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    Originally posted by samisjacksgal
    i really cant think of a polite answer to that
    liking the new additions to the signature
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by sueKay
      Good morning all!!!

      Just a morning post to introduce my (slightly fuzzy ) new sig!

      Kiwigater!!!! Love the pics!

      I wish I had pics of me meeting ppl from sci fi, but the idiot whos camera I used deleted them.
      I can post the autographs I got though, but they're all Star Trek ones. I've got Dwight Shultz's (The Gamekeeper) though!

      Anyways, I've gotta get ready for school, but I'll be checking back throughout the day if I get a chance!

      Suekay aka ShipDunce

      PS. My new new sig is nearly ready! I've drawn a freehand pic of Sam and Jack!!!
      SIgnature is great.....But Jack looks good in anything ...There are days I like him fuzzy and there are days I like him clear.. but your pics don't look fuzzy at all
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
        *waves* Hi Everyone!!

        I'm delurking to tell Caty that your "Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely" video was really sad!! *sniffs* (yea I'm slow I know I aint had the net for a couple of weeks)

        Can I have a Shipper Medal thing? I sat through Affinity!! (it was 2am, post party with 2 friends on download quality...but I still sat through it)

        Also does anyone know where I can upload Sam/Jack videos to? I made a few when I was internetless (I was so excited I figured out how to do it!!...ok they're pretty cruddy but beats nothing) but I don't know how to put them online!! I'm more a fan fic person myself lol...
        Welcome to SHipper Town Angel Fire!!!!!

        Kliggens is right Caty or Marimba are the resident experts when it comes to the videos and SHip Nana has the medal........all I had are Jack & Daniel clones ..hehehehehehe .....I have more friends hee hee

        SO while we are waiting for everyone to rise and shine grab a handfull of Shipper cookies and a cuppa and have a blast
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by auralan
          Season 8 spoilers including Citizen Joe, Affinity, Threads.

          There's no need to worry about this scenario. The episode is one of those non-linear ones. We start at the teaser with Jack on the phone with Sam. He finds the crazy guy with the gun. Teaser ends. Then we go back to learn the history of crazy guy and why he wound up in Jack's kitchen with a gun. That lasts for a good chunk of the episode. Eventually, we pick back up with Jack and the gun-wielding guest star. Jack handles the situation trivially. There's no team running to the rescue or worrying stuff. It's not a set-up for the cavalry to arrive. After Jack handles the situation, he takes the guy back to the SGC. That's where the infrirmary scene I mentioned earlier happens.

          Feel free to stress your littel heart out if you like, but there's no rain on my parade. It reads very shippy to me.
          This is what I can't wait to see Jack and that last line of yours....
          sunshine and shippy.
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            liking the new additions to the signature
            cheers...kliggins, critter and i were avin a drool fest earlier, i av plenty of buckets around if ya need/want 1


              Originally posted by auralan
              Spoilers season 8 affinity, threads, citizen joe & anything else

              The stuff in Citizen joe is very warm, flirty and friendly. There's no angst or tension. We haven't seen anything like this conversation in ages -- if ever. Something has to have changed. This isn't how they're acting now or in coming episodes. It bears no resemblance to the awkwardness and tension in Threads. I just can't imagine that friendly, non-awkward cell phone conversation happening with all the angst still in progress.
              I agree, everything we've heard so far about Citizen Joe
              makes it seem like the two of them are very comfortable with each other unlike what I've heard about Affinity & Threads - assuming this episode does come after Threads, this could mean great things for ship! And I can't imagine they would put it before Threads. Like you said auralan, it just wouldn't make sense that the two of them are having this warm, friendly, flirty chat when there's been such tension between them because of their situation.


                Infirmary scene???

                Going back to check the posts now to see if I can find this mentioned...


                  Couldn't find it... still looking...


                    I have been optomistic about the Sam and Jack ending all along. Fully believing they would be together in the end. But....
                    After reading these posts (auralans's in particular), I find myself getting a little nervous. It sounds so good. I was so happy reading it, then this feeling sank in. I'm almost afraid that more foot-wear will fall. Through all the rough waters, I felt the ship was still safe. Now, with predictions of smooth waters, I'm getting tense. What's wrong with me?
                    ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                      Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                      cheers...kliggins, critter and i were avin a drool fest earlier, i av plenty of buckets around if ya need/want 1
             go take a look at some of my personal faves of Jack....this is normally over on the Thunk Thread so just be prepared....that is your only warning
                      Tame's link
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by Athenaktt
                        Kliggins...what are you still doing up?! Wreaking havoc on the westside?
                        I wasn't up Athena, I was was work making unauthorized use of the internet. Gonna get busted again one of these days if I am not more careful.


                          Originally posted by blueiris
                          I'm almost afraid that more foot-wear will fall. Through all the rough waters, I felt the ship was still safe. Now, with predictions of smooth waters, I'm getting tense. What's wrong with me?
                          Maybe you're getting to know TPTB too well!


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                   go take a look at some of my personal faves of Jack....this is normally over on the Thunk Thread so just be prepared....that is your only warning
                            Tame's link
                            flej...fleh...glopddsds....HOLY BUCKETS!!! thats a helluva lot of hunk

                            *&^%$$...&%$££ (brain scrambled)!!!

                            scuse me whille ill try and remember how to breathe


                              Originally posted by estelle
                              *thunk* Kliggins, is that a new sig? It's great! Every time I see it I want to yell, 'What's not to like'. Sheesh.

                              Estelle xxx
                              Thanks very much. I changed it after we reached 1000 posts in thunk thread VI. The pic is from Shades of Gray and that is an actual line in the episode.


                                Originally posted by auralan
                                Out of the gutter? There's an exit?

                                I'm gonna have to be more careful wandering around down here if there's an exit.
                                No Auralan, there is no exit and we know you really don't want to find an exit.

