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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Tame, I loved the pictures on your photobucket site. Vey cool!


      Originally posted by aeromathlete
      I might be in the minority here, but I don't actually want an all-out bedroom scene. Implied, maybe. But no actual scene. I always liked Stargate because it's a clean show, without trashiness. Given Chimera sort of blew that ideal away, but I always found that scene synonymous to the cheapness of the Sam/ relationship. Sam and Jack are sort of holier-than-thou and should be afforded a more respectable use of screentime. But I have no objections to a joyful kiss scene or even a makeout scene. But please, no ratings grabbing show of skin. I loved the Syd/Vaughn ship on Alias, but to me, the thrill of it went down after the characters had to "reheat their dinner in the oven." I just don't want anything smutty or cheap on the show to mar the idealism I have regarding it. That's just my humble opinion.
      Me, too! In fact, I wish I had a choice ion my DVD's for COTG to choose a no nudity option. It is the only ep I have to warn folks about. My younger boys can't watch it without me there to zap through the skin.

      As for Sam and Jack....
      I want tenderness, romance, and commitment all wrapped up in kisses and hugs. RDA and AT do those sweet, tender hug moments so well. Their hands on each other's face, whispered words of love. I want them so overwhelmed with the *joy* of the gift of each other's heart that my screen melts. The kind of love that lasts for eternity.....

      That's not tooooo much to ask is it?????

      Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


        Originally posted by aeromathlete
        And strangely enough it fits, as the Sam/Daniel relationship has been characterized as sorta brother-sister in dynamic. I dig the similarities. But who would Obi-Wan be then? Katherine? Hmm...and so much for fathers on this show. And Selmac even has a mechanically synthesized voice. But I'd hate to see Jacob turn into Darth Vader. hehehe. Okay, I'm being dumb.

        Anubis would be Darth Vader. He does have a connection to Daniel


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          The stargate tune or Mac Gyver ..would be great ..They both have been sung or mentionned before in the show.

          Sam's at work with Daniel and Teal'c. Her phone starts playing MacGyver. Daniel looks at her and raises that eyebrow and says, "is that what I think it is?". Sam says, "Except for the hair, he reminds me of Jack."
          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
            Sorry, but I'm a big Han fan and I hate to see him called Hans. Did you know that some of the dialog in TESB follows a pattern of that between Rhett and Scarlet in GWTW, as in "You could use a good kiss."
            Gone With The Wind.......sigh...

            Now there's a shippy story of a strong woman stupidly chasing after the weak boy-man when she could have had the strong MAN! Does this remind you of any one else???? I just hope the PTB don't let Jack pull a Rhett at the end of Stargate. NOOOOOOOOOO!

            Jack needs to sweep Sam off her feet and carry her up the stairs....

            Oh, BTW, it is Scarlett with two t's. She is one of my all time favorite fictional characters. Rhett and Scarlett were the first couple I remember shipping for.

            Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


              Originally posted by blueiris
              Sam's at work with Daniel and Teal'c. Her phone starts playing MacGyver. Daniel looks at her and raises that eyebrow and says, "is that what I think it is?". Sam says, "Except for the hair, he reminds me of Jack."
              Too funny.

              Dear Son was watching MacGyver yesterday---wow, that was some hair Mac had that season. Really long and wild. I remember loving it in the 80's. I told my son that now that I've seen RDA with short hair I prefer him with short hair. Especially season 4 hair.

              Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                Originally posted by michelleb
                i noticed, in many music videos, there's a shot of jack, in civvies, and he's in the locker room, and he pauses and looks sad (he's wearing a blue top with white stripes down the arms and light coloured trousers). then he walks down the corridor to the lift. what is this from, please? i thought i knew all jack's moments, but this one i just don't recognise
                OK, so I'm behind by about 500 posts........and I'm sure someone answered this question quite a while ago, but that NICE NICE outfit is from ZERO HOUR....

                I put up some links to some of my screencaps of Jack in his mmm-mmm tight clothes on the Thunkers thread, but I thought since this place is turning into the GUTTER ANNEX , I'd share them here too:



                  Originally posted by Kri
                  I don't have ANY idea what you are talking about!

                  Okay, how about THIS one?

                  I am hoping that if/when Creation comes to Dallas that I will have a large group with me. There are already 6 of us who watch it regularly just in a small group of my friends.

                  Don't worry, I won't tell!

