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    Originally posted by TameFarrar

    And thank Harry/Henrietta for me too...planning on trying that **** move. Are you sure it can bend that way??
    im LMAO so hard i av tears down my face !


      Originally posted by Token
      That's our Tame! So considerate of the Family! And such a wonderful Activities Director and Commune staffer!
      Jack: "Tame, I think she just dissed you."
      Tame: "Oh no Jack, Token would never say anything even remotely snarky like that."
      Jack: "Are you sure? It really sounded a bit snarky to me"
      Tame: "Nah, she and the others are still upset about what happened to you the other day...ya the lab.."
      Jack: "Really? That really bothered them too?"
      Tame: "Oh yes Jack, we were all so hurt for you."
      Jack: "Then why are you the only one here and they are all over there?"
      Tame:"Well I am the *Activities Director."
      Jack: "REALLY"
      Tame: "REALLY"
      Jack: "I have time apparently for an activity"
      Tame: "Weeelllll Now that you mention it. My friend Sally just told me about this new thing..................................................
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        ok...trying once agin.....hee hee

        Why Yes Token

        Jack likes my ripe ruby red full juicy...................WHAT?????

        none of you eat grapefruit???
        ROTFL!!!! MUCH Better!!!

        Token ~


          spoilers for season 8


          What AT said in interview: Shifting closer in her seat again, Tapping taps her nose and says, “O’Neill was back for a brief shining moment last week, wherein it was a bit of a dream torture sequence we were filming.” Oo-er. “The dream sequence was actually quite idyllic and it was interesting to see what actually goes on inside Carter’s head. What her ideal future is.” The tease won’t let slip what her ideal future is, but grins that a lot of the fans are going to like it. Hmmm.

          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          I just hope this wasn't about New Order
          I don't see how it could: Jack wasn't a part of her dream/torture sequence in that ep.




            Originally posted by majorsal
            spoilers for season 8


            I don't see how it could: Jack wasn't a part of her dream/torture sequence in that ep.

            Don't mind me Sally I was having a pessimistic PTB day that day
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              Jack: "Tame, I think she just dissed you."
              Tame: "Oh no Jack, Token would never say anything even remotely snarky like that."
              Jack: "Are you sure? It really sounded a bit snarky to me"
              Tame: "Nah, she and the others are still upset about what happened to you the other day...ya the lab.."
              Jack: "Really? That really bothered them too?"
              Tame: "Oh yes Jack, we were all so hurt for you."
              Jack: "Then why are you the only one here and they are all over there?"
              Tame:"Well I am the *Activities Director."
              Jack: "REALLY"
              Tame: "REALLY"
              Jack: "I have time apparently for an activity"
              Tame: "Weeelllll Now that you mention it. My friend Sally just told me about this new thing..................................................
              Now, Tame, I think you snark-o-meter is turned up a little too much! That was said with great LOVE and ADMIRATION!

              *of course, I was going to mention something about Tame spreading herself around*

              Token ~


                Originally posted by Token
                Now, Tame, I think you snark-o-meter is turned up a little too much! That was said with great LOVE and ADMIRATION!

                *of course, I was going to mention something about Tame spreading herself around*
                ROFL....I know but I JUST HAD to find a way to work Sally's little jail story into SOMETHING!!!!!!

                It was just to good to pass up
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  As part of the "S/J Alternative Therapy", we have been working on limericks. I thought we should share.

                  *ahem* :clears throat:

                  There once was a 'tater name Pete
                  Who had plastic shoes 'stead of feet.
                  He tried to win Sam,
                  The sh*t hit the fan,
                  And Robert C. Cooper got beat.
                  By Lost Elf

                  See what good comes from Therapy!
                  Last edited by Token; 31 August 2004, 09:10 PM.

                  Token ~


                    Originally posted by Token
                    As part of the "S/J Alternative Therapy", we have been working on limericks. I thought we should share.

                    *ahem* :clears throat:

                    There once was a 'tater name Pete
                    Who had plastic shoes 'stead of feet.
                    He tried to win Sam,
                    The sh*t hit the fan,
                    And Robert C. Cooper got beat.

                    See what good comes from Therapy!

                    Too Funny!!!!!! And they say Group Therapy doesn't work for most people....Bah!!!
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by Token
                      As part of the "S/J Alternative Therapy", we have been working on limericks. I thought we should share.

