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    Originally posted by MAJKawalsky
    Wouldn't need to sell their kidney's. They could auction off their wedding pics on E-Bay for all the ship-starved Shippers!
    LOL! Yes, we could support them for the rest of their lives-- as long as they put up video cameras in every room of the house for us to watch. What?

    ship sistah

    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


      Spoilers Chimera
      Originally posted by mad_gater
      Shoulda seen me with my very first post. It was a rant about that loser who shall not be named but goes by the alias of "Potatoehead." He's a cop. It's normal for him to be inquisitive. Gimme a break!!!! Even the most inquisitive of cops knows when to butt out of a military operation, esp. a CLASSIFIED one. Notice how I emphasized CLASSIFIED. Cops have no jurisdiction in military ops. In RL he would've gotten reamed out by both his boss and General Hammond and maybe even the President. But here in "As the Stargate Chugs," he gets a slap on the wrist. What are these people thinking?!?!?!! Come to think of it, what've they been drinkin' or smokin'?
      He didn't even get a slap on the wrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      ugh, don't get me started.

      ship sistah

      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        great sig, aunt sally!

        ship sistah

        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          I am sticking to my original thought about the *Lab Conversation* ...Sam was asking about THEM NOW. Sam was asking the SAME QUESTIONS from *Grace* and as soon as she asked she winced. and Jack gave her a POINTED look and said I would be HERE as in I would NOT be having THIS conversation. I do not see in any way how it could be read any other way....if that makes me dense I guess I am. Becasue she IS realizing that she may be making a mistake BUT I think she may think it is too late. I am grasping at any straw to explain why she said yes ....TPTB REALLY dropped the ball in explaining THAT
          Tame, hon, I don't know what you mean by their conversation. Also, my interpretation of their convo was one of many that I've considered. *dang writers and their layered meanings*




            affinity s8 spoilers


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            Nope you aren't the only one that saw Sam flinch when Jack SNAPPED that box closed....but I think it was a way that Jack was showing HIS anger at the WHOLE damn thing....and feeling the SHOCK!!!
            Then the conversation....that is why I feel she was asking about THEM and THEM only and Jack meant that had he done things different with HER he would not be there having THAT conversation
            Oh, you just answered the question I asked you in a previous post!

            And I noticed *real* well when Jack snapped the box closed. And Sam's flinch. Wonder if she understood what he was feeling? There's a difference between knowing a guy's attracted to you and not enjoying you shacking up with another, but I really wonder if she knows why he's hurting? Between the two of them, I'm surprised they didn't break the zaytarc machine *they'd have short circuited it from it working so hard*.




              Originally posted by sacme
              LOL! Yes, we could support them for the rest of their lives-- as long as they put up video cameras in every room of the house for us to watch. What?

              ship sistah
              Yes! Video cameras in *every* room! ... what?




                Originally posted by sacme
                great sig, aunt sally!

                ship sistah
                Thanks, ship sistah!

                ((((ship sistah)))))




                  Good Morning all!!!

                  Hee hee. I'm watching Third Rock From the Sun, and DDL used to be in it. I've just noticed that Dick has a Mr Potatohead on his desk!!!
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    I've been thinking more about Threads.