                  I'll do my best! I will probably be on here tonight for a while, if anyone is here to play!
                  omg....THUNK!!!!!!!!!!!! thats, tha-...THUNK!!!! omg, is that pic PG? THUNK!!!!

                  "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                  describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                  <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                  Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                    Originally posted by aeromathlete
                    I might be in the minority here, but I don't actually want an all-out bedroom scene. Implied, maybe. But no actual scene. I always liked Stargate because it's a clean show, without trashiness. Given Chimera sort of blew that ideal away, but I always found that scene synonymous to the cheapness of the Sam/ relationship. Sam and Jack are sort of holier-than-thou and should be afforded a more respectable use of screentime. But I have no objections to a joyful kiss scene or even a makeout scene. But please, no ratings grabbing show of skin. I loved the Syd/Vaughn ship on Alias, but to me, the thrill of it went down after the characters had to "reheat their dinner in the oven." I just don't want anything smutty or cheap on the show to mar the idealism I have regarding it. That's just my humble opinion.
                    I share your most humble of opinions... and no you're not in the minority... there's you... me... Tame...

                    But... for the bootleg DVD ... for the *ahem* bedroom (or living room, or kitchen, or hallway, or bathroom ) scene what I'd really want... it would be total smut!
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by auralan
                      Spoilers Citizen Joe:

                      Also, it's worth keeping in mind that we get a clip show every year for budgetary reasons (so they can afford the big effects for the finale). These clip shows almost always air late in the season. They're pretty much never team episdes. And they're usually rather crappy -- to put it mildly. This time, the clip show has some funny Jack bits and ship. No, it's not everything we ever dreamed and a bag of chips, but it's a clip show! Put the expectations bar where it belongs. This is darn good for the inevitable clip show that's only gonna have a few new scenes. Keeping it in that context is important. There are likely at least two episodes that will air after it. We don't really know anything about those episodes other than that they're big. The stuff we're looking for may well be in those. Being upset it isn't in the clip show is silly. It was never gonna be in the clip show. I'm stunned we're getting this much in the dreaded clip show. I hadn't even expected RDA to be in it.
                      Sounds good to me! Last year's clip show INAUGURATION really wasn't half bad.
                      And a clip show with Jack at its center is fine by me! and with Sam and a bit of ship? Who knows - maybe TPTB will throw us some J/S clips for good measure!


                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        WOW SUe Kay.........that is really GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! that is a free hand drawing????????

                        EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!! way cool signature picture !!!!!
                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        Yup. It's free hand! (apart from the writing) Thank you!!!!
                        Cool sig, sueKay.... Would just like to suggest that you up the contrast a bit so we can get a better look at your artwork! You seem to have details that are too washed out to see. If you're not sure what I mean, PM me and maybe I can help you out, if you're interested.


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          Well now you see this has been my plan ....And my ((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))) has been very generous in helping me !!

                          Ruralstar, Marimba, Kiwigater and Tasha THANK YOU!!! for sharing your limelight with a Tamebarbie

                          Hopefully next year I will be holding the Tamebarbie at Gate Con
                          Sure it won't be that GateCon will be holding their festivities at the TAMECon?!
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by Lunar
                            Ho hum...
                            Making a video at the moment (although my hosting provider never lets anyone see them because the server is always down whenever I upload them, so I wonder what the point is...)
                            Jack is really noticeably bulkier in A$$inty... Have to wonder if RDA had been working out...

                            Goshdarnit Sam! Look at the man. Why are you with ??
                            Just wanted to say I'm enjoying your fanfic, Lunar!

                            Oh and Jack in A$$INITY!! RDA looks so very good...
                            You're right - SAM!! JUST look at THE MAN!! Choose the Stud, not the Spud!

                            Warning! Season 8 spoiler pic:



                              Originally posted by SG1Happy
                              Oh, Mala, I wish I'd had you working for or with me when I had the studio. What fun we could have had! Of course, we would have had to WORK not play with RDA images all day. That could have been a problem....

                              You do excellent work, girl.
                              Thank you! This ship and thunk stuff is a labor of love...

                              But my real work can be fun too, much of the time. It's just not as drool-inducing - which I think my clients appreciate very much!


                                Originally posted by col aga
                                Have you succeded?
                                Have I succeeded in preparing myself for a fishing invite only?..... I continue to build up my defenses and tear down my expectations... it's an evolving process.



