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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by shelsfc
    That's the first time I've ever seen any MacGyver!! When he was flirting with that girl.....who's name escapes me right now the first thing I thought was "what about Sam!" Hows that for hooked!

    I've looked on Amazon and e-bay, but all I could find was a couple of videos in German.

    Edited to say: Sorry I just saw someone answering you about them not out yet!
    I've watched the first 3 seasons of MacGyver when it aired on Bravo sometime last year but i'd never seen one of the movies..
    I only got to see the last 20 minutes or so but at least I got to see some of it and luckily I missed the flirting with the girl who I also don't know the name of

    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


      Originally posted by Zoser
      You've got to get him to look into her eyes instead of at his shoes. We need Jack to get a little aggressive. I don't know if I'm expressing myself clearly. I want him to stand up and go after what he wants not let her slip through him fingers and wind up the angry, hurt guy from 2010.
      I agree!! Jack should do something before he loses her forever!
      Even though she could do something to help him along....

      But I definately don't want Jack to end up like he was in 2010, not even talking to SG-1!! Thats not good

      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


        Ok guys this is my last post for 5 or 6 days!
        I'm going away with my parents for a few days (not really sure how many, depends on the weather) and I won't be able to post, I might be able to lurk and read through the posts but I doubts i'll get through them all

        Anyway I just thought i'd let you all know I was going just incase anyone wondered where I had gone

        ((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))))
        I'm going to miss talking to you all!!

        But if Caty can cope for 2 weeks, i'm sure i'll be able to go 5 days without you all......
        [oh who am I kidding i'll be in withdrawl after a day]

        and Welcome back Tasha, Kiwi and Lunar!!!

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by michelleb
          precisely. he's been taking this whole thing lying down. even standing up for the guy, FCOL!!!!! he needs to push a little..just a little, but he has to stand in front of sam, and instead of playing the gentleman and carefully repressing all his feelings, so sam has no idea what he's thinking or feeling, he should just say 'i love you. i'm not expecting you to return that, or feel the same way, or alter your plans at all, i just thought you should have all the information'. then she can make an informed choice.

          or he could just kiss her. that should make all thoughts of other men go out of her head.
          Yeah, I can't figure the guy out. Hopefully, we will see him be more aggressive in later episodes.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
            Ok guys this is my last post for 5 or 6 days!
            I'm going away with my parents for a few days (not really sure how many, depends on the weather) and I won't be able to post, I might be able to lurk and read through the posts but I doubts i'll get through them all

            Anyway I just thought i'd let you all know I was going just incase anyone wondered where I had gone

            ((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))))
            I'm going to miss talking to you all!!
            But if Caty can cope for 2 weeks, i'm sure i'll be able to go 5 days without you all......
            [oh who am I kidding i'll be in withdrawl after a day]

            and Welcome back Tasha, Kiwi and Lunar!!!
            Have a good time!! Take some fanfic & some cookies with you - it helps ease the withdrawl symptoms!


              Ship Nana,

              I did watch Affinity. Even kept my eyes open during the icky parts.

              When you get a moment, could you put my name on the Shipper Medal of Courage?

              Thanks for taking such good care of all of us!

              Sig pic by Mala the Magnificent


                Originally posted by Critter
                OK, how about It's Not Easy To Be Me by Five For Fighting/David Grey? I printed out the lyrics if you want me to give them to you, I'll be happy to. I am in a very meloncholy mood today. I know our ship will come in but I keep seeing Jack's face from Friday's episode (two weeks ago) and I just want to give the guy a big hug and tell him not to worry. Who would ever choose anyone else over Jack....certainly not our Sam.

                Some of the lyrics----
                I'm more than a bird,
                I'm more than a plane,
                More than some pretty face beside a train,
                It's not easy be me

                I wish that I could cry,
                Fall upon my knees,
                Find a way to lie,
                About a home I'll never see

                That's just a bit of it. Poor Jack. Come on Sam, Wake Up!!!

                Will get that one and listen I also like walking after you by five for fighting ...the x-files movie soundtrack ..but It's slightly slow to do ..but nice to listen...for a bit of peace



                  Originally posted by sclairef99
                  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Good ONE! I'd love to see that!


                  Me too ..and I think that's it to be that ....can't happen to Sam twice ....gonna be him now Hehehehehehehe..can't wait for
                  Gemini and Jack's idyllic dream sequence with Sam now ...We need to see it's him who fantasizes now about Sam..will be nice for a change ..and because he's the one really hurt at the moment ....he MAY really fantasize a lot ...cuz he misses her and he's jealous and all that ....Just imagine the scene ....could be a bed scene !! ...remember the pic of AT in femme fatale magazine ...something like that may be !!!!



                    Originally posted by Ali_gater
                    Hello! It's entirely possible, however I'm aware of at least one other with a very similar name. I just found this wonderful place about a month ago, and have been catching up on all the videos and reading all the fanfic I can find. I just have to say I'm in awe of the talent . It's also good to know I'm not alone in my shippy little world

                    Welcome to the shipper family Ali gater

                    And post a lot



                      I'm trying, I'm really trying but all I'm seeing on this path is 2010 Jack who's angry at the world and Sam for leaving him to rot in (figurative) hell! Let's hope we have one of those 'life-altering forks-in-the-road' that changes the outcome (u know, like that X-Files episode 'Monday') to a happy one where our heroes don't hate each other/die/get blown up by a bomb in a bank!