                    I think that Threads must be the first part of a three or four parter. Remember that at the end of season one, all the episodes were one big story starting with There for the Grace of God. Maybe this will be the same with Threads and The Reckoning!
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Spoilers Affinity and Zero Hour
                      Originally posted by TameFarrar
                      I am sticking to my original thought about the *Lab Conversation* ...Sam was asking about THEM NOW. Sam was asking the SAME QUESTIONS from *Grace* and as soon as she asked she winced. and Jack gave her a POINTED look and said I would be HERE as in I would NOT be having THIS conversation. I do not see in any way how it could be read any other way....if that makes me dense I guess I am. Becasue she IS realizing that she may be making a mistake BUT I think she may think it is too late. I am grasping at any straw to explain why she said yes ....TPTB REALLY dropped the ball in explaining THAT
                      I'm not completely caught up, so I don't know if someone has already wrote this out. Here's my take.
                      lets pick it up after Jack puts the ring on the table
                      S- You know, all these years I've been concentrating on work. I'd just assumed that one day I would--
                      J- have a life.
                      S- Yeah.
                      J- [nods, barely audible] Yeah.
                      S- And now that it comes down to it, I don't know. I mean every time we go through the gate we risk not coming back. Is it fair to put somebody else through that?
                      J- Pete is a cop. I think he could handle it.
                      S- What about kids?
                      J- What about 'em?
                      S- Do I take maternity leave and then come back? What do I drop the baby off at daycare on my way to some unexplored planet on the edge of the crab nebula?
                      J- Carter, there are people on this base who have families.
                      [Sam hesitates, then asks]
                      S- What about you? [cue music] If things had been different?
                      J- I wouldn't be here.
                      [They both stand there and let the moment pass]

                      When I first watched this scene I was yelling at both of them. I wanted Sam to shut up and and I wanted Jack to stop her from making a horrible mistake. After viewing it again, I believe it was all Jack could do to keep his emotions in check and not fall to the ground by the weight of that ring she handed him. I would have liked him to lose his unbelievable control here, but they were at work (and why she even brought the ring to work is another tangent I won't get into).

                      As sad as he was though, he had the mind to challenge Sam on all the excuses she was coming up with about not marrying . Basically, I got from him, 'if you really want to marry him and have a family, you'd make it work-- like everyone else around here. understands a life of risk, so you can't use that crutch either.'

                      Sam and Jack were talking about family and kids right as she asks, "What about you?" which is why I think she's talking about if Jack still had a family. I don't think she is changing the subject. I think she winces because of the intense sensitivity of the topic she just broached. While, Jack had been on dangerous missions when he still had a wife and child, his losing them has made him a different man. When he says, "I woundn't be here," I think he's saying that, if things were different he wouldn't risk losing that again by being at the SGC. Because of what he's gone through, there is no conflict about priorities for him.

                      I think they're both so emotional in this scene that they wouldn't be able to talk about their relationship on top of it. It would just be way too much for the time and place. She is really focused on her predictament and he's just trying to get through the moment. I don't think either of them were capable of bringing it to that whole other level. I don't think the line would be, "What about you?" if Sam were asking about them. Why would she, all of a sudden, throw the state of their relationship all on him? It's too much of a jump. I don't see how she can now ask him to give her a glimpse of what their lives would be like if they could be together. They have never talked honestly with each other about their love and a future together and I just can't believe she's doing it here with those two crappy lines. When they finally get to the point where they talk, will we know it. They won't look into space after exchanging 3 lines. Dammit, the earth will shake!

                      IMO, she's asking how he would handle a family and the SGC. And he says, he wouldn't. He would make a choice and not try to do both. So, again, he throws it right back at her, just like the risk and family arguments. 'That's what I would do. Now... that still doesn't solve things for you.' Why does Sam say yes at the end? Because Jack wouldn't let her get away with false excuses and get caught up in the details instead of the big picture Family/love is important.

                      And of course because neither of them can make the step to each other.

                      I didn't write "cue shippy music" because it was the same music used while Jack was writing his letter of resignation in Zero Hour. When we hear the twinkles we immediately think that ship is being underlined, but it's not necessarily so. Although, I'm sure TPTB did want a shippy feel established (with these two, you just have to give in to that), they don't have to do that by having Sam and Jack also talk about their relationship. The music emphasized the emotional scene between them; we know they love each other but they're at a crossroads and we don't know how things will turn out. It's shippy even when they're not talking about their relationship. It's tragically shippy because they're saying everything but what they want to say to each other.

                      ship sistah

                      wait, one more thing (I know, I know, the longest post ever).

                      Jack was clearly (to us) heartbroken but I don't think Sam really saw it, as she was deep in her own issues. If she really noticed how uncomfortable this was making him, she would have shut up. But in her mind she's not talking about them, she's talking about herself and she doesn't notice the pain she's causing.

