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    Originally posted by sacme

    *kisses her on forehead*
    ((((((((ship sistah))))))))))




      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      Oh...gee thanks....Ship Sistah...we are chopped liver

      Ahhh, I didn't mean it like that!

      *quicky throws JackClone Tame's way to appease her*

      Did it work?


      Hello, Tame, where are you???

      Hey I am here and I know I was here at the *Formation*....gads did I just admit to being older than dirt
      My dirt's older than yours!

      Sam & Jack are just NOT being cooperative and that is part of our problem too........PTB's we need MORE to write about I DO think there ARE only so many times we can disuss Beneath The Surface
      How about the ep 'Shippy Resolution'?

      Synopsis: Sam and Jack admit they're in love and decide to ACT on their feelings! End and beginning of story.




        Originally posted by majorsal
        Synopsis: Sam and Jack admit they're in love and decide to ACT on their feelings! End and beginning of story.

        Call me a real stinker, but when I first saw ACT, my brain first flew to the U.S. college entrance exam.

        But that would be a great episode. Shippy Resolution. Man, we're just basically going to ranting in here for a few months now between spoilers and info for the rest of the season due to the hiatus. And what a loooooong hiatus it's gonna be. Here's to more Sam and Jack in the 2nd half of the season come January!

        Hopefully we'll be able to fill in the time with shippy fics, wallpapers, music videos, and pro-S/J quotes from TPTB (a girl can dream, right?).


          Originally posted by Rogue
          Heres a question:

          What if Sam had accepted one of Jack's many invitations to go fishing? Do you think anything would have happened?
          it did in my fic <snicker>. hey, if they're going to give it to us on screen, we have to write it (it was NC17, more sort of R, no worse than Chimera)

          (Morning after, btw, link in my sig, self-promotion over)

          And in the interests of fairness...there are many other fishing fics also available (to paraphrase the BBC)
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Originally posted by sueKay
            I posted this a while back, but nobody responded.

            What if Moebius doesn't mean Mobius? It could be the name of an alien or anything! I don't think speculation will do us much good until the first spoilers trickle through.
            I have a really good happy go lucky feeling about Moebius though. I just seem to think that there's gonna be a MASSIVE ship development in it!

            Just the ramblings of a mad woman.
            sorry, i never saw this first time round, cos i'd said something on the moebius thread along the lines of
            what if it's the original mathmetician moebius who was taken by a system lord and made into a gou'ald!

            ok, so i was partly joking. but they've done wierder things, (name but one...swapping bodies, jack aging by nanites...)
            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              Originally posted by Mala50
              In honor of Tame's bday I thought I'd post some pix of Sam and Jack from episodes that aren't usually considered really 'shippy'. Some of these are just nice looks or smiles, but as we all know, we Shipper's can spot ship anywhere!

              OK, first is from The Crystal Skull, simply because we were talking about it yesterday.

              his elbow is on her knee! why not just crawl into each other's laps? (seriously, why not?)
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                Originally posted by Mala50
                his elbow is on knee AGAIN!!! what is this, secret sam and jack code for i love you? (probably)
                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  just move a couple of inches down, jackie-boy
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    The Serpent's Venom (ok, Meimei -go for it! )

                    he's thinking 'i'm not looking! definitely not looking. gonna stare at this mine. nice mine.lovely mine. not gonna stare at her. at all'
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                      If the Family would allow me... may I present my humble gift for Tame....

                      A Wee Bitty B-day Ditty

                      Tame *

                      Without Tame, GW just wouldn’t be the same –
                      Who else could be the Queen of Jack’s domain?
                      Oh yes… such a righteous hussy –
                      Keeping Jack all warm and fuzzy…

                      Tame… the Beta Extraordinaire
                      Always sweet, always fair…
                      On each-n-every one of us she’s made her positive mark
                      She only gives into the temptation of an *occasional* snark…

                      She posted, she played, she saw, she came
                      For most exciting things Tame’s always game…
                      Especially those certain skills she continues to hone
                      While dutifully engaged in Therapy with the JackClone.

                      Forever we’ll still think she rhymes with fame
                      For keeping it going - I’ll shoulder the blame!
                      Multitalented she is – as ShipperTown Activities Director,
                      GW Friend & Ship Cheerleader, she always leaves us wanting more…

                      So… yes, this ode may be a bit lame…
                      But just the same
                      Just remember her name!

                      Happy Birthday Tame!

