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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by samplusjackequalsgrace
    so how much truely important stuff have i missed?

    That would depend on what YOUR definition of important is

    1) The Sky is STILL blue
    2) We are STILL breathing oxygen at last check
    3) The price of Tea in China is still a viable comparison for WTF has that got to do with anything .

    For any and all other matters I would say you would have to read some of the thrread
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by DarkQuee1


      I haven't been able to get on since Thursday and there's no way I can catch up on the posts (there have been close to a 1,000, I think!), so I hope I'm not re-stating stuff that's been said a lot already.

      reprinting here some of my thoughts on Affinity (from the Affinity thread):

      Re S/J/P: first, they are still blowing it with Pete. Granted, I had major problems with his attitude and behavior in Chimera. If it didn't quite get to the level of stalking, he still behaved as an immature jerk, he definitely crossed a line and he was idiot (in almost messing up the op). Here, he's "nicer", but the flaws are still there--and based upon what TPTB have been saying, they aren't supposed to be. Notice he says that it's nice that she's the kind of women who understands how hard her job and her inability to tell him about it is *on him*. What about how hard it all might be--including his obvious continual unhappiness about being on the outside--on *her*? It's still all about him!

      And oddly enough--and since we are supposed to be thinking of Pete positively, I'm sure they didn't mean to do this on purpose--look at Krista's attitude when Teal'c says he's leaving and that he can't tell her what it's all about or who he is. She accepts in a mature manner--just the way that men and women married/engaged to people in classified jobs accept this every day in RL. This a total contrast to Pete's attitude and behavior in Chimera, and just makes it look worse to me. Adult woman vs little boy.

      Maybe their point is that we should excuse Pete because he isn't very bright. We've already mentioned the "messing up the op" stuff in Chimera, but look at his first scene in Affinity: he's in a public park, surrounded by people who could overhear, and he's going on about what she does! -10 IQ here.

      Interesting, some of the people who claim to love Sam/Pete (insisting that they really love Pete and it has nothing to do with trying to wean Sam away from Jack. Nosirree.) have gone on record as saying that Jack isn't right for Sam because he isn't as smart as she is. Uh, and Pete is??? Not the way he's written!
      You're so right! Pete may be a bit 'nicer', but he still comes off like an eeeeediot! And Jack calls himself "a loser"!

      Re Teal'c and Krista - Have to agree here also - she was SO much more mature about not having to know about Teal'c's life/work than PS has ever been about Sam's. But that relationship was really kind of squicky to me... I mean, he's like 145 (well, according to Jack in Death Knell - j/k!) and she's about 20 yrs old? Couldn't they have just been friends or have him be a big brother/mentor? In a few weeks he's supposed to be with Ishta! There's something rather 'off' with some of these writers and the way they present relationships.... (um, stick to science fiction stories, guys!)

      The scene between Sam and Jack was really very shippy--and sets up a future ep perfectly IMO. They were totally miscommunicating. We saw in "Grace' that Sam wasn't still sure about Jack's feelings; she seemed to think they weren't their anymore. I think she was trying to get some idea of how he felt, but she went about it totally the wrong way. She indicated that she had doubts, but only because of the difficulties of mixing the job and marriage--riduculous when you think about it because, as Jack noted, there were married people in the SGC (remember Wells?). IMO, she still has plenty of doubts that Pete is the right man (heck, she held that ring for two weeks), but she didn't indicate that. I think Jack read what she was saying as that Pete had won and he had lost. When he gives his answer, she hears, "If I loved you, I wouldn't still be here", whereas, IMO, he's saying, "If I thought that I could be with you, I wouldn't still be here."

      Well done scene and, as I said above, perfect lead in to later eps.

      Yes, I've seen people claiming that this means that he still loves Sara, and that if he were still married to her and Charlie, he wouldn't be at the SGC. Oh, pshaw.
      (1) If he were still head-over-heels in love with Sara, he would have been happy that Sam had found someone, too. That was *not* a happy man in that scene (loved the way he snaps the box closed).

      (2) Why would being married to Sara (and father to Charlie) mean he wouldn't be at the SGC? Jack was still on active duty when Charlie was killed; it was Charlie's death that led to his first retirement (at the start of the film). With his background, he would actually have been perfect for the SGC (though possibly he would not have been on the first trip through the gate; that might have changed). Who's to say he would not have joined anyway?

      (3) In addition, when he *was* married and had a family, he was doing special ops/black ops, and this is not different in type from what he does for the SGC. He still cannot talk about his work, can still be called away at a moment's notice; he can be away for weeks or months, he can be captured (as he was) and imprisoned for months, he can be MIA or thought dead, he can come back wounded and he can't talk about it. And so on. Yet, he did all that while he had a marriage and a family. No reason why he couldn't be at the SGC and have a marriage and a family; to the outside world (ie, his family) it would look the same.

      There's no question in my mind that he was referring to Sam and their situation. And his belief here that he has lost her is probably what leads him to consider Kerry at all in Threads.

      And Pete *still* needs work!

      Well said! THAT SCENE was the best thing about A$$INITY. Otherwise, as I wrote about 200 posts ago, that episode almost makes me ashamed to be a fan of the show...

      I agree that Jack was referring to Sam and himself (it's in the eyes! as Ship Nana said), but was purposely acting obtuse as he often does. On the surface he's talking about Sara and Charlie, but underneath, he's really talking about their situation - that if things were different and they weren't so bound by their duty/responsibilities that he wouldn't be there (having gone ahead retired) and they'd have a chance to be together.


