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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    You're right about us jumping to conclusions about a lot of stuff — but I think the "idyllic dream sequence" we've heard about is going to be in "Gemini". From what I understand, AT was talking about the episode they were filming at the time, and that that was the right time for "Gemini". Besides, I think there was some mention of O'Neill in the quote, though you'd have to ask Auralan, because I think she probably remembers.

    Amanda Tapping quote from Cult Times #30

    spoilers for S8

    Shifting closer in her seat again, Tapping taps her nose and says, "O'Neill was back for a brief shining moment last week wherin it was a bit of a dream torture sequence we were filming. The dream sequence was actually quite idyllic and it was interesting to see what actually goes on inside Carters head. What her ideal future is." The tease, won't let slip what her ideal future is, but grins that a lot of fans are going to like it. Hmmmm.




      Originally posted by majorsal
      Or maybe he wanted to go himself?

      That's the impression I got from his reaction...


        Originally posted by nickatell
        Spoilers Season 8 Threads
        .If you were Sam and you were having second thoughts about your marriage to Pete, and you went to talk to Jack and found that he was dating a girl named Kerry, what would you think and more importantly what would you do? Really think about this would you be mad or hurt enough to really follow through with your marriage to Pete even with your second thoughts? Would it finally hit you just how much Jack means to you? I know being that we are not in this situation we can only guess at what we would do...but I wonder.....just curious
        Good question. Based on 'my' feelings/thoughts, I'd still drop PS. I wouldn't have even dated him, let alone everything else. But let's just say I let it go as far as Sam has... It would hurt big time to see Jack involved with another woman, especially if I'd been angsting so bad as to see him personally at his house to confess my feelings. Since I have zero feelings for PS, I can only go on how Sam's acted toward him since Affinity. I think she'd still drop him, because I think she knows how much she 'doesn't' feel for him to marry him. Maybe she'll feel dumped by Jack, but I still don't see her settling for PS. I just don't see her in love with him, even if he's nice and loving and in love with her himself. A major ingredient is missing for her with PS, and that's passion. And I'm not only talking about sex.




          Originally posted by JSDT

          Tasha ..They are fantastic pics ...and they all hold your right hand except MS Shame RDA never shows up



            Originally posted by JSDT

            These pics are so sweet! Thank you so much for sharing them!


              Originally posted by mad_gater
              Well good luck when you finally start at the univ.!!
              You know, I shouldn't thank you so I won't In Polish tradition when somebody wishes you good luck you mustn't thank them cos it would bring...bad luck.
              Me and Kel'dor will bring roses to spice up your dorm room. how's that sound!
              I can't wait!!But you should be very careful, I may want to keep you!
              As for you cooking for me- well, this chicken sounds delicious!I'll tell my mom, maybe that will calm her. She's worrying that I'd be starving there!
              Last edited by Petra; 20 September 2004, 02:18 AM.
              There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
              awesome sig by Josiane


                Originally posted by majorsal
                You've brought up a very good point, ShimmeringStar. All those 'on base' situations could kill them as easily as going off world. Heck, slipping in the shower can kill them. I guess I feel THE worst thing that could happen to them would be to be taken by a Goauld. We know what would/could happen, and it's worse than anything else combined. So if I were Sam, my anxiety level would shoot up through the roof if Jack went off world all the time without me. I'd still be worried about him being on base -with the dangers that presents- but going off world presents dangers that are unimaginable. So I guess that's what was on my mind when I mentioned Jack worrying about her and having Sam pull back from gate travel.

                I know.

                I asked the question thinking maybe I could get some discussion going on amongst the family other than the comments posted about the Thread being dead & slow...

                Com'n Shipper Family & lurkers...

                It's going to be a "dry" couple of months...

                Now's the time to de-lurk & post your thoughts!
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  Originally posted by mad_gater
                  *confused look*

                  Hey K-man!! Does that look like gibberish to you?!

                  Kel'dor: Indeed. It look very much like a Tau'ri fowl made scratch marks on that post!

                  HEY, YOU BOTH!!!!How dare you!!!???? that was my native language and not some gibberish! And anyway I thought Kel'dor was into history and culture stuff?Well, I've got news for you-language IS part of the culture! And if you wanna come to Poznan,Poland,to cook me this chicken cacciatore you should get used to Polish language .This translates to :
                  Jeśli chcesz przyjechać do Poznania, Polska, to powinieneś przyzwyczaić się do języka polskiego.
                  There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                  awesome sig by Josiane


                    Originally posted by LtLisa
                    you can use aim DLing at all...its on the aol site
                    Thanks for the suggestion.

                    good luck! college is great, much better than high school!
                    I thought so but it's always nice to hear!
                    There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                    awesome sig by Josiane


                      Originally posted by nickatell
                      Spoilers Season 8 Threads
                      .If you were Sam and you were having second thoughts about your marriage to Pete, and you went to talk to Jack and found that he was dating a girl named Kerry, what would you think and more importantly what would you do? Really think about this would you be mad or hurt enough to really follow through with your marriage to Pete even with your second thoughts? Would it finally hit you just how much Jack means to you? I know being that we are not in this situation we can only guess at what we would do...but I wonder.....just curious
                      Spoilers S7 Chimera & S8 Threads
                      My response:
                      For me - No. No matter how *angry* I became from seeing the man I thought I loved w/another woman... I wouldn't/couldn't rush out to impetuously marry the current boytoy & become legally tied to him. I'd go have that adult convo & see what's going on - do you love me or not? Are you going to act on it or not? And even if the answer is negative from him... that "no" alone wouldn't make me feel I had to marry the boytoy.

