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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Just the Zat's Ma'am
    Yeap I've really felt welcomed here, it's great! I do already have one negative thing against me so I'm a bit cautious, . . . I'm working on some websites and I look forward to making my own Jack\Sam webpage!!
    I just wanted to say WELCOME.....

    I have been in somewhat of a Shipper Snit this weekend due to a migraine and so I have been a bit Snarky and re-miss in my duties as Activities Director

    Welcome to Shipper Town

    I hope you have a great ime, congrats on the up-coming baby girl and we are VERY GLAD you have joined us
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
      Thanks for the screen caps from Sacrifices. I get all tingly when they touch!!!! Love the one
      where they are both looking down, I keep thinking, what exactly are they looking at? LOL. Of course she'd have to look......oh wait PG board........
      What's he lookin' at?
      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


        Originally posted by mishy_mo
        Sam i sooo totally agree with you i'd break the bank to smitherines and more !!!!!!!!!!
        We could be partners in crime
        Although it isn't really crime cause at least we would be using the money on a good cause

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by CoffeeGirl
          Okay, his cabin it is, then. Good choice.
          Thank You

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            What are the spoilers for" Endgame "again?!!!




              Originally posted by Just the Zat's Ma'am
              Moving too fast? . . . they've been dating . . . well, kinda, for the past 8 years! I mean seeing someone under combat; being with them as much as they have been, what more do you need to know? Besides, she likes steaks and diet coke? What else is there?
              I wonder if they would actually write a proposal scene, considering they've already done it once...

              Welcome to the family by the way!!


                Originally posted by Brandie
                Just in her dreams and the future episode "2010"

                Oh, thats good then at least I haven't missed anything
                I didn't think of that time cause none of them remember it....

                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                  Originally posted by shelsfc
                  Well you see, there I have a problem - I want to see lots of team stuff in the last 2 episodes, but I also want lots of ship....I suppose Teal'c and Daniel could throw them an engagement party... but maybe engagement would be moving too fast. They could throw them an "it's about damn time" party though!!
                  What I mostly want to see between them is that they're happy together - smiling, laughing, hugging, kissing, cuddling... sprinkled liberally throughout the last two episodes!!
                  shelsfc you are so right on track about this.i agree with every-thing you said,with the episode
                  c/joe with sam and jack talking on their phones coulld that be the scene after they kiss or another simple shipper moment

                  i would love them to do this after all why give us all theshipper moments throughout the years and getting the damn idea into our heads!!!!!!!!!




                    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                    Thank You


                    You are so dedicated ..I've noticed you always put that little red heart in each one of your know by the title thread

                    Sam & Jack forever together hoping Sam 'll fall on Jack by accident very soon.



                      Originally posted by TameFarrar
                      Hey Dancer...we Actually do have DISCUSSION....BUT as I pointed out there ACTUALLY isn't as much ship as *some* people seem to think

                      It was the vid makers that added up the *actual* times since they are counting seconds to fill the time slots for the clips. And Since they make Sam & Jack videos they try to grab every single solitary second of Sam & Jack possible and the actual minute count is lower then what I stated but I was rounding it up to be generous.

                      So the Word Discussion IS appropriate in the title of this thread AND it really isn't needed to CONSTANTLY state that thia is a Protected Thread It really is pretty obvious that this is a PRO Sam & Jack Thread - especially when there is an ANTI Sam & Jack Thread also listed where people can go to vent their distast with the pairing.
                      Discussion schmi-cussion... We all congregate to cheer, support, live for, and breathe ship. There is no discussion involved when one is scarfing down ship cookies like a starving... shipper. At least, that's how it goes for me.

                      Plus there's that whole "trying to keep up with the zillion posts" problem.... hmmm.

                      As for the "protected thread" stuff... I don't know what's going on... I don't vent against ship. I laugh at/with those who do, because I'm, well, I'm weird.


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        I know

                        I keep having horrid visions of
                        Jack running down the aisle screaming NO SAM NO!!!!

                        If it comes to that, I will not be a happy camper.
                        So would I!! They are truly horrid images!!
                        Season 8
                        If I even here sam mention 'going to pick up the wedding dress' or 'Sorting out the flowers' I will GO WACKO!!!
                        My TV will be bombarded with any objects that I can find to throw at it

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                          So would I!! They are truly horrid images!!
                          Season 8
                          If I even here sam mention 'going to pick up the wedding dress' or 'Sorting out the flowers' I will GO WACKO!!!
                          My TV will be bombarded with any objects that I can find to throw at it


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                            The point of posting on the Episode threads *FOR US SHIPPERS* was to
                            NUMBER 1 - Express our view of the Episode
                            Number 2 - IF there was Ship - JUST to say YES I LIKE SAM & JACK SHIP so TPTB are seeing our posts as much as the others.

                            IN NO WAY was it to say debate or discuss ship there. In Fact I recommend that you DO NOT read any posts before or after your own if you really don't want to get upset

                            It is an open Thread and the moderators allow more leeway there. BUT nothing says you have to respond to ANYTHING said there
                            yeah, i went over to the sacrifices thread, and posted my comments about the episode..i discussed all aspects of it (cos i really did like the entire thing), but i also posted a lot of positive comments about the ship, and how i'd like to see more of it (actually, i didn't just post about sam/jack ship, i pointed out i enjoyed the teal'c ishta ship too, but i put an emphasis on the sam/jack ship). i haven't been back to see what response my comments got, because i imagine i got flamed.

                            however, i did start a thread on jack getting a happy ending, and a surprising amount of people on that supported the ship. maybe it was becasue they visited the thread only because they recognised my name from the shipper list, but some names i don't recognise from here supported it too. mind you, i got a bad reputation mark from someone who obviously objected to my shippiness (or to the idea of jack having a happy ending), but i don't care. i stood up for my beliefs, i got support, so i can take the flames.

                            and i'm going to go back to every episode thread from now on, and show my support for the ship too.
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Originally posted by shelsfc
                              I wonder if they would actually write a proposal scene, considering they've already done it once...

                              Welcome to the family by the way!!

                              Hummmmm Don't think so ...they don't usually do the same topic the same season.

                              Engagement ..done ..although very lame

                              wedding done ...although at the SGC and very dull.

                              Bed scene ...done the episode not to be named

                              What's left to do which will be original !!!!!..Well the fishing invitation really ....and snugs...and big smoochies by the pic nic area ..near Jack's cabin ..that's it ..



                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                That's what I'm hoping.

                                TPTB - for the most part - are shippers. They want ship and have done since season 1. They weren't allowed because the USAF wouldn't let them. They brought in a new President, who then made a civilian head of the SGC in order to give Jack and Sam a way to have a reg-free relationship.

                                I am convinced that this is their master plan and that
                                is the catalyst!
                                Thats the way to be SueKay!!! Stay positive and believe it!!!

                                Like people say everything happens for a maybe all the changes that have been happening through the new seasons are all a lead up to a shippy ending
                                Although i'm really trying not to get my hopes up too much cause I don't like being disappointed

                                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^

