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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    Yeah, I read that too, but I still think it was an inappropriate post for a protected S/J Shipper thread. I usually go by reading other posts the person has put up and there's little to say from those, that he/she is a shipper and was being facetious...
    It was and I reported it to Skydiver and she took care of it
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Craving ship... spent too long writing about poor in the seventeenth century... brain hurts.


        Originally posted by auralan
        Something came up in chat today that I thought was worth bringing over here. Apparently some members of the family are getting a smidge on the frustrated side at the spotty use of spoiler space on this thread. Now, I'm gleefully spoiled rotten, but there are those amongst us who want to keep their spoiler-free halos shiny. I know things move quick here and we all get excited from time to time, but the unspoiled members of the family would really appreciate it if those of us who are spoiled could do a more consistent job of using spoiler space or the spoiler tag. Also, be sure to list what episodes/seasons are being spoiled. According to the forum rules all of season 7 and beyond requires spoiler protection. So, characters introduced during season 7 should technically be discussed within spoiler space. I'm pretty sure I've been a very bad girl on that one myself! Eep! I'll be trying to do better, too.

        For those who aren't familiar with the spoiler tag, here's an example. Simply take out the extra spaces after the opening brackets for the spoiler space to work properly.

        Spoilers for Season 9 Episode Malibu
        [ spoiler] Teal'c is irate when his Barbie collection mysteriously disappears.[ /spoiler]

        And, without the extra spaces in the tags, it looks like this:

        Spoilers for Season 9 Episode Malibu
        And nobody really wants to know what Thor was doing with them.
        While I agree 100% on the spoiler space thing, I'm actually posting to laugh at your example! ROFL!!! Malibu...T's Barbie collection...Thor!!! ROFLMAOOO!! I'm not gonna look at all those Barbies I constantly avoid stepping on without giggling for quite a while...
        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          I'm working on "Hold on" by Jet right now
          Darn it...
          Well, it's not like anyone can even SEE my videos...
          Stupid YahooGeocities...


            Originally posted by kiwigater
            LOL, now we know what to put in the big billboard outside the Bridge studios..... LMAO, can you just see the writers having to go to work every morning past a big "SAM AND JACK BELONG TOGETHER" billboard that flashes and honks *vision of writers peering out window for inspiration and seeing billboard* tee hee
            Gads! Now THAT'S an idea! Wish we'd have thought of it a few months ago! I would have gladly rented a billboard for a week for THAT!! Now we know what to do if the PTB decide to give us S9!
            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


              Marimba, just watched your vid and it's excellent!


                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                She is very very all positive vibes would be good!!

                She got back from helping to care for her Grandmother after surgery and promptly got sick herslf.
                So hugs are a good thing
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  well for us in the States the last show is Sept 17 (my birthday btw) and then it starts up again in January so............appx 3 months
                  3 months....


                  ****Groans again!****
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    Originally Posted by TameFarrar
                    well for us in the States the last show is Sept 17 (my birthday btw) and then it starts up again in January so............appx 3 months
                    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                    3 months....


                    ****Groans again!****
                    Don't're all invited to my place to watch the episodes when they're on tv here!


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar
                      EXCUSE ME!!!!! Sneak Preview?????? This is work woman!!! Let me tell you it may be fun the first read through but after, work, work

                      *Tame stumbles off with coffee and fics under arm....think I am just playing and not working...mumble, mumble,......spelling errors and grammer stuff I have to do...mumble, mumble,....syntax and flow.......mumble...they think it is all fun.......Oh yeah there is the sex thing ok just a perk for hard work dammit...just a is work dag I tell ya...mumble mumble*
                      We're supposed to believe you beta MeiMei's fic while drinking COFFEE????

                      Yeah. Riiigght. UhHuh.

                      Di, who's seen Tame hiding the wine glasses, the margarita mugs, the shot glasses, the.....


                        Originally posted by SG1Happy
                        Maybe I should begin dispensing happy pills from my stock to everyone in Shipper Town. Along with Ship Nana's cookies, it could help us survive this time of anti-ship.

                        Gotta watch the dosage on Meimei's perscription...I'm not sure if they are too strong or not strong enough.

                        (Mei Mei has good happy pills.... A necessity when having to sit through mess TPTB have made of Sam's life)


                          Originally posted by shelsfc
                          Hey yeah, I didn't think of that!!
                          That would be fantastic - the return of Kawalsky & Janet, both of whom are shocked to discover that S&J are letting a silly little thing like regs keep them apart! And, if TPTB are feeling really generous, shocked to discover that Daniel & Janet were never an item either...*sigh*
                          I couldn't imagine DJ & JF as an item. Sam and Jack, sure. Cause its been there since the begining. But Daniel has so many chicks around him all the time. Sarah, Sha're, That Icon Chick. Probably 50 others too.

                          I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
                          [Revelations 22:13]


                            Originally posted by michelleb
                            yes, but on the other hand, i think any shippiness in it was put there by the actors ..being good and using spoiler
                            for me the shippiest thing was in the lift, and the pain in jack's eyes that showed he still loved her and it was hard losing her to this <insert expletive>. i don't know if that was in the script, or RDA just chose to play it like that. cos without the pain, it's just a light hearted convo between two people who sort of fancy each other. with the pain, it's intensely shippy
                            Agree. Same thing (for me) with the lab scene between them in Affinity. Without Jack's pain...




                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              reckoning spoiler
                              ..if Reckoning has kawalsky in it ..I'm gonna love it ..I loved that guy and it was so sad when he died .....the actor was also in the x-files a few times ....and other films ...I think he's great ...but in SG1 ..he's dead ..

                              ....Therefore 's either an Alternate universe episode or he could be a replicator ....BUT cuz it's been dead a long time ago I don't understand how the replicators would know of him ...I think it's alternate universe ..and if Kawalsky is in there !!! ...I hope Janet will be in there too ..will be a nice gesture to bring Teryl back for the end of the show ..I hope so

                              I can't wait to have more spoilers for reckoning ...cuz I really miss the early episodes where the story line were really really fantastic ...we really need that ...

                              Those last 2 seasons ..have been really weird really ....I don't get it's nearly like they are running out of ideas....but surely in sci-fi are free to do whatever you want ....I mean's not difficult to think of a story about aliens , paranormal phenomenon .....ect.....and the Stargate ...for crying out loud ....keep using it ..... .

                              There is another alternative. Kawalsky could be inside Sam or Jack's head when either Fifth or replicator Sam goes into one of their heads. Kawalsky could be the one who convinces them to cut the bull and get together since he seemed to believe in the past, that they "were good together".
                              We could then see a Sam/Jack hot, juicy, full on the lips, shipper fainting KISS!!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                She is very very all positive vibes would be good!!

                                She got back from helping to care for her Grandmother after surgery and promptly got sick herslf.
                                So hugs are a good thing


                                Caty please send Marimba some of the Pale Green Shipper Cookie which is used for medicinal purposes only by sick shippers - this cookie is full of Shipper Love and Ship Nana's chicken soup. This is bound to make her better faster.
                                Ship Nana