                      Heck... wouldn't have made it past the actions in Chimera:
                      1st strike: rushing out of my bed to go file a lousy report that could wait...
                      2nd strike: questioning my trust/credibility/everything that's me in the same conversation...
                      3rd strike: showing up at my place of work uninvited & messing up a very important op?!
                      "You're Out!"

                      As far as Sam... (IMHO) it's all going to depend on where TPTB & the writers want to take Sam's character. A strong Sam - played in the character they've presented to us all these years - wouldn't make a rash decision based on the fury of seeing J w/K. She'd take a time out to calm down & give it a good thinking through & come to the realization that she needed to initiate the adult convo between herself & J & force him to tell her what his intentions/feelings are. If J said "no"... well, they're professional enough to continue working together & *then* she could decide whether or not legally commiting herself to a life w/Pete was what was best for her.

                      What I fear is TPTB, given their writing of Sam's character since Chimera, would have Sam rush into it - making a rash quickie jump into a wedding ceremony based totally on anger, not talking to Jack, not thinking it through, & on (the alleged) illness of Jacob.

                      Just my thoughts at the moment...
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by nickatell
                        Spoilers Season 8 Threads
                        .If you were Sam and you were having second thoughts about your marriage to Pete, and you went to talk to Jack and found that he was dating a girl named Kerry, what would you think and more importantly what would you do? Really think about this would you be mad or hurt enough to really follow through with your marriage to Pete even with your second thoughts? Would it finally hit you just how much Jack means to you? I know being that we are not in this situation we can only guess at what we would do...but I wonder.....just curious
                        For me this is pure speculation & imagination as I can't right now imagine myself in marriage or considering marriage... but this is about Sam so I guess I can do this...
                        I don't think I would be angry or mad.Rather very hurt and confused cos Jack was supposed to be my"safe bet" and wait patiently until I make up my mind, give me advices regarding my current boyfriend and again, wait for me.But he isn't.He's trying to move on like me.So my hallucinations must have been wrong.I'm starting to realize that I may loose the only man I really love(no matter how hard I try to convince myself that this is not true) and marrying the shadow of said man isn't gonna make me happy.The only solution is to talk with Jack and make him tell me what's going on with Kerry and what he feels for me.I certainly wouldn't marry Pete because I had problems(what's new?) with Jack and myself.

                        But that's of course me, and what TPTB are gonna do remains mystery...
                        There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                        awesome sig by Josiane


                          Originally posted by col aga
                          For me this is pure speculation & imagination as I can't right now imagine myself in marriage or considering marriage... but this is about Sam so I guess I can do this...
                          I don't think I would be angry or mad.Rather very hurt and confused cos Jack was supposed to be my"safe bet" and wait patiently until I make up my mind, give me advices regarding my current boyfriend and again, wait for me.But he isn't.He's trying to move on like me.So my hallucinations must have been wrong.I'm starting to realize that I may loose the only man I really love(no matter how hard I try to convince myself that this is not true) and marrying the shadow of said man isn't gonna make me happy.The only solution is to talk with Jack and make him tell me what's going on with Kerry and what he feels for me.I certainly wouldn't marry Pete because I had problems(what's new?) with Jack and myself.

                          But that's of course me, and what TPTB are gonna do remains mystery...
                          Hey my shipper family, hope you are all o.k

                          Well havent you all been busy. On this latest little discusion i want to say Col aga, i agree with what you just said.
                          But what scares me is ever since came on to the scene TPTB haven't had Sam acting Sam like. We have all commented on it.....
                          the fact that Sam probly wouldnt have even stayed with after the whole Chimera......well i call it a big boo boo.....

                          And that makes me worry a bit as to how it will end. I'm still sure our ship will come in, it's just wether it hits anymore rocks along the way.

