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    in a way, i'd be happy if this was their last season and in the end jack and sam would get married and live happily ever after together saving the planet or whatever. dont get me wrong i would love for it to continue but it doesnt look like RDA will really be returning for a season nine. all i want is jack+sam=together. is that to much to ask for??


      Originally posted by michelleb
      actually, i think it's partly because of
      pete. i think now sam is with pete, jack doesn't need to worry that his behaviour can be misconstrued. he can smile at her, and hug her when she's hurt, and proudly promote her, and if anyone accuses them of having an inappropiate relationship, he can point to Pete and says 'sam loves him'. it's almost like pete has lifted some of the need to repress his feelings, becasue pete is a cover. i'm not saying jack isn't hurt by pete, because i think he is, terribly hurt, and i think an engagement would almost destroy him, but while he thinks it's only semi-seroius, he can be a bit more loving with sam. if you notice, since chimera, he's been a lot more open..hugs in death knell and heroes, and all the flirting in zero hour and avatar

      Hee hee... "Pete the cover story"

      I like it!

      "Me & Jack... you're crazy... I'm heavily involved w/Pete!"

      "Me & Sam? She's engaged to Pete FCOL!"

      And they both heave a big sigh of relief as they give each other the usual intense stares & thank TP's above for Pete.
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        O.k. so now at the halfway point.

        The Jack and Sam scene in her office was good and bad. I was really surprised that Sam came right out and mentioned their pseudo relationship or whatever it has been. I felt so bad for Jack. My feelings on this whole matter are that if anyone has to take 2 weeks to consider whether to say yes to a proposal than it ain't meant to be.

        It was, is, and always will be GREEN


          Thanks for all your prayers and positive thoughts...I couldn't get on the internet since I was traveling. So I'm glad watefall remembered that I lived by her <g> We got REALLY lucky though; Dad was worried about us having a house if it had actually hit...I'm on page 106...gonna try and read all 50 odd everything all right with getcarter? cause as of page 106 no word...

          "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
          describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

          <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
          Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


            Originally posted by Shipperahoy
            So I'm only about 15 minutes into Affinity thus far but about 4 drinks into a stupor. I haven't read through all of your posts as not to spoil myself about the rest of the episode so forgive me if any of this had been said already.

            So is it just me or did Sam almost look like she was going to throw up when she first saw the ring? And I thought the "stalker" but was a little bit unecessary as it will probably only add fuel to the flames but whatever.
            I was wondering if you were going to break down and read the spoilers!
            In answer to your questions:

            Yes, IMO that was definitely not an overjoyed Sam. An overwhelmed Sam for sure... Pete announces he's already put in for a transfer to be near her & 2 seconds later he's asking her to marry him!

            And that stalker line... especially being delivered by PS himself... Oh com'n PTB... it would have taken but a second or two for Sam to say yes you were a naughty boy or something to acknowledge that she'd reamed him out about it. As it was... she smiled & that says hey, whatever you do to me, around me, or about me is fine w/me.
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by cc_mac
              I became a serious fan (watching every week) at the beginning of season 7, so last year was the first season finale I saw live.
              OK, so now I have some questions...How do they plan the season finale, or maybe this year the series finale, when they don't know which it will be? Did that make any sense? Do they film alternate scenes to go with either scenario?

              When last year did they announce that season 8 was a go? Did they already know at this time?

              I want Sam & Jack together by the end of this season, but I would also like a season 9 (with RDA) OK I want it all
              Oh yeah, I'm with you. I want it all, too!!

              I'm pretty skittish, though. Seen too many series finales that left me in total shock. (Anyone watch Angel? 'Nuff said.)

              I do agree, though, that all the attention to the Ship (even NEGATIVE attention) is a good thing. It drives me nuts when we watch week after week of episodes with NO reference to the S/J dynamic. I've been reviewing my DVDs, and I think this season has more Ship references than any season since #4. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. TPTB were good enough to lasso Michael Shanks back after he left, so perhaps they'll hear the fans on this point, too.

