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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    I'm not sure this warrants a spoiler space, but I'm going to talk about a rumor about season 8's end, so.....

    Spoiler space for S8


    It looks like there might be a fishing invite at the end. (this is a rumor - AT's giving me the idea) Well, a fishing invite is great, but a kiss too is even better! I'm going to send a postcard or two and beg the ptb for a kiss! What do you guys think?




      Originally posted by stargate barbie
      hidey hi kids,
      just a drive by posting to let anyone who still remembers me know that i still exist.
      sorry i haven't been around for the last while, i've either been really busy or i haven't been able to get into gate world.

      have i missed anything important?

      your ever so loveable, hugable, cookie monster.

      We missed you!
      How are you?
      Did I mention that we missed you??!!

      I figured you were trying *really* hard to avoid *all* spoilers so you were keeping away from your blabbermouth Family!

      Well, in the what's new department... the forum has this nice spoiler thingie...
      so we can discuss all we want without spoiling anyone. And when you quote it (unlike the white words) it still doesn't show. Wouldn't you like to know what we talk about
      though you can sort of guess by the icons/smilies we use!
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        OK....but since I am Scottish too I will have to clarify that that will make 2 of us ...hehehehehehe we will squash him like a bug
        And also tell him there'll be a mad Irishman on him too. I've also got a little Irish in me, but it's not the most dominant. Mostly Polish/Slovak and Italian. But I probably do have a little Irish in me somewhere. That little bit of Irish is probably what enables me to hold my drink.


          In, at last. After three days of being told, "GW? We don't know no stinkin' GW." by my computer! (<<g>>)

          Is it too late to put in a vote for the old 1,000-posts threads? I know it's all psychological, but I could handle up to 1,000 posts--somehow, it now seems like the T-Rex of threads, gobbling all in its path. It's sort of scaring me a little!

          "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


            Originally posted by ses110
            One more day until the Evil episode and then we have months to wait to see what happens with Sam and Jack.It is going to be very rough.
            I know most shippers do not want to see Jack reaction to Sam's engagement but I would rather see it.We did not get to see Sam call Pete out for his actions in Chimera and if we do not see Jack's reaction it will seem like Sam is getting away with something as well.I am very Happy Jack gets a girlfriend in Threads because Sam will understand what Jack has been going through with Pete.The Sam character is going to take a huge hit after tommorow's Episode no matter how she accepts Pete's proposal.It may sound silly but it would be interesting to see Jack be distant with Sam after she gets engaged.It would be very hard to blame Jack for not seeing Sam the same way again after Affinity.
            True, true. And perhaps during the looooonnnnggg time he (and we) suffer... maybe he'll realize if the opportunity ever knocks again w/Sam he'd better not waffle on it...
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by michelleb

              but i also want the big mouth to mouth kiss. framed by the gate. long, loong shot pulling back slowly, so it lasts a good few minutes. sam and jack theme playing.



              Sally, smiling dreamily from the floor.



                Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                In, at last. After three days of being told, "GW? We don't know no stinkin' GW." by my computer! (<<g>>)

                Is it too late to put in a vote for the old 1,000-posts threads? I know it's all psychological, but I could handle up to 1,000 posts--somehow, it now seems like the T-Rex of threads, gobbling all in its path. It's sort of scaring me a little!

                I know! I always fully expect nasty messages from AOL & that's why I've used MIE exclusively for nearly 2 months to get to GW... so when MIE *and* the computer at work were telling me there was a GW database error they couldn't link me, I knew we were *all* going to suffer some serious Forum withdrawal!

                RE: your thoughts on the continuous thread... You can PM any of the mods or Darren to let them know what your feelings are on it.
                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                  Originally posted by majorsal


                  Sally, smiling dreamily from the floor.
                  Whips Shipper Cookies off tray and rushes over to fan Sal


                  You OK Sal?



                  **Grabs spray bottle full of Sal's favorite pick-me-up and squirts a bit at her face.....**

                  **Notices contented grin on Sal's face and hands her the spray bottle & exits....**
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    Originally posted by getcarter
                    Hey everyone!!! I'm back and clean and we have POWER!!!!!! I have never been so glad to wash laundry in my life. We got power back around 10:00 this morning. What a relief.

                    Well, I have missed SOOOOOO much that I think I will just start over from here. I'm so glad to have power that I'm even looking forward to Affinity. How sad is that???

                    Have I mentioned how much I missed you guys?????
                    AWWWWW!!!! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((getcarter))))))))))))))))))))))))))

                    We missed you too. Good that you have power now. Are those minor damages to your ouse taken care of yet?


                      Originally posted by mad_gater
                      AWWWWW!!!! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((getcarter))))))))))))))))))))))))))

                      We missed you too. Good that you have power now. Are those minor damages to your ouse taken care of yet?

                      Hey MG!!!! No I haven't taken care of them yet. Waiting for everything to calm down first. Oh and I got an AIM!!


                        Originally posted by TameFarrar

                        I hid all his new football magazines

                        What...what did you think I did

                        Tortured him by depriving him of sex.


                        Tame: "Sleep on the couch tonight, mister!"

                        Hubby: "But the couch is outside!"

                        Tame: "So."

                        Hubby: "And on the roof!"

                        Tame: "And, therefore."

                        Hubby: "And it's raining!"




                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          I know! I always fully expect nasty messages from AOL & that's why I've used MIE exclusively for nearly 2 months to get to GW... so when MIE *and* the computer at work were telling me there was a GW database error they couldn't link me, I knew we were *all* going to suffer some serious Forum withdrawal!

                          RE: your thoughts on the continuous thread... You can PM any of the mods or Darren to let them know what your feelings are on it.
                          *eyes twitching and hands trembling*

                          withdrawal? me? NEVER!!


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            Well, shippers, Hurricane Pete strikes tomorrow night! Has everyone gotten their survival kits? Are we ready to hit the designated storm shelters with plenty of chocolate?
                            I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

                            As soon as I hear even a hint of reply from the eastcoasters, I'll pass it on. Good or bad. As for me, I won't be posting about it until after 10pm my time.




                              Originally posted by getcarter
                              Hey MG!!!! No I haven't taken care of them yet. Waiting for everything to calm down first. Oh and I got an AIM!!
                              Mind telling me what that AIM ID is? I am a man of many, err.....talents () but mind-reading is not one of them.


                                My mum bought plenty of Ben & Jerry's ice-cream today, so we'll all curl up in front of the t.v. tomorrow with our pints and gobble them up in anguish. Gah, that annoying Pete, having to put the shippers in agony. Although, in truth, I do enjoy the angst, and it'll be interesting to see how Jack reacts to Sam's engagement. I hope that there will be subtle changes written into their relationship after she tells him.

                                And now, an extremely loserly exhibition of shipper amusement. I just recently discovered a candy doll maker that I've become completely obsessed with. And I know Carter doesn't look like Carter, and O'Neill looks even less like O'Neill (the maker only has female bases, so it took me forever to try to find a moderately masculine outfit for him...), but what can I say? I had way too much fun making these.... ^^;;;;;;;;
                                Attached Files

