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    Originally posted by michelleb
    well, the only episode after affinity has been convenant, so far (do you guys get another one tonight? ( i heard you don't). anyway, covenant

    well, jack was a bit snarky with sam over her knowing alec colson, which i choose to interpret as jealousy. and he showed off for sam later with his disappearing trick (i meant with thor, not that he got into a cabinet, said abracadabra and disappeared.) bit apart from,zero shippiness. the whole episode was to introduce this alec colson character....and i wasn't even milidly interested in him

    I thought Jacks reaction to Sam knowing Alec was odd. For him to act jealous about a man she worked with was kind-of out of character for him. I also took his disappearing act as showing off to Sam. Since he is chained to that desk I guess he has to find other ways to impress her. Poor guy, all he needs to do is tell her he loves her and she will be his. As far as Alec, who cares.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      Originally posted by majorsal
      Yes, slowly....

      *imagines scene where Jack suggests taking it slow with Sam*

      J - "So, Carter... I mean Sam. I think we need to take this slow."

      S - "Yes, slow."

      J- "Because we don't want to screw up this relationship before it even leaves the gate... excuse the pun."

      S - "Yes, slow."

      J - "Are you listening to me?"

      S - "Yes."

      J - "... K. So, I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

      Sam nods and walks towards the door with Jack. By the time they reach it, Sam grabs Jack, slams him against the wall, and does search and succumb with her tongue.

      Yep, slow.

      I like this! The last EIGHT YEARS is slow enough!

      "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
      describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
      Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


        Originally posted by sueKay
        Good morning all!!!

        Just a morning post to introduce my (slightly fuzzy ) new sig!

        Kiwigater!!!! Love the pics!

        I wish I had pics of me meeting ppl from sci fi, but the idiot whos camera I used deleted them.
        I can post the autographs I got though, but they're all Star Trek ones. I've got Dwight Shultz's (The Gamekeeper) though!

        Anyways, I've gotta get ready for school, but I'll be checking back throughout the day if I get a chance!

        Suekay aka ShipDunce

        PS. My new new sig is nearly ready! I've drawn a freehand pic of Sam and Jack!!!

        GREAT DRAWING!!!!!!!!

        You are really talented, but then anyone who is a part of the shipper family is you know!
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by Mala50
          I agree!
          As much as TPTB upped the ante with Sam and PS in Ch. and A$$INITY, I would not like to see a repeat of that type of 'throw her/him up against the wall' scene (ok don't mind it in fanfic ) or butt groping...

          I'd like to see tenderness and happiness, BUT with a good hot kiss as well (a la GRACE)...

          Just don't give us "Ya wanna go fishing?" and a cliche ending with a freeze-frame smile like at the end of an episode of Lassie! (or MacGyer - hey, I'm not knocking MacGyver - but those cheesy end shots always make me laugh!)

          Sam and Pete's scene was about sex. There was no love involved. It was bad enough we had to suffer through the date. Then they had a sex scene, how much suffering should we have to take in one episode.
          With Sam and Jack, I want making love, not sex.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
            *waves* Hi Everyone!!

            I'm delurking to tell Caty that your "Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely" video was really sad!! *sniffs* (yea I'm slow I know I aint had the net for a couple of weeks)

            Can I have a Shipper Medal thing? I sat through Affinity!! (it was 2am, post party with 2 friends on download quality...but I still sat through it)

            Also does anyone know where I can upload Sam/Jack videos to? I made a few when I was internetless (I was so excited I figured out how to do it!!...ok they're pretty cruddy but beats nothing) but I don't know how to put them online!! I'm more a fan fic person myself lol...

            SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

            is issued to the following Shippers:

            Ship Nana
            Mei Mei
            Ship Sistah
            Chevron Seven
            Sam O Neill
            Dipsofjazz with a side of cookies seved by Jack and a tucking in
            Mishy Mo
            Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
            Jimlad The Pirate Maiden
            Col aga
            Angel of Fire SG1
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by auralan
              Season 8 spoilers including Citizen Joe, Affinity, Threads.

              Kerry either doesn't exist yet or she's gone. It's all in the same episode. She shows up as a shocker girlfriend. She dumps Jack. She solves the regs problem. Wham. All in one episode. All within about ten minutes of one episode, even. Kerry's not an issue worth mentioning. She's a plot device and one of the good kind.

              From what I've seen, I think it's after Threads. I have no proof, but it seems that way to me. If I were a betting person, I'd guess this will be after Threads and right before the big finale episodes. It feels like a set-up to the big finish. I don't know for sure, but it reads that way to me. Take that opinion for whatever you will.

              There's no need to worry about this scenario. The episode is one of those non-linear ones. We start at the teaser with Jack on the phone with Sam. He finds the crazy guy with the gun. Teaser ends. Then we go back to learn the history of crazy guy and why he wound up in Jack's kitchen with a gun. That lasts for a good chunk of the episode. Eventually, we pick back up with Jack and the gun-wielding guest star. Jack handles the situation trivially. There's no team running to the rescue or worrying stuff. It's not a set-up for the cavalry to arrive. After Jack handles the situation, he takes the guy back to the SGC. That's where the infrirmary scene I mentioned earlier happens.

              Feel free to stress your littel heart out if you like, but there's no rain on my parade. It reads very shippy to me.

              Thanks Auralan!!!

              No STRESS for me cause thanks to you I've gone to my Shipper Happy Place!
              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by michelleb
                just gotta say..these photos confirm my suspicion..the older jack gets, the more of a sex god he becomes.

                how sam can even look him in the eyes and not want to <words omitted for reason of sticking to PG'ness of thread> is beyond me
                Michelle - Gotta run now but wanted to let you know that I did comment on your REGRETS fic, way #5545 here... must have got lost in the shuffle... I liked it VERY much!