              My Fanfiction -- I love reviews!


                i'm soo tired! its almost one here. i wanna go sleep but there'll be another wave of peoples,i'm thinking, after those people all the way in california finish watching tonights episode. so i guess i'll stay on a wee bit longer


                  Originally posted by LtLisa
                  Thanks for all your prayers and positive thoughts...I couldn't get on the internet since I was traveling. So I'm glad watefall remembered that I lived by her <g> We got REALLY lucky though; Dad was worried about us having a house if it had actually hit...I'm on page 106...gonna try and read all 50 odd everything all right with getcarter? cause as of page 106 no word...

                  Yes, she is okay.


                    Originally posted by Karibou
                    Regarding Jack's answer to Sam...


                    Yeah, TPTB are pretty good at throwing out cryptic dialog and making us guess at it. I think Jack's expression made it pretty clear he was telling Sam he had regrets that things had to be the way they are, specifically regarding her. But, really, who knows?

                    Please, everyone, reassure me that this is just part of the rollercoaster, and that we should be glad TPTB are paying ANY attention to the Ship. At least they acknowledge it. Maybe this means they'll someday give us what we want???
                    Spoiler -- Affinity

                    I am new to this, so if I do something wrong---please look over it.

                    I have send several postings concerning the question the conversation between Jack and Sam in her lab. Primarily Jack's response to her question--he said something like "I wouldn't be here." I thought at the time that they were referencing the alternate realities. If things had been different with them, like in the other realities, Jack would be dead. I saw another posting where someone thought he meant he wouldn't be at the SGC (perhaps retired). I don't know. Your right they really are cryptic in the Stargate world. I wish that they wouldn't leave quite so much to interpretation. I want to see more of an ending to some of the scenes that they shoot.


                      I had to wait to post ...until after I was done puking.

                      I'm a S/J shipper...of course I thought "Affinity" sucked!!!



                        I'm p----sed off because I went through all that rigamarole (sp) to download AIM. Think I'm okay but then didn't get on because they said the buddy's name I gave wasn't there. So I have no idea whether I did everything right or not. Grrr. So d.....n complicated (for me anyway).

                        Think I'll read a shippy story to calm down. (Well, "A..inity" didn't help, as well). And the story won't be "PG" rated.


                          Originally posted by LtLisa
                          Thanks for all your prayers and positive thoughts...I couldn't get on the internet since I was traveling. So I'm glad watefall remembered that I lived by her <g> We got REALLY lucky though; Dad was worried about us having a house if it had actually hit...I'm on page 106...gonna try and read all 50 odd everything all right with getcarter? cause as of page 106 no word...

                          Yes, thank you! I'm ok. We had minor damage but nothing to fret over. We got power back yesterday so I'm in heaven!! :-) I'm glad everything was ok with you too!!!!!! We missed you!


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                            I'm p----sed off because I went through all that rigamarole (sp) to download AIM. Think I'm okay but then didn't get on because they said the buddy's name I gave wasn't there. So I have no idea whether I did everything right or not. Grrr. So d.....n complicated (for me anyway).

                            Try it again. we're all there fussing up a storm. Actually they're in the gutter right now.

                            Oh and stay out of the Affinity thread. They are dissin the shippers like crazy!


                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                              I'm p----sed off because I went through all that rigamarole (sp) to download AIM. Think I'm okay but then didn't get on because they said the buddy's name I gave wasn't there. So I have no idea whether I did everything right or not. Grrr. So d.....n complicated (for me anyway).
                              Gatetrixer, try TokenTX04 as a Buddy

                              Token ~


                                Originally posted by Phoenix29
                                Spoiler -- Affinity

                                I am new to this, so if I do something wrong---please look over it.

                                I have send several postings concerning the question the conversation between Jack and Sam in her lab. Primarily Jack's response to her question--he said something like "I wouldn't be here." I thought at the time that they were referencing the alternate realities. If things had been different with them, like in the other realities, Jack would be dead. I saw another posting where someone thought he meant he wouldn't be at the SGC (perhaps retired). I don't know. Your right they really are cryptic in the Stargate world. I wish that they wouldn't leave quite so much to interpretation. I want to see more of an ending to some of the scenes that they shoot.

                                Welcome Phoenix!!! I am confused by this statement too. I took it to mean that they would be together if things had been different between them. But I'm gonna have to watch it again to verify. I think they are intentionally vague!!!