                      In conclusion: Sam is callously oblivious and Jack pushed her into 's butt groping hands.


                      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                        Originally posted by sacme
                        Having Thor tell everyone that Jack would see them tomorrow was ridiculous. What, was there an Asgard ship party he didn't want to miss? When they have to use puppets to explain RDA's absence it's just too much.

                        ship sistah
                        So true. Jack seems to be in every ep for about 2 minutes and although the writers try to make it team moments they don't do anything for me. Daniel seemed to be sulking throughout the whole ep, always hanging his head down and starring into space, what's up with him? Didn't get his dose of shipper cookies? Well that's understandable then, I don't feel so good either. I think the writers really dug their own grave with carrying on with the storyline. It pains me that whenever I see Sam now it sort of seems like she has distanced herself from the team. The writers are writing a Sam that is totally out of character and what's with the red sports car? I think not only Sam is in a midlife crisis but whole the whole writing crew is too!!!

                        Estelle xxx
                        Abu: This is a woman?
                        O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                        Carter: Err. Colonel?
                        O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                        Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                        Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                        Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                        Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                        Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                        Jack: No I *like* it.


                          Originally posted by marimba26
                          Well, folks, this is my last post for the evening so I'll make it a good one...

                          I just posted three new vids on the site (been working on them all week LOL)...

                          "I Shall Believe" by Sheryl Crow For all the Alias lovers, you'll remember this song from Season 2! The video is Jack and Sam though!

                          "Wonderful World" by Sam Cooke This one's for you JM , if you read here any more! It's not snark, I promise!

                          "I Try" by Macy Gray By request. I went back and looked and for the life of me, I could NOT find the post where this was requested! If you are the person who requested this, please let me know so I can dedicate it to you!

                          Enjoy! Now I'm off! Everyone have a good evening!
                          Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
                          Desperate Thunker


                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            I've been thinking more about Threads.

                            I think that Threads must be the first part of a three or four parter. Remember that at the end of season one, all the episodes were one big story starting with There for the Grace of God. Maybe this will be the same with Threads and The Reckoning!
                            That would be good news. I just hope will become history in Threads. Fat chance I would watch anymore of him.

                            Oh and if anyone's chatting ATM tell me and I'll come over ... I need my shipper family 'cause this shipper isn't a very happy one right now. I need MORE S/J!!! What do I say, more?, I need *some* S/J!!! Do you hear me TPTB?!

                            Estelle *back in her sulking corner*
                            Abu: This is a woman?
                            O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                            Carter: Err. Colonel?
                            O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                            Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                            Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                            Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                            Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                            Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                            Jack: No I *like* it.


                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              I know. I want to enjoy the journey. A nice scenic route, going through the countryside, seeing the beautiful rolling hills... and we're getting a cab ride through the barrio of east Long Beach. *took a wrong turn on the way to the ocean and ended up touring this area... never again* The PS factor makes the journey icky poopy.

                              Sally, who's got her sailing outfit on and waiting patiently for the ship to come to port.
                              "Icky Poopy" is a great way to describe the journey---unfortunately it looks like you can take off your sailing outfit---we'll be waiting a little while longer.
                              Desperate Thunker



                                I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a week in Hawaii. I haven't read all your posts yet from the last couple of days, so I'm not sure if anybody else came up with another gift idea, but we don't have enough money to give Joe M. a Shipper Town poster, SoCal Commune mousepad and a cookie mug. Now we can wait a week and then see if we have enough money when I get back (which I think we will from comments I've gotten). Or we can drop something and make the order tonight. Are we in a rush or do we want to give many gifts?

                                Also, we have a limit of 300 characters for a message to go with the gift. I'll be on later today, after my packing is underway (I'm always a terrible last-minuter). Please talk amongst yourselves. But if you think you've come to a strong decision email or PM me.

                                ship sistah

                                p.s. I've heard there is a fic with Sam and Jack frolicking in Maui-- does anybody have a link? This could be cool to read while I'm there!

                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

