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    Originally posted by auralan
    Spoilers for Season 8 including Threads & Affinity

    Actually, I want to see Jack's reaction. In season 7 we got to see Sam's side of the whole thing and her impression of Jack. Now I want to see what the real Jack thinks of all this. Yeah, it'll hurt to see him in that kind of pain. He didn't do anything to deserve it. However, much like the elevator scene in Chimera, it gives us a window into his feelings.

    The part of the girlfriend thing I really like is that it's gonna hit Sam upside the head very hard how wrong she was with her concussion-induced Jack hallucination. He's not there for her no matter what. There are limits. She thinks she can go running to him with her doubts and he'll just be there waiting, but no. He has his own life to conduct. He sees her moving on and being happy and tries to do the same. What else is he supposed to do when she's apparently happily engaged and building a life with somebody else? Sure, it's not easy. Of course it hurts. And it's the last thing in the world Sam is expecting to see. She's convinced herself that Jack will always be there. Now he's not. It's going to shake her deeply. I like that. The whole Pete thing shouldn't be a warm, fuzzy and consequence free exploration for Sam. If she wants to play that game, she needs to face down the consequences. You can't expect people to wait for you while you go figure yourself out. Life just doesn't work that way and she hasn't been very realistic about this whole get a normal life thing from the start. Her life? Normal? Who does she think she's kidding except herself?
    Here, Here!!! Well Said!! I totally agree...

    It's about time that she realizes that Jack loves her but he isn't gonna stick around for her to trample him. I'm tired of her toying with his affections that way. He is a person and he has feelings and assuming that he will always be there for her is extremely selfish on her part. Her Grace hallucination was just that--a hallucination! It's high time she realized that you can't just take people for granted!
    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      SPOILER SEASON 8 ...



      Don't be too upset Auralan....

      we know that Sam got a boyfriend cuz she didn't want to look pathetic .Now I know we saw too much CON Pete and it's wrong ....but she is not to blame to hard either ...I mean ....She can't really have Jack ....hey unless she moves position and may be she is not ready to do that cuz the world is at stake ...She is a very good soldier and SGC needs her like they need Jack there is nothing she can do but carry on her duty right now .....

      You can see that she wants to be with Jack each time she speaks to him ( New order, Zero hour) and I bet she has lots of fantasies about Jack when she is with CONpete....

      I it's the same for Jack ..he wants her but the world is at stake and priority first right now ...He is starting to get really Pi$$esd off with the General Position and I think ..Him getting a girfriend is a good thing .....and he only does it not because he does not love Sam anymore but simply because he can't have her yet ...and may be He wants to make sure that another relationship may not work too Sam is doing with pete ...They are both testing the water ..

      I reckon ..they both try to see if somebody else for them rather than each other may work ....They are both trying second best .

      We 'll be happy though that they realize that anything they will try to do to avoid being together will never work....and Jack will send his resignation letter to be with sam ..He can stay a civilian at the SCG to supervise the future of humanity ..

      Sam can make sure the world is safe from Go'aoul attacks too as we saw in Zero hour ...all the SCG teams are pretty good and support each other ....I'm sure they 'll do fine without Sam and Jack off world .

      Happy ending is our way ...Don't worry ..I know ....TPTB is setting it up ...let's just hope we get the romantic ending we deserve ...that's all ....which is not only a fishing invitation ...BUT MUCH MORE.

      Hope you feel better


      Ok I feel better now!!! You are sooooo good at that!!!

      So glad your back!
      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
        I can see her (when she's dressing "up" for more formal or important occasions) more in comfortable (less itchy/scratchy/fussy) materials with more simple classic cuts. Definitely a v-neck woman. Like a smart smooth-material suit w/a casual, sexy v-neck camisole or T under it would have seemed (to me) more like Sam than that suit.

        It's not like she's some prim-n-proper matronly woman heading toward her 15th child's PTA meeting in the 1970's... It's kind of like what they did to Sam's hair in Point of View & New Order (fake, fake, fake -- the extensions looked so much better in BftGoG).