        Originally posted by mad_gater
        not to mention that GW's "Issues" haven't helped either.
        What "Issues"?


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          I fixed it I fixed it ....please come back (((((((((((((((Estelle))))))))))))
          *trotting back* Hmpf, Ah, what the heck ((((((((((((((((Tame)))))))))))))))))

          Oh and BTW I just found this fic that fits our discussion it's called "Daddy's Little Girl" written by splash_the_cat. Jacob's "talking" to Jack about Sam. Really awesome, I'll post the URL just in case anyone's interested

          Estelle xxx
          Abu: This is a woman?
          O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

          Carter: Err. Colonel?
          O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

          Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
          Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
          Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

          Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
          Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
          Jack: No I *like* it.


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

            is issued to the following Shippers:

            Ship Nana
            Mei Mei
            Ship Sistah
            Chevron Seven
            Sam O Neill

            Courtesy of Ship Nana
            OK, in my best URGO SHANAHAN voice: how about "ME, ME, ME, ME, ME-ME-ME??"
            I watched the show and then even screencapped the sucker until I was sick!!

            Oh Ship Nana, can I add this? The Gold Shipper Plaque! (something I made a while ago for such occasions - remember, Tame?):



              Originally posted by Lunar
              Okay people, I am crying here, actually crying
              The scene in her lab... it is shippy. When Jack doesn't know, he's just coming to palay with her as normal... she's been distancing herself and he misses her... I like that.
              I feel she really #is# referring to their lack of relationship when she talks about things being different... I think Jack's comment actually refers to the fact he would have retired to be with her....Does anyone get the feeling this was set up for a later ep, where she gets together with Jack and he leaves the base to be a househusband... Threads, maybe??? I have to hope...
              Jack is cut to ribbons in this scene, so well played by RDA. There's definite bitterness in the way he says 'And yet you haven't said no.' His face is just... wah!! Carter seems unsure of what to do at this point... and then....
              When she accepts... I didn't like this scene, it seemed really underacted... maybe I'm terribly, terribly biased but there was so much MORE between Sam and Jack than Sam and Pete.... the chemistry between S and P is nothing compared to S and J.
              I do think there was an element of unsureness about her acceptance but not totally, she does look genuinely happy to be with Pete *curses* but... I have a little hope. Someone please rake over the Threads spoilers, just to make me feel better...?
              Can I have my medal now?
              Definitely saw a "kicked puppy" look from Jack when Sam showed him the ring.


                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

                is issued to the following Shippers:

                Ship Nana
                Mei Mei
                Ship Sistah
                Chevron Seven
                Sam O Neill

                Courtesy of Ship Nana

                Please......I need a honkin' big medal


                  Originally posted by mad_gater
                  Definitely saw a "kicked puppy" look from Jack when Sam showed him the ring.
                  And you would know!! LOL! Off topic joke... Sorry!

                  I think that the snapping shut of the ring case said it all in that scene! It was the like door to his heart slamming shut and what was left was our stoic, lonely hero left with nothing...


                  (Mei Mei has been having trouble getting back to her happy place after Friday)


                    That's typical. I PM someone and then realize that he (she?) is offline. Can anyone invite me to this AIM chat room or tell me how I can join? Pwhlease .

                    Thx Estelle xxx
                    Abu: This is a woman?
                    O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                    Carter: Err. Colonel?
                    O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                    Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                    Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                    Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                    Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                    Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                    Jack: No I *like* it.


                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      OK, in my best URGO SHANAHAN voice: how about "ME, ME, ME, ME, ME-ME-ME??"
                      I watched the show and then even screencapped the sucker until I was sick!!

                      Oh Ship Nana, can I add this? The Gold Shipper Plaque! (something I made a while ago for such occasions - remember, Tame?):

                      Its MY PLAQUE...I remember !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      OH GREAT MALA!!!!!!!!

                      You made that for me many moons ago!!
                      Because you are just so wonderful and I love my Sam & Jack

                      Oh I feel all shippy at this moment

                      I just love Mala she is the BEST!!!! ((((((((((((((((((Mala))))))))))))))))))
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

                        is issued to the following Shippers:

                        Ship Nana
                        Mei Mei
                        Ship Sistah
                        Chevron Seven
                        Sam O Neill

                        Courtesy of Ship Nana
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          Originally posted by Elfinwood
                          Thanks Mala. Those are really lovely. That was an amazing scene between the two. AT and RDA were wonderful. The acting was spot-on.
                          You're welcome! I just wanted to let people know that I revised the page and added the 2 lines of dialogue from that scene:

                          WARNING: AFFINITY SCREENCAPS!!


                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            You're welcome! I just wanted to let people know that I revised the page and added the 2 lines of dialogue from that scene:

                            WARNING: AFFINITY SCREENCAPS!!
                            OH they look so sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE you LOVE EACH OTHER ......oy....where is a brick wall.....talking to it would be so much easier
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              You're welcome! I just wanted to let people know that I revised the page and added the 2 lines of dialogue from that scene:

                              WARNING: AFFINITY SCREENCAPS!!
                              Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! *sob* *whimper* Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

                              (Mei Mei looks to see if anyone in office notices uncontrolled crying and that she has taken up residence under her desk in the fetal position!)


                                Originally posted by meimei
                                Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! *sob* *whimper* Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

                                (Mei Mei looks to see if anyone in office notices uncontrolled crying and that she has taken up residence under her desk in the fetal position!)
                                I know!!!!!!!! it will be ok!!! but you just want to run up grab the door and LOCK THEM IN!!!!!!! hehehehehehe Where is Teal'c when you need him
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