                          And i agree there is a lack of Jack, especially action i recomend to what i did.......i went and watched Marimba's Action Jack video... ....i havent watched it in a while and it made me chuckle

                          Oh and has anybody got a screen cap / pic of Jack holding a tool ( PG forum so stop thinking what your thinking ) of some kind, or know where i can find one.
                          I was thinking maybe something from a hundred days but my DVD drive has died so i can't make my own screen caps.......just a little flair of creativity that had been bugging me so im finally gonna do it


                          United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                          honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                            Originally posted by Jamaica03
                            This is a clip from:
                            Cult Times Special #30, June 2004
                            Amanda Tapping Interviewed by Thomasina Gibson
                            Harking back to the relationship between Carter and O'Neill, Tapping muses, "I think that Grace-the episode last season-really deal't with Carter's subconscious and she allowed herself to say goodbye to O'Neill and allowed O'Neill to say goodbye to her. I mean, in her subconscious she was saying, 'Okay, he's letting me go. I can let him go.' Even though it wasn't her lettinghim go it was her subconscious letting her letting him let her go..." We laugh that we don't have enough ink to be able to make that last sentence make sense, but Tapping is confident fans will know what she's trying to say. "Stargate fans are the most intelligent people on the planet. They'll get it!"

                            Shifting closer in her seat again, Tapping taps her nose and says, "O'Neill was back for a brief shining moment last week wherin it was a bit of a dream torture sequence we were filming. The dream sequence was actually quite idyllic and it was interesting to see what actually goes on inside Carters head. What her ideal future is." The tease, won't let slip what her ideal future is, but grins that a lot of fans are going to like it. Hmmmm.

                            Cosy clinces with Pete are one of the less startling aspects of Carter's love life, but a far more sinister and unexpected liaison is on the cards. It really would spoil a whole lot to reveal her accomplice, but let's just say we get to see a very bad side of the Colonel very early on in the season. Back to her Scottish accent again, Tapping smirks. "Ye get to see more than hust her side, y'know. You get to see her back, front, top and almost bottom." Giggling at our look of confusion, she goes on, "Carter has to slide through a tube nekkid. I'm not looking forward to it."

                            It is not really clear if this is the
                            torture dream sequence from New Order or a diffrent one. It could be either as she says O'Neill was back for a brief moment, but then she also goes on to talk about repliCarter in New Order.
                            Look at the date on that — June 2004, which is almost when "New Order" aired. If I'm correct, that's around the time they were filming "Gemini", and since things with RDA aren't necessarily in order, that would make a lot more sense than it being that she was talking about "New Order". Besides, she specifically connects Jack and the scene.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              There'll be spoilers in the response, too.

                              Originally posted by nickatell
                              Spoilers Season 8 Threads
                              .If you were Sam and you were having second thoughts about your marriage to Pete, and you went to talk to Jack and found that he was dating a girl named Kerry, what would you think and more importantly what would you do? Really think about this would you be mad or hurt enough to really follow through with your marriage to Pete even with your second thoughts? Would it finally hit you just how much Jack means to you? I know being that we are not in this situation we can only guess at what we would do...but I wonder.....just curious
                              Okay, if I were Sam, I'd be hurt, but it wouldn't be mad. I can't see Sam as that childish and narcissistic, especially after Jack was so understanding about letting *her* 'have a life.' He was hurt--she could see he was hurt--but he didn't stand in her way. She has 'moved on'--or thought she did--so she would have no reason to be angry at him for trying to move on as well. What's she going to say? Why didn't you say something to me first? Well. Why didn't *she*? She just has no basis for anger.

                              But I think she would be devastated. So, I think seeing Jack with Kerry will be a 'wake up call.' She will realize that she still cares deeply for him--deeply enough to be jealous of Kerry and crushed that he has apparently found someone else. But I think too highly of Sam to think she would go off in a snit and marry Pete--that really is a daytime soap opera senario. I mean, c'mon. That's Scarlett O'Hara stomping off to marry one of the Tarleton twins when Ashley Wilkes married Melanie. Scarlett was selfish and didn't care about anyone else's feelings. If anything, Sam is too hyperconcious of other people's feeling.

                              I think seeing Jack with Kerry will make her think long and hard about what she has with Pete: ie what she hoped she would get versus what she did get. I think Sam has too much integrity to marry Pete when she knows she loves--or at least cares deeply for --someone else. She's already having doubts. Seeing Jack with Kerry would confirm that her doubts aren't just pre-wedding jitters. Seeing Jack with Kerry would make her realize that she doesn't love Pete enough to marry him.

                              So. If I were Sam, seeing Jack with Kerry would make me break off my engagement to Pete even believing that I had lost Jack.



                                Originally posted by nickatell
                                Spoilers Season 8 Threads
                                .If you were Sam and you were having second thoughts about your marriage to Pete, and you went to talk to Jack and found that he was dating a girl named Kerry, what would you think and more importantly what would you do? Really think about this would you be mad or hurt enough to really follow through with your marriage to Pete even with your second thoughts? Would it finally hit you just how much Jack means to you? I know being that we are not in this situation we can only guess at what we would do...but I wonder.....just curious
                                I'd be hurt, if I loved Jack, but I'd be one stupid chick if I went ahead with a wedding to a guy I wasn' sure about just because of that. I'd go away and have a good long think...