        The suit doesn't even seem in place w/the other casual clothes (and the Chimera dress) we normally see her in. (It's kinda like she went to the local department store that was having a bargain basement sale to get rid of the 70's style clothes/inventory from last season that they desparately needed to get rid of & she said... oh man... $5? It's not what I normally wear, but it's just 5 bucks and Pete won't notice the difference...)

        Well... guess I need to tune in this evening & hope those predicted thunderstorms wait until after showtime to come through... I can't wait to see what the reason is that TPTB have got her costumed in that suit for (a funeral perhaps? ).
        Love your description! Saw that suit and gagged! Reminded me of something out of Jackie O's wardrobe only it looked good on Jackie. Wasn't she wearing that suit the day that JFK got shot? Maybe it's an omen for Ptui...
        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


          Originally posted by marimba26
          Love your description! Saw that suit and gagged! Reminded me of something out of Jackie O's wardrobe only it looked good on Jackie. Wasn't she wearing that suit the day that JFK got shot? Maybe it's an omen for Ptui...
          Too funny ...Jackie O.......not funny about Pres. Kennedy of course...But that Sam looks like she is from the 60's and I like the other description to.....What is up with that wardrobe dept??? Do they NOT know how to dress a normal 38 year old woman out in public?????
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            Do they NOT know how to dress a normal 38 year old woman out in public?????
            Apparently, that style is coming again. I have a catalogue here and I swear, it has the exact same suit in it. And it's only 29,95 Euros. Hmmmmmm.... Nah. Not my color.

            In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
            it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
            It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
            And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


              Originally posted by gatetime
              But is that what Jack would do? I think that Jack is more Military than Sam is. IMHO I think that Sam should resign and work as a scientist going off world only when needed. I also think that Daniel should think of moving forward in his life. It just does not make since for him to go into combat. Now Teal'c should lead SG1. With Haley, young Jack, and the Scientist that helped Teal'c when he was blind. This way everyone grows and can save the world while having a personal life.

              And as for Jack and Sam, well this life worked for them in By The Grace of God

              Sorry about the break in my intro I'm not use to this
              Welcome Gatetime. So glad you decided to delurk!!!!

              Stay a while now and play with us. The more the merrier!!!!!!

              Shipper Cookie?
              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                Hello jaffacakes

                Me . I'm not bashing Sam ..I really like Sam ....I think she is as frustrated as Jack to be honest about their forbidden love situation ...and it shows in the scenes in ZERO hour and new order ...She loves him , he loves her ...he is even smiling more to her right now ..because I think he understands what she 's going through .....and he is sad too that they can't be together ....but the world is at stake ...and right now ...there is nothing he can really do ...He wanted to resign in Zero hour ...but now ...with another threat to Earth, he's not and he's gonna wait as long as he can ...but I think as soon as Sam had the ring on left finger ...he may well act...and resign because deep down he does'nt want to be a bored sitting general at the desk ....and he 'll choose Sam over his position ....Sam will react when she sees Jack's girfriend ...They both try to move on ...or see if they can at least ....but they will both realize AT THE SAME TIME that they can't .....therefore ....they 'll run into each other's arms shortly after realisation. I'm confident ..there is no other way.


                AS AM I!!!!!!!!
                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Hello jaffacakes

                  ...he is even smiling more to her right now ..because I think he understands what she 's going through
                  actually, i think it's partly because of
                  pete. i think now sam is with pete, jack doesn't need to worry that his behaviour can be misconstrued. he can smile at her, and hug her when she's hurt, and proudly promote her, and if anyone accuses them of having an inappropiate relationship, he can point to Pete and says 'sam loves him'. it's almost like pete has lifted some of the need to repress his feelings, becasue pete is a cover. i'm not saying jack isn't hurt by pete, because i think he is, terribly hurt, and i think an engagement would almost destroy him, but while he thinks it's only semi-seroius, he can be a bit more loving with sam. if you notice, since chimera, he's been a lot more open..hugs in death knell and heroes, and all the flirting in zero hour and avatar

                  .but they will both realize AT THE SAME TIME that they can't .....therefore ....they 'll run into each other's arms shortly after realisation.
                  yes, i like that, especially the running into each other's arms bit

                  I'm confident
                  as am i
                  Last edited by michelleb; 20 August 2004, 01:37 PM.
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Originally posted by auralan
                    Thanks. I'm actually not worried at all about where the plot is going. I'm actually looking forward to seeing both sides of the story. This whole mess has been rather lopsided towards Sam's POV for too long. I want to see Jack's side of it and I want Sam to see that as well. I think she's been a little too focused on herself and her little mid-life crisis to notice how Jack's really responding to the whole thing. In the end, I expect to be quite pleased with the resolution.

