'm so poor that the only way I can get there is if I swam across the Atlantic and walked across the entire Euopean continent to get to your place at Univ. of Poland. So I think I'd be just a tad run down by the time I got to your place . Not to mention my Polish sucks!

                            But I think not even Kel'dor can give me the strength to do that. Since the waters in the Atlantic are getting colder since we're approaching fall/winter, me and K-man will probably freeze to death for die of overexertion before we even got halfway across the Atlantic. Ain't long-distance relationships a bugger?
                            Last edited by mad_gater; 21 September 2004, 10:13 AM.


                              Originally posted by col aga
                              HEY, YOU BOTH!!!!How dare you!!!???? that was my native language and not some gibberish! And anyway I thought Kel'dor was into history and culture stuff?Well, I've got news for you-language IS part of the culture! And if you wanna come to Poznan,Poland,to cook me this chicken cacciatore you should get used to Polish language .This translates to :
                              Jeśli chcesz przyjechać do Poznania, Polska, to powinieneś przyzwyczaić się do języka polskiego.
                              *MG is making very strange noises from his mouth*

                              Shipper family: Are you alright, MG?

                              Yes I am! Just tryin' to pronounce that phrase!!

                              I was just teasin' ya, Aga!! You're fun to tease!!!!


                              Oh drat!! Looks like GW went kablooie again. All I see are a bunch of red "x's" where icons and pics are. (Ba'al would ya quit firing on GW, FCOL! Maybe I should notify the Asgard that your breaking the newly drafted protected forum threads treaty, hmm?)


                                Originally posted by col aga
                                For me this is pure speculation & imagination as I can't right now imagine myself in marriage or considering marriage... but this is about Sam so I guess I can do this...
                                I don't think I would be angry or mad.Rather very hurt and confused cos Jack was supposed to be my"safe bet" and wait patiently until I make up my mind, give me advices regarding my current boyfriend and again, wait for me.But he isn't.He's trying to move on like me.So my hallucinations must have been wrong.I'm starting to realize that I may loose the only man I really love(no matter how hard I try to convince myself that this is not true) and marrying the shadow of said man isn't gonna make me happy.The only solution is to talk with Jack and make him tell me what's going on with Kerry and what he feels for me.I certainly wouldn't marry Pete because I had problems(what's new?) with Jack and myself.

                                But that's of course me, and what TPTB are gonna do remains mystery...
                                TPTB will probably do something totally different and totally ignore its rather large fan base of shippers (yes, lurkers, we see you!! We are the Ascended! We see all!! ) because TPTB are totally out of their element in dealing with 'ships.