                      *as in rhymes with fame, for this ode…
                      Excellent poem, Shimmering Star, and happy belated birthday wishes to Tame!


                        I LOVED End Game

                        While thinking back, OK maybe it was a bit laid back of Sam and Daniel...but come on they're used to it. It could all be a big cover! they act all calm and collect but they're not really inside...they're just as scared as ever, only they know how to deal with it!

                        Well that's just my opinion!!

                        *grins* But I loved it! And to me it did make sense that Teal'c would assume the Tok'ra, cos while he's a member of SG-1, he's still Jaffa. And the Tok'ra and the Jaffa don't get on so rather than blaming Earth, the people he's sworn his allegiance to, he blamed the Tok'ra, his...not enemy, but not his friend either.

                        OK so there was no ship! Ah well, i loved it anywayz!

                        but that's just my opinion Can't wait all those months till it returns


                          Hi Shipper Family.

                          1st of all Happy Birthday Tame (Slightly belated sorry.)

                          2nd of all my thoughts on Endgame
                          When Jack had to make the decision about the destroying the space ship.. Personally how I saw that is in direct relation to Enitity (420). Back then he was able to make that choice to end the threat or to give in to his feelings. Now I believe he loves her too much and can't or won't do that again. That's why he hesitiates. I don't think that he can "Pull the trigger again" so to speak. Which is why he looks so shattered with himself at the end of that scene. I think he's realised that he can't send her into dangerous situations and still be objective about her.

                          I think this speaks volumes to how Jack feels about Sam

                          It's going to be a long spring/summer(in Australia) or Fall/Winter (in the states)


                            Originally posted by Zoser
                            About Endgame
                            I saw no ship but I did see Carter's hand and there was no ring on her left hand in the briefing room. Jack did seem very relieved when they got back. Kind of wished he had gone after them - oh well.
                            i was kinda hoping it was him bursting through the gate to rescue them when it dialled up, but i suppose teal'c was just as good.

                            you know what i would have loved to see? daniel going back to jack and saying 'ummm...sam disappeared'

                            i did feel for him when the prometheus commander (hate him!) wanted to shoot the ship down and jack knew sam and daniel were aboard

                            and look..a stakeout and a raid where pete does not turn up! that's gotta be good, right?
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
                              I wonder why
                              she's not wearing her ring? * Or maybe they just weren't sure what order they were gonna air the eps and decided to leave the ring off until later in the season lol!

                              It's strange either way!
                              this is the sequel to affinity, so they knew for definite by now that she was engaged, so she should be wearing it. i like your idea of her wanting to keep her work life and her pete life seperate. maybe she's finally got the point that seeing her engaged hurts jack?
                              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                                Originally posted by tpe78
                                Hi Shipper Family.

                                2nd of all my thoughts on Endgame
                                When Jack had to make the decision about the destroying the space ship.. Personally how I saw that is in direct relation to Enitity (420). Back then he was able to make that choice to end the threat or to give in to his feelings. Now I believe he loves her too much and can't or won't do that again. That's why he hesitiates. I don't think that he can "Pull the trigger again" so to speak. Which is why he looks so shattered with himself at the end of that scene. I think he's realised that he can't send her into dangerous situations and still be objective about her.

                                I think this speaks volumes to how Jack feels about Sam

                                It's going to be a long spring/summer(in Australia) or Fall/Winter (in the states)

                                oooh, hey, you could be right
                                i did think it was shippy, but as daniel was on there too, i didn't think it was overtly shippy, so didn't mention it, but yeah, the thought of killing anyone he cares for again, after entity is too much, especially sam (and after already losing daniel once). and he does look totally shattered at the end..i think part of his snippyness in the final scene manybe that his emotions just ran the gamut, and he's exhausted, and trying to repress the fact that he was so emotionally involved and trying to ply it cool like sam and daniel and the fact that it must have been tremendously frustrating to stay behind and not join in and save sam and daniel and all the jaffa.

                                actually, they may be the reason he got so emotionally involved. before, in the past, he's been at the heart of the action, totally involved in the mission, so had no time to wallow in feelings. but now all he can do is stand back and watch as sam and daniel and teal'c do all the dangerous stuff, and all he can do is feel, and think about what could happen. maybe all this non-action time will make him think more and deeply about how he feels about sam, especially if she's in danger, and he'll realise he can't just stand back and let her marry pete, he has to do or say something.

                                either way, it's gonna be a long wait till the next one. i can't believe we're at the half-way point already, it feels like the season barely started.
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