                    One thing I've started suspecting from Amanda's coments in recent months is that the whole plot has probably gone too far on both ends for her tastes. I don't think she wanted things to get quite so serious with Pete and I'm not convinced she wanted it to go as far with Jack as it's probably going to at the end of all this drama. I really don't think there's any way they're getting out of the situation they've created in Threads with just an accepted fishing invite. It's gotten a lot bigger than that. And I'm certainly not going to complain about getting more after sitting through Pete.
                    Again, well said!
                    I think midlife crisis is a good way to put it
                    . Interesting take on what Amanda has been saying. I hadn't quite thought about it that way but it makes some sense.
                    I also think you're right that it has gone way too far for a fishing invitation to suffice. After all the drama they seem to be stirring up for Threads, a fishing invite would be anticlimactic IMHO. And I seriously doubt they'll go for that angle after all the buildup. If they did it would probably be a sure fire way to get people to stop watching Atlantis. Why would they watch the new show if the old one got screwed up so badly?
                    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                      Originally posted by CoffeeGirl
                      Okay, if everyone's delurking, then so am I. Hi. I'm the new gal. Sorta.

                      My name is Christina, I live in Germany (apologies if my English sucks) and I've been watching Stargate since the very first season. Been a shipper since... well... I don't remember, but it was pretty obvious to me pretty early. We've seen everything up to and including "Grace" in Germany, then they cancelled the show. Gee, thanks.

                      It's 10:40 in the evening here, I'm seriously considering staying awake all night so that I can read the first comments when they come online. And watch the episode when it comes online. *grin*

                      Christina, CoffeeGirl


                      It's about time you ate your Red Shipper Cookies and delurked!!!
                      Ship Nana


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        Welcome Gatetime. So glad you decided to delurk!!!!

                        Stay a while now and play with us. The more the merrier!!!!!!

                        Shipper Cookie?

                        Love Shipper Cookies I've been sneaking some over in Lurkerville. I hear that they are freasher over here


                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          yeah definitely just looking at that pic ..I know they 'll be together soon ....Jack seems to smile more to sam this season....and her ...she looks happy when Jack is praising her ...she is like a little girl ...I hope we won't see any awardness between them at all when they talk personnal things ....That's all .....otherwise....they have to overcome that first ..which may take a while .!!!!

                          Well, I'm loving all the smiles too! We're getting such nice ones this season. I'm glad they've dropped a good bit of the angst, I think we've had enough angst. I want to see them happy not angsty!
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Originally posted by Isis
                            Finally made it back onto Gateworld. I am still trying to catch up with you all, but I thought I would take this opportunity to wish all you people who are taking the big risk of watching that episode tonight which shall not be named. I will be thinking of you, hope you have stocked up on the comfort food and drink. This is one instance where I am glad that we over this side of the Atlantic will see it after you people.
                            Isis, I love your sig! Nothing quite like smiling RDA to cheer a girl up! Gads, that man is so sexy when he smiles!
                            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                              Originally posted by gatetime
                              Love Shipper Cookies I've been sneaking some over in Lurkerville. I hear that they are freasher over here

                              Oh yes, Lurkerville!!! That's just the next city over from Shipper Town!
                              Ship Nana


                                here's some good omens....i was listening to the music channel..and the dido song, white flag, came on. the one that's an anthem for shippers, the one with the line 'i will go down with this ship'. and then, i turned over and monty python is on..which we all know jack he loves i'm deciding this is a good omen for all us shippers
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