                      Seriously, if Sam doesn't change her mind about this Jack *will* end up a broken, lonely old man who has quite literally given up on life. I once heard this line being used to describe Scully's role in Mulder's life but it's just as valid for Sam and Jack:

                      "Hers may be the hand that one day leads him back to humanity again." I know Jack's not quite as emotionally detached as Mulder but there are certainly similarities don't u think?
                      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                      My fanfic


                        Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                        Ok guys this is my last post for 5 or 6 days!
                        I'm going away with my parents for a few days (not really sure how many, depends on the weather) and I won't be able to post, I might be able to lurk and read through the posts but I doubts i'll get through them all

                        Anyway I just thought i'd let you all know I was going just incase anyone wondered where I had gone

                        ((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))))
                        I'm going to miss talking to you all!!

                        But if Caty can cope for 2 weeks, i'm sure i'll be able to go 5 days without you all......
                        [oh who am I kidding i'll be in withdrawl after a day]

                        and Welcome back Tasha, Kiwi and Lunar!!!

                        You can do it Sam o Neil can do it ...just don't think about it ..enjoy your holiday ....quality time with your relatives's very precious

                        Ok ..hugs to you to and see you when we see you ...We'll miss you but we'll know you're having a wonderful holiday..where are you going by the way??!!!!



                          Originally posted by AmberLM
                          I'm trying, I'm really trying but all I'm seeing on this path is 2010 Jack who's angry at the world and Sam for leaving him to rot in (figurative) hell! Let's hope we have one of those 'life-altering forks-in-the-road' that changes the outcome (u know, like that X-Files episode 'Monday') to a happy one where our heroes don't hate each other/die/get blown up by a bomb in a bank!

                          Seriously, if Sam doesn't change her mind about this Jack *will* end up a broken, lonely old man who has quite literally given up on life. I once heard this line being used to describe Scully's role in Mulder's life but it's just as valid for Sam and Jack:

                          "Hers may be the hand that one day leads him back to humanity again." I know Jack's not quite as emotionally detached as Mulder but there are certainly similarities don't u think?

                          They are both very secret about their feelings ..and bottle things up alot ..which is NOT VERY GOOD for the MIND

                          but Mulder got there at the end ...and so will Jack ....he just needs to steal that little black box ..and throw it in the gutter. hehehehe



                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            Will get that one and listen I also like walking after you by five for fighting ...the x-files movie soundtrack ..but It's slightly slow to do ..but nice to listen...for a bit of peace

                            Hi Caty, I'm not criticising or nething but 'Walking After You' is by The Foo Fighters not Five For Fighting! But I agree, it's a great shippy song 'cept it's one of my two M/S ship songs (along with 'Walking In Memphis' *shippysigh*!) so I don't like to associate it with Stargate. Then again, if you've never heard it before, it's a fab song for S/J ship!

                            I also think that 'Harder To Breathe' by Maroon 5 is a GREAT anti-Sam/Pete ship song! I've even done a music vid to it.
                            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                            My fanfic


                              Originally posted by AmberLM
                              I'm trying, I'm really trying but all I'm seeing on this path is 2010 Jack who's angry at the world and Sam for leaving him to rot in (figurative) hell! Let's hope we have one of those 'life-altering forks-in-the-road' that changes the outcome (u know, like that X-Files episode 'Monday') to a happy one where our heroes don't hate each other/die/get blown up by a bomb in a bank!
                              Seriously, if Sam doesn't change her mind about this Jack *will* end up a broken, lonely old man who has quite literally given up on life. I once heard this line being used to describe Scully's role in Mulder's life but it's just as valid for Sam and Jack:
                              "Hers may be the hand that one day leads him back to humanity again." I know Jack's not quite as emotionally detached as Mulder but there are certainly similarities don't u think?
                              She will change her mind. I refuse to believe that TPTB would put all that effort into creating this relationship between Jack & Sam, for so long, and then just let it go. Plus, RDA & AT seem to be shippers! So is JM, and I don't know how many other PTB are, but I think there are enough of them who want it to happen to make it happen...
                              I'd hate to see Jack end up as that broken, lonely, bitter guy from 2010 too. I think everyone would.


                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                They are both very secret about their feelings ..and bottle things up alot ..which is NOT VERY GOOD for the MIND

                                but Mulder got there at the end ...and so will Jack ....he just needs to steal that little black box ..and throw it in the gutter. hehehehe

                                Not good at all! I've only *just* (like, an hour ago!) seen A$$inity and it wasn't *quite* as bad as I imagined, especially Sam's reported speech about women and society, it was sort-of true. Anyway, yeah, so if you ask me, that ring didn't look spectacular (even tho I watched the episode in squinty) I'm sure Jack can come up with better? (Like, say, his grandma's long-thought-lost ring that he didn't give to Sara due to said MIA!)
                                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                                My fanfic