                      *ahem* :clears throat:

                      There once was a 'tater name Pete
                      Who had plastic shoes 'stead of feet.
                      He tried to win Sam,
                      The sh*t hit the fan,
                      And Robert C. Cooper got beat.
                      By Lost Elf

                      See what good comes from Therapy!
                      Roflmao. That is just sooo funny I needed something to cheer me up after all this assignment work. Have you got any more (Hint Hint Nudge Nudge.)


                        spoilers for... stuff. season 7 and 8 I guess


                        Originally posted by Rogue
                        But that is what happens when you have writers that won't let the characters finish a conv.
                        True! I can just see it if they decide to stretch out their lack of talking things out. They get rid of PS - PLEEEEASE!!! - and then they have to come up with ways for Sam and Jack to 'not' be able to talk. They'll prob have it all on Sam too. She'll try to talk with him again, but something will happen to her tongue and she won't be able to talk. So she decides to write him a letter - she'll break her right hand. She'll then decide to use sign language - she'll sprang her left wrist. She then gets desperate and decides to write with her feet - they get cut and both are bandaged. So now she's lost all forms of communication. Just when she's contemplating using her nose to type, Jack arives with another girlfriend, Pete returns and begs for forgiveness, and Lantesh is found to be alive, residing in a human named Joe Faxon. Thus begins the next level of 'stretch out the ship till you bleed from your hair'. Whew, done, bye.




                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          That's last year of school for us. (6th year in Scotland, 6th Form in England). I think it equates to 12th grade?
                          ooohhh...ok, that makes sense (I was like huh? they can't mean 6th grade...) next then.

                          "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                          describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                          <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                          Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                            Originally posted by tpe78
                            Roflmao. That is just sooo funny I needed something to cheer me up after all this assignment work. Have you got any more (Hint Hint Nudge Nudge.)
                            I do have another, but Tame said it wasn't PG. If we create another, I will post it.

                            Token ~


                              Originally posted by Token
                              I do have another, but Tame said it wasn't PG. If we create another, I will post it.
                              Hey I threw out *Other* ideas....but they wanted to be true to the Limmerick don't blame me here
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Originally posted by auralan
                                Spoilers Season 8 "Citizen Joe" Turn back now if you don't want to know.


                                If you haven't already read the Gateworld article on this one, go do that. I'm not going to cover anything in there again and I'll assume you know who Joe is (not Flaxon). The production number is 20, but they usually film clip shows last because they take the least post-production effort (minimal effects, reused material, etc). I'd be shocked if this one aired as the season finale. There's also a some very funny stuff with Jack and Joe that I won't spoil because it's got me in giggle fits just reading it. I don't want to ruin it for anybody. It's not shippy, it's just Jack at his comedic best. And, boy, have I ever missed the comedy! Too much angst this season.

                                As for ship in this one, it looks very good. There's nothing solid in it, but there's a relaxed and fun tone we haven't seen between Jack and Sam for a long time -- if ever at this level.

                                The teaser starts out with Jack bringing groceries in his house on a Saturday morning. He's chatting on his cell phone with Sam. They're trying to schedule a briefing. He winds up complaining about how swamped he is. They never actually schedule the briefing. She changes the subject and asks how he's spending the day. He replies that it's funny she brought it up because he just bought the ingredients for his "world famous Spanish Omelet." She thinks it sounds good. There's some cute banter as she attempts to find out what's in it. Then there's the inevitable interruption of the actual plot for the episode as Joe is hanging out in Jack's kitchen with a gun. Oops. He says he'll call her back later.

                                It sorta reads like she's looking for an invite. At the same time, also like he's trying to work around to giving one. Nothing solid, just the impression I got reading it. Very cute and comfortable conversation. No angst! Can't wait to see it.

                                There's another bantery bit in the infirmary that's short, but gives us a funny regs reference. There's no way to explain it without directly quoting it and I can't do that. Sorry. Perhaps somebody else with the info will be so kind.

                                Basically, this one looks very good. I've got a huge grin on my face. Can we skip all the angsty stuff and jump straight ahead to this one? I've missed the comedy and ship actually being fun.

                                I can't believe I'm looking forward to a freaking clip show this much!
                                Sounds like it could be great! Obviously you've got the sides.

                                Thanks, Auralan.