                I also sent you the link to my other web site on the Thunkers thread:



                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  Michelle - Gotta run now but wanted to let you know that I did comment on your REGRETS fic, way #5545 here... must have got lost in the shuffle... I liked it VERY much!
                  oh, sorry, yes, i read your comment, thank you, i'm glad you enjoyed it, i was thinking of rewriting the second chapter, but if you think it's ok, i'll leave it as it is

                  I also sent you the link to my other web site on the Thunkers thread:

                  oh yeah <sigh, drool> i got that on the thunkers thread, thank you so much, i really appreciated that, lots and lots of piccies of jack and RDA in leather, so so nice, thank and thunk a million times over!!!
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Nice to have some thunkage crossing over into the ship. Makes for some added fun!


                      Originally posted by michelleb
                      well, the only episode after affinity has been convenant, so far (do you guys get another one tonight? ( i heard you don't). anyway, covenant

                      well, jack was a bit snarky with sam over her knowing alec colson, which i choose to interpret as jealousy. and he showed off for sam later with his disappearing trick (i meant with thor, not that he got into a cabinet, said abracadabra and disappeared.) bit apart from,zero shippiness. the whole episode was to introduce this alec colson character....and i wasn't even milidly interested in him
                      No, we have a repeat of Icon tonight. About the introduction of recent characters...

                      Spoilers Season 7 and 8:
                      I really haven't liked any of the new open-ended characters that they have introduced lately. Pete...well we all know how he was presented. Ishta...I thought was played a bit too bland for someone who is supposed to be such a rebel. Maybe she will prove more feisty in Sacrifices. Alec Colson...the character was uneven. They threw too much characterization at us about him in the episode and none of it really jelled. For example, why even mention the fact that he lost a wife and child? They didn't really examine his feelings regarding that incident in any depth so that fact really didn't provide us with any answers as to why he acted and thought like he did. It was just more mumbo jumbo to decipher. My feelings about him went up and down too much. Kind of like Pete. I really won't care if we ever see Alec Colson again. The new woman doctor...hmmm, I think TPTB saw the same thing I did. She hasn't been back. I've really only enjoyed the increased use of both Dr. Lee and Walter. They're fabulous.


                        Originally posted by Elfinwood
                        No, we have a repeat of Icon tonight. About the introduction of recent characters...
                        oh, pooh. i was hoping to spot more ship. oh well.

                        Spoilers Season 7 and 8:
                        I really won't care if we ever see Alec Colson again.
                        no, neither will i. seriously, what was the point of him?
                        i know he's supposed to be in future episodes, but what future episodes? there's not many left. and if this is the last season, shouldn't they be focusing on wrapping up long term characters storylines, not introducing new ones


                        The new woman doctor...hmmm, I think TPTB saw the same thing I did. She hasn't been back.
                        i'm afraid i was prejudiced against her from the start, for not being janet. but no, she's made that one appearance, and that was it. as far as i can see, at this moment, she's not credited for any future episodes, but neither is any other doctor. but no, i didn't like her at all. too cold. she's made her way into fics, cos we've needed a doctor, but i've put her in there as someone who doesn't really know what's going on in between the team members, and isn't as perceptive and open as janet

                        I've really only enjoyed the increased use of both Dr. Lee and Walter. They're fabulous.
                        i started my very first thread about dr lee. what exactly does he do? seems to be a bit of everything. somebody called him the swiss army knife of doctors. but yes, i enjoy him. and i always enjoy more walter. hope they explain why his name is now harriman. there's been many fics with him as davis to just slip it in there and hope we don't notice. mybe it'll be like worf and the klingon head bumps 'we do not talk about it!'
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by michelleb
                          well, sam and jack can convey more sensuality and passion and romance and heat and love in one kiss, than sam and any other man/vegatable could ever convey in a million naked bedroom scenes. so yes, i'd be happy to just see a few good, long, passionate kisses
                          I'm probably just repeating things other people have already said, but I'll add my 2 cents anyway -
                          I don't want a scene between Sam & Jack like the one in Chimera either. I want to see hugs & kisses...I wouldn't mind a morning after scene. You know, with the two of them in bed cuddling, and being happy together.... I hope we see them being really happy & joyful & smiley when they get together, because we don't really get to see them being really, genuinely happy very often....


                            Originally posted by michelleb
                            i had a thought...if they do set a movie in season two, janet will have to be in it, right? they've gotta have janet in it. i want janet!!
                            ok, moan/rant over.
                            You're completely right! I never thought of that. What a wonderful idea! I hope they put her in it.
                            "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                            "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                            Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                            Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                            "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                            Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                            Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                            (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                              I have joined you ship nana at your happy shipper place after reading these what i see as positive post for ship towards the end of season 8.I can only hope that we get to see a whopping great kiss and hug from our fav couple and i will be a happy shipper forever.

                              smiles and hugs


                                Originally posted by shelsfc
                                I'm probably just repeating things other people have already said, but I'll add my 2 cents anyway -
                                I don't want a scene between Sam & Jack like the one in Chimera either. I want to see hugs & kisses...I wouldn't mind a morning after scene. You know, with the two of them in bed cuddling, and being happy together.... I hope we see them being really happy & joyful & smiley when they get together, because we don't really get to see them being really, genuinely happy very often....

                                I have no idea what TPTB will give us, but I'm putting my trust in AT and RDA. It's only just words on paper, until the actors get a hold of it and we all know what those two can do. They are the ones who bring Sam and Jack to life. I doubt if I'll be disappointed. They have never let me down before!

